By Accident Or On Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

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By Accident or on Purpose Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?

  • An Intruder Killed JonBenet and Covered Up the Crime

    Votes: 38 7.1%
  • Patsy Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 23 4.3%
  • John Ramsey Acted Alone in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Burke Killed JonBenet with Patsy and John Helping to Cover Up the Crime

    Votes: 394 73.4%
  • John and Patsy Acted Together in Killing JonBenet and Covering Up the Crime

    Votes: 30 5.6%
  • Other/I Don't Know

    Votes: 48 8.9%

  • Total voters
While I agree that some of her other comments are "off", this is actually one of those regional things. I've heard Southerners in particular use the phrase in an affectionate way. "Why, I could just hug that child and kiss those chubby little cheeks all day".

Thanks, Harmony. The southern usage can't be stressed enough, IMO. I've lived in the South, and your comment is spot on. Anyone who doubts this I'll refer to Oscar Hammerstein's lyrics for "Can't Help Lovin' That Man of Mine" in Showboat. If anything, the expression is used as an intensifier.
Born and raised in the South, here... and, I do not corroborate the usage of "that child" as a term of endearment. Also, "child" is also used in distancing when someone has been sexually abused (let me find this source)
Born and raised in the South, here... and, I do not corroborate the usage of "that child" as a term of endearment. Also, "child" is also used in distancing when someone has been sexually abused (let me find this source)

Obviously, we disagree. Could it be that different regions of the South have different connotations? In any case, if the usage is to remain equivocal, I wish we would all stick to examples of PR's comments about JRB that are less arguable rather than going over this again and again.
I remember Nedras comment re Burke but not sure where I read it, maybe in one of the books...maybe PMPT?
I remember Nedras comment re Burke but not sure where I read it, maybe in one of the books...maybe PMPT?

There's a reference to it in the Kindle version of PMPT at loc. 3989:

[Jane] Stobie [an Access Graphics employee in Atlanta] overheard conversations about oral sex and discussions between Nedra and some employees about the size of Burke's penis when he was born.
Born and raised in the South, here... and, I do not corroborate the usage of "that child" as a term of endearment. Also, "child" is also used in distancing when someone has been sexually abused (let me find this source)

I'm Southern and we don't say, "That child" unless it's something like,"That kid is a brat." Perhaps it depends where in the South? People here talk very differently from people in Alabama, for example.

Now I read the article just posted here. "The JB thing?" She wasn't an object, people. The more I read stuff like this, my blood boils. I hate that whole family (except for JB of course).
There's a reference to it in the Kindle version of PMPT at loc. 3989:

[Jane] Stobie [an Access Graphics employee in Atlanta] overheard conversations about oral sex and discussions between Nedra and some employees about the size of Burke's penis when he was born.

Posted here too

Sure is odd a grandma would notice a penis. I mean my grandmas noticed chubby cheeks, color of eyes, etc. Definitely never made comments on nether regions.
I'm Southern and we don't say, "That child" unless it's something like,"That kid is a brat." Perhaps it depends where in the South? People here talk very differently from people in Alabama, for example.

Now I read the article just posted here. "The JB thing?" She wasn't an object, people. The more I read stuff like this, my blood boils. I hate that whole family (except for JB of course).


Sorry, I shouldn't laugh.

I don't hate Burke, because I don't think he did it, I think Pats did.

I don't even hate Patsy or John, they did what they thought they had to do to save their asses.

But I want to know the truth. Sadly, we might never know.

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh.

I don't hate Burke, because I don't think he did it, I think Pats did.

I don't even hate Patsy or John, they did what they thought they had to do to save their asses.

But I want to know the truth. Sadly, we might never know.

Well I don't hate hate them. I hate what they've done to the JB as far as lies and coverups. Mr.Hughes is correct; She is an angel betrayed.
Update. Let's keep in mind that at least 6% of these votes are IDI, i.e. don't count.



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Not sure how you happened to have gotten access to this (you don't need to -- and probably shouldn't -- tell us), but I don't think there is anyone here who wouldn't be interested in seeing what you have, spooky -- certainly including me. May I ask if it is in digital form, and how you might be able to share it?
Im interested in reading it also. Please [emoji18]

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The file Bolder detectives presented to the grand jury is 40,000 pages-I have all of it if anyone is interested. 1400 interviews, FBI staging classes, staking out Beth's grave, Atlanta nonsense and on and on and on and on.

That's a classified document. Unless your name is Alex Hunter you should not have it.

Making it public will be a crime and subject you to federal penalties.

You and your relatives might get knocks on the door early in the morning, just to see what else you might have, i.e. are you a threat to the State?

Lets hope you posted this information from a down town internet cafe?

The file Bolder detectives presented to the grand jury is 40,000 pages-I have all of it if anyone is interested. 1400 interviews, FBI staging classes, staking out Beth's grave, Atlanta nonsense and on and on and on and on.

I'd be interested in reading this as well, but as UKGuy said, be careful. We don't want you getting into any legal trouble.
There's been a spate of new evidence that has emerged with this 20th anniversary. Police crime scene photographs of JonBenet's body at the house, crime scene videos, photos of the underwear and long johns, police statements etc. I'm wondering if this is because of some legal time limit in which records have to be made public, or some such reason.
Posted here too

Sure is odd a grandma would notice a penis. I mean my grandmas noticed chubby cheeks, color of eyes, etc. Definitely never made comments on nether regions.

Nice, linking the Bardach article. It's good to revisit sources from time to time.

If BR really was an infant penile prodigy, I think it would be odd not to notice : ) What strikes me as "off" is Nedra's discussing it openly. Commenting in private to her husband or to Patsy is within reason, but discussing it in front of employees is beyond inappropriate. Stobie also says Nedra openly discussed oral sex. I get the sense from Stobie's description that there's a compulsive quality to Nedra's remarks.

The behavior fits my assessment of Nedra as a flaming five star narcissist. She's a particular female subtype: very engaging but not warm, funny, energetic, smart; good looking in a 'handsome woman' vs. 'beautiful woman' way, and at times displaying a certain mannishness; highly competitive but often subtle about it. This type tends to be fascinated with sexuality, sexual power, and especially with anything sexually unusual or edgy, although the preoccupation is frequently projected or displaced. The N has a disordered need for power and control that goes hand in hand with the sexual preoccupation since both are forms of lust.

Every time I think about Nedra I feel compassion for PR. The damage narcissistic mothers do to their daughters is deep, and if the daughter is both talented and over-adjusted, as I believe PR was, the resulting fragility often doesn't surface until the woman is in her 30s, when the demands of life begin to overwhelm her compensations.

I happen to be of the BDI persuasion and believe killing JBR was conscious and deliberate. If PDI is the case, it's more complex. Killing JBR would have been, paradoxically, intentional but not consciously so. As I've said elsewhere on the board, I've theorized about PR as an atypical murderer; i.e., a person who kills out of passion or unconscious compulsion but whose action is so completely antithetical to her usual behavior and self-concept that she represses it immediately and truly does not remember doing it.

Was she often telling the truth with those "I don't remember" answers? Was her perplexity about "who could have done this?" a fixation? I've wondered. It would explain why JR's change in demeanor mid morning on the 26th, if he realized PR must have done it but had no recollection. It would explain PR's focus on Who? and JR's on Why? It would illuminate some of the very strange phrasing In PR's interview answers. One example (from the 1998 interview):


3 got up in the night and ran into somebody, there
Why not "intruder"? Who was/wasn't
supposed to be there?

4 was somebody there that wasn't supposed to be

5 there.I don't know what transpired after that,
Don't know or don't remember? If intruder, why ??? re intent?

6 whether it was an accident, intentional,

7 premeditated or what not.
There was not one of
Twisted syntax = twisted process

8 her three family members that were also in that

9 house,
period, end of statement.

10 If you want to, you know, keep
Whose dream, Patsy?

11 talking on a dream like this.

Long post, I know. My ponderings, but perhaps of interest to some…..
There's been a spate of new evidence that has emerged with this 20th anniversary. Police crime scene photographs of JonBenet's body at the house, crime scene videos, photos of the underwear and long johns, police statements etc. I'm wondering if this is because of some legal time limit in which records have to be made public, or some such reason.

I haven't kept up on all the new stuff. Are these new things that were released to the public?! I haven't seen them but they sound...sad.
Penile prodigy! Thank you for the laugh! :lol: :lol:


*YW * - Gotta get my naughty on sometimes! Thanks for reading my post. The GJ docs topic has really caught fire.​

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