CA - 13 victims, ages 2 to 29, shackled in home by parents, Perris, 15 Jan 2018 #9

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I live in a Third World country thousands of miles from there. Non English speaking. It has been on TV and the newspaper
I want to record that for me one of the haunting things, of so many in this miserable crime, is LT's request that her little girl look at her and smile when asking for food.

Control; and confusion and denial of feelings for the child.


[Back to catching up the last few pages.]

Yes!!! I keep thinking of that. And then after she ate LT would hold both of her hands and stare into her eyes and then send her back to her room. Wth is that?
My Father's place of employment had a big outing to an amusement park each year. They took the grandkids with them. It is a thing with big employers, or, at least it used to be.

Yup. My dad worked in aerospace before he joined my mom at social services and once a year his boss paid for our whole family to go to Disneyland.
I live in a Third World country thousands of miles from there. Non English speaking. It has been on TV and the newspaper
Ah you live in South Florida too?
(This is regarding the pink plaid dresses worn by the siblings to two of the vow renewals)

A while ago somebody put a link to the same dress found for sale on ebay. Don't know who the OP was or when, but it was at least a week ago, I think. At any rate, I clicked on the link to see, and sure enough, those were the same dresses. Bonnie Jean dresses, I think they were called. At any rate, ever since I clicked on that link, I get popups from ebay featuring that dress. Sheesh. :facepalm:

Ha ha, that's true. And actually, there are quite a lot of people around here who haven't heard about the crime.

So true. I don't think I've seen a thing on the news in several days. Folks have moved on to the next horror in the news.
There's 3 backpacks that I can see:
1) green one on the graduate
2) a black one on the girl in front of her
3) a faded pink one on the girl on the other end


You're good! I do believe it's time for me to visit an optometrist. :thinking:
There's 3 backpacks that I can see:
1) green one on the graduate
2) a black one on the girl in front of her
3) a faded pink one on the girl on the other end


You might be right. And are those black straps on the girl in the center of the front row, sandwiched between a brother and a sister?
Yes!!! I keep thinking of that. And then after she ate LT would hold both of her hands and stare into her eyes and then send her back to her room. Wth is that?

This is what I started looking for in the book I've been harping on. I haven't found the exact advice, but similar notions, imo.

From To Train Up a Child:. This book has me reading it with my mouth gaping wipe open in utter disbelief. Bbm

If you feel the strings are cut, you will want to tie new ones. Here are just a few suggestions on tying strings:

* First and foremost, look at your child with pleasure and smile.


* Take them on outings of adventure, excitement and "danger."

And I have no evidence for thinking they may have similar philosophies, other than the case bringing this book to mind and seeing similarities as I read.
Totally possible I'm just noticing what I'm looking for, not truly finding anything enlightening.

I've previously linked to some articles that reference the book. I edited my post to remove long quotes from the book for fear of infringing copyright & generally derailing the thread
There's 3 backpacks that I can see:
1) green one on the graduate
2) a black one on the girl in front of her
3) a faded pink one on the girl on the other end


:dunno: Looks like purse straps to me.
Yes!!! I keep thinking of that. And then after she ate LT would hold both of her hands and stare into her eyes and then send her back to her room. Wth is that?

She just sounds like a loon to me!
I think the two taller girls have bags, maybe. I definitely think I see a pink strap on the left shoulder of the girl to our right of LT. On closer inspection, I see just one strap, could be diaper bag duty. I also think maybe amongst the long hair of the girl in front of the graduate might be some hidden black backpack straps, but nothing definitely.

Hope this doesn't cause chaos.:shame::gaah:

:laughing: I still can't see them... but I believe ya.
Work is ridiculously busy for me at the moment and added to that my kids are super busy with their marching band so i have been struggling to keep up with the thread as of late but a couple of things i just wanted to bring up....

Its been bugging me since I've seen the unblurred pictures and the wedding video.. the middle sons stance. In every picture/video it is fairly obvious he has some kind of sight problem, his eyes seem quite unfocussed and he lifts his head as if he has to do that in order to see...out the lower half of his eyes. I've done some rudimentary searching to see if there are any conditions where this may be the case and the only thing I've come across which could explain it is Superior Hermianopia which affects the upper vision of both eyes. Its generally caused by damage to the optic nerves either because of a stroke or a brain injury...not saying this is the case and he has this condition but its certainly food for thought....

Which then brings me on to the second point...we know that at least at some point the eldest son was seen and given why wasnt this poor child when he is so obviously affected by his it a case of not being bothered? Was the eldest son part of some bigger picture where he was given certain privileges?

We know he was given certain opportunities not afforded to the other for one...why? Of course I'm happy he was allowed these moments of normality but again why? For what purpose? I know some WS have suggested he was beong prepared to become the next breadwinner but this doesn't ring true for me...firstly the classes he was taken weren't necessarily geared up for preparing him for employment...more along the line of hobbies and interests...but secondly...LT couldn't leave him alone at campus preferring to wait outside for him...if she can't leave hime alone for this short amount of time would she really risk him going out into the wide world for extended periods of time to undertake a job...and risk the potential repercussions???...i don't think why?

And lastly. .i believe some (if not most) of the classes were night classes...we know that DT worked nights so where were the other kids? home, being lokked after by the older kids? LT couldn't leave the oldest son for a short amount of time but was happy to leave all the other children at home,alone knowing that at least on one other occasion children had tried to escape...what is the logic?

Sorry for the ramblings. Theres just so many questions...i doubt we will ever have the answers to them

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Work is ridiculously busy for me at the moment and added to that my kids are super busy with their marching band so i have been struggling to keep up with the thread as of late but a couple of things i just wanted to bring up....

Its been bugging me since I've seen the unblurred pictures and the wedding video.. the middle sons stance. In every picture/video it is fairly obvious he has some kind of sight problem, his eyes seem quite unfocussed and he lifts his head as if he has to do that in order to see...out the lower half of his eyes. I've done some rudimentary searching to see if there are any conditions where this may be the case and the only thing I've come across which could explain it is Superior Hermianopia which affects the upper vision of both eyes. Its generally caused by damage to the optic nerves either because of a stroke or a brain injury...not saying this is the case and he has this condition but its certainly food for thought....

Which then brings me on to the second point...we know that at least at some point the eldest son was seen and given why wasnt this poor child when he is so obviously affected by his it a case of not being bothered? Was the eldest son part of some bigger picture where he was given certain privileges?

We know he was given certain opportunities not afforded to the other for one...why? Of course I'm happy he was allowed these moments of normality but again why? For what purpose? I know some WS have suggested he was being prepared to become the next breadwinner but this doesn't ring true for me...firstly the classes he was taken weren't necessarily geared up for preparing him for employment...more along the line of hobbies and interests...but secondly...LT couldn't leave him alone at campus preferring to wait outside for him...if she can't leave him alone for this short amount of time would she really risk him going out into the wide world for extended periods of time to undertake a job...and risk the potential repercussions???...i don't think why?

And lastly. .i believe some (if not most) of the classes were night classes...we know that DT worked nights so where were the other kids? home, being looked after by the older kids? LT couldn't leave the oldest son for a short amount of time but was happy to leave all the other children at home,alone knowing that at least on one other occasion children had tried to escape...what is the logic?

Sorry for the ramblings. There's just so many questions...i doubt we will ever have the answers to them

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Great questions!

I wonder that same thing. Accolades to the oldest Turpin son for doing so well and having at least some small exposure to the outside world, even for that short of a time. I never thought about him wearing glasses! I will give some numbered ideas as theries to answer the questions. But these are questions that we would need David and Louise to answer to get the full picture:

1.) JT was about twenty six years old. He may have had some early life experiances before the family became "nuts." He was probably given rights because DT saw him as a "leader." Maybe JT was supposed to be the patriach of the family if DT and Louise were to die.

2.) Note that it is believed that son JT was home-schooled. Maybe because he was the best behaved and the least problematic, his "reward" was being able to attend college classes. I am sure that this took A TON of convincing and DT and LT made certain demands of JT. "You will succeed You will not disclose our family values to anybody at school. You will talk only when spoken to by your teachers.Your Mother will wait for you at school for all classes. You will come straight home after school."

3.) The classes that JT was taking were only basic skills kinds of classes, so they really would not help JT get ahead considering his age, the level of those classes mostly geared for Freshmen or Sophmore high school students at best.

4.) Maybe this class attending wasn't a choice, but a demand by the Turpins, that the eldest son had to take classes, because he was old enough to do that. However, this goes against everything that was the parental Turpin's life-style to avoid people as much as possible, keep to themselves, and chagrin against anybody who offered any kind of conversation to them. JT had an opportunity to open up at school. But maybe that is why LT was always there. To prevent him from disclosing any outside information that wasn't specific to assigned coursework. But again, why take that risk?

5.) The other kids were probably at home chained up and rotting in their filthy clothes and environment.

Ah you live in South Florida too?

OT, this cracked me up! I was once in hospital and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. They asked if I had been to any 3rd world countries and I told them I had been to Miami visiting my family. They said that that counted and wrote it down!
But we have the best food anywhere in the world!

Which brings it back around to these poor babies. Anyone down here would sit them down and feed them if they saw the shape of them. Like when you visit grandma or great aunties, eat, eat!

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