CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #2

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Lots of good interview videos at that link.

The BIL is full of bs IMO. He has "Absolutely no idea why they did this ....but he is sure it wasn't because of radical Islam".

One video also says the FBI found evidence they were communicating with jihadists in the US and overseas for quite sometime.
100% agree. Just because he says it doesn't make it true!
This was me when I watched that interview:rolleyes: :furious: :furious:. I noticed the 1st att. kept closing his eyes when speaking.:liar: I will mute it from now on when CNN repeats it.

I hear that! They shouldn't allow biased misinformation on the news. Now every false flag nutcase is going to use this heh. I can see it now. '100% proof!' with like, a picture of men in black. there a cover up operation going on ?......this is terrorism as we all know it......
I don't believe it takes very long at all. I believe you can make a basic pipe bomb with black powder (purchased at any sporting goods store) and pipes/nails, a drill for the pipe etc... I must have read a "how to" a while back as I remember clearly that it is super important to clean the pipe threads and lubricate them with vaseline before screwing it together (small particles of gun powder in the threads could ignite and blow the device up in the builder's hand).

These supposedly had remote control toy car triggers which would require more research. One news source said the only place THEY could find directions for that specific method was from an Al Queda web-zine.
There have been instructions on how to build a bomb before the internet, for example "The Complete Book of Explosives" from 1986, and there were home-made bombs in the U.S. in the 1970ies, for example this: , so there are other sources to bomb-making than Al Queda, it's most likely AQ have got their instructions from older ones posted on Usernet after the Oklahoma bombing.
And it begins....

On CNN, Cuomo is interviewing TWO family attorneys representing the Farooq family, apparently.

One lawyers last name was Chelsey, I believe. He is bobbing and weaving, deflecting, dancing....trying really had to start rumors...

[paraphrasing his words}
" None of this makes sense---the facts don't add up...This woman weighed about 95 pounds...she could not shoot a big rifle like that....She probably couldn't even lift it ....they had no military training....How would they know how to shoot those weapons? It just makes no sense..."

He tried to muddy the waters about the weapons and bombs too :


" No one ever saw Sayed with any weapons or pipe bombs. No one ever saw anything like that in their possession...No one ever saw either of them being aggressive or expressing extremist is just not believable...And I spent the last three hours with the FBI---they have NOTHING which connects them to any terrorists or terrorist communications....NOTHING..."

the lawyer kind of tripped up once though. He said something about them not being able to shoot and not being trained in military skills...then he said something like :

" ....and both of them were found face down, could they have shot at the police if they were restrained>?"

The problem is, we all saw the videos of her shooting from the car. She was not handcuffed...NICE TRY Mr Attorney....

I was gobsmacked when I watched this! Already the family is trying to provide disinformation and intimate that they were set up and that LE are corrupt and abusive and everyone is lying. Who does that? This is more than denial. To have that level of talent for bending reality and blaming others is a sociopathic trait. I would be watching them carefully. The Cindy Anthony tradition continues.
There have been instructions on how to build a bomb before the internet.

Yes, on building bombs. I was talking about the toy car remote control device, supposedly instructions on that has only been found in jihadist propaganda.

Bomb making stuff has been around forever, the "Anarchists Cookbook" was very popular long before we even had the interwebs.
It was either the sister of Farok or sister-in-law who was just interviewed on CNN. I was reading here so I didn't catch if it was his blood sister. Anyway, without much emotion, she says she has no idea why her brother did this (paraphrasing here). I'll have to watch it again when it rolls around, but something about the way she said it and her lack of emotion when talking about it seemed off. Could be she is in shock...but hmmm.
Yes, on building bombs. I was talking about the toy car remote control device, supposedly instructions on that has only been found in jihadist propaganda.

Bomb making stuff has been around forever, the "Anarchists Cookbook" was very popular long before we even had the interwebs.

Exactly, and with this, bbm

California gunman Syed Rizwan Farook had been in contact with known Islamic extremists on social media, a US intelligence official said on Thursday.

It's obvious to me. jmo
Has there been a photo of the female shooter (wife) posted anywhere? I have yet to see a picture of her. This discussion moves quickly, so it's possible I've missed it if posted :redface:
Nope, not even the media has dug a photo up as far as I can tell. Strange.
I was gobsmacked when I watched this! Already the family is trying to provide disinformation and intimate that they were set up and that LE are corrupt and abusive and everyone is lying. Who does that? This is more than denial. To have that level of talent for bending reality and blaming others is a sociopathic trait. I would be watching them carefully. The Cindy Anthony tradition continues.

I just saw the interview with attorneys too - beyond bizaire.....and if that one beleives anything he said, well thats is scary
Sine a close encounter with being drafted in the Vietnam era I've considered our leaders who want to commit troops to ill-defined "missions" overseas to be terrorists of the first rank as they and those who support them cavalierly seek to send our young into battle, there to put their lives on the line and perhaps be shipped home in body bags and caskets.

Using data from, which is maintained by a Reddit group, we’ve updated our map that documents all the U.S. mass shootings in 2015 alone. The group defines mass shootings as incidents when at least four people are killed or wounded, including the gunman.

The Reddit poster that created that map/website admitted he made up his OWN definition of what he considers a "mass shooting" and that includes gang drive by's, drug dealers shooting at each other etc...

The fact that guys website is now being used as a "definitive source" instead of Department of Justice statistics is ridiculous.

Well so much for visa screening! the only answer I would think is that is not her real name- dont know if they fingerprint over there, so if the first time you falsify your name , then get fingerprinted it comes back to made up name.

My sense is she stayed home, most of us concur that this planned as a coveer for operations - so she may have made sure she was not having her pic taken

just guessing
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