CA - 14 killed in San Bernardino mass shooting, 2 Dec 2015 #3

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The constant bringing up of the Muslim community show's the agenda, trying to make this about that vs the murderers. I can't imagine what the families of the victims are thinking about this.

great notion -- IMO they just made family members more at risk spewing out that kind of nonsense
Yeah, I heard that too. It was stupid the first time I heard it, and it still is. I was shooting rifles and shotguns when I was 10 years old. She may have also had a sling, which would have distributed the weight of the rifle around her neck so she wouldn't have had to support much of the weight of the rifle , or the recoil, with her arms.

its all good different strokes for differnet folks --- I was playing Monoply at 10!!

No surprise huh I loved "Clue" ha
The family is about to give a live news conference. I'm sure we're going to hear about what a nice guy Farook was and how he loved to play with puppies and how he would "give anybody the shirt off his back in order to help them".

He was a great son, a better dad, and a wonderful husband. They'll say all the typical stuff people say right after somebody dies, as well as right after they unexpectedly (or not) turn into a mass murderer.

I need to prepare myself. Does anybody know the name of that medicine you can take to keep from throwing up ? Normally, I would just drink a bunch of cold beer, but I'm totally out of it right now and far too lazy to drive down to the store to buy some more.

Zofran. Bonine. :)

Is the lawyer actually defending the two ??? Two shooters that are dead?

All I can say is, what in sam hill were those cards doing ON THE BED? (I assume that's where they were, that's where I saw a lot of ID's and such). I mean . . . most people keep those in their wallet . . it doesn't make much sense, if those are legitimate cards, for them to be strewn around like that. That's just odd. I'll say it again, the baby needs to be taken by DCS. That baby is in danger. Period.

I am guessing that they were thrown on the bed during a search by LE.

" Just because they just 'happen to be' could be a workplace incident, we don't really know ...."

The lawyers ^^^^^trying hard to blame this on co-workers making fun of his beard.

At this they want us to believe that is somehow better? Either way...they killed 14 people and injured many more! Ridiculous.
I am glad I didn't watch the lawyers or I may lose my mind.
Lawyers -we are criminal lawyers-we need evidence-

Well why don't you go to the morgue then.
The constant bringing up of the Muslim community show's the agenda, trying to make this about that vs the murderers. I can't imagine what the families of the victims are thinking about this.

The smartest thing the Farook family could do at this point is fire their arses and make a statement of sympathy to the families of all those affected. jmo
I wonder how often Muslim women who are as conservative as this one is being made out to be---never spoke to the men in the family, no one ever saw her face because she always wore a veil, etc.---how often do they seek an American husband on a dating website? Especially those who don't have any ties (family or otherwise) in the US. This is a serious question I'm curious about because I would assume an extremely conservative Muslim woman living in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia would prefer to marry a man with a similar background and grew up in the Middle East.

I think this was all planned she married him so she could do what she did peroid
So the FBI left a list of what they took from their apartment. Now they also left a list of items from a car. This is so crazy. Why wasn't that car impounded?

Who knoze? -- From what I have seen where I live, the local LEO's usually impound so that the vehicle is near the investigators, the prosecutor's office and the defense. I would assume that the vehicle being rented, WRT holding it, wouldn't make any difference. Dunno.

What body will prosecute this case? Local or Federal or both??
The lawyer states that because the female suspect was about 90 lbs she could have carried a weapon or worn a tactical vest. This is stupid and pure blasphemy. Having served in the military and in police forces I have trained along side females who have slight frames and can easily carry assault rifles and wear vests. His assertion that one would need military training to carry out this event shows his complete lack of intellect or his extreme and ridiculous bias.
The smartest thing the Farook family could do at this point is fire their arses and make a statement of sympathy to the families of all those affected. jmo

And then just be quiet.
The way the house was left it seems or appears that it is possible they or she got a call that said the time is now. jmo It was said that he seemed agitated before he left, I have not seen it verified that there was an argument there. jmo Just seems that it was rushed. jmo
I wonder how often Muslim women who are as conservative as this one is being made out to be---never spoke to the men in the family, no one ever saw her face because she always wore a veil, etc.---how often do they seek an American husband on a dating website? Especially those who don't have any ties (family or otherwise) in the US. This is a serious question I'm curious about because I would assume an extremely conservative Muslim woman living in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia would prefer to marry a man with a similar background and grew up in the Middle East.

Unless you're a tiny terrorist who wears red bras under her tactical gear while living the American dream with her husband who may have had access to lord knows what gov't records . . . . not so many.
Good for Wolf Blitzer questioning that the FBI and LE saw what was going on with media rifling through the house and allowed it to continue.

A blunder on their part or a method to such madness?
It is a shame these two attorneys wasted such a great opportunity. They did not deny these two were the shooters, so why didn't they actually do something noble and worthwhile with that time. Instead of whining and pretending it had nothing to do with extremist views they could have used the screen time to make a positive impression for the moderates.

They could have opened with SINCERE apologies and sincere condolences. And they could have spoken for the families true and deep sympathies and how they wished they had foreseen the situation in time.

And they could have spoken for the millions of moderates and said they were looking for ways to prevent this type of extreme radicalization and hoped to turn things around. And they understood the backlash but hoped that people would know they were not to blame and want to live in harmony and peace with all others. And that they STRONGLY CONDEMN these horrid brutal actions.

There were so many more relevant and important things they could have said. Instead of ' umm, they made fun of his Muslim Beard and his wife was not even strong enough to carry a rifle...'
The lawyer states that because the female suspect was about 90 lbs she could have carried a weapon or worn a tactical vest. This is stupid and pure blasphemy. Having served in the military and in police forces I have trained along side females who have slight frames and can easily carry assault rifles and wear vests. His assertion that one would need military training to carry out this event shows his complete lack of intellect or his extreme and ridiculous bias. Was that some kind of cartoon?:shame:
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