CA and GA too "Fragile" for Depo?

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Wonder if CA is on something to keep her calmed down-Short of a straight jacket I can't think of anything that will keep her quiet for long-
I know, the turn around is very dramatic, from hammer yielding crazed mother to quiet, dutiful, pin wearing, all around nice lady (cough, cough). I heard a reporter on CNN say that she was shaking her head when JB was speaking about the video of Casey "hyperventilating". I was thinking that come trial time she will use every non verbal expression known to man to communicate to the jury her daughter's innocence and the evil creatures that make up the prosecutor's team. I can see it now, how many non verbal expressions can Cindy make ? The possibilities are endless...:rolleyes:
I think the pins are telling too, and would like to know if GA was only wearing the Caylee pin. I thought, also interesting, was the fact that Cindy hugged JB and George did not shake hands with him or acknowledge him at all. Such differences, and these are just a few, can hardly be good for a marriage.

I don't read much into the pin, except for the fact G is the more aggressive fundraiser...he was the one who excitedly told KC how he and Lee would make a living out of this, and I think the pin is just part of his KFN job to collect donations.
Don't fool yourself......GA had his chance to get away from the madhouse. He is in like Flynn and would NEVER, NEVER leave CA. Too weak. That family is UNITED in more ways than one....emotionally, physically, mentally....

I think you're right. Some more than strange co-dependencies all around.
Don't fool yourself......GA had his chance to get away from the madhouse. He is in like Flynn and would NEVER, NEVER leave CA. Too weak. That family is UNITED in more ways than one....emotionally, physically, mentally....
I know, the turn around is very dramatic, from hammer yielding crazed mother to quiet, dutiful, pin wearing, all around nice lady (cough, cough). I heard a reporter on CNN say that she was shaking her head when JB was speaking about the video of Casey "hyperventilating". I was thinking that come trial time she will use every non verbal expression known to man to communicate to the jury her daughter's innocence and the evil creatures that make up the prosecutor's team. I can see it now, how many non verbal expressions can Cindy make ? The possibilities are endless...:rolleyes:

How 'bout we take a collection for a Botox gift certificate ? :rolleyes:
I don't read much into the pin, except for the fact G is the more aggressive fundraiser...he was the one who excitedly told KC how he and Lee would make a living out of this, and I think the pin is just part of his KFN job to collect donations.

ITA. And I think they are all very much alike. I can't imagine them breaking up, particularly when they are doing so well at the "fundraising" as a team. They are going into business as a family with the new Foundation, and I doubt anything will stop them from doing that.
How 'bout we take a collection for a Botox gift certificate ? :rolleyes:

I'd be pretty sure others have beat us to it. I think the $1000 people have put in Casey's bank account, is absolute peanuts compared to the money people have given to this family, who seem to have no qualms about flaunting their new fortune.
I don't read much into the pin, except for the fact G is the more aggressive fundraiser...he was the one who excitedly told KC how he and Lee would make a living out of this, and I think the pin is just part of his KFN job to collect donations.
Didn't Lee state in his depo that he moved back home to "help" with finances ? I guess it wasn't made clear if he was talking about his finances or his parents, but I think he is the only one working right now...unless you count George's missing child gig. I wonder if they plan on EVER going back to work ? Seems they have found their niche in life...makes me sick.
That would fix her, she could still shake her head like she did yesterday, but facial mobility would be limited.

Yeah, but we'd have to tie her hands down, too. She'll probably develop a repetoire of hand signals.....One thing about our CA, subtle, she ain't.
Yeah, but we'd have to tie her hands down, too. She'll probably develop a repetoire of hand signals.....One thing about our CA, subtle, she ain't.
Maybe, since she is on the state's witness list, she will be barred from the court room until after her testimony ? Maybe we won't have to worry about her dramatic display for the jury ?
I have to agree with you there. I'd say get the depos over with, as no time will be good. Hey, it may even help the defense.

If GA can help find Haleigh Cummings (which I give him kudos for), then he can sit down for a depo (IMHO).

I can only imagine how hard it will be, but after many interviews with LE and the FBI, they must be used to it by now. I think the discord here, is they now know it will be released, and that's the hold-up.



I agree as well. Get the depo over and done with and move on.

George and Cindy got thru the Memorial for Caylee which I would say is more stressful than this Depo. Then George voluntarily put himself on local tv stations when he went to lend his support to the Cummings family and gave an interview...

And neither one of them looked like they had trouble comporting themselves yesterday at the least what I saw of them.
Didn't Lee state in his depo that he moved back home to "help" with finances ? I guess it wasn't made clear if he was talking about his finances or his parents, but I think he is the only one working right now...unless you count George's missing child gig. I wonder if they plan on EVER going back to work ? Seems they have found their niche in life...makes me sick.

I think Lee did say that, not sure about the depo (I didn't watch all of it), but I've heard him say it somewhere. I doubt George plans to go back to work, though I think he may have to. I think if they are charged, it will put a quick end to their plans to further profit from this tragedy.

George is not only spokesman for KFN, but now also a director for the CMAF, as is everyone else in the family, including Mallory. So, I assume they are hoping they will make enough out of this tragedy to not have to go back to work. But, I suspect/hope something or someone will put a stop to that plan. I think most families are going to react to George the same way the Cummings family did, but then I think they are probably also making a lot of money out of media deals, and plan to continue to do so. It makes me feel sick too.
I agree as well. Get the depo over and done with and move on.

George and Cindy got thru the Memorial for Caylee which I would say is more stressful than this Depo. Then George voluntarily put himself on local tv stations when he went to lend his support to the Cummings family and gave an interview...

And neither one of them looked like they had trouble comporting themselves yesterday at the least what I saw of them.

Not just "lend support", but also to advise that KFN was raising money for the family, asked for donations, told the cameras they (KFN) had set up a website for the missing child...I assume it's one of the websites that the Cummings complained about and one of the reasons the Cummings made it clear to the press that people should only give donations directly to the bank account they supplied, as others had set up websites they did not approve.

He seemed very capable and business minded that day, imo.
George and Cindy-fragile...that is a paradox isn't it? I could believe that they were fragile in the months following Caylee's disappearance as they realized and dealt with the fact of Caylee's death. They smelled the smell in that car and they ALL knew that with Caylee missing, the odds were, that smell was Caylee. They asked to postpone the depo's until after the funeral. The funeral is over. It has been almost 9 months since this little girl vanished from their lives, and they have had ample time to at least begin a healing process. Zenaida has a right to get on with her life too, the same life that Casey is responsible for having smashed to bits, and you would think that of all people, they would be compassionate to her plight. They should know how badly a person's reputation can be damaged in the media...look at theirs. Knowing that THIS Zenaida is not THE Zenaida, they should go ahead and say what they know about the OTHER Zenaida, so it can be made abundantly clear that this one and that one are not the same one. It isn't that THEY are too fragile, it is that the thread of lies that they have spun is too fragile and this deposition may be the taughtness that breaks the thread and they do not want to face up to it. :croc:
I don't read much into the pin, except for the fact G is the more aggressive fundraiser...he was the one who excitedly told KC how he and Lee would make a living out of this, and I think the pin is just part of his KFN job to collect donations.
...and, perhaps, part of her new image?
Not just "lend support", but also to advise that KFN was raising money for the family, asked for donations, told the cameras they (KFN) had set up a website for the missing child...I assume it's one of the websites that the Cummings complained about and one of the reasons the Cummings made it clear to the press that people should only give donations directly to the bank account they supplied, as others had set up websites they did not approve.

He seemed very capable and business minded that day, imo.
They had set up a website WITHOUT the family's approval? Truly?

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