GUILTY CA - Aramazd Andressian, 5, South Pasadena, 18 April 2017 #1

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In all seriousness, though... Disney offers magic bands to use for admission, and they also lions fast passes, can link to your resort if you're staying on property, and can link to photopass/memory maker. We saw a picture of dad and AA with Mickey Mouse. That photo *could* be linked to their magic bands and/or photopass, and their being in Disney could have been confirmed that way. Time of departure; maybe they were spotted on CCTV leaving Disney, or maybe the last ride they scanned their magic bands for was around that time, and it is just an estimate of when they left. All just my own theories, of course.

Some links in RE: magic bands/photo pass/memory maker that I referenced in my post:

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Those links are for Disney World in Florida. AA and son were at Disneyland in California.

I know you can get paper fast passes using your park ticket but I am not sure if that info can be pulled up later by authorities or not.

Disneyland does not have magic bands. That's only at Disneyworld.

Yep...definitely no magic bands at Disneyland.
I'm watching KTLA news right now and the reporter said a witness who was at the lake camping with her son said she saw both AA and Aramazd. She said the father looked like he had been crying and/or appeared drunk.

You'll have to back the video up just a bit to the start of the news. It's the first story. Try around 21:37 after the commercial break - it's a little difficult to back it up exactly but worth it. That may explain why AA has been released. Which still leaves little Aramazd missing.
Remember the woman that the KTLA reporter interviewed who claimed she saw AA and Aramazd at the lake? Well, now CBSLA is on it:
A woman who did not want to be identified told CBS2’s Kristine Lazar that she is certain she saw a missing 5-year-old boy near a lake near Santa Barbara with his father last Friday.
“And I opened up my computer,” the woman said, “and I just started bawling. Once I saw Cachuma Lake, it hit me. I knew exactly where I saw him.”
“It was between 11:30 [a.m.] and 2 o’clock [p.m.]” she said, “for sure. I saw the gray BMW, I was by myself.”

More at the link. In the meantime no word from LE about this possible witness so I guess for now it's still rumor.
The line saying she thought the father looked as if he had been crying and/or appeared drunk reminds me of an excoworker that was a dear friend of mine back then.

This guy (coworker) would drink himself into oblivion, he couldn't help it. He talked about it as if it was just a casual part of life, not exhibiting that it was not normal or that it was a disease. Just, this is me... He'd go out and do all sorts of things, including driving, and not remember a single bit of it. He made phone calls, shopped, went to weird places, had black outs as he called them, and he had no control. A true alcoholic. He was really depressed, and drank to numb his feelings, but be MORE depressed when he started sobering so then would drink even more. It didn't matter if it was day or night, he would stay drunk for days at a time and remember nothing for those days. He sometimes even randomly came to work, but we would send him home because you could see he was drunk, hadn't showered or changed his clothes for days. He would disappear without a word for days, and it became more and more frequent until he ended up in a hospital. It was absolutely grueling to watch and have no ability to help him. It was very sad. I lost contact with him some years ago, but last I heard he was living in an assisted living place after rehab.
Disneyland does not have magic bands. That's only at Disneyworld.
I can't find the images for the Disneyland pictures, but in this video they don't seem to be wearing bands.

A few things I want to mention, all my own opinion:
- If dad was drugged, it was by nefarious characters that he doesn't care to argue with, otherwise he would be all over media screaming it. If there were any innocent explanation, I think his lawyer would be contacting media just to tell them. After all, what makes him look the worst is his unconsciousness. The fact it is absolutely being IGNORED by his representative, which makes my blood boil, tells me there's a reason they're avoiding mentioning it. Even if it were a strange, undiagnosed medical condition.
- I don't think AA Jr is at the park. All dad would have to do is pull the I don't remember shtick, but the way LE explains it, he told them he was there. No, I don't think AA Jr is anywhere we know the father to have been.
- Assuming these things are true, and I've been wrong plenty, if he was blackout wasted somehow, enough to pass out outside of his car, I'm not thinking that family has him. I hope he is alive, but it is very doubtful to me. I think it's possible that something happened at some point. Perhaps the father didn't do anything on purpose, but on accident. It was too late to hop a flight to flee before he knew the ex would call the police. He had to rid the boy somewhere. I hate to even say that. I'm thinking late Fri-very early Sat, a few hours before he passed out, is what we're looking at.
Then again, very little is known about his lifestyle, making it impossible to make a truly educated guess. There are also things that say premeditation to me. Gosh, I just don't know.
Have posts with media links been removed? I am not finding the posts for the news reporter and links to her Twitter account.
The line saying she thought the father looked as if he had been crying and/or appeared drunk reminds me of an excoworker that was a dear friend of mine back then.

This guy (coworker) would drink himself into oblivion, he couldn't help it. He talked about it as if it was just a casual part of life, not exhibiting that it was not normal or that it was a disease. Just, this is me... He'd go out and do all sorts of things, including driving, and not remember a single bit of it. He made phone calls, shopped, went to weird places, had black outs as he called them, and he had no control. A true alcoholic. He was really depressed, and drank to numb his feelings, but be MORE depressed when he started sobering so then would drink even more. It didn't matter if it was day or night, he would stay drunk for days at a time and remember nothing for those days. He sometimes even randomly came to work, but we would send him home because you could see he was drunk, hadn't showered or changed his clothes for days. He would disappear without a word for days, and it became more and more frequent until he ended up in a hospital. It was absolutely grueling to watch and have no ability to help him. It was very sad. I lost contact with him some years ago, but last I heard he was living in an assisted living place after rehab.

Yes, I've known people like that but it's the surrounding circumstances that is very suspect.
Have posts with media links been removed? I am not finding the posts for the news reporter and links to her Twitter account.
Nevermind. Found it.

unless it was a set up. i hope he is alive and recovered safely :(

I hope AA is found soon alive or no reason for custody hearing. No boy to have custody of. If he is found alive Dad won't get custody after this. Maybe monitored visits with a mediator.
Disneyland does not have magic bands. That's only at Disneyworld.

I didn't realize that as we just do Disney world! Good to know. However photopass I'm guessing is still a possibility without the band. We were last in Disney April of last year and you could use a plastic card as your ticket or buy the magic Bands. We bought the Bands so I'm not entirely sure what features using the cards would have

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Nevermind. Found it.


It says in the link that there is no evidence that the boy was ever at the lake but LE does have evidence that AA was at the lake area. So what happened to Jr. between a little after midnight leaving Disneyland to Friday morning in Santa Barbara?

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IMO if AA Sr. was passed out because of a "medical condition" ie something he had no control of, LE wouldn't have arrested him after his release, and they would've treated this more like a stranger abduction, or lost child. LE is suspicious of AA Sr. for a reason. I'm really surprised by all the silence. I pray they find him soon- and hopefully alive.
I didn't realize that as we just do Disney world! Good to know. However photopass I'm guessing is still a possibility without the band. We were last in Disney April of last year and you could use a plastic card as your ticket or buy the magic Bands. We bought the Bands so I'm not entirely sure what features using the cards would have

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At Disneyland it's still paper tickets. If photo pass takes your picture they give you a plastic card that you then use for the rest of your trip. You can take that card to the photo shop in the park to get photos printed or take the card home and look at/download photos from a computer.
It says in the link that there is no evidence that the boy was ever at the lake but LE does have evidence that AA was at the lake area. So what happened to Jr. between a little after midnight leaving Disneyland to Friday morning in Santa Barbara?

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To get North to Lake CaChuma, AA would have to take 101 to 154, the Chumash Highway. The 154 cuts through the edge of Los Padres National Forest.


Here is the road he'd travel to get to the Lake:

also, here is where it cuts away from coast, goes inland to lake:


My heart sinks watching these videos of the immediate areas surrounding the road to the lake.
A few thoughts:

1) it was posted at the beginning of this thread that AA Sr does not drink. I forget if his ex-wife or his mother said that, but one of them said he never consumes alcohol.

2) Disneyland does not serve alcohol

3) if he were drunk on Friday morning, as the witness at the lake claims, he would have had to basically find alcohol somewhere after leaving Disneyland at 12:30 AM, and then drink for most of the night, while also driving at least two hours from Anaheim to near Santa Barbara.

4) Who sees a child in the front seat of a car with a father they think is wasted, and doesn't do anything?! I would never let the father drive away with the kid in the car!

5) for those reasons, I do not think the dad was passed out drunk. I think he tried to commit suicide using pills of some sort and failed. The hospital probably pumped his stomach and then sent him home once he was stable.

6) whatever he took, he did it at a second park, that was about an hour and a half drive from the first park. He had a long time in the car, presumably by himself, to think and to take whatever he consumed.

7) The police believe this boy is dead, IMO. They didn't just go to the lake to find witnesses, they took a dive team. A dive team!! That speaks volumes.

8) does anyone know if the dive team searched the lake at the second park in South Pasadena? I know they did a land search there, but did they also check the water?
Here's my theory

1. Dad was already angry at Mom over court battle so to spite her he didn't allow AA Jr to FaceTime Mom like usual. AA Jr might have been upset Dad wouldn't let him so to make him happy and not want to go to Moms he offered to take him to Disneyland.

2. After they left Disneyland AA Jr might have wanted to go home to Moms was crying and upset you know how kids are. That made Dad mad especially after spending the day at Disneyland as it's very expensive. He wanted AA Jr to want to stay with him not go home to Mom.

3. Because AA Jr possibly crying, throwing a fit and begging to go to Moms AA got mad, lost it and in trying to quiet him, he hit him hard in the head with his fist, possibly with a nearby instrument or choked him to shut up and accidentally killed him. AA panicked freaked out didn't know what to do with the boys body and was afraid to report it, that's why his car was seen around OC possibly driven around OC looking for a place to hide the boy and perhaps thought Lake Cachuma would be a good place to dispose of his body. The Lake is 2.5 -3 hrs away from OC.

3. Drove there. I mean really who drives to a lake at 12am almost three hours away after all day at Disneyland? I used to have a pass for my boys and no way would we drive 3 hrs to a lake after. Disneyland wears you out and we were always so tired after we left we could barely made it to the car. My boys feel asleep right away.

4. I think he could not find the right spot to dispose of the boys body driving around OC or Cachuma lake so he ended up near the big Arroyo park in Pasadena the city he lived. Killers usually bury or hide bodies in a familiar area close to home. I believe the woman who thought she saw them at Cachuma lake in the car could have easily been wrong or someone else or possibly he had the boy propped up in the seat and looked like he was sleeping. LE said there was no evidence he was with the boy at the lake.

5. I believe he hid AA Jr in the park or buried him under shallow grave or hidden in a bush and he was missed by the LE search. It is a huge park with a lake and very dense bushes trees, and foliage. I posted a photo earlier. That photo wasn't even the whole park which is 150 acres.

6. I think he was so tired after all that and was passed out in deep sleep when he was found or perhaps tried suicide with pills. All this is JMO only

7. I think they need to call in Texas Equusearch and search arroyo park again. It happens over and over where bodies are later found in an area that was searched prior.
A few thoughts:

1) it was posted at the beginning of this thread that AA Sr does not drink. I forget if his ex-wife or his mother said that, but one of them said he never consumes alcohol.

2) Disneyland does not serve alcohol

3) if he were drunk on Friday morning, as the witness at the lake claims, he would have had to basically find alcohol somewhere after leaving Disneyland at 12:30 AM, and then drink for most of the night, while also driving at least two hours from Anaheim to near Santa Barbara.

4) Who sees a child in the front seat of a car with a father they think is wasted, and doesn't do anything?! I would never let the father drive away with the kid in the car!

5) for those reasons, I do not think the dad was passed out drunk. I think he tried to commit suicide using pills of some sort and failed. The hospital probably pumped his stomach and then sent him home once he was stable.

6) whatever he took, he did it at a second park, that was about an hour and a half drive from the first park. He had a long time in the car, presumably by himself, to think and to take whatever he consumed.

7) The police believe this boy is dead, IMO. They didn't just go to the lake to find witnesses, they took a dive team. A dive team!! That speaks volumes.

8) does anyone know if the dive team searched the lake at the second park in South Pasadena? I know they did a land search there, but did they also check the water?

Good points. But just one thing, Disneyland DOES serve alcohol if you walk to the outer food courts. Believe me, we search sit out on our last visit.
--- locations in Disney California Adventure, the Disney-owned hotels, and Downtown Disney serve alcohol. Here's our guide to the best beer and mixed drinks available throughout Disneyland Resort.

If he was there until midnight, he could have easily walked the short distance to DD or Calif Adventure
IMO if AA Sr. was passed out because of a "medical condition" ie something he had no control of, LE wouldn't have arrested him after his release, and they would've treated this more like a stranger abduction, or lost child. LE is suspicious of AA Sr. for a reason. I'm really surprised by all the silence. I pray they find him soon- and hopefully alive.
ITA. Also, I don't believe LE arrested AA Sr for DUI (Driving Under the Influence). He was passed out next to his car. How would LE know if he'd been driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or how long he'd been passed out? IMO, he took something in an attempt to commit suicide after disposing of his son's body nearby. I do think Texas Equusearch needs to do a more thorough search of that park and areas near the park.
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