GUILTY CA - Aramazd Andressian, 5, South Pasadena, 18 April 2017 #3

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If she doesn't pay they can take her driver's license away and put her in jail.

I guess he's presumed innocent until proven guilty, so until then, she has to keep paying even if it takes 5 years to go to court. I'm guessing, I don't know the law on spousal support. I do see she's raised over $1,300 in the first hour the collection has been up so if she keeps getting support less incentive to fight to change the ruling...all that money will be sent straight to senior so as I stated I can't bring myself to donate though I will likely cave in soon.

They *could* -- but that never happens. Our jails are too full to even put real criminals in them. And no judge would risk the political blowback of putting her behind bars.
How sad that she was still paying him $1,000 monthly the last 2 months for child support, which likely helped funding his Vegas socialization, but she still has to continue paying spousal support. Anyone know how much that is and if she has to pay it even after their divorce gets finalized? I can't bring myself to donate to the ******** page as it will go to pay toward his spousal support. I don't want my hard earned money going to him in jail.

EDIT:: OMG she has to pay $2,000/month in spousal support to the murderer of her child!!! so he was getting $3,000/month from her yet his mother said she was paying for his vegas trip? Does anyone know how long spousal support typically lasts? I think until the other person gets married or finds a job? So in her case it will be until the end of his life? He is likely taunting her with suicide knowing how much relief it would bring to her both emotionally and financially but again, to torture her, he would never go through with it imo. The $2k/month likely helps fund his attorney fees. (I think I've snapped out of my pity for him, don't know what was up with me yesterday).

In CA, every spouse must try to become self supporting. If they choose not to after a reasonable period of what should've been effort to find a job or to get retraining/reeducation, support can be reduced.

In cases of long term marriages, support can be indefinite. (Over 10 years). In cases of short term marriages, the unofficial policy is half the length of the marriage.

As someone one pointed out above, remarriage or death ends support. So can cohabitation with a new romantic partner. It can terminate it or end it.

I find this horrific. No way should she have to pay this. I feel this should fall with California Family Code 4325 and if it technically doesn't, her attorneys should try anyhow and file a writ to try to get child murder and abuse to be included as another reason to stop support. Both are forms of domestic violence.

I would not pay a dime if I were she. But if she is paying via wage garnishment she has little choice. This is despicable and unjust.
New to the case so some catching up to do. Seems crazy that you can kill your child and still expect spousal support. I hope she makes an application to lower the amount; spousal support is to assist in living and everyday expenses not to pay defence attorneys.


Precisely! He's in jail. He has no needs. She shouldn't have to finance his post-separation criminal defense. This is an outrage. Unfortaintely t seems that the judge ruled against her motion to terminate support. When was the motion if anyone knows? (If not, I will look it up later).
They *could* -- but that never happens. Our jails are too full to even put real criminals in them. And no judge would risk the political blowback of putting her behind bars.

Agreed. And it takes months, if not years of non-payment to take their license. And I do not believe a judge would find her in contempt and put her in jail. No way.

The big big issue is if her wages are garnished.

Poor lady. I didnt think it could get any worse.
Precisely! He's in jail. He has no needs. She shouldn't have to finance his post-separation criminal defense. This is an outrage. Unfortaintely t seems that the judge ruled against her motion to terminate support. When was the motion if anyone knows? (If not, I will look it up later).
In CA it appears there is more compassion for the criminals in our judicial system whether it be in criminal or family court.

I have too many situations within my own family and friends to list here.
Precisely! He's in jail. He has no needs. She shouldn't have to finance his post-separation criminal defense. This is an outrage. Unfortaintely t seems that the judge ruled against her motion to terminate support. When was the motion if anyone knows? (If not, I will look it up later).
She had filed in May and might have recently received the ruling.
In CA it appears there is more compassion for the criminals in our judicial system whether it be in criminal or family court.

I have too many situations within my own family and friends to list here.
This is very true. I don't want to list personal examples.
She won't have to pay any of his criminal defense attorney's fees. Usually divorce fees are paid through the sale of an asset, credit cards or loans or if one spouse made more, that spouse may have to contribute.

But see below.

That is disgusting. $2,000 per month in spousal to this murderer? I fee the judge could have suspended all spousal support pending the outcome of trial as murdering your child is domestic violence and a finding that a supported party committed domestic abuse against the payor means there will
be no spousal support (although technically she was not the victim).

This is truly sick and unfathomable. This poor woman is financing the legal defense of the man who killed her child, in essence.

Also, he is in jail now. His "needs" are being. taken care of by the taxpayer. Spousal support is based on need in part. I feel it is extremely cruel and unnecessary to make her continue to pay.

And ability to pay is also a statutory factor. How is poor Ana able to work?

I hope her attorneys file a motion for reconsideration and if that fails, a writ with the appellate court. There should be three reasons for spousal support to
be suspended. This is immoral.
Gitana, first of all, thank you for your posts. I'm always thrilled when I'm sleuthing the same case you are. I really value your expertise and insights.

Secondly, do you have any idea why the judge would rule this way?

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Wow just wow. Unreal. Only in CA do you see this kind of unfairness among other laws. l really want out of this state it is so messed up.

I think essentially the same in most states.
Gitana, first of all, thank you for your posts. I'm always thrilled when I'm sleuthing the same case you are. I really value your expertise and insights.

Secondly, do you have any idea why the judge would rule this way?

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Going strictly by the law.
She had filed in May and might have recently received the ruling.

Awesome. Then circumstances have changed and she should file immediately again. He's in jail now. His "needs" are different.
I would give up my job and take a lower paying position with wages just enough to cover my living expenses, rather than have to keep this parasite.
Maybe move to Tennessee and fight my experience, pro mother state.

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Awesome. Then circumstances have changed and she should file immediately again. He's in jail now. His "needs" are different.
Turns out it was ordered last week while he was in jail per Gigi's page.
Yes John Gardner in San Diego killed Amber Dubois and Chelsea King. He told them where to find Chelsea body. He took plea deal for life in prison. This was high profile. He even did an interview of why he did it.

Melissa Huckabee murdered little 8 yr old Sandra Cantu from Tracy, CA molested, killed and stuffed her in a suitcase found in Lake. This high profile. She accepted plea deal to life in prison

These cases involved a lake too. Strange.

I believe he will take a plea deal if offered and Prosecutor and Defense agrees.

Something I noticed in the John Gardner case, divers found Chelsea King's remains in a shallow grave by the lake, so divers finding the body doesn't necessarily mean it was in the lake.

"FBI divers found her body five days later (on March 2, 2010) buried in a shallow grave on the southeast corner of the lake's inlet, where some of her clothes had been found."
Something I noticed in the John Gardner case, divers found Chelsea King's remains in a shallow grave by the lake, so divers finding the body doesn't necessarily mean it was in the lake.

"FBI divers found her body five days later (on March 2, 2010) buried in a shallow grave on the southeast corner of the lake's inlet, where some of her clothes had been found."
Thanks. I just meant by a lake, in a lake just that a lake was close by.
Thanks. I just meant by a lake, in a lake just that a lake was close by.

I had believed that because little Ara was said to be found by divers that he was in the lake, now I'm not so sure.
(That Huckaby case is crazy!!!)
I had believed that because little Ara was said to be found by divers that he was in the lake, now I'm not so sure.
(That Huckaby case is crazy!!!)
I agree, one of the strangest. Poor Sandra met up with a female monster. Such a sick woman. Who would have thought. That was so tragic. ☹
Doesn't apply - she's no longer a mother :/
Trust me....they will give her refuge...and kick him to the curb ( or his attorney) at the state line.

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