GUILTY CA - Aramazd Andressian, 5, South Pasadena, 18 April 2017 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
For anyone that missed the news coverage last night to see first hand, this is the FB page of Gigi's colleague that covered on Fox11 @10pm. (I must have tuned in right after this segment because I missed it yesterday). Scroll down to the video.

Thank you for this. This is the first newscast I've seen where they named the actual location. On the video the still shot at the beginning that says "no camping" is the entrance to Vista Point. Gigi has been awesome covering this.
That was the Casey Anthony case I referred to as CA. The jury acquitted her because they said they couldn't give her punishment if they couldn't determine with certainty how the 2 year died (why wouldn't they call 911 and instead put body in trash bag in forest with duct tape and chloroform and car smelling like decomposed body). They also didn't like George Anthony her father and found him to not be credible so I think the DA has to be careful who they put on the stand for Ara's case since jury can be so picky and lose sight of the bigger picture imo. The defense had accused George of infidelity, abusing his daughter etc so when he said his daughter killed their granddaughter it's as if the jury wanted to disagree with him more than anything else imo.

Thank you, that's is the case.
Now that I think about it even if the autopsy come out to undetermined there's still evidence he planned the murder and there's also a motive. (I think the other case circumstantial evidence was something like she wanted her freedom)

even if he claims an accident they found evidence he planned the murder.
Maybe he got a deal that's why he said the location of the body.
Will they say on Monday if the body was found in water or land?
For anyone that missed the news coverage last night to see first hand, this is the FB page of Gigi's colleague that covered on Fox11 @10pm. (I must have tuned in right after this segment because I missed it yesterday). Scroll down to the video.
This is the first I have heard/seen Eva's lawyer, Nigel Brown. I can't find any info on him online.
Thank you, that's is the case.
Now that I think about it even if the autopsy come out to undetermined there's still evidence he planned the murder and there's also a motive. (I think the other case circumstantial evidence was something like she wanted her freedom)

even if he claims an accident they found evidence he planned the murder.
Maybe he got a deal that's why he said the location of the body.
Does anyone know if someone agrees to a plea deal, does the case still go to trial? I would imagine he'd say I'll tell you the location and in return you give me 20 years. But in those cases I think it's required they plead guilty too. The fact that he's not planning to plead guilty yet showed them the body is confusing to me. Without the body he could have continued to claim he was kidnapped or plant a seed of thought he was sent to another country which would give him a good chance that not everyone on the jury would convict him of murder. That was his meal ticket they couldn't find the body. Now he gave that up. Makes me think he did it without consulting a lawyer or else against lawyer's wishes, coinciding with his last lawyer bailing the case same day. I can picture Sr kicking himself regretting his decision. He may have been very emotional returning to CA and seeing public outrage and opinion and desperate to be the good guy without thoroughly thinking through the consequences.
How does a person kill their child after leaving Disneyland?

Have you ever seen the look on kids faces at Disneyland? Just wow.

This father has no shame and continued plotting while his son was having the time of his little life. Very sad indeed.
Does anyone know if someone agrees to a plea deal, does the case still go to trial? I would imagine he'd say I'll tell you the location and in return you give me 20 years. But in those cases I think it's required they plead guilty too. The fact that he's not planning to plead guilty yet showed them the body is confusing to me. Without the body he could have continued to claim he was kidnapped or plant a seed of thought he was sent to another country which would give him a good chance that not everyone on the jury would convict him of murder. That was his meal ticket they couldn't find the body. Now he gave that up. Makes me think he did it without consulting a lawyer or else against lawyer's wishes, coinciding with his last lawyer bailing the case same day. I can picture Sr kicking himself regretting his decision. He may have been very emotional returning to CA and seeing public outrage and opinion and desperate to be the good guy without thoroughly thinking through the consequences.

The thing is that he is collaborating with the police which is a tactic used to have a lower sentence. But I totally agree doesn't make any sense if he is pleading not guilty to tell them where the body was unless his defense is negligence such as blaming little Ara and saying he took the pills himself. Either way with the evidence that he planned the murder I find hard to believe anyone to believe his defense.
The thing is that he is collaborating with the police which is a tactic used to have a lower sentence. But I totally agree doesn't make any sense if he is pleading not guilty to tell them where the body was unless his defense is negligence such as blaming little Ara and saying he took the pills himself. Either way with the evidence that he planned the murder I find hard to believe anyone to believe his defense.
If a child takes pills you call poison control and 911 and drive them to the ER not 2 hours to a remote location to dump their body.
I know right where this is!!! I was just there a few weeks ago. I wonder why the cadaver dogs didn't find him. So many people hike from this spot!!!!!

I know they said this area was previously searched. I don't know if Vista Point specifically was searched or they are just talking about the Lake Cachuma area in general. If they did search it with dogs then I'm going to guess he was in the water. I never saw any previous pictures of them at Vista Point searching but I said to my daughter yesterday that I would think it would have been an obvious location to search to our local LE who know the area. It sure seemed like an obvious location to search to me and it's the only place I mentioned outside of Cachuma and Nojoqui.
I think his motive for killing the boy was to hurt his Mother in the worst way he possibly could. My guess is he's very narcissistic and immature. The only thing I can think of them possibly coming up with for accidental would be if the boy accidentally ingested some of his "pills" that weren't his and overdosing and he panicked and drove all the way to Vista Point to dispose of him. It's about 3 hours from Dland to Vista Point without traffic. If he stopped at Nojoqui prior to that even longer. I went to Dland last year on a Tuesday day time and it was a long 4.5 hour drive. Either way I don't see him getting away with this.
Especially when sleeping pills have safety features a 5 year old can't open and being sleeping pills how would he be so certain he wasn't in a deep sleep and take him to the hospital to revive. He'd have then disposed the boy while he was asleep and not dead.
Especially when sleeping pills have safety features a 5 year old can't open and being sleeping pills how would he be so certain he wasn't in a deep sleep and take him to the hospital to revive. He'd have then disposed the boy while he was asleep and not dead.

It's hard to even think about what he might have done to that poor little boy. It breaks my heart. :tears:

I'm just taking guesses at his possible defense theories. I can't see anything working for him though and he best just take a plea deal and save everyone from a lengthy and expensive trial. He's toast in my opinion.
How does a person kill their child after leaving Disneyland?

Have you ever seen the look on kids faces at Disneyland? Just wow.

This father has no shame and continued plotting while his son was having the time of his little life. Very sad indeed.
I'm going to take a guess that he thought that since he had to kill him, he wanted his last day on Earth to be wonderful (sick, gag, hard to write that)

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I don't see how he can say it's an accident. The day before Disneyland he missed a court ordered Skype call with the mother. That right there shows me that he was already deviating from a normal visitation with his son. Even if he missed it due to unforeseen circumstances, why not make the call the next morning before going to Disneyland? Wouldn't you be worried that the Judge would take visitation privileges away for not complying with the custody agreement? We shall see. This will probably take years to go to trial.
One of the menendez brothers married his lawyer but maybe he's not on death row.

I dont think he gave up the location for a plea deal because if he did his lawyer would be involved with the negotiation I would think. Instead the old one quit I'm guessing because he can't have a good case with the body discovered and the new one canceled his Saturday afternoon news conference and stopped with his he's innocent statements has been quiet suddenly. Before they found the body the new lawyer said his arrest was a rush to judgment by th sheriff's department and after they found the body suddenly says it's a sad day.

Plus the body was found around 4am as if it was an independent decision he had in the middle of the night around the same time he had committed the crime as if he had this desire to revisit the site.

Or maybe it was his new lawyer's idea to tell LE where the body was. As a former DA maybe he calculated it was a powerful negotiating chip and was the best time to cut a good plea deal.

Whether on death row or sentenced to LWOP, conjugal visits are not allowed in CA. But people can get married and ahve a ceremony where they are together. They just can't have sex.

Little man syndrome, enraged that Ara's mother got the better of him and he had to show her that he was a big man, able to make her pay.

That's exactly it. He was filled with impotent rage because she left him, so he hurt her the best way he knew how. I think he's proud of himself.

I understand defense attorneys are necessary and important <modsnip> In this situation it would be better to simply say "We are all filled with sorrow due to the discovery of little Aramazd's body. Please take a moment to send your thoughts and prayers to those who grieve for him tonight. Mr Andressian has no comment at this time."

That would be classy and respectful without influencing any future jury in any way. It just DISGUSTS ME that he has to say "he's not guilty and he's grieving like everyone else" when he's been partying it up in Vegas for weeks.

Me too. It's also baffling. It seems so crazy. How can attorneys make completely ridiculous statements like that with a straight face. It makes them seem unhinged. I have to litigate against a couple now and then and I just think they lack any sense of ethics and are outrageous liars. I don't understand how they think they can make crazy statement like that and have anyone believe them. Does it ever work? Because they keep doing it. (Most are not crazy like that).

Assuming the boy was alive when grandma and aunt were dropped off after Disneyland let's say at 1:45am, then how could he say the boy accidentally died when he lived a few minutes away and instead drove 2 hours to Santa Barbara? That plus I would guess his computer was full of searches on how to kill and discard a body since LE stated with certainty it was preplanned. Plus I'm guessing the autopsy will rule out a lot of fake excuses he may make and ideally point out to how he was killed which might match some of his Internet searches.

For example in CA case she had made 83 searches on chloroform on her computer the prior month including how to make it and traces were found on the duct tape and body (yet jury said since they didn't know exactly how the child was killed, even though they thought she killed her, that they couldn't convict her). Anyone know if that's the law in CA, that the precise method of killing must be determined in order to convict? I'm guessing not since it was stated at PC they've made convictions without even a body.

Other potential holes in the story: Sr. tells LE April 22 morning at Arroyo park that he brought boy with him but doesn't remember what happened to him or when he last saw him, denies he's dead and wants him found yet 2 months later remembers the exact remote location he had placed his dead body prior to going to Arroyo park.

He tells LE boy with him at lake but surveillance shows he enters leaves park without him. The former DA/his new lawyer will come up with some fascinating story imo but it will be an uphill battle to convince people when there's so much evidence imo.

I dont care what he says LE has good evidence that he planned it even before his body was found thats why they were able to charge him with murder. Now they have his body a more solid case.

Oh yeah. He's going down. I mean he said he was at the Lake the day before, and then he is found over an hour away, high on pills, lying outside his car which is soaked with gas, claiming he doesn't remember what happened? And then his son's body is found exactly where he was the day before!

Does he believe some random person decided to hit him over the head, grab his son, place his son somewhere, then douse the car with gasoline, inexplicably run off before lighting it, and then take his son coincidentally back to the very place the defendant was at the day before, and hide little Ara's body there?

No one but an insane person is going to believe that.

Oh and if he tries to say he was crazy, well he seemed to be doing quit fine in Vegas, having a blast. If he was momentarily crazy but no longer is, then he would be continuously distraught after the fact, in light of the disappearance of his son, not yucking it up all over the place. And if he remained out of his mind, he wouldn't be able to get to Vegas, dye his hair and shave, trying to change his appearance, and run around town having fun.

It's utterly nonsensical.
I don't see how he can say it's an accident. The day before Disneyland he missed a court ordered Skype call with the mother. That right there shows me that he was already deviating from a normal visitation with his son. Even if he missed it due to unforeseen circumstances, why not make the call the next morning before going to Disneyland? Wouldn't you be worried that the Judge would take visitation privileges away for not complying with the custody agreement? We shall see. This will probably take years to go to trial.
I wish the mother called police when the Skype call was missed Tue.
I've seen little Piqui wearing this cross necklace in a few pictures. I hope he didnt strangle him with it.

I don't understand how Sr could give up the location of Jr's body then plead "not guilty" unless he's going to plead insanity-which I find unlikely or he's going to try to claim it was accidental and he panicked. I just don't see either of those working out for him if LE has the intel they claim to. He can plead all he wants but that doesn't mean things will go his way. I personally feel a plea bargain coming and I think he knows his days are numbered. Mr Lawyer can say whatever he wants.
If he took a Plea deal he would start serving his sentence immediately. Here in CA high profile cases of this magnitude wont even go to trial for at least a minimum of 4+ years. Charles Chase Merritt still hasnt gone to trial for McStay family murders.
I wish the mother called police when the Skype call was missed Tue.

Sadly they would have simply said "Thats a civil matter. Go to court." There are thousands of parents who bicker about custody issues daily. The cops don't view violations as criminal.

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