Found Deceased CA - Blaze Bernstein, 19, Lake Forest, 2 Jan 2018 #5 *Arrest*

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Not at all Jazz. The only posts of yours I remember are the amazingly insightful ones ABOUT mental health professionals.

I just know that when I've said something a hundred times I get tired of saying it. It's nice to have someone else come in and say it too. So now that the thread had slowed down a little I was just trying to help with that. Hoping to help prevent the repetitiveness of the previous threads. That's all!

Thanks so much for the explanation! I understand what you mean about things being said a hundred times, and how you were trying to prevent the repetitiveness of previous threads. That makes perfect sense.

I felt remorseful about possibly contributing to it because I keyed in so hard on questioning why Blaze left his glasses behind.

My kids tell me I'm about as subtle as a sledge-hammer. ;)

So thanks again for the reassurance, and for your very kind words!

Btw, I always smile when I read 'What a Kerfuffle' under your username. So quaint and catchy! Describes many situations very well...
Seeing that Blaze called this guy at such an odd hour, it could be he was looking for drugs. Maybe SW gave him heroin laced with fentanyl (killer). SW got scared and buried him rather than call someone and get caught doing this. Just another scenario.

Yet the condition of Blaze's body made them suspect his death was a homicide. I suppose just the fact his body was concealed might lead them to suspect it was a homicide.
Ok. In that case, throw out all his statements putting him with Blaze or near the park, too? Or?

There's a little truth in Sam's statements. The problem with them is is that there's just enough truth (in Sam's mind!) to divert attention from Sam. Lord, how we've learned how important his statements have become to law enforcement!

The only reference to the store Hobby Lobby came from the mouth of SW.
The same mouth that couldn’t provide an address nor his GF’s last name.
Hardly credible.
Hi I'm fairly new around here though I've posted a couple of time on other stories - but please forgive me if I don't quite follow the rules. I'm probably repeating much of what others have already said as I've read most of these threads. But this is what happened from my point of view.

My own initial thoughts were that it was either a drugs deal or hook up gone bad. I now suspect having read other non MSM sources that they did indeed know each other at HS and perhaps had a fling or relationship, though probably something fleeting and insubstantial. But maybe no contact but they'd definitely noticed each other and had some attraction.

I think that SW was wrestling with issues with regard to his identity, sexuality, not fitting in and was maybe bullied in early years (just 'a bit off' as many have said), who therefore used his politics and opinions to establish a rationale for why he didn't fit with a majoritively liberal culture at the arts based high school. It suggests to me that he has a struggle too with his sexuality which caused some internal and external conflict with how he saw himself and other homosexuals.

Blaze on the other hand looks like a confident and happy gay young man. On the path to success at a good school (in contrast to SW?). However good his relationship with his parents I suspect they would not have known about all his activities (possible membership of gay hook up sites and even use of drugs).

So I think after a lovely homely evening with parents and grandparents BB and SW got chatting on snapchat (maybe after seeing each other on a hook-up site or another social media site) and decided to meet - maybe just for a catch up or more. Both young men were attractive in an interestingly different way and I could understand that there was still a lingering attraction whatever the nature of their previous involvement. Potentially BB fancied a a brief hook up or he just went to talk, maybe he hadn't quite made up his mind but the hook up was certainly a possibility. For a quick hook up he didn't need money or ID for that, didn't take his glasses for vanity reasons, and certainly wasnt going to tell his parents that was what he was potentially popping out to do. (I think thats normal however liberal your parents!)

I think they probably ended up at the park for that hook up and either BB changed his mind, made SW feel inadequate or small in some unintended way, or SW simply couldn't deal with seeing himself in this compromised position and lashed out. SW was a beefier, taller, stronger guy and could easily overwhelm poor BB who put up a fight and potentially had SW's DNA under his fingernails as he desperately tried to claw him off him (leaving the scratch marks as testament). There may also of course, be other DNA traces elsewhere. SW disposed of the body and texted the friend on BB's 'loan' phone - as an attempt to divert suspicion towards BB getting himself into an alternative situation with a third person...

But SW was panicking and not thinking clearly about how to cover his tracks, explain away BB's disappearance and his own alibi. Later, at 4am he may have returned to check he had concealed the body well - having been in a panic earlier. He suspected this would be found out via CCTV or phone tracking so had to say he returned to the park looking for Blaze later.

I think SW was definitely in a panic state - I do not believe the murder was pre-meditated, so his movements and explanations were a bit off. For my own part I suspect he might have been quite infatuated with Blaze - the confident, happy and popular kid he half wanted to be at HS and half loathed too.

I don't think he set out intending to kill BB. I think his messy attempts to cover his tracks and divert attention show that.

There are a few things I don't fully understand yet though:
- how the family or police tracked down SW straight after BB went missing - this suggests they had some contact on more than one app - maybe spotting each other on one social media forum and then switching to snapchat or Whatsapp to arrange to meet. If it was, as I believe, the family who made contact with him when they discovered BB missing they must have been able to access one of these apps as BB's phone was missing. It is this access to the app that immediately brought SW into the frame. If they had only communicated on snapchat he would not have been easy to track down - it might have taken longer to trace cars, phones or CCTV to lead police to him.
- dirt under the fingernails several days in - its been said - strange that he hadn't managed to get rid of it (a guy not used to gardening!) but it again points to his panic and confusion - as you'd expect in a young man now finding himself a murderer.
- what did the parents know or suspect? - son is closely involved in a disappearance, being questioned by police, followed by reporters hovering outside your house and sitting at your table with dirty fingernails. His mother must have asked him the direct question.
- Cars - I'm not clear about where his car is and the rental car details - I didnt entirely catch up on the sources for this info - presumably more will come out later about that.
- Flight - did police arrest him because he was about to make a run for it? They were keeping him under surveillance and then had got the DNA results back. How can SW have thought he'd manage to run away? Not sure that any change of appearance/haircut was convincing!

We probably wont ever have all the answers with the possibility of a plea bargain.

Finally and I'm sure I shall be unpopular for saying this - please take as read I am of course desperately sorry for BB and his family. But I am also sorry for SW. I've now seen a number of pictures of him and frankly I don't think you can say he looks evil, hostile. Maybe blank and disconnected but actually there's a range of looks and pictures - like any young person. He is a good looking young man.

But clearly if he's prosecuted and convicted something has very badly gone wrong in his psyche and experience to bring him to this dreadful place, a suspected murderer, someone who has (if proved) snuffed out someone else's life and ruined many others including the victim's familly's, his own and his family's lives. We may never know the conflict, turmoil, regret or confusion in his mind since it happened - or the plain stupid defiance from someone who never felt like he fitted in. Whatever, the real truth he simply wasn't clever or calculated enough to cover his tracks.

How sad. Both Blaze and Sam started life with lots of advantages and opportunities to have good and happy lives. And its come to this.

I agree completely
I believe that applies in most states.

I remember one time a guy who tried to say the girl he was with died from an erotic sex act that she willingly participated in claiming it was an accident instead of murder. She had been strangled to death. He was charged with first degree and his attorneys did go with this defense claiming it was all an accident. The jury didn't believe him for one second and found him guilty of premeditated first degree. Sorry, I cant remember his name at the moment.

Most genuine crime of passion cases I have seen are 2nd degree murder and most were convicted of that charge.

It will all depend on if Blaze had defensive wounds or bruises and was beaten and bruised before he finally was killed. Each violent act committed against the victim can show it was a premeditated act to kill.

I have read over the years it takes up to four minutes to strangle someone to death. I don't know if Blaze was strangled, but if so, it shows the perpetrator had many minutes in which to stop his murderous act before he killed him. It shows his full intent was to murder Blaze. IMO

I really do not think this will be less than first degree. There are countless ways to prove premeditation.

Imo, for whatever reason, SW wanted Blaze dead, and that is why he is no longer living today.

Now if there are no other wounds on the body but except maybe ONE fatal blow to the head that may be a lesser degree. If strangled, that takes aforethought, and constant intent the entire time it took for Blaze to die.

Usually crime of passion cases are where someone picks up something handy in a fit of rage, and hits the victim one time causing their death. I just don't see that happening in this case.

JMO though

Yes. Yes. And Yes.

And if he were killed in that park I can't imagine there was anything handy to hit him with besides his fist.

And you are so right about strangulation. It doesn't happen like in the movies. The person loses consciousness in a matter of seconds and then it takes minutes of continuously holding firm pressure on the arteries in the neck to actually kill them. IMO it is a deliberate act and a case for premeditation.
I think it was a pretty usual hour for 19 yr olds, home from school. I don't think it was that odd an hour.

I don't believe this was ever about drugs. I think they were planning a quick hook up, and BB did not realize how angry/emotional/resentful, his ex friend was. JMO

Yes. Many have made mention of the time and how strange that is. I find it extremely reasonable to leave your house at that time at that age. It’s really not that late. And, after all, he had been away at college left to his own devices. When I moved away for college, sonerines we wouldn’t go out until 11 or later.

I also dont don’t think this has to do with drugs. I feel it was intimate related. I do wonder if they hadn’t seen each other besides this one night over the break. I also believe there was something that happened in the moment. I don’t believe it was premeditated. It seems too sloppy. Something highly emotional perhaps. Just my own hypothesis.

I also domt don’t think it off he didn’t bring a wallet if he didn’t need one (gone for an hour or two and not driving). Glasses? He was probably wearing contacts. No keys? Keyless every into the house or he went out window?
Hi I'm fairly new around here though I've posted a couple of time on other stories - but please forgive me if I don't quite follow the rules. I'm probably repeating much of what others have already said as I've read most of these threads. But this is what happened from my point of view.

My own initial thoughts were that it was either a drugs deal or hook up gone bad. I now suspect having read other non MSM sources that they did indeed know each other at HS and perhaps had a fling or relationship, though probably something fleeting and insubstantial. But maybe no contact but they'd definitely noticed each other and had some attraction.

I think that SW was wrestling with issues with regard to his identity, sexuality, not fitting in and was maybe bullied in early years (just 'a bit off' as many have said), who therefore used his politics and opinions to establish a rationale for why he didn't fit with a majoritively liberal culture at the arts based high school. It suggests to me that he has a struggle too with his sexuality which caused some internal and external conflict with how he saw himself and other homosexuals.

Blaze on the other hand looks like a confident and happy gay young man. On the path to success at a good school (in contrast to SW?). However good his relationship with his parents I suspect they would not have known about all his activities (possible membership of gay hook up sites and even use of drugs).

So I think after a lovely homely evening with parents and grandparents BB and SW got chatting on snapchat (maybe after seeing each other on a hook-up site or another social media site) and decided to meet - maybe just for a catch up or more. Both young men were attractive in an interestingly different way and I could understand that there was still a lingering attraction whatever the nature of their previous involvement. Potentially BB fancied a a brief hook up or he just went to talk, maybe he hadn't quite made up his mind but the hook up was certainly a possibility. For a quick hook up he didn't need money or ID for that, didn't take his glasses for vanity reasons, and certainly wasnt going to tell his parents that was what he was potentially popping out to do. (I think thats normal however liberal your parents!)

I think they probably ended up at the park for that hook up and either BB changed his mind, made SW feel inadequate or small in some unintended way, or SW simply couldn't deal with seeing himself in this compromised position and lashed out. SW was a beefier, taller, stronger guy and could easily overwhelm poor BB who put up a fight and potentially had SW's DNA under his fingernails as he desperately tried to claw him off him (leaving the scratch marks as testament). There may also of course, be other DNA traces elsewhere. SW disposed of the body and texted the friend on BB's 'loan' phone - as an attempt to divert suspicion towards BB getting himself into an alternative situation with a third person...

But SW was panicking and not thinking clearly about how to cover his tracks, explain away BB's disappearance and his own alibi. Later, at 4am he may have returned to check he had concealed the body well - having been in a panic earlier. He suspected this would be found out via CCTV or phone tracking so had to say he returned to the park looking for Blaze later.

I think SW was definitely in a panic state - I do not believe the murder was pre-meditated, so his movements and explanations were a bit off. For my own part I suspect he might have been quite infatuated with Blaze - the confident, happy and popular kid he half wanted to be at HS and half loathed too.

I don't think he set out intending to kill BB. I think his messy attempts to cover his tracks and divert attention show that.

There are a few things I don't fully understand yet though:
- how the family or police tracked down SW straight after BB went missing - this suggests they had some contact on more than one app - maybe spotting each other on one social media forum and then switching to snapchat or Whatsapp to arrange to meet. If it was, as I believe, the family who made contact with him when they discovered BB missing they must have been able to access one of these apps as BB's phone was missing. It is this access to the app that immediately brought SW into the frame. If they had only communicated on snapchat he would not have been easy to track down - it might have taken longer to trace cars, phones or CCTV to lead police to him.
- dirt under the fingernails several days in - its been said - strange that he hadn't managed to get rid of it (a guy not used to gardening!) but it again points to his panic and confusion - as you'd expect in a young man now finding himself a murderer.
- what did the parents know or suspect? - son is closely involved in a disappearance, being questioned by police, followed by reporters hovering outside your house and sitting at your table with dirty fingernails. His mother must have asked him the direct question.
- Cars - I'm not clear about where his car is and the rental car details - I didnt entirely catch up on the sources for this info - presumably more will come out later about that.
- Flight - did police arrest him because he was about to make a run for it? They were keeping him under surveillance and then had got the DNA results back. How can SW have thought he'd manage to run away? Not sure that any change of appearance/haircut was convincing!

We probably wont ever have all the answers with the possibility of a plea bargain.

Finally and I'm sure I shall be unpopular for saying this - please take as read I am of course desperately sorry for BB and his family. But I am also sorry for SW. I've now seen a number of pictures of him and frankly I don't think you can say he looks evil, hostile. Maybe blank and disconnected but actually there's a range of looks and pictures - like any young person. He is a good looking young man.

But clearly if he's prosecuted and convicted something has very badly gone wrong in his psyche and experience to bring him to this dreadful place, a suspected murderer, someone who has (if proved) snuffed out someone else's life and ruined many others including the victim's familly's, his own and his family's lives. We may never know the conflict, turmoil, regret or confusion in his mind since it happened - or the plain stupid defiance from someone who never felt like he fitted in. Whatever, the real truth he simply wasn't clever or calculated enough to cover his tracks.

How sad. Both Blaze and Sam started life with lots of advantages and opportunities to have good and happy lives. And its come to this.

i couldn’t agree more. Your theory is so, so similar to mine with a variation here or there. I’m wondering if the motive has to do with a past history or some jealousy over a current relationship B.B. may have been in.
Or he might have put him in the drain, gone home and got bags of dirt from the gardening shed, came back and threw it in. This might block the drain but not until heavy rains would it be obviously clogged.

Just a guess of course.

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He wasn't in the drain. That was speculation but was cleared up - he was in a shallow grave.

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Searching through the sheriff blotter I found something I brought up before on this forum, but it was before it became a homicide investigation. But it's curious that right in the Hobby Lobby shopping area there was a "Disturbance" listed in the early hours of 1/3/18.

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Just to clarify what it says at the top of those columns.

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This case brought A LOT of new members to Websleuths. So there was definitely a bit more repetitiveness in this case. However, it's mostly due to people commenting quickly without reading or people listening to rumor. The repetitiveness was needed to get the accurate points across. Now that it's slowed down a bit and mods have handled things, I think we can really get a handle on what is fact and what is not.

Thanks so much for the explanation! I understand what you mean about things being said a hundred times, and how you were trying to prevent the repetitiveness of previous threads. That makes perfect sense.

I felt remorseful about possibly contributing to it because I keyed in so hard on questioning why Blaze left his glasses behind.

My kids tell me I'm about as subtle as a sledge-hammer. ;)

So thanks again for the reassurance, and for your very kind words!

Btw, I always smile when I read 'What a Kerfuffle' under your username. So quaint and catchy! Describes many situations very well...
I can't believe we had pages and pages of discussion based on the report that Blaze died due to strangulation and it has since been retracted.

Gotta love MSM. My problem is, I read something from MSM and it gets stuck in my head. It becomes "fact" in the case to me. I imagine I'm not the only one who does this. Then after it's been discovered it's not really fact, some of us still have it stuck in our heads as such. It does make for confusion in our cases.

I remember the discussion of the significance of the black belt being found in the vehicle SW was renting and how that could have played a part in this "strangulation."

Now we are back to square one, we have no idea how Blaze was killed.

Don't know where I'm going with this, just trying to keep our facts straight.
LE not releasing details on the condition of the body is not suspicious. Common pre-trial tactics. Not voluntarily providing defense attorneys case information before legally required. Bail hearing, defense attorneys arguments are limited based on limited information.

I can't believe we had pages and pages of discussion based on the report that Blaze died due to strangulation and it has since been retracted.

Gotta love MSM. My problem is, I read something from MSM and it gets stuck in my head. It becomes "fact" in the case to me. I imagine I'm not the only one who does this. Then after it's been discovered it's not really fact, some of us still have it stuck in our heads as such. It does make for confusion in our cases.

I remember the discussion of the significance of the black belt being found in the vehicle SW was renting and how that could have played a part in this "strangulation."

Now we are back to square one, we have no idea how Blaze was killed.

Don't know where I'm going with this, just trying to keep our facts straight.

iirc, belt/strangulation was speculation by readers in this forum (and stated as such), not a cause or method of death proffered by LE or reported en masse in MSM.
This case brought A LOT of new members to Websleuths. So there was definitely a bit more repetitiveness in this case. However, it's mostly due to people commenting quickly without reading or people listening to rumor. The repetitiveness was needed to get the accurate points across. Now that it's slowed down a bit and mods have handled things, I think we can really get a handle on what is fact and what is not.
I love repetitiveness. I am on my phone more than my computer, it doesn't always go to the last post read. And scrolling through hundreds of posts to get to where I was is a pain. Eventually I just start where it takes me. So appreciate everyone's patience with re-explaing things. So I never mind scrolling thru info regardless of how often I have seen it, knowing it is often me trying to get caught up

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I can't understand how he got him buried at all. Seems the root systems in that area would make digging with a shovel impossible .

We had had heavy winds and tons of debris in the area. Our soul is also pretty soft. At least a couple inches of top soil. And that place was hilly so previous rains probably built up a lot of sandy
and soft soil in places.

My guess is he dug out a shallow area with his hands and covered it with leaves. Hence the dirt under his nails.

I don't think this was well thought out. I think it's possible he intended to cause some sort of harm and realized it was a lot harder to hide or move a body or get the victim to go where he wanted him to go while alive. Either that or he became murderous and killed him without a lot of previous planning and had to figure out what to do quickly.

It appears so. OC Sheriff's Dept at 16:20 on this video: "We know that they had a communication to meet up at the park." Maybe they met at the park and SW didn't pick him up at his home?

Hmm. I know previous reports were that he had to give this friend his address. Maybe it was the park address?

This is what I think happened. I think he went back home to get a shovel and some dirt and came back to cover the drain to which he put Blaze in (MOO). Who knows how long he would have been there, if it hadn't been for the rain. Pretty clever, if he did do it this way, because no one walking by even saw any disturbed dirt which would have been a big clue that Blaze was buried there.

I know one of us went to the park and surmised that Blaze was put ina drain there but that was
never determined by LE, right? Grandad spoke about a grave.

Seeing that Blaze called this guy at such an odd hour, it could be he was looking for drugs. Maybe SW gave him heroin laced with fentanyl (killer). SW got scared and buried him rather than call someone and get caught doing this. Just another scenario.

IMO there is zero to suggest that this bright, shining and active college student who was heavily involved in college life and doing very well there, was purchasing serious drugs like heroin or fentanyl.

And pot is legal here since 1-1-18 so not hard to get that.

Hi Bravo,

You may be right, but I guess I have not looked into SW's background in order to agree. Where might I find some info on SW?

It makes me sad whenever someone is killed --They are always the shinning light. A loss to society, while the killer is always worthless.,. I happen to know a lot of people who when young would have been described as "write-offs" to society, but learned from their mistakes and ended up Becoming a very valued member of that society. I in fact was a screw up. Anyone who knows me today is shocked at my background. They never met the worthless me only people who knew me in my youth would agree with the Worthless label.

Forgive me, this kind of thinking has always been a sore spot with me. This is in no way addressed to you., rather society in genera-we humans can be very tough on each other.
I will read up on SW, though, for a better understanding.


I suppose it is just easier for us to accept when it is put in Black and White terms. Victim the Bright future......Suspected killer the Dark menace to. society.

This thought came about not because I disagree with you , but your post made me think about the many cases discussed here and in the news that always seem to be presented that way.
I would like to read some info on the background of SW. Perhaps it would make me understand a motive...If he is the killer


This guy is mentioned elsewhere on the internet by people claiming to have knowledge of him as not having empathy when in high school.

I was a troubled kid too. Supposed to be a statistic. But I never hurt anyone.

Yeah, nothing is ever that black and white. But murder is not a "mistake". It's far past that. Once he crossed that threshold, he indeed became a dark menace to society. Which is why we imprison such people- to protect society from them, as I'm sure you'll agree.

He wasn't irredeemable until that point. Until he made a choice that took him over the threshold. Some decisions can't be taken back.

Thank you RUK, for expressing your thoughts this way. I can tell this was difficult to write about yourself.

What you say, though is so important! Society in general does write off those who have made very serious mistakes. It is so heartening to hear you describe knowing many people who learned from their mistakes when young and are now valued members of society. Yourself included!

You take offense at the thought that some people are not given that extra chance and are thought to be beyond hope. You make a good point.

Yet, while I may feel compassion for painful events in SW's life, and want to understand him, none of that changes the fact that the poster you quoted is correct, in my opinion.

Blaze is the victim. He had everything going for him. He would have been an asset to the world. His loss is immeasurable!

SW made his own choices, and he needs to be held accountable. If he is proven guilty of murder, society needs to be protected from him.

The million dollar question is how to prevent people like SW getting to this point.

I don't want to derail the thread though about risk factors and crime. This thread is about Blaze.

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth either, or say that you feel differently about SW. I'm just trying to explain why the posters here may feel that SW might not be capable of redemption in the eyes of society.

I hope that makes sense.

I do want to thank you for your heartfelt post. I believe you have a very good point...

Btw, so glad you made it, and are no longer a 'screw-up' as you stated. So pleased for you that you worked hard to be where you are today...

Very well said. I try and never think of anyone as "worthless". Only as lost, not being able to see the path their journey is suppose to take. Having said that, becoming accountable for one's actions is usually one of the first steps towards getting on the right path. Some are never able to do that. I also realize that there are some that are just truly evil and unable to live in society

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iirc, belt/strangulation was speculation by readers in this forum (and stated as such), not a cause or method of death proffered by LE or reported en masse in MSM.

No, seajay is right. There was a MSM Facebook post at one point that stated that BB died of strangulation. That post has since been removed, or someone suggested it was a cloned Facebook page, idk. But, in any event, it was reported at one point, believed to be from MSM, and has since been removed.

Police have consistently refused to publicize or speculate on Blaze’s cause of death.

“Several questions remain unanswered about Bernstein’s death, which jolted a community officials say rarely sees such violence. Authorities have not said how or why he died or whether a weapon was used. Barnes also declined to describe Bernstein’s relationship with Woodward. According to the Register, they attended the Orange County School of the Arts in Santa Ana, Calif., together.

“Barnes, however, said that investigators believe Woodward acted alone. Investigators also say Bernstein’s body was in that shallow grave the whole time he was missing.

“Jail records show Woodward is being held without bond and is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday.”
No, seajay is right. There was a MSM Facebook post at one point that stated that BB died of strangulation. That post has since been removed, or someone suggested it was a cloned Facebook page, idk. But, in any event, it was reported at one point, believed to be from MSM, and has since been removed.

So it wasn’t an MSM source. It was a false post made on a false page, which was since been deleted. Thank you for clarifying.
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