CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - #12

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It would be very difficult to wait 2-3 months time for an appliance. Here, lots of stores have free shipping with orders over 50 dollars..... Living near a large city such as Chicago lot's is available 24 hours within a very short drive. The only time I remember being anywhere the sidewalks rolled up at 6pm was in rural Louisiana. I asked for a menu at a bar, and they looked at me like I had 3 heads. They had free supper which was deer meat stew, white rice and white bread. I had it rather than drink on an empty stomach.

It's only 6:45 pm here, Central time. Still several hours to go until the new year.

Happy New year!!! How is next year, zwiebel? I've always wanted to ask someone that.

Praying this is the year we find Bob!
" should address wolves in a decisive tone.'

So the man in the article says. What he meant to say was, 'Yell for Oriah or GrainneDhu at the top of your voice!'

Hahaha! I also have a vision of the soldier saying "Sit!" "Stay!"
Next year is pretty dark, not too cold, and not a snowflake in sight! In fact, the sun was out earlier. All the Germans are in their kleingartens (google it, it's complicated), drinking a lot of beer. And I mean a lot. And me and Mr Z are really hungry! Not the dog though, his food's in cans and refrigerators aren't necessary!

It would be very difficult to wait 2-3 months time for an appliance. Here, lots of stores have free shipping with orders over 50 dollars..... Living near a large city such as Chicago lot's is available 24 hours within a very short drive. The only time I remember being anywhere the sidewalks rolled up at 6pm was in rural Louisiana. I asked for a menu at a bar, and they looked at me like I had 3 heads. They had free supper which was deer meat stew, white rice and white bread. I had it rather than drink on an empty stomach.

It's only 6:45 pm here, Central time. Still several hours to go until the new year.

Happy New year!!! How is next year, zwiebel? I've always wanted to ask someone that.

Praying this is the year we find Bob!
Hahaha! I also have a vision of the soldier saying "Sit!" "Stay!"

I like the bit where they say he was armed, but with no live ammo. A soldier???

Glad though. They were pups, just having a bit of fun......hope I never meet one on my walks though........
Next year is pretty dark, not too cold, and not a snowflake in sight! In fact, the sun was out earlier. All the Germans are in their kleingartens (google it, it's complicated), drinking a lot of beer. And I mean a lot. And me and Mr Z are really hungry! Not the dog though, his food's in cans and refrigerators aren't necessary!

BBM, is this close?

Wish I could order you food and have it delivered. Would if I could.
BBM, is this close?

Wish I could order you food and have it delivered. Would if I could.

You got it about the kleingartens, except many of the people in my place live in tiny apartments and then have beautiful, two or three bedroom homes in their kleingartens!

I don't care if Mr Z is hungry, actually. I am real cross that he asked me to thank GrainneDhu for a recipe for a cake I made at Christmas. But I found it all by myself, and he doesn't believe me! (Grainne's been trying to help me out with the cooking stuff, poor thing).
I think this may be a stupid question, so apologies in advance but, is there a hiking season like the hunting season in California? If so, when does it get going?
Happy New year, everybody! I hope that this is the year that bob is found and brought home, and that whomever caused his disappearance be brought to swift justice.That person has been enjoying freedom long enough!!
Happy New Year, suzyq211. I second those sentiments wholeheartedly.

Hoping all us posters are back in the same year now - it got a little disorientating for me for a while there.
To pay back everyone's good wishes, I'm going to bring back a lovely subject.

Those tax thresholds in CA that might fall back to low levels unless the lame duck sessions sort them out? Are those sessions the same ones all our European papers are covering now, with talk of fiscal cliff edges, etc?

ETA Can't believe I just had to ask if a lame duck is a cliff edge, but there you go.
Zweibel, here in the USA we have multiple levels of government (and they don't always play together well.)

I think that the tax threshold question is for the state of California only while the Federal Fiscal Cliff thingy covers all of us in all our states.

I'd rather think about how our intent to bring Bob home unites us and reaches across the globe to you!

Hope this helps,

Thank you, it does. It sounds as though it works a bit like all the different European countries do, under the European Union. Only America hasn't got an equivalent state like ornery old England, sulking in the corner. Or maybe you have.....
ETA, no cryK. Whatever it is believe, please put me out of my misery....
Just a theory raised on the SAR thread:
anyon Road You Know
Mr Z said it was can read you know, and I dismissed that one. He was pretty close!

Not that this has been bugging me at ALL, you understand.....
Yay, I had it! Must be the SAR thing. ;)
I was thinking of turning it into:

Maybe I will put this into my siggy so we can reach a broad group of people :floorlaugh:
I get the feeling no-one wants to talk about fiscal deficits. I'm pretending I'm not seeing any posts containing puzzles I can't solve, so....

How about this one, which would really help me and Mr Z, actually. Any opinions on the best databases for missing persons and UIDs? I know NamUs, of course. Any more suggestions? Also, does anyone know a database which specifically concentrates on photos of the missing?

Sorry to be a bit obscure, I can't explain because I haven't got the expertise; I'll just have to show you when it's ready. I'm having to work hard for my christmas present!
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