CA CA - Bob Harrod, 81, Orange County, 27 July 2009 - # 5

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Just saw this link in the news that makes you smile forum.

A 94 yr old was allowed to spread his 3 million dollar estate where he chose.

If only Robert M. Harrod was allowed to make his own choices without intervention from those who wished to make the decisions on how he should be allowed to spend his hard earned money and live the last years of his life.

Bob, your last known wishes haven't gone unheard. Nor has your enormous generosity to your adult children, grandchildren and great grandchildren gone unheard.
Just saw this link in the news that makes you smile forum.

A 94 yr old was allowed to spread his 3 million dollar estate where he chose.

If only Robert M. Harrod was allowed to make his own choices without intervention from those who wished to make the decisions on how he should be allowed to spend his hard earned money and live the last years of his life.

Bob, your last known wishes haven't gone unheard. Nor has your enormous generosity to your adult children, grandchildren and great grandchildren gone unheard.

You know, it is really sad that only strangers see his incredible generosity to his family...the recipients certainly wont give him the credit for it!
I wish there was a Merry Christmas for Robert Harrod.

Maybe finding him would be the best Christmas ever at this time.

But I wonder if he is hidden away and will never be found?

I keep trying to give the daughters the benefit of the doubt
about any possible reason they would have to harm their dad.

But I always, come back to, if it were my dad...
And if it was, I would never give up searching, looking, holding vigils,
media contact, web page, facebook and myspace active pages,
never never give up.
I wish there was a Merry Christmas for Robert Harrod.

Maybe finding him would be the best Christmas ever at this time.

But I wonder if he is hidden away and will never be found?

I keep trying to give the daughters the benefit of the doubt
about any possible reason they would have to harm their dad.

But I always, come back to, if it were my dad...
And if it was, I would never give up searching, looking, holding vigils,
media contact, web page, facebook and myspace active pages,
never never give up.


Agree, they must know that doing all those things would be a waste of their time.
On IS, shortly after Mr. Harrod disappeared, daughter R posted something about her father may be waiting just to see if his family even cares. A few days later R posted, WHAT IF he is waiting to hear from his daughters?

Can you imagine? This is at the same time the daughters are posting on IS that their father is a snake, cheap, a chronic liar, and $$$ was his god.
I wish there was a Merry Christmas for Robert Harrod.

Maybe finding him would be the best Christmas ever at this time.

But I wonder if he is hidden away and will never be found?

I keep trying to give the daughters the benefit of the doubt
about any possible reason they would have to harm their dad.

But I always, come back to, if it were my dad...
And if it was, I would never give up searching, looking, holding vigils,
media contact, web page, facebook and myspace active pages,
never never give up.

Dream it wasnt enough to thank your post. It shows such spirit and such an open mind.

It is interesting-I cant imagine perpetrating a crime like this so I think to myself, it is not possible this was a family member. Just not possible.

But this is what I need to understand-why not just state what makes him not worth finding? I mean who knows what goes on behind anyones closed doors-were he and Georgia abusive to their children? Were they cold, ungiving?

I mean we can see that they gave monetarily to their loved ones, and even to family that was not biological. So what is behind the lack of motivation to find out what happened to this man, the patriarch of this family?

For me the yardstick is simply the fact that I have never ever seen the family of a missing man behave like this. Or the family of anyone who was missing. Never.

So if they dont care, why? I mean there are all kinds of legitimate reasons.
An oh a further thought-another reason not to waste the energy is if you know he is not coming back. Just get down and file for control of his estate within days/a week of the disappearance...dont even wait for the dust to settle.
Forgive me for being graphic here (even though this is hypothetical), but I wonder what it must be like to be opening presents or eating a Christmas dinner with family, and then think: "Hey, my Dad/Grandfather was murdered. His remains are out there, cold, decomposing, not at rest, and waiting to be found, when all will hit the fan. And we planned it/knew about it, and did nothing to make things right, despite the decades of care he provided for us. And hey, there's the guy who did it."

I think that would put a pall on a holiday, an event, or a life for most people. I'm not sure that any of the family members involved with Bob's murder has the humanity to feel that way, whatever recourse to God and religion they might make. All JMO, of course.

Bob must have had some faith in humankind if he did truly end his 6-month 'time off' from his children. I am so sorry that his love and decency must have overcome the good sense he had to break things off from them temporarily. (Or maybe it was not supposed to be temporary -- we cannot be sure.)

And this murder, after feeling love and being loved for the first time in years. How much more wicked can a group of adults be? And over money.

Merry Christmas to Fontelle and her family.
No kidding! I think the recipients need a little more Campbells Tomato or Cerznina soup! Fo'get the koolaid.

Man they make Cerznina look like a delicacy!

What fools they look like, blood blood blood nothing but blood and money. After dad paid them each 15K to leave him alone for the 6 mo's prior to his disappearance.

Can anyone of us imagine daddy paying us 15 grand to leave him alone? Which one of us wouldn't have left without being paid 15 grand to go away for 6 mo's?

And they continue on with their wicked ways without help.

So easy, just a matter of time...

JMO - I hope the youngest don't end up being the collateral damage for great grandpa's murder.
Oh what webs one weave.... sitting waiting..... what is mommy T doing to ensure her children are going to be taken care of when charges come down?

Sit back and watch. Fools with their own shovel....

It is only a matter of who is gonna eventually toss who under the bus or save their self.
Or maybe they are all too foolish and will all be charged.

Ides of March- Spring.... sweet.....

2011 looks to be a good year for those voices for Bob.

All I have to say after reading the 5 threads about Mr. Harrod is...

If it were my father that had disappeared and I had nothing to do with it, I would be out day and night looking for him, turning over every rock and leaf, kicking every garbage pile, and digging up every lump of dirt I came across until I found him. I also would do anything the police needed me to do, whether it is polygraphs, blood samples, dna samples, ANYTHING.

I would never have taken any money to just leave him alone, and I would have done anything to help facilitate his happiness.

I would do anything and everything in my power to bring my Dad home. I would never be able to rest not knowing where he is.

I just don't get his family. And even now it seems all they care about is his money, not him. Something is definitely not right.

JMO... of course.
Thank you, JL. Thank you for your perspective. Sometimes you can get weighed down by the minutiae in a case like this-so it is wonderful to have a higher level perspective weigh in.
Thank you, JL. Thank you for your perspective. Sometimes you can get weighed down by the minutiae in a case like this-so it is wonderful to have a higher level perspective weigh in.

After picking my jaw up off the floor (which was my initial reaction) and shaking my head so much that I got whiplash, I just couldn't keep my mouth shut about it.

Mr. Harrod seemed like a very generous man who tried to keep everyone happy. It's such a shame that everyone who he tried to keep happy just couldn't be happy for him once he found his second chance at love.

The actions his daughters have taken are shameful. (At least to me.) And what I find interesting is that according to the articles I've read, only the barber and her husband have been cleared. Which tells me there's motive and at least suspicion on LE's part that his family is involved. (Not to mention, a judge shot down the daughter's request for the conservatorship, which IMO, means the judge also thinks there's something suspicious within this family.)
Thank you . I am stunned. Poor bob-poor Fontelle.
What makes this motion of further interest is what is left untold-the phone calls, some documented and some undocumented, the fact that Fontelle was the one who filed the missing person's report. It was Fontelle who has born the burden of the interviews in the media, Fontelle who held the one press conference regarding the disappearance and Fontelle who has held firm in the home in spite of the lack of spousal support received...until 12/14 that is.

The family has avoided media interviews in spite of the claims that the media is not interested in their side...then we find them refusing to comment on stories. That is where my whiplash has come from...Bob is sinner and saint, victimizer or victim...this poor man who gave so generously to others, who was the support of his own.

What a shame.
This case can be easily summed up in the first paragraph of item A, pg 3 of the above linked document. There it is, the harsh truth in black and white. One of the oldest motives for murder on this planet.

And yet it still took my breath away.

Bob is speaking louder. I wonder if anyone has nightmares over this? Do they hear his last words spoken? Does it torment them at all? I hope his voice plays over and over in their heads.
So can we officially call certain people "Persons of interest" in a homicide investigation since it's specifically spelled out in these documents?
So can we officially call certain people "Persons of interest" in a homicide investigation since it's specifically spelled out in these documents?

IMHO prior to the documents, when LE stated in the most recent MSM article announcing the reward to call homicide with tips- I think that spelled it out. At least it did for me.

We know through MSM articles the hairdresser and her husband have been cleared as has stranger abduction. Bobs wife and her family were half way across the country. It doesn't leave much to the imagination who is on LE's radar. And MSM indicates LE does not believe Bob was unharmed or will be returning living.

I think it is safe to say the civil and criminal investigation into this case are running concurrently. One is closer to being closed, hopefull the criminal aspect is just waiting on those final closing touches of the civil investigation.

Snipped from page 4 (names changed to initials)

“It is undisputed by Petitioners, under oath in deposition, that the night before his disappearance, B called all three daughters together at this residence to advise them of his intent to change his will to include F. Petitioners acknowledge that the argument became “heated” and on the very next day the last person to see Bob alive was his youngest daughter J’s husband, one JM, who claims to have been performing handyman services to Mr. H’s residence when he noticed B was suddenly missing after he returned from Home Depot to purchase some items.”
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