CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #6

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I'm curious. Assume for a moment that Bryce, for whatever reason, did not leave the Castaic Lake recreation area-in general.
If he could be found some where in a proximity of where the vehicle was found <sadly, I am afraid at this point>....where is ONE place , you would say look for him?

So who wants to maybe help ...and try this?? If you want to....

Here is the approximate spot the vehicle was found
-34.518884, -118.597031

copy & paste that in google map ( unless you want to use Google Earth)

you can zoom in and take a look around...Mr Google man can walk on some roads

put your thinking caps on- critical thinking and commonsense

Find a spot, right click, left click LatLng Marker, copy and paste that coordinate & post
No explanations/reasons theories- just a coordinate
short sweet simple

does not have to be exact spot to a T

I would like to see what others may be thinking and how it may correlate with my own project...TIA if you care to

I'll try (though there isn't much critical thinking or commonsense behind it.)

(did that work?)
I'll try (though there isn't much critical thinking or commonsense behind it.)

(did that work?)

If you were trying to take me to Somalia, yes, it worked perfectly. LOL. Just kidding.... Yes, you did it right!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did we ever determine if the scent trail ended across from a police substation? if so, I am suddenly smelling something very hinky.

I believe the substation is located at upper Castaic Lake, by the main boat launching area. BL may have passed by it as he headed towards the dam, if we go by the path Dragracerz mapped for us!
If you were trying to take me to Somalia, yes, it worked perfectly. LOL. Just kidding.... Yes, you did it right!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup! Exactly where I would the heart of Somalia. What? You don't agree? :floorlaugh:
Why back up or do a u-turn? Where is your sense of adventure? :) I cannot for the life of me, come up with a scenario where I would head down a steep unfamiliar hill in the dark.

Scene: Turn into antenna site to rest, contemplate life, hide, wait for friend, blow a doobie or make a simple u-turn. You get stuck and are unable to return to Lake Hughes Road. Figuring for a solo occupant.

Normal solution:

A. Call for help. Tow, CHP, Sheriffs, friend, parents.
B. You walk for help. Sub-station, rangers.
C. Maybe you can drive down. You walk down the hill and scout the terrain. ooops, big drop-off at the end. No can do.
D. Wait and flag someone down.

Not normal solution:

A. No terrain check...Go for it...Drive down and end up on the road on your side.
B. Walk down hill to check terrain, see drop-off and still decide to drive down. Ending up on the road on your side.

The in-between, not the smartest solution.

A. The car is stuck in soft dirt either parallel to or perp to slope. Get out move dirt from around traction tires and gravity takes over. Away she goes un-manned.
B. Turns into site comes down the right side of tower enclosure. As it gets steeper you say "DOH, this is steep better stop". However, you are on a steep slope and tall dry grass. When you hit the brakes...Nothing happens..Because you are skidding on the slick grass. You try to stop the forward momentum by turning the wheel left or right.. You roll one complete revolution, nose is pointing down. Holding on for dear life at this point, you end up on the road below.
C. Same scenario as B. Except when you realize that the car is not going to stop, you jump out. The car continues down the hill unmanned.

The tweener C. scenario is a strong possibility. Anyone who has driven a golf cart on an incline and hit the brakes knows what I'm talking about. Throw a little early mornig dew in...No stopping just sliding. I have both rolled a cart and jumped from a cart that was sliding on a hill. The B scenario there is a lot of brushy area where I would think the brakes would catchat some point before the drop-off.


Sorry, but if it's dark out and I can't see where I'd be jumping out to, I'd stay in the car hanging on for dear life and hoping for the best :)
You also mentioned moving dirt from around tires, walking down terrain to check the area, and walking for help...for these scenarios you would need light. I live in mountains where there are no street lights at all. None. When the sun goes down, it's pitch black outside. I don't know how well this area is lighted at night, but if it's anything like my street, it's impossible to see anything unless it's directly in front of my headlights. Jmo but I wouldn't try those options if I can't see.

As for calling someone for help, he may have been avoiding LE. I mean he already had one search done that evening, I'm sure he didn't want to go through another, and like most 19 yr olds he probably didn't realize how serious the situation was until it was too late. The 'I can handle it, I'm indestructible' teen outlook :)
* * *k
Anyone have a guesstament as to how long it would take to walk the full trail in DRZ's bloodhound trail map for BL?

Wonder if BL could have done part of it, from "scent ends" to top of western end of dam then returning to his parked car, and between the 2:08am and 4:20am time frame?

From the western end of the dam, BL probably would have had a good view of the cell tower and where his SUV ended up.

I'm old and decrepit~okay not really but I'm out of shape and going thru physical therapy. I can walk, but it's painful. I just walked 3 miles of gentle slopes and it took me a slow and painful hour. So for someone young and in great shape I'll estimate they could leisurely walk 3 miles in 1/2 hour. Would be much shorter time period if they were scared and running, but since it was dark I doubt he was running. Jmo

ETA after further reading, according to Wikipedia I'm not as old or decrepit as I thought. My friend and I walked exactly 3 miles. I just called her to confirm and it took us 1hr 10 mins. We were going up and down gentle slopes, but I was also fighting pain with every step. I'd imagine if Bryce were not injured he could have easily covered 3 miles in much less time than 2 older, fatter ladies did. JMO
I'm curious. Assume for a moment that Bryce, for whatever reason, did not leave the Castaic Lake recreation area-in general.
If he could be found some where in a proximity of where the vehicle was found <sadly, I am afraid at this point>....where is ONE place , you would say look for him?

So who wants to maybe help ...and try this?? If you want to....

Here is the approximate spot the vehicle was found
34.518884, -118.597031

copy & paste that in google map ( unless you want to use Google Earth)

you can zoom in and take a look around...Mr Google man can walk on some roads

put your thinking caps on- critical thinking and commonsense

Find a spot, right click, left click LatLng Marker, copy and paste that coordinate & post
No explanations/reasons theories- just a coordinate
short sweet simple

does not have to be exact spot to a T

I would like to see what others may be thinking and how it may correlate with my own project...TIA if you care to

I like this idea, but I'm interested in what that area looks like at night. I personally would head towards lights, or sounds of traffic. Would be nice if someone were brave enough to go video tape the area for us at night. I think that would give us all a true sense of which way Bryce headed and why. Jmo
24 Hour Fishing

Castaic Lake has a 24 hour fishing area with a fish cleaning station located off the Lake Hughes Rd. lower lake campground entrance. Parking is free, except during park hours. Fishing OUTSIDE OF PARK HOURS in any other location, unless otherwise permitted, is PROHIBITED.

Night fishing is also allowed in the lagoon, making it a popular place for catfish anglers; especially during the summer months.

apparently there is no gate down in this section to the lagoon...I do wonder if there are cameras in there catching tags, and /or if Bryce drove down in there...and if any folks fishing that morning
I'm old and decrepit~okay not really but I'm out of shape and going thru physical therapy. I can walk, but it's painful. I just walked 3 miles of gentle slopes and it took me a slow and painful hour. So for someone young and in great shape I'll estimate they could leisurely walk 3 miles in 1/2 hour. Would be much shorter time period if they were scared and running, but since it was dark I doubt he was running. Jmo

ETA after further reading, according to Wikipedia I'm not as old or decrepit as I thought. My friend and I walked exactly 3 miles. I just called her to confirm and it took us 1hr 10 mins. We were going up and down gentle slopes, but I was also fighting pain with every step. I'd imagine if Bryce were not injured he could have easily covered 3 miles in much less time than 2 older, fatter ladies did. JMO

3 miles in a 1/2 hour? That's a 10 minute mile, which I wouldn't call leisurely at all, but maybe I'm just getting old.
Does any one know where these damned cameras are?
Are they capturing tags ON Lake Hughes Rd. itself? Catching cars heading on out past the lake, on out to Lake Hughes, town of? Or coming back into Castaic? Or just on actual PARK property?
this is what 'early' morning looks like at the big lake- from about 2 months ago it appears- and the shoreline can be seen some too
Trolling Castaic Lake for Striped Bass The Reel Brothers Presents - YouTube

now I would like to know where all them trucks & boats go turn around to get in line, cuz the sun is behind them in the east...unless they are all coming from Lake Hughes, town of?

You hear that guy say they got there at 4:00??

Oh and guess where they are lined up? Yup, Main Ramp Rd.
3 miles in a 1/2 hour? That's a 10 minute mile, which I wouldn't call leisurely at all, but maybe I'm just getting old.

When I was young, I walked 3 miles to the lake on a regular basis. It normally took about 45 minutes, and I did tend to walk faster than most people I knew. I agree that 6 mph would be faster than "leisurely".
Does any one know where these damned cameras are?
Are they capturing tags ON Lake Hughes Rd. itself? Catching cars heading on out past the lake, on out to Lake Hughes, town of? Or coming back into Castaic? Or just on actual PARK property?

The only one I found is by the lower lake right by the camp ground on Lake Hughes Rd

Camera at operations center 1.jpg

Camera at operations center 2.jpg

Camera at operations center 3.jpg
I think I'm caught up again, and I noticed something interesting about the car pictures. I don't know what the other side looks like, but if it rolled completely over, that's one heck of a roof and hood on that car. The front window is mostly intact, which means there was no real impact on the front roof, so it looks it might have been a side drop and flip, not a true rollover. The front tires are working on bald, so there was little to no grip with those. The back tires have tread, but they are just street tires and would have no purchase in that terrain. I can easily see that size vehicle rolling down the hill and brakes being of little use, the tires would just slide if there was enough momentum. I'm not talking lots of speed, but enough downhill weight to keep the car from stopping. It still looks like the lower rear quarter panel hit first (the fold over the wheel well makes me think that-there is no reason for the fold if it just landed on it's side), but the picture doesn't show the front.

The back window could easily have been broken when it hit on the passenger side.

The part that confuses me is on the back hatch. There is a severe indent about 6 inches down from the top spoiler. It doesn't match up to any marks on the side. I can't figure out how that could happen.

There is no doubt in my mind that if Bryce was in the driver's seat when the car went down, he hit his head (probably several times) on the driver's side window. (I've done that more times than I want to admit). I'm also not convinced anyone was inside when it went down. If Bryce stepped out to "check the tires" and it wasn't in park, well, I think of the time my father forgot to put one of the cars in park, and it rolled backwards down the hill in front of our house....
I think I'm caught up again, and I noticed something interesting about the car pictures. I don't know what the other side looks like, but if it rolled completely over, that's one heck of a roof and hood on that car. The front window is mostly intact, which means there was no real impact on the front roof, so it looks it might have been a side drop and flip, not a true rollover. The front tires are working on bald, so there was little to no grip with those. The back tires have tread, but they are just street tires and would have no purchase in that terrain. I can easily see that size vehicle rolling down the hill and brakes being of little use, the tires would just slide if there was enough momentum. I'm not talking lots of speed, but enough downhill weight to keep the car from stopping. It still looks like the lower rear quarter panel hit first (the fold over the wheel well makes me think that-there is no reason for the fold if it just landed on it's side), but the picture doesn't show the front.

The back window could easily have been broken when it hit on the passenger side.

The part that confuses me is on the back hatch. There is a severe indent about 6 inches down from the top spoiler. It doesn't match up to any marks on the side. I can't figure out how that could happen.

There is no doubt in my mind that if Bryce was in the driver's seat when the car went down, he hit his head (probably several times) on the driver's side window. (I've done that more times than I want to admit). I'm also not convinced anyone was inside when it went down. If Bryce stepped out to "check the tires" and it wasn't in park, well, I think of the time my father forgot to put one of the cars in park, and it rolled backwards down the hill in front of our house....

You have a good eye. I noticed some of the scratches go side to side and others go up and down. It must have slid in both those directions.
You have a good eye. I noticed some of the scratches go side to side and others go up and down. It must have slid in both those directions.

Or it spun a little when it landed. Jmo
ETA: for those of you who have visited the crash site...could Bryce have turned the steering wheel sharply to one side which would cause the vehicle to flip onto the passenger side...then slid on the passenger side off of the cliff portion, landing again on passenger side?
Also, some of the scratches on passenger side could have happened when tow truck was righting the vehicle to tow away.
3 miles in a 1/2 hour? That's a 10 minute mile, which I wouldn't call leisurely at all, but maybe I'm just getting old.

I KNOW I am getting old BUT when I'm on the treadmill I nearly kill myself to walk at an 11.5 minute mile pace at an incline...and I am almost as tall as Bryce. I would be surprised if after the crash and the days he had leading up to the crash, through the terrain by the crash, if he was moving at a pace of a 10 minute mile. With that said, I do think he had plenty of time to get out of the immediate area without having to run or draw attention to himself, if that is indeed what he did. I think he had several hours before LE shifted their focus from the car and the immediate area around it to a search of the greater area around the lake.
38200 North Lake Hughes Road
Castaic CA California, 91310
34.60774, -118.55933

^this used to be the Warm Springs Rehabilitation Center
Castaic, CA Addiction Treatment- Closed now that i see...but does any one know what that is across the street? On Warm Springs Rd?
34.60797, -118.56161

Oh never mind I found it- It's #12 Fire camp
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