CA CA - Bryce Laspisa, 19, Castaic, 30 Aug 2013 - #7

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This "encounter" happened prior to BL crashing his truck. At that point in time he wasn't missing.

That is true, but the fliers were there pretty quickly. And the man is obviously still in the area. jmo
That is true, but the fliers were there pretty quickly. And the man is obviously still in the area. jmo

Didn't see a single flyer while there. Also, the flyers I put up on Saturday night were already gone Sunday morning.

Fliers likely were never seen by anyone. This town takes anything and everything as an intrusion.

Also, I highly doubt this man had a cell phone. All he had with him was a shopping bag that was stuffed with what looked like clothes that he was using as a pillow and a separate small toddler looking blanket.

I ended up buying him lunch, but I just don't see how a person who doesnt even have a blanket that covers there whole body has a phone. I didn't see any pay phones in that area either. I wanted to put them on phone booths so when people saw the flyer near the phone they'd feel compelled to call police but no luck finding any where I was.

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That is true, but the fliers were there pretty quickly. And the man is obviously still in the area. jmo

Didn't see a single flyer while there. Also, the flyers I put up on Saturday night were already gone Sunday morning.

Fliers likely were never seen by anyone. This town takes anything and everything as an intrusion.

Also, I highly doubt this man had a cell phone. All he had with him was a shopping bag that was stuffed with what looked like clothes that he was using as a pillow and a separate small toddler looking blanket.

I ended up buying him lunch, but I just don't see how a person who doesnt even have a blanket that covers there whole body has a phone. I didn't see any pay phones in that area either. I wanted to put them on phone booths so when people saw the flyer near the phone they'd feel compelled to call police but no luck finding any where I was.

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Nothing on the flyers says anything about calling if anyone saw Bryce prior to his disappearance in Castaic. Also, I am hopeful that LE has been able to locate some people that saw Bryce or interacted with him prior to his disappearance and may have already spoke to this man. Remember, the only real information we have received has been from the family releasing it to MSM. We do not know how much information LE has regarding Bryce's interactions in Buttonwillow or anywhere else prior to his disappearance.

MOO Even if the homeless man had access to a cell phone I doubt calling LE would be high on his priority list.

Thank you Amanda for all you did in Buttonwillow and Castaic and all you continually do to help find Bryce. His family is extremely lucky to have someone as caring and passionate as you on the team trying so hard to find him. :blowkiss:
This is heartbreaking.

Student Miller Redpath, 18, went missing from his home on August 13
Three days later his mother called police to report a theft
Officers searched the house and garden but failed to find anything.
A missing person investigation was only launched last week
Police then found body 'likely to be Miller' in back garden

Appealing directly to Miller last week she said: ‘I’m really worried about your safety and well-being and I just hope that everything’s okay.

‘If you’re in trouble in any way, just remember there’s very little that can’t be sorted out with some goodwill, negotiation and a humble heart.

'You’re certainly not in any trouble with me. I just need you to get in touch.’
This is heartbreaking.

Student Miller Redpath, 18, went missing from his home on August 13
Three days later his mother called police to report a theft
Officers searched the house and garden but failed to find anything.
A missing person investigation was only launched last week
Police then found body 'likely to be Miller' in back garden

Appealing directly to Miller last week she said: ‘I’m really worried about your safety and well-being and I just hope that everything’s okay.

‘If you’re in trouble in any way, just remember there’s very little that can’t be sorted out with some goodwill, negotiation and a humble heart.

'You’re certainly not in any trouble with me. I just need you to get in touch.’

So sad (and the circumstances are very odd.)
Well done Amanda and Gitana for the Video and Visit to BW.....and Big Thanks to everyone one else here and everywhere for their involvement into Finding Bryce...
Truly Amazing warriors for the Missing....

I agree with having to sometimes step back a bit and recharge the batteries.....

Had some computer problems then WS broke :/ I've been trying to get online to WS's for what seemed an eternity and them some .... good rest though! :)

Not had anymore communication from any other moderators ,from the Local(Castaic,Valencia,LA,Sierra)Hikers meet ups site....but I know any effort is appreciated :)
If anyone is going to be in touch with this particular site and their many different groups for other Missing Persons, including their Hobbies and not just for searches ,I would reccomend getting a grasp on your inbox of emails/invitations sent out by them to yourself if you have had to join the groups...or else spend lots of time deleting...there are settings in profile though.
Was trying to Find some of the rave/music meet ups in Castaic area...but nothing really as we don't really know what Bryce's Taste in music is ,at the moment!!! apart from one site ,Soundcloud , I found his likelist but have not worked out when This is from.....could be a few yrs old and Bryces taste in music might be different now....
Did find out that Moby had a rave at castaic lake in 1992....old

Another paying it forward idea was something I saw on the missing FB page for 'Abigail Hernandez'...someone had given up the boot of their 'racecar' for to put up some vinyl signage of Abigail's Missing details , the Man took his car out to some organised racing events ,seen by many...
I thought this was a Brilliant idea ,especially for Dragracerz, and suggested this to him....maybe he can get some of his racing friends to do this at the Race car events....A bigger audience and at different race circuits.
I know the sticky vinyls are not to expensive to get printed but to be honest I wouldn't know if they would be permanent or what!.....Magnets sound good and less

So everyone....Keep up the good work....and let's all Hope this is the Weekend that Bryce will be back Home ....

We use to throw lots of Raves and Parties in Elizabeth Canyon. Haven't in about 8 years now but when we were younger it was a blast
Sorry about posting misleading info about the distances BL drove or had to drive if he had completed his trip to LN. I thought I read five hours somewhere and just went with it. Taking a closer look I see, if Bryce left from Rocklin he would be able to reach Buttonwillow in 4 hours, 2 minutes (282.3 mi) under perfect conditions.

Since I wasn't here in the beginning of the case, I probably missed discussions regarding distances. If Bryce left Rocklin around 11:30ish Wednesday night, is the conclusion he drove directly to Buttonwillow arriving there around 4:00 a.m. or so on Thursday? Then, for some reason, he spent most of the day in Buttonwillow on Thursday.
In this case, why was his mom worried about him already on Thursday afternoon? If she was expecting him on Thursday, I can understand why she'd check with him by 2:00 a.m. on Friday. Still, cannot grasp everything or anything that went down all day on Thursday (reporting B missing, gas can guy/situation, LE check, re-check, etc.). Obviously, as others have said, therein are the answers. If not the final answers, then a key piece to uncovering them imo.
This article from Sept. 2, is probably one of the first to outline some basic information.

From Buttonwillow, Bryce ended up in Castaic after driving another 86.3 miles, 1 hour, 20 minutes.

Considering he could have driven to LN from Buttonwillow in about three hours (add more time for traffic conditions), it really is confusing as to why he didn't leave Buttonwillow rested with enough daylight left to make it to LN by evening. That's a headscratcher indeed.

Castaic to Laguna Niguel was only another 93.5 miles, about 1 hour 35 minutes remained to reach his destination home in LN.
After all this time, I never realized how close he already was to home when he crashed the SUV.

The distances weren't discussed often. This was probably established early in the case, but I'm surprised nobody pointed out how close to home his accident happened. For some reason, I was under the impression Bryce hadn't made it very far. In this case, it does seem as if he was headed to LN.
A few pages back I pointed out his parents were expecting him (knew he planned on driving down). Peeps said then that they aren't convinced Bryce intended to go to LN. Considering how far south he'd already travelled by 2:00 a.m. on Friday, I don't know where else he'd be headed. Otherwise why not hang/stay somewhere further north?
He could have easily made it home way before 2:00 a.m. though. What the heck was he doing all that time after the last police check? He said he was going to hang out with friends, right? Isn't it likely that's what he did then (or at least thought they were his friends)? What else was he doing all night long?

How do other people explain or think the reason was that Bryce had already almost completed his trip before deciding not to push on home? Thinking of it this way, makes the whole case even stranger for me.
Bryce didn't get to Buttonwillow until 9 am in the morning when he called for roadside assistance because he ran out of gas. Gas didn't appear until noon. His mother was called by roadside assistance for a survery and that's how she found out her son wasn't in Rocklin or Chico and that he was on the road. He did not tell her he was coming to Laguna Niguel. This is when she tried called him and he didn't answer her calls. So she sent Christain the roadside assistance guy back to see if Bryce was ok. He reported that Bryce was ok, said he'd been sleeping and that his eyes appeared red.

Bryce did not get to Buttonwillow at 4 am that morning. He did not leave Buttonwillow until around midnight or so that night. He spent a good 12 hours or more in Buttonwillow. None of us know why. He probably would have made it home from Buttonwillow had he gone straight to Laguna Niguel in 3 1/1 hours. Had he left earlier, he would have been there on Thursday evening/night. But he didn't, he didn't leave Buttonwillow until aroudn midnight. He must have "hung out with friends later" in Buttonwillow.
I really appreciate all the kind words. Was having a down day especially since it was coming up on a week since the BW trip and almost 2 months from when he disappeared and its so frustrating.

At the end of the day, feelings aside, I just want him home regardless of why he went missing in the first place.

I have to remember not to make this about me or any of us. I guess it just is hard sometimes to make that differentiation. Nothing is normal in this situation. Nothing could be more abnormal and therefore I can't honestly expect normal reactions.

But the fact that so many of you have such sweet hearts really cheers me up. We are such a great group of people. I'd love to have friends like you guys!! Especially Gitana for spending an incredible amount of time on that video despite moving. Amazing group of people!

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Amanda, you are going above and beyond. I admire your tenacity and hard work. It's hard not to become emotionally involved in a case you are working. I remember part of each and every case I worked and 25 years later I am still searching for little Lauren. The trick is to find the balance between working the case (s) and taking care of yourself and home life. We are all here for one purpose, and we all do what we can to help.
Update on Find Bryce FB page - thanking the searchers and noting that it is very good news nothing was found during the Castaic search. Slowly but surely eliminating sites from the list. I hope we learn a bit about the exact behavior and words that led to Bryce's keys being taken temporarily. And more about Amanda's search results and overnight stay - above and beyond. Keep the faith!!

Are we sure his keys were taken from him.
have polygraphs been given to the ppl that last were with him?
Or is everyone taking their word for it?

I think its time go back to the beginning!
Bryce didn't get to Buttonwillow until 9 am in the morning when he called for roadside assistance because he ran out of gas. Gas didn't appear until noon. His mother was called by roadside assistance for a survery and that's how she found out her son wasn't in Rocklin or Chico and that he was on the road. He did not tell her he was coming to Laguna Niguel. This is when she tried called him and he didn't answer her calls. So she sent Christain the roadside assistance guy back to see if Bryce was ok. He reported that Bryce was ok, said he'd been sleeping and that his eyes appeared red.

Bryce did not get to Buttonwillow at 4 am that morning. He did not leave Buttonwillow until around midnight or so that night. He spent a good 12 hours or more in Buttonwillow. None of us know why. He probably would have made it home from Buttonwillow had he gone straight to Laguna Niguel in 3 1/1 hours. Had he left earlier, he would have been there on Thursday evening/night. But he didn't, he didn't leave Buttonwillow until aroudn midnight. He must have "hung out with friends later" in Buttonwillow.
I'm really confused. I was under the impression from early interviews with his mom that bryce wanted to discuss something he was having issues with. That she was going to fly up there but he said he would just drive down instead?
One of the reasons I am convinced Bryce never intended to go to Laguna Niguel was just how close he was to Laguna Niguel (which had definitely bern mentioned in earlier threads) when he said he was going to pull off the road to sleep in his car instead of pushing on for less than an hour and a half drive home. I think he was in Buttonwillow for a reason and it had nothing to do with him traveling home, it just happened to be on the route home. I think LE told him to hit the road and possibly drove back by his location and so he split and ended up in Castaic. It seems like he moved every time (he thought) his mom made his location.
I'm really confused. I was under the impression from early interviews with his mom that bryce wanted to discuss something he was having issues with. That she was going to fly up there but he said he would just drive down instead?

No. She said she was going to fly up there and he told her not to but that he had some things to talk to her about. She called him the following morning to have that talk and he didn't answer his phone and she found out he wasn't at his apartment and never went back there after leaving Chico. He never said he was going to drive home to talk to her. He didn't tell the police or his
Mom he was going home. He stated, when in Castaic, that his navigation put Laguna Niguel roughly an hour and a half away but that he was pulling
over to sleep in his car. Mom told him to call when he woke up in the morning. That was their last conversation.
Are we sure his keys were taken from him.
have polygraphs been given to the ppl that last were with him?
Or is everyone taking their word for it?

I think its time go back to the beginning!

Though no polygraphs have been taken (to my knowledge) I am confident his keys were taken from him as described. Of course there are details missing in what we have been told but his keys were taken and were returned after his mom told KS to return them. More than likely because, short of calling the police on him, there really was nothing they could do to keep him there if he wanted to leave.
Though no polygraphs have been taken (to my knowledge) I am confident his keys were taken from him as described. Of course there are details missing in what we have been told but his keys were taken and were returned after his mom told KS to return them. More than likely because, short of calling the police on him, there really was nothing they could do to keep him there if he wanted to leave.

There is something really strange about the "key" incident. Since we know the Mom seemed to be very concerned about him based on her calling the Service Man and calling LE to check on him, then why in the world would she actually want the friends to give him his keys back if the friends felt he was not fit to drive?

The only reason the friends would take away his keys is if they felt he was not fit to drive, so why would his mom make them give him back his keys?

I am not sure we have enough details to fully understand this. I do think it may help if we had more details about that incident.
There is something really strange about the "key" incident. Since we know the Mom seemed to be very concerned about him based on her calling the Service Man and calling LE to check on him, then why in the world would she actually want the friends to give him his keys back if the friends felt he was not fit to drive?

The only reason the friends would take away his keys is if they felt he was not fit to drive, so why would his mom make them give him back his keys?

I am not sure we have enough details to fully understand this. I do think it may help if we had more details about that incident.

I agree. Why would a mom, of all people, want their child to have the keys back, if his friends who were with him were concerned enough to take them? Did she think his reaction to having his keys taken might be extreme?
There is something really strange about the "key" incident. Since we know the Mom seemed to be very concerned about him based on her calling the Service Man and calling LE to check on him, then why in the world would she actually want the friends to give him his keys back if the friends felt he was not fit to drive?

The only reason the friends would take away his keys is if they felt he was not fit to drive, so why would his mom make them give him back his keys?

I am not sure we have enough details to fully understand this. I do think it may help if we had more details about that incident.

Mom made a mistake by doing that. Just a bad decision.

I believe that there were no friends in BW or near because if so I believe he would have them as contacts in his cell, phone records, records of friends/ contacts on his social network sites on his laptop. My friends are all stored on my electronic devices. There would be records. LE found nothing of interest.
Mom made a mistake by doing that. Just a bad decision.

I believe that there were no friends in BW or near because if so I believe he would have them as contacts in his cell, phone records, records of friends/ contacts on his social network sites on his laptop. My friends are all stored on my electronic devices. There would be records. LE found nothing of interest.

Not really fair saying mom made a bad decision by telling his ex girlfriends friends to give him his keys back. We have no idea the context of that conversation.
Not really fair saying mom made a bad decision by telling his ex girlfriends friends to give him his keys back. We have no idea the context of that conversation.

I was not intending it in a bad way. It ended up being a bad decision if you look at the turn of events. Caron had stated early on according to KS and roommate his behavior was very strange and he was under the influence of non prescribed Vyanese in addition to no sleep for three days and that's why the keys were taken.
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