GUILTY CA - Debbie Hawk, 46, Hanford, 13 June 2006

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DNA Solves
I think it's likely he hired someone to do his dirty work - both to kill Debbie and the attempted murder of her attorney - which is good because it means there's one or more people out there who might talk.

It still angers me that he allowed (planned!) for his children to find the bloody mess in the house. LE searched Dave's house something like 4 times - I don't recall ever reading if they used dogs or searched his parents property (the grounds). I hope Debbie's family and/or the children sue him for wrongful death if he is never charged and tried criminally for her murder.
I think it's likely he hired someone to do his dirty work - both to kill Debbie and the attempted murder of her attorney - which is good because it means there's one or more people out there who might talk.

It still angers me that he allowed (planned!) for his children to find the bloody mess in the house. LE searched Dave's house something like 4 times - I don't recall ever reading if they used dogs or searched his parents property (the grounds). I hope Debbie's family and/or the children sue him for wrongful death if he is never charged and tried criminally for her murder.

I just despise this man. He is just an arrogant azz. I think he hired someone too. This creep knew what those kids were going to find when they walked into the house but this monster didn't care. No wonder his son didn't want to live with him. He robs his children of their trust fund...what a dad.

Well, tomorrow is the 5th. I wonder if he will show in court then. I hope there is someone from his town that can keep us posted. I want to follow this jerk.
Bobbisangel, here's his latest excuse for delaying things, and a lot of whining from his attorney -

Hawk Lawyers Ask For Change Of Venue

Hawk pled not guilty to the charges on Wednesday. His jury trial has now been set for July 14th. His Attorney's in the case say that they plan to file a change of venue motion, claiming that Hawk can't get a fair trial in the Valley, because he has already been tried by the media.

Date set for Dave Hawk embezzlement trial

Hawk is scheduled to stand trial before Judge Peter Schultz on charges of tax evasion, embezzlement and perjury over trust funds for his three children, said deputy Kings County district attorney Larry Crouch. A pre-trial conference is set for April 23.

Hawk, who lives in Lemoore, was arrested in June on suspicion of stealing more than $300,000 from the children's trust funds -- an issue of contention in a long legal battle between Hawk and his ex-wife at the time Debbie Hawk disappeared in June 2006.

Investigators presume Debbie Hawk is dead and have identified Dave Hawk as a suspect, but no charges have been brought by prosecutors in that case.

Accusations from Dave Hawk's Attorney
Attorney Mark Coleman became heated as he responded to questions about whether his client is being mistreated. Coleman says from being placed in handcuffs in front of TV cameras outside his house to having his home searched seven times, Dave Hawk's life has been turned upside down.

"I just want people to think what it would be like if he were innocent?! Everybody has concluded that. They're sitting in their armchairs at home, they talk with their coffee and they assume that he's guilty that's not right!"

Dave Hawk's parents and the three children he had with Debbie Hawk are expected to testify in the trial, which is scheduled for July.
His three children are going to testify at his trial? Will they say what they really think and feel or will it be what this arrogant creep tells them what to say? I can understand his parents testifying but not the kids. The prosecutor will be gentle with them but if they are repeating what their dad has told them to say the truth will come out because they will get confused and probably keep looking at their dad. I wonder about the oldest who doesn't live with his dad?

So now we have to wait until July for the trial!!! I wish this creep had to be in jail until his trial. If he was he sure wouldn't be dragging his feet.
I'd like to know who is having the children testify - Dave and the defense, or the prosecutor? And I wonder if the children have been interviewed at all about Debbie (other than initial statements about finding the blood in the empty house) -- the oldest son should be 18 soon if he's not already, and then Dave can't refuse to allow him to be interviewed. It'll be interesting to see what kind of information the prosecutor tries to get from the children while they're on the stand. Such a hard place for those kids to be, in the middle of all this with a dad suspected of killing their mom.
A little more news -

A misdemeanor battery case in which Hawk is accused of shoving a Hanford Sentinel photographer after a court hearing last fall is being postponed until after the trust-fund case, attorneys said.
Oh for pity sake. Why wait on that one? This creep just finds all kinds of ways to keep that shoe from falling. I would really like to know why the boy refused to live with his dad. Maybe being the oldest he knows more then the girls. I wonder if he suspects his dad in his mother's death? That article doesn't say who the kids will be testifying for. I don't know what the defense would have them say....he is a wonderful dad??? Beg the judge not to jail him because he is all they have???? He spent all of the money on us???? I would like to know how he got into that trust fund in the first place. Was his name on it? I wonder what he really did with all of that money....he spent a ton.
Hawk pled not guilty to the charges on Wednesday. His jury trial has now been set for July 14th.

Hawk pled not guilty to the charges on Wednesday. His jury trial has now been set for July 14th.


Well honestly!! July 14th is a long way off! At least his attorney won't be able to use any excuse by then. He should be more then ready.
A little more news -

A misdemeanor battery case in which Hawk is accused of shoving a Hanford Sentinel photographer after a court hearing last fall is being postponed until after the trust-fund case, attorneys said.

Didn't he shoot or attempt to shoot Debbie Hawk's attorney before Debbie disappeared? Wha ever happened to that case?
Didn't he shoot or attempt to shoot Debbie Hawk's attorney before Debbie disappeared? Wha ever happened to that case?

Nothing happened as far as I know. I don't know if they have proof or just know that it was him. He tried to shoot the attorney the day before Debbie was due in court to ask for more child support and something else. Then before they could go to court again Debbie was murdered if memory serves me.

This arrogant creep seems to get away with far anyway. If he gets away with stealing from his children's trust fund I'm going to scream! He stole $300,000 from those kids!!! That is a load of money. I hope the kids testify for the Pros. I just wish they could find Debbie's body.

Dave Hawk Arrested For Murder Of Ex-Wife Debbie Hawk

Just after 3 p.m., Hanford Police arrested Debbie's ex-husband Dave Hawk,without incident, during a traffic stop at the intersection of Greensville and 5th Ave.

Police arrest Dave Hawk in the murder of his ex-wife Debbie Hawk

Hawk was booked into the Kings County jail on one count of first-degree murder in the death of his ex-wife.

It's not known what led police to arrest Dave Hawk for murder. But the Hanford Police Department is scheduled to hold a news conference Friday morning to release more details.

Timeline of the Debbie Hawk Case

Dave Hawk Arrested For Murder Of Ex-Wife Debbie Hawk

Just after 3 p.m., Hanford Police arrested Debbie's ex-husband Dave Hawk,without incident, during a traffic stop at the intersection of Greensville and 5th Ave.

Police arrest Dave Hawk in the murder of his ex-wife Debbie Hawk

Hawk was booked into the Kings County jail on one count of first-degree murder in the death of his ex-wife.

It's not known what led police to arrest Dave Hawk for murder. But the Hanford Police Department is scheduled to hold a news conference Friday morning to release more details.

Timeline of the Debbie Hawk Case

We knew it and I can't wait for the details.It is just a miracle when some of these cases are brought to trial.

Dave Hawk Arrested For Murder Of Ex-Wife Debbie Hawk

Just after 3 p.m., Hanford Police arrested Debbie's ex-husband Dave Hawk,without incident, during a traffic stop at the intersection of Greensville and 5th Ave.

Police arrest Dave Hawk in the murder of his ex-wife Debbie Hawk

Hawk was booked into the Kings County jail on one count of first-degree murder in the death of his ex-wife.

It's not known what led police to arrest Dave Hawk for murder. But the Hanford Police Department is scheduled to hold a news conference Friday morning to release more details.

Timeline of the Debbie Hawk Case


Well it's about time!!!!! I certainly hope they have enough to convict.

Now if they would just arrest that creep Frank Kerby in the death of his wife Sandra Lynn Kerby, I'd be a happy woman.
Thanks for the great news Marie! Now I'm anxiously awaiting the presser tomorrow.
Thank goodness the kids can be somewhere safe now.
Finally! :woohoo:This is great news. I just wonder what prompted the arrest now? :confused: I think he hired someone to kill Debbie. And if he did, maybe that person spilled the beans! Or maybe LE had his phones bugged and heard some conversations relating to Debbie's death. (Just thinking out loud here!)

KSEE 24 News has learned that Hawk has retained Fresno attorney Roger Nuttall to represent him. Nuttall is the attorney who represented Clovis resident Larissa Schuster, who was recently sentenced to life in prison for the murder of her husband.

A second attorney helping to represent Hawk says Hawk plans to plead not guilty in the case.

The Kings County District Attorney's office plans a news conference for 10 am Friday morning. KSEE 24 and will carry that news conference live.

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