CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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There are multiple layers of privacy issues, not just law enforcement.

Privacy concerns also apply to genetic or other health conditions/predispositions that insurance companies have no right to access. Ever. Period. If they could get access to them, they could deny coverage or price customers out for any number of discriminatory and unethical reasons. Nope. Nope. Nope. ... That’s one big layer in that issue, and there must be rules/processes/protections in place to keep that information safe.

It’s what shut down sites like 23 and me for awhile, too, at least as far as DNA testing goes.

Sure, I’m for helping law enforcement. Sure, yes, the DNA data is important and should happen. AT THE SAME TIME, there must be a framework in place to protect privacy.

Also, use of your DNA could theoretically affect future generations for insurance, etc. Years ago, MIL had genetic testing as part of a study. Even then I was disturbed, because the inheritable disease they were studying could have ramifications if data was misused later.

Also, privacy rules have a nasty way of changing - what's off limits now will surely be in play if it can be monetized.

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If I remember correctly- Lyman Smith was an attorney/ almost judge- has any connection been made to JJD’s attorney wife, Sharon Huddle? I know that investigators felt like the level of violence in this case made it seem personal- could it have been?...
not wanting to speculate about his wife’s involvement or knowledge or not, but GSK seems like a very vengeful, prideful personality, I’m wondering if there was any connection at all...
I'm speculating on exactly "how" LE was able to use GEDmatch on their own, without special assistance from GEDmatch, as it appears to be what happened. At least from what I've read thus far.

I've used GEDmatch and my understanding is that GEDmatch accepts DNA uploads that are from saliva tests from the major DNA companies. I am assuming the DNA LE had to work with in this case came from rape kits and not saliva. If I am correct on this, and if LE did this on their own, with no special assistance from GEDmatch, then LE was somehow able to convert the DNA they had into a format that would accepted by GEDmatch and they uploaded the DNA file. I'm not sure how hard this would be, but I imagine someone who really knew what they were doing could create a DNA file that would be accepted into the GEDmatch site.

Based on my own experience with GEDmatch, the way it works is you create a profile when you sign up, and then upload the DNA file and you are assigned a kit number. After GEDmatch has processed your DNA, you then have access to the kit numbers of all of the individuals who match your DNA at 7 centimorgans or higher who have also uploaded their DNA into Gedmatch. If you are "lucky" and apparently LE was, one or more of the kit numbers also had a family tree and from there, it is a process of analyzing the degree of the match and figuring out how you are related to the person with the other kit number.

One of GEDmatch's free features is the "one-to-one" comparison. If you have someone else's kit number and your kit number, you can perform this comparison and there is a lot of additional data provided with this feature.

If this is actually how LE did it in this case, then my guess is others in LE will be doing the same thing going forward to identify suspects when they have DNA. Since LE seems so certain they have the right man in this case, my thoughts are that they have also performed both mitochrondrial and autosomal dna comparisons from whatever it was that DeAngelo tossed out that contained DNA and they compared this sample to the DNA they had from the old crime scenes samples.

FYI - FTDNA is a swab, not saliva test. And Gedmatch accepts uploads from them as well. Not saying that this is how they got the raw data into Gedmatch, but wanted to point this out as a possible.
Excellent theory, "kemo"! The DNA of the EAR/ACHE, aka the "HRK" ("Hissing Rapist Killer) gets submitted to Australia for a possible link to "Mr. Cruel". No match is found, but the Australian cops give 'familial' hits to the FBI!

I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they ID'd him! We'll hopefully find out very soon when the cops spill the beans.

Here is how they did it. They used an open source DNA database here who have come out today saying they used it without notifying them.
This is great they Identifeid who did this.They CAN do this with the Boy in the box found February 25 1957 in Philadelphia too.I find no good reason to not do this genealogy for this little boy.

There is a DNA Doe Project that is using Gedmatch to find out names of Jane and John Does. The Boy in the Box has been submitted to them. They have a Facebook page with lots of information on how they find the families of these unidentified Does.
Yes.I know.I submitted him.They might not be able to do this for him.I pray they do or someone else does for this little boy.Very sad,
There is a DNA Doe Project that is using Gedmatch to find out names of Jane and John Does. The Boy in the Box has been submitted to them. They have a Facebook page with lots of information on how they find the families of these unidentified Does.
The problem with that logic is, for example, GSK would empty loaded guns that were hidden for self-defense in someone’s home. Iirc, in one instance, a man managed to get to his gun to find GSK unloaded it. He’d remove ammo from the home, but sometimes leave the guns. Terrifying stuff like that.

Why retroactively fault the victims for safety measures they took or didn’t take in a time when our laws were different and general beliefs on safety and use were unlike today’s?

This was a time when property crimes were just really becoming a “thing.” They skyrocketed during this time — most people grew up legitimately unconcerned about these types of crimes because they were relatively rare.

None of these crimes are their fault. It’s not that they didn’t do enough to protect themselves or were somehow irresponsible. In fact, GSK and his ilk ushered in a new era of home protection, including firearm ownership. It was encouraged and led by police.

Watch the GSK task force town hall footage from the area.
..unless GSK invaded near the time the homeowner,-- who owned a firearm,--came home the homeowner should've been able to check the weapon and been ready for the GSK--per all my previous post
...if they weren't ready, it's their fault for not being able to use the weapon
....some members say the GSK was too smart for home defense--bu**s**t
just common sense security would've been able to stop some of these crimes --not all, but some

Yes--I know he unloaded the weapon--did you not read where I said the homeowner needed to check the weapon before the GSK showed up--if possible....was this possible?
--again--if you loaded your weapon and come home to find it empty --DING DING DING!! that should raise some alarms
Yes.I know.I submitted him.They might not be able to do this for him.I pray they do or someone else does for this little boy.Very sad,

I hope they are able to as well, or someone can.
His story has touched me so deeply. He NEEDS to be identified.
I read that GSK's fiance' who jilted him - "Bonnie" is listed as living in Sacramento (in a post on page 66 if I remember right). Does anyone know if GSK ever attempted to find and attack/kill Bonnie?

Not sure, but LE has been trying to contact her. Left messages on her phone, no response yet.
The 911 system went national in 1968, according to Wikipedia:

Yes, it was present nationally early in my life, but I'm not referring to the existence of 911 emergency call availability in the US though. I'm specifically referring to technology advances which made it instantly available on a portable cell phone.
There were hundreds of " Citizen Watch" groups of men out patrolling every night in the Sacramento County area.. Plus LE helicopters, some rented helicopters, and the on- ground police forces and private security.

Thousands of people, some upscale with the means to have early Motorola flip phones in their hands and cell towers all around them. GSK moved up to upscale neighborhoods late in his career from middle class tract houses.

Likewise, I KNOW some of the houses he skipped had alarm systems which were locked and hidden in a large house. Even in the 80's, it was possible to get a cordless security system from a PRIVATE company, not a national one. They were about $10,000, but in CA, with a killer on the loose, I think some homes did have them installed. I would have, even if it meant I had to sell something valuable.
( But, I've been the victim of a stalker and assailant and I survived. I KNOW the terror and the risk to women, especially. PTSD is hell on earth).

DNA testing is a modern miracle when used correctly. I wanted to be a Geneticist, I love the science so much.

Technology literally STOPPED a killer in his tracks. He may give excuses like " remorse" or " watching my own children and wanting to protect them" but it's so clear that it was technology.

Here is how they did it. They used an open source DNA database here who have come out today saying they used it without notifying them.

I agree, but what I really would like to understand is exactly how LE was able to create a DNA file they could upload into GEDmatch, using the samples they had. I'm pretty sure that GEDmatch only accepts specific types of DNA files and those are created by the major DNA testing companies.

Perhaps it is not as complicated as I am thinking it might have been. I don't know!
Outside WS, people are asking " Could this be the Zodiac Killer"?

Thoughts? I don't think the dates line up with his age, do they?

The reason why so many people (inside law enforcement and outside of it) have argued for decades - long before DNA ever connected them - that the Visalia Ransacker, East Area Rapist and Original Night Stalker were the same individual, was that Jospeh James DeAngelo Jr could not stop himself acting in a certain way when carrying out his crimes.

We are talking well over 200 crimes, and repeatedly the same traits kept coming up. Prowling, removing screens off windows or prying sliding doors. Leaving multiple pre-planned escape routes for himself. Using weapons stolen from one attack to attack victims in another attack. Phoning victims both before and after assaulting them. Stealing coins, blue chip stamps and other items of very little value, while leaving very expensive items and large amounts of cash untouched. Stealing photographs of the females involved, or one ear-ring from a pair (just to inflict emotional damage)

Breaking into houses before attacking to learn the victims habits, names, where they slept in the house.

Wearing size 9 tennis shoes to assist with his ability to scale fences and use canals to travel undetected through upper-class neighborhoods at night.

Always attempting to flee when things didn't go according to plan, but never hesitating to shoot when cornered.

Leaving tiny scratch marks in the same spot on window screens (purportedly so he could work out if there was a dog in the house, who woud hear a noise that would go unnoticed by any people inside)
Talking to imaginary accomplices or pretending to use the phone in the residence yet when the police tried to trace the calls he placed, no calls had been made.

Using ligatures (torn towels and shoe-laces) with decorative knots that were tied so tightly they cut off circulation to the victims hands. Even when he was murdering he would remove the ligatures after killing the victims, but he was simply unable to stop using them as they were such a massive part of the thrill for him.

I could go on and on but suffice to say, a recent TV series on the case stated that there were FIFTY similarities in MO between EAR and the VR. Unique idiosyncrasies that you might find 3-4 of in any two random criminals, but to have 50 line up perfectly in one criminal who began raping very soon after another suddenly stopped committing burglaries...

Don't get me wrong, every single day for the past 7 years or so - up until a couple of days ago - I have seen many people argue that the VR and EAR were not linked, based largely on one witness description of a person who was identified years ago and was ruled out as not being the VR.

But for so many of us, we always KNEW the three series of crimes were linked.

The Zodiac on the other hand is some bumbling idiot who shot a taxi driver and cut some of his shirt off and bragged about it like he'd committed the crime of the century... and wrote lots of letters that were mostly gibberish.

Joseph James DeAngelo Jr was a prolific burglar, rapist and murderer. But in every single case he left telling clues because he had a compulsion he could not control that forced him to act in a certain way when carrying out his crimes. People are now trying to link him to all kinds of crimes, all across the country (and even in Australia)

But all this talk of him being Zodiac, Mr Cruel (I have even seen people suggest he might be the LISK!!) is just nonsense.
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