CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Yes, it was present nationally early in my life, but I'm not referring to the existence of 911 emergency call availability in the US though. I'm specifically referring to technology advances which made it instantly available on a portable cell phone.
There were hundreds of " Citizen Watch" groups of men out patrolling every night in the Sacramento County area.. Plus LE helicopters, some rented helicopters, and the on- ground police forces and private security.

Thousands of people, some upscale with the means to have early Motorola flip phones in their hands and cell towers all around them. GSK moved up to upscale neighborhoods late in his career from middle class tract houses.

Likewise, I KNOW some of the houses he skipped had alarm systems which were locked and hidden in a large house. Even in the 80's, it was possible to get a cordless security system from a PRIVATE company, not a national one. They were about $10,000, but in CA, with a killer on the loose, I think some homes did have them installed. I would have, even if it meant I had to sell something valuable.
( But, I've been the victim of a stalker and assailant and I survived. I KNOW the terror and the risk to women, especially. PTSD is hell on earth).

DNA testing is a modern miracle when used correctly. I wanted to be a Geneticist, I love the science so much.

Technology literally STOPPED a killer in his tracks. He may give excuses like " remorse" or " watching my own children and wanting to protect them" but it's so clear that it was technology.

I totally agree. Emerging technology like this getting more and more sophisticated with each passing day! It would make it harder and harder for him to sneak-in, evade, escape. And he was already getting older. He was already 41 in 1986, I don't think he could see himself leaping over many more fences into the future, let alone figuring out such complicated systems in his older years. Combine this with the emerging field for DNA forensics, and I think he decided that he better stop if he truly never wanted to be caught.
The sketches don't match. The Zodiac killer's sketches all picture him wearing glasses.

This is the Zodiac killer sketch.

OK, but glasses can be added.. Just plain frames or maybe random weak power lens glasses if not needed.
I do not consider this to be an exclusionary fact.

Are there unchanging reasons why DeAngelo could not be the Zodiac?
Example: He was too young, he was in Vietnam during a murder, he had poor letter writing skills or math skills ( Zodiac's ciphers are not easy, for the most part).
That sort of thing.
I agree, but what I really would like to understand is exactly how LE was able to create a DNA file they could upload into GEDmatch, using the samples they had. I'm pretty sure that GEDmatch only accepts specific types of DNA files and those are created by the major DNA testing companies.

Perhaps it is not as complicated as I am thinking it might have been. I don't know!

I think that is the innovative technology they were alluding to. They had to somehow extract the right kind of DNA to upload into this database which is very different from the DNA they use in CODIS.
Are there unchanging reasons why DeAngelo could not be the Zodiac?

Yes, the crimes are completely different in every facet. These guys do these crimes to fill a need. Zodiac's needs were nothing like GSK's. Two different men.
OK, but glasses can be added.. Just plain frames or maybe random weak power lens glasses if not needed.
I do not consider this to be an exclusionary fact.

Are there unchanging reasons why DeAngelo could not be the Zodiac?
Example: He was too young, he was in Vietnam during a murder, he had poor letter writing skills or math skills ( Zodiac's ciphers are not easy, for the most part).
That sort of thing.

DeAngleo was in Vietnam when Cherie Jo Bates was murdered in 1966, however although she's suspected to be a Zodiac victim, its never been confirmed.
Unless he'd used enough dog deterrent spray at one time to almost knock himself out, I had a different thought about this smell.

Once, only once, in 30+ years of being a nurse, I had a patient who smelled so bad, it made me sick to enter his ICU cube. I bathed him as I could, as he'd had MULTIPLE cardiac arrests and fibrillations with the paddles applied and him brought back to a living heart rhythm about 10 times in the ER. Not at all a medically stable patient, IOW.

Well, what we know about patients with AMI ( heart attacks which are severe) is that severe perspiration is a key factor. This man was pouring sweat out of every pore. It was his sweat that smelled so foul. He was clean, but what was coming out his pores was absolutely making me sick.
Very nice man and I mean no disrespect to him or his memory at all.

What I was finally told by a cardiologist when I told the doctor that I was acutely aware of a very unusual smell emanating from the patient's perspiration was that it was the by- products of NICOTINE.

It didn't smell like cigarette smoke at all, but when I looked at the man's hands, I could see the discolorations on the fingers he held his cigarettes in. I've never been able to see that much staining on any other person's skin, so he must have had at least a carton a day habit, and probably non-filtered.

I have read that DeAngelo dropped MANY matches at crime scenes, and was also sometimes seen chewing on the plain wooden ends. Likely he was also a heavy smoker, and what could have been happening was that he was both smoking so heavily in his daily life and sweating so much at the scenes of his crimes that nicotine was being excreted through his perspiration as well.
I think I would be able to identify the smell again, it was that distinctive, but as I said, nothing like cigarette smoke or the tobacco from inside a cigarette. Horrible, almost like the man was burning from inside his body ( but he wasn't).

Food for thought, maybe?
Eww. I lost my appetite! Good info though.

As a nursing student,
I learned to identify the odor of cancer on someone's breath.
It's scary really, because I smell it MONTHS before they are even disgnosed!!!
(I can't tell anyone, hey, go to the doctor, I smell cancer on your breath)
No doctor would believe that!
So, I sit and wait to hear of the diagnosis...

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Okay, I have a question: LE were saying during the first conference that someone sent in a tip that lead them to seeing JJD as a suspect. Now they are saying they zeroed in on him through a partial DNA match from gedMatch.

Did I just imagine they said that the first time? Wasn't everyone talking about someone sending in a tip at first? What happened to that? Or am I going crazy?
Okay, I have a question: LE were saying during the first conference that someone sent in a tip that lead them to seeing JJD as a suspect. Now they are saying they zeroed in on him through a partial DNA match from gedMatch.

Did I just imagine they said that the first time? Wasn't everyone talking about someone sending in a tip at first? What happened to that? Or am I going crazy?

No, you are not going crazy.

Upstream, I had posted a link to an article that referenced both the "tip from the public" and the DNA match.

I'm wondering if the tip and DNA match are one and the same.

First paragraph of below-referenced article:

A tip from the public and DNA evidence pointed detectives to a man who was taken into custody overnight in the decades-old Golden State Killer case, authorities said Wednesday.

Has anyone seen information that the public's tip and the DNA evidence are the same? If so, can you please post it, with the corresponding link? TIA.
Eww. I lost my appetite! Good info though.

As a nursing student,
I learned to identify the odor of cancer on someone's breath.
It's scary really, because I smell it MONTHS before they are even disgnosed!!!
(I can't tell anyone, hey, go to the doctor, I smell cancer on your breath)
No doctor would believe that!
So, I sit and wait to hear of the diagnosis...

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I was a dental assistant many years. I can smell periodontal disease on someone’s breath it’s absolutely horrible. Nothing disguises that smell.
I think it would make sense to prove he was not the Zodiac. He could have started off with a different M.O. and changed over time to coincide with his life. Cheri Jo Bates is not confirmed Zodiac although I have always leaned toward she was. Anyone know where JJD lived and worked/went to school immediately after returning from Vietnam?
The reason why so many people (inside law enforcement and outside of it) have argued for decades - long before DNA ever connected them - that the Visalia Ransacker, East Area Rapist and Original Night Stalker were the same individual, was that Jospeh James DeAngelo Jr could not stop himself acting in a certain way when carrying out his crimes.

We are talking well over 200 crimes, and repeatedly the same traits kept coming up. Prowling, removing screens off windows or prying sliding doors. Leaving multiple pre-planned escape routes for himself. Using weapons stolen from one attack to attack victims in another attack. Phoning victims both before and after assaulting them. Stealing coins, blue chip stamps and other items of very little value, while leaving very expensive items and large amounts of cash untouched. Stealing photographs of the females involved, or one ear-ring from a pair (just to inflict emotional damage)

Breaking into houses before attacking to learn the victims habits, names, where they slept in the house.

Wearing size 9 tennis shoes to assist with his ability to scale fences and use canals to travel undetected through upper-class neighborhoods at night.

Always attempting to flee when things didn't go according to plan, but never hesitating to shoot when cornered.

Leaving tiny scratch marks in the same spot on window screens (purportedly so he could work out if there was a dog in the house, who woud hear a noise that would go unnoticed by any people inside)
Talking to imaginary accomplices or pretending to use the phone in the residence yet when the police tried to trace the calls he placed, no calls had been made.

Using ligatures (torn towels and shoe-laces) with decorative knots that were tied so tightly they cut off circulation to the victims hands. Even when he was murdering he would remove the ligatures after killing the victims, but he was simply unable to stop using them as they were such a massive part of the thrill for him.

I could go on and on but suffice to say, a recent TV series on the case stated that there were FIFTY similarities in MO between EAR and the VR. Unique idiosyncrasies that you might find 3-4 of in any two random criminals, but to have 50 line up perfectly in one criminal who began raping very soon after another suddenly stopped committing burglaries...

Don't get me wrong, every single day for the past 7 years or so - up until a couple of days ago - I have seen many people argue that the VR and EAR were not linked, based largely on one witness description of a person who was identified years ago and was ruled out as not being the VR.

But for so many of us, we always KNEW the three series of crimes were linked.

The Zodiac on the other hand is some bumbling idiot who shot a taxi driver and cut some of his shirt off and bragged about it like he'd committed the crime of the century... and wrote lots of letters that were mostly gibberish.

Joseph James DeAngelo Jr was a prolific burglar, rapist and murderer. But in every single case he left telling clues because he had a compulsion he could not control that forced him to act in a certain way when carrying out his crimes. People are now trying to link him to all kinds of crimes, all across the country (and even in Australia)

But all this talk of him being Zodiac, Mr Cruel (I have even seen people suggest he might be the LISK!!) is just nonsense.

Using my behavioral psychology skills, I completely agree with your conclusion that the VR, GSK, and ONS are DeAngelo.
I knew it by Chapter 2 or maybe sooner of MIchelle McNamara's book. She didn't hesitate to give every bit of info she could find, and it is a massive case of connecting compulsive, idiosyncratic behaviors.

You are right, sadly. Zodiac was a conundrum to people because OF the letters, and the murders were sad, of course, but his crime history as we know it are like ONE DAY of criminal activity for DeAngelo. However, could he have started killing in this way? A " disguise" of sorts, the Zodiac? " I AM THE ZODIAC".

Kind of like being a well known personality who turns into a maniacal serial killer later.. IDK.

I have wondered if DeAngelo traveled outside the USA and killed.. maybe went to the poorer parts of Mexico and killed there after the 80's. I don't mean to be rude, but due to the vast number of homicides in Central America, he would not be that noticed, and also the technology we have for crime- solving and getting help to a potential crimescene doesn't exist in the rural areas.
My only drawback with this is that he didn't seem attracted to non- Caucasians.
( Again, apologies, as this makes me sick to say).

As far as going to Australia, I wonder what his ruse for leaving home would be? How would he justify phone calls home? How would he pay for the costs of travel and would he stay at hotels? Just so much we don't know.,, yet.

He worked for 27 years at a grocery chain, and only retired last year..
Worked to age 71, as a manager for 27 years, at a legit. job, for what reason??? I definitely wonder about this quirk as well!!!
No, you are not going crazy.

Upstream, I had posted a link to an article that referenced both the "tip from the public" and the DNA match.

I'm wondering if the tip and DNA match are one and the same.

First paragraph of below-referenced article:

They also claimed it wasn't from a tip. SMH

Schubert, Jones and other officials would not disclose why they began looking at DeAngelo six days earlier, saying it was too early to reveal that information. But they were adamant that the clue did not come from a tip.

Were there any active rewards left in this case? If so, could that be a reason to keep giving different answers to the question " How did you catch him?"

Thought I saw $50,000 mentioned somewhere. I'll try and find that info. for you.

ETA: Straight from the FBI Sacramento Press Office:

FBI Announces $50,000 Reward and National Campaign to Identify East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer.

There may be other active rewards out there, but the above is the only reward I've seen (so far).
I just had a thought: If JJD had a smell about him that many victims mentioned, I would think his wife/family would also notice that smell from his body or clothes. If he drove, it would be difficult to eliminate that odor from his car. He didn't cycle or walk to each crime scene, did he? I have have this nagging feeling his wife suspected something, unless they lived separately.

I was wondering if it was the dog repellent that made him smell strange. If so, he could have explained it to his wife as having to use it on the job maybe?

I was listening to the Casefile podcast about this case (there are 5 episodes on it - I highly recommend it) and it was mentioned that in one of the first cases when the bloodhound picked up a scent they acted bizarrely, which the handler said indicated the person was on drugs or had a serious illness. But now I wonder if it was the dog repellent that made the bloodhound react that way?
I was wondering if it was the dog repellent that made him smell strange. If so, he could have explained it to his wife as having to use it on the job maybe?

I was listening to the Casefile podcast about this case (there are 5 episodes on it - I highly recommend it) and it was mentioned that in one of the first cases when the bloodhound picked up a scent they acted bizarrely, which the handler said indicated the person was on drugs or had a serious illness. But now I wonder if it was the dog repellent that made the bloodhound react that way?
Hmm, that might cover up "other" smells from his victims.
I won't get too specific here about that.

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I have another rationale as a reason for why he stopped the home invasion serial killings in the mid 80's.
It was around that time when the BEST POSSIBLE burglar alarms for home use started using sealed cell phones to dial 911 on a strictly internal basis. This rendered the phone line cutting useless. The system could still get help to the residence, and GSK liked to linger longer at the crime scenes. He had one phase where he arranged either the men's briefs or the women's panties from the bedroom drawers in a straight line down the hallways. Just for sick kicks. Kind of like taking baby photos from the frames or just ripping them up.

Also, many of us had cell phones which were portable by the mid to late 80's. ( Reference Motorola's first flip phones came out around 1986). Meaning that an eyewitness had immediate 911 access.
These two things, the burglar alarm advances and cell phone portability added to the advent of forensic DNA testing are probably the reasons he had to stop.

The mass production of the microchip, ironically, a Silicon Valley innovation which is used in all 3 of the innovations mentioned, likely saved countless lives in CA!!

I am also from CA and most did not have cell phones until the mid to late 90’s. Although the technology was blooming

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