GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #11

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It's nice to finally hear from Jon himself. He has so many different things to grieve about...the affair, Erin's murder, a 'friend' being the one who betrayed him. I hope he really takes time to mourn in the way that feels right for him.

Sounds like Erin was a lovely person (I especially like the 'was shy and loved animals' part). How I wish her life had not been taken away so cruelly.
Well, it is still a well-known case, whether or not NL or people in their 20s are aware of it or not, it's still a possible topic of conversation here (people I know in their 20s have heard about it)

"Disappearance of Laci Peterson[edit]
Main article: Murder of Laci Peterson
On December 24, 2002, Laci Peterson was reported missing from the Modesto, California home she shared with Scott. She was eight months pregnant[2] with a due date of February 10, 2003, and the couple had planned to name the baby boy Conner. The exact date and cause of Laci's death were never determined. Peterson initially reported his wife missing on Christmas Eve, and the story quickly attracted nationwide media interest.[3][4]

Modesto police did not immediately identify Peterson as a suspect, largely because Laci's family and friends maintained their faith in his innocence during the month following Laci's disappearance.[5] Eventually, police grew more suspicious due to inconsistencies in his story."

And here is the link to the article about IM supposedly saying she and NL were just talking about instances like the Peterson case when IM said LE had 'twisted her words':

An excerpt relevant to this discussion is pasted below:

Jennifer Castro, a spokesperson for the Anchorage Police Department has stated that an extradition warrant has been put out for Christopher Lee to return him to San Bernardino County.

Whether or not Isabel Megli owner of the White Rock Horse Rescue Ranch in the Yucca Valley has been implicated in this case remains to be seen. When the case first broke, she appeared to be as helpful as possible, and was even the one that told police the damaging statements by Nicole about "never finding the body", among many others.

Since then, Isabel has changed her tune, suggesting she may have been trying to cover something up. She stated the statements she made in those regards were innocuous and benign, and that she was simply discussing cases with Nicole that were compared to Scott Peterson and his missing wife, as well as generic comparisons to crime shows on TV. She even claimed that her words were "twisted" by police.

"I can see how they could pick pieces of what I said, but I'm totally amazed at how they twisted it. Unfortunately, they twisted it a little much. When you find out people are missing, it brings up conversation and it was just conversation about no body, no case. Nicole did not refer to her husband or to this case. It was a generalization of a conversation of CSI, or Law and Order, and (Scott) Peterson."

Isabel can try and spin it the way she wants now but it all sounds fishy to me from every angle! I don't which is more bizarre...Nicole's original statement or this horse woman, who didn't appear to have a single moment of compassion for Erin, suddenly back-peddling. Her doing so has only made me take a closer look at Nicole's statement.
Good point...though Scott wasn't arrested until AFTER Laci was found.

Thank you for the right spelling! I knew Lacey and Lacy weren't right but I couldn't recall how to spell her name and I was feeling bad about it.

Related to the other recent posts I can't even imagine the women being close friends, hanging out fairly often, guys being friends, and yet... this? I just can't even fathom it. Maybe it only takes one person among the 4 to be heartless and cruel after pretending they care.
My first post to this thread (my second overall!). I have a lot of observations to make but sometimes that darn thing called life gets in my way. I am planning some R&R later this week and will try to put a cohesive post together.

Something that concerns me about the death penalty versus LWOP (at least here in CA) is that LWOP clearly doesn't mean life. Charles Manson et. al were given the death penalty, which was subsequently overturned and they were instead given LWOP. Every couple of years the Manson family members who were given LWOP come up for parole and go through hearings. While I don't think any of them have been paroled (including a parole request from one of the women who was terminally ill, and has since passed away), the possibility clearly exists. This also includes Charley himself, who has refused to got before the board on several occasions. So, again, the possibility of parole is there. This is really the main reason I prefer the DP option. I don't really care if they are executed or just eventually die in prison. I just want a guarantee they will stay in prison, and obviously LWOP cannot guarantee that. I agree with the comments that in CA it takes nothing short of divine intervention for execution to be carried out. In the few cases where execution has been carried out since I have lived in CA (40+) it has taken about 20 years to get there through the appeals process. I think the last execution that was carried out was a case of a man who killed 2 teenagers who were sitting in a canyon in the middle of the day eating some fast food and he just shot them without anything leading up to the decision he made to murder two "children." One of the boys was the son of a detective from the San Diego PD and they case was very clear cut, but it still took about 20 years for hat to happen. So, after all my rambling, I just want to be sure the
I have tried the link in two different browsers and I can read article but cannot view the video as I am not a subsciber....ugh....sigh

You're doing better than I did... I didn't even know there was video. I just read the article and flipped through the pictures. I'm on Firefox, will have to try Explorer tomorrow.
My first post to this thread (my second overall!). I have a lot of observations to make but sometimes that darn thing called life gets in my way. I am planning some R&R later this week and will try to put a cohesive post together.

Something that concerns me about the death penalty versus LWOP (at least here in CA) is that LWOP clearly doesn't mean life. Charles Manson et. al were given the death penalty, which was subsequently overturned and they were instead given LWOP. Every couple of years the Manson family members who were given LWOP come up for parole and go through hearings. While I don't think any of them have been paroled (including a parole request from one of the women who was terminally ill, and has since passed away), the possibility clearly exists. This also includes Charley himself, who has refused to got before the board on several occasions. So, again, the possibility of parole is there. This is really the main reason I prefer the DP option. I don't really care if they are executed or just eventually die in prison. I just want a guarantee they will stay in prison, and obviously LWOP cannot guarantee that.

I completely agree with the comments that in CA it takes nothing short of divine intervention for execution to be carried out. In the few cases where execution has been carried out since I have lived in CA (40+ years) it has taken about 20 years to get there through the appeals process. I think the last execution that was carried out was a case of a man who killed 2 teenagers who were sitting in a canyon in the middle of the day eating some fast food and he just shot them without anything leading up to the decision he made to murder two "children." One of the boys was the son of a detective from the San Diego PD and they case was very clear cut, but it still took about 20 years for that to happen. So, after all my rambling, I just want to be sure the "L" in LWOP means "life" and if it doesn't, then the jury should be made aware of that. and, of course, this is just MOO.
My first post to this thread (my second overall!). I have a lot of observations to make but sometimes that darn thing called life gets in my way. I am planning some R&R later this week and will try to put a cohesive post together.

Something that concerns me about the death penalty versus LWOP (at least here in CA) is that LWOP clearly doesn't mean life. Charles Manson et. al were given the death penalty, which was subsequently overturned and they were instead given LWOP. Every couple of years the Manson family members who were given LWOP come up for parole and go through hearings. While I don't think any of them have been paroled (including a parole request from one of the women who was terminally ill, and has since passed away), the possibility clearly exists. <respectfully snipped for space>

First thanks for posting! Glad you did.

And second, yeah, I have what I think is a similar concern. I'm sure it's this way in other states too but because I live in CA it's more familiar to me. To me, the sentences here (in CA) are such a joke. That's why I keep saying WITHOUT PAROLE is important to me. When 1 year means a couple of months, 5 years means "or a year if you clean up once in awhile," and "without parole" means "until we change our mind in a few years," etc. it just becomes worthless IMO. Reminder to self, I need to look back into the truth in sentencing proposals again. To me the actual truth in sentencing is one of the more important things that come up for a vote.

I don't much care if they get the DP or just stay in prison til the end, just wish it was easier to understand what would likely result - both for the victims and the convicted.
From the interview with JC:

"Obviously, I hate the actions that he did. But I feel like, if I let him bring hatred to my mind every time I see him, he is just going to pull me down," Jonathan said Monday. "When I first figured out about the affair, and everything, he was still my next door neighbor. There was a part of me that wanted to go take care of him. But if I did that, I would be in the same boat as him &#8212; I would be a bad guy. And that is just not me."

My heart breaks all over again for him. He has had to deal with much more than any man should ever have to in the span of an entire lifetime, and yet he is so young. I hope his wounds heal quickly and he is able to move forward with his life.

How do you go from being the best of friends with your neighbors to this? CL is a special kind of monster to have even considered having an affair with his friend, neighbor, and coworker's wife, let alone actually doing it, (possibly) impregnating her, continuing after JC found out about it, and then murdering her when he was done with her.

On one hand I think that there couldn't possibly be another person capable of such heinous actions and therefore there is no way Nichole was involved....and then on the other hand I think of what kind of person it would take to be married to an egomaniacal monster such as CL and I wonder if she wasn't right there in the middle of it all with him.

I think I am going to be sick. :mad:
From the interview with JC:

"Obviously, I hate the actions that he did. But I feel like, if I let him bring hatred to my mind every time I see him, he is just going to pull me down," Jonathan said Monday. "When I first figured out about the affair, and everything, he was still my next door neighbor. There was a part of me that wanted to go take care of him. But if I did that, I would be in the same boat as him &#8212; I would be a bad guy. And that is just not me."

My heart breaks all over again for him. He has had to deal with much more than any man should ever have to in the span of an entire lifetime, and yet he is so young. I hope his wounds heal quickly and he is able to move forward with his life.

How do you go from being the best of friends with your neighbors to this? CL is a special kind of monster to have even considered having an affair with his friend, neighbor, and coworker's wife, let alone actually doing it, (possibly) impregnating her, continuing after JC found out about it, and then murdering her when he was done with her.

On one hand I think that there couldn't possibly be another person capable of such heinous actions and therefore there is no way Nichole was involved....and then on the other hand I think of what kind of person it would take to be married to an egomaniacal monster such as CL and I wonder if she wasn't right there in the middle of it all with him.

I think I am going to be sick. :mad:

My heart hurts for Jon. I pray that he eventually learns to move on with his life. I hope he knows that none of this is his fault--not the murder, not the affair.

Speaking of the affair I do hold both Erin and Chris equally responsible. Erin was old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. She still sounds like a lovely young woman though. She deserved to have some time to think things through and do whatever was best for her and her baby. It really does take as you say, 'a special kind of monster' to murder a pregnant woman. It's beyond cruel. And if Nicole, being a mother, was okay with her husband murdering a mother-to-be then I despair for the human race.
(sorry for all my rapid back to back posts.. catching up)

I agree with you here. Realistically the odds of him actually getting the DP and having it carried out in California are so slim, I'd almost rather see him plead out as long as "LWOP" MEANS "LIFE without parole " and not some creative variation if he's a "good boy" in prison. He might get sentenced to the DP but odds are he'd die in prison before it'd ever be carried out. If it's cheaper to just let him sit and rot in jail I'm fine with that, as long as he stays there. All IMO.

Are you kidding, LWOP is better. The death penalty, he dies then it's over. LWOP he spends sixty years thinking it over, and over, and over, and over and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over and over, and over, and over, and over, pulling a doctor cox, And over, and over, and over and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over and over, and over, and over, and over.

'Till it drives him insane. Actually, they did this thing in another case where the judge, as part of the sentencing, ordered that the victim's picture be put up in the cell of the perpetrator for the rest of his incarceration. Brilliant Idea!!
On Monday, Jonathan said he had once called Lee a friend.
The Lees had been neighbors of the Corwins since last fall, when Jonathan and Erin moved into an apartment building on the Twentynine Palms base. Jonathan and Lee shared a passion for off-roading and recreational shooting, and their wives both volunteered at the same horse ranch, so the neighbors became fast friends. They hung out "almost every day," Jonathan said.
In March, Jonathan discovered Chris and Erin had a brief affair. However, Jonathan believed the fling was over, and so he had made amends with his wife and tried to forgive his neighbor. Jonathan didn't discover the affair had continued until after Erin had disappeared.

Man that's got to hurt even more. Your friend has an affair with your wife, then murders her. Total betrayal of the highest. My prayers are with him.

WOW. Not only did his good friend, and fellow marine, have an affair with his wife, and kill her, but then everyone suspected HIM of the crime. The poor guy. And NOW I finally understand why her family defended him so publicly. He really needed and deserved that support from them.

He is still very young. I believe he will eventually find a new love and have a family and will never take them for granted. :rose:
It is part of my job to analyze words and these stuck out to me from the interview with JC: "She is in a better place, in no more pain." I wonder if he meant physical pain, as in thinking she suffered, or emotional pain related to the affair, pregnancy or marital difficulties.
It is part of my job to analyze words and these stuck out to me from the interview with JC: "She is in a better place, in no more pain." I wonder if he meant physical pain, as in thinking she suffered, or emotional pain related to the affair, pregnancy or marital difficulties.

I was just about to post the same thing! If the information in the article about the "spent bullets" found with Erin's body is accurate, it makes me thinks Jonathan meant physical pain.

For Erin's sake, I hope it was quick. It's too awful to fathom her laying injured but alive inside that mine.
It is part of my job to analyze words and these stuck out to me from the interview with JC: "She is in a better place, in no more pain." I wonder if he meant physical pain, as in thinking she suffered, or emotional pain related to the affair, pregnancy or marital difficulties.

I was just about to post the same thing! If the information in the article about the "spent bullets" found with Erin's body is accurate, it makes me thinks Jonathan meant physical pain.

For Erin's sake, I hope it was quick. It's too awful to fathom her laying injured but alive inside that mine.

I'm not sure if my logic is flawed but she either died without feeling any pain (one shot and she was gone) or she suffered a lot...she died quite slowly from wounds and exhaustion. I don't think Chris would do that though. If he had a gun then why wouldn't he want the death to be quick and painless? It's so hard for us to not know what happened. It makes me very anxious. :(
It may just be sloppy reporting. But you are correct, there is nothing in the arrest warrant that says LE found spent bullet casings at the bottom of the mine, with Erin's remains. The arrest warrant says the casing were found "at the scene." Lee warrant and declaration.pdf

DA Ramos said nothing of casings at the bottom of the mine either in his LA radio interview:

Ramos mentions burning tires in this interview, but again no mention of casings at the bottom of the mine.

BBM Ya... a LOT of these reports from all sources are becoming sloppy. They also say in this article: 100 feet down in the mine and all the LE comments say 140. We've seen other inaccuracies/typos/etc in other articles.

A lot of times I think the friends' "rumors" are more accurate than some of the facts posted by so called MSM.
Jon seems to really have a good head on his shoulders. His interview made him seem so casual about it but his pain must run deep and he is saying what he thinks is expected of him. I cant imagine the turmoil.
Wow, thank you! I know many have been waiting for anything from Jon and what a good interview/article. I can't imagine what he's going through.

Jon said, "Obviously, I hate the actions that he did. But I feel like, if I let him bring hatred to my mind every time I see him, he is just going to pull me down," Jonathan said Monday. "When I first figured out about the affair, and everything, he was still my next door neighbor. There was a part of me that wanted to go take care of him. But if I did that, I would be in the same boat as him — I would be a bad guy. And that is just not me."

That last sentence brought me to tears. God bless Jonathan Corwin.
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