GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #3

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I thought this was an interesting statement:

Everyone looked out for the thousands of marked and unmarked mines that are spread throughout Joshua Tree and "big enough for cars to fall into," he said.

What if the cops served a search warrant on the guy's computer and found out that he had been searching for abandoned mine locations? Then, it wouldn't matter if the cell phones were turned off. The search teams would have to go out and check out all the locations he (hypothetically) searched, and probably more. JMO.
Kaliste I don't remember which family member runs that site, SIL? I do remember Erin's Mom saying early on that LE is not sharing details with family, so they will not repeat something they shouldn't.

Perhaps this falls under that heading, who knows? I expect we will hear something from CBS8 tomorrow regarding the dispute. Here is a contact email, if anyone wants to ask the question directly **By David Gotfredson, Field Producer - email

Story is not on their facebook page ...
LE does not always tell family everything right away. An example of this is in the Charli Scott case where the media reported a tooth and bone were found and the family adamantly denied it. The POI in her case was indicted today and the tooth and bone will probably prove to be key points in the trial. A reporter on the scene just happened to be at the right place at the right time when they found it and the police were not ready to tell the family for numerous reasons.
Maybe MB did tell an officer, early on when Erin first went missing and LE didn't take him seriously, or they had a more urgent lead to pursue. Maybe MB got frustrated and decided to get the info in the news?! How did the news station even find MB or did he contact them?

If LE did know of this red car rendezvous and did not announce it to the family or to the public to be on the lookout, they must not believe it was a stranger abduction. IMO I hope LE will make a statement and clarify this new twist.
The media may have gotten their hands on a police report and tracked the witnesses down that way.
That's why I am kind of doubting the story. Would LE really hang an innocent witness out to dry like that, and so publicly? They could have simply said 'no comment.' But they denied ever speaking with the witnesses about the red car. So that seems so odd for them to specifically deny it.

And sometimes people do make things up out of whole cloth.

That's not strictly accurate. The person from the FB page said LE didn't know about it and that's quite different from LE directly stating they didn't know about it.
'Rescue crews are re-evaluating their progress after spending two weeks in rugged terrain and hot, muggy weather to find Erin Corwin.

Once a new plan is developed, they're expected to resume their search this weekend in and around Joshua Tree National Park for the pregnant Marine wife who's been missing since June 28. Her 20th birthday was Tuesday.'
I should think LE wouldn't have wanted that possible eyewitness revealed for safety reasons; if there has been foul play, that evidence could be crucial. And now the possible killer knows there's an eye witness, and probably where he lives too.

It would mean certain arrest though, if anything happened. So I guess the eyewitness is safe.
There is something terribly sad and poignant about birthdays passing when people are still missing. Erin's has happened so soon too. :(

I think there might be someone out there who has a good idea what happened but wasn't involved. I wish they would come forward. For their own sake, as well as Erin's.
Oh, I must have messed up. I thought that LE said they knew nothing about the witnesses. This case has me baffled. :waitasec:
As a timid and shy person myself, I can give one reason. We DO NOT know for sure if there was a party the night before, and we also do NOT know for a fact that Erin was not drinking (even counting her pregnancy and past miscarriage).

Alcohol=truth serum, especially for shy and timid people.

No truer words, Six.

My 60-plus years have taught me, and I've always lived by:

"What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals."
The siblings gave their statements to sheriff investigators at the scene when the Toyota was found June 30.

Thank you for that link.

If LE has known about this red car ever since Erin's car was found, they sure have made sure to keep it hush-hush.

And if LE has known about this red car since then, they've had plenty of opportunity to vet the siblings (past attention-grabbing activities, long list of priors, etc.).

And if this information was kept so hush-hush, why didn't LE tell siblings NOT to make their information public?
You would think they would tell siblings not to discuss what they know/saw with anyone, including any media.

I am beginning to believe there is truth, at least some, according to what they believe they saw, with the siblings' story.
***The siblings gave their statements to sheriff investigators at the scene when the Toyota was found June 30.***
Michael Beasley lives on Bagdad Highway, near the location where a Twentynine Palms Water District employee spotted Corwin’s abandoned, blue Toyota Corolla on Monday, June 30.

Beasley said he saw the young wife rendezvous with a man at the location, near the intersection of Valle Vista and Ranch Roads, around 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 28.

Corwin exited her blue Toyota, locked her vehicle and got inside the man’s red, compact sedan, according the Beasley. The two then drove away in the red car, he said.

Beasley said Corwin appeared to be entering the red vehicle voluntarily.

“They were just sitting and chatting. If she wanted to get out of the car and say, ‘I don't want to be in this car,' she could have,” said Beasley.

“When I came back a half hour later, just the (blue) car was sitting there. Next thing, I hear the weekend goes by and Monday morning the sheriffs are there looking for this girl because she ain't home yet,” Beasley recalled.

Jessica Beasley, Michael’s sister, also remembers seeing the blue car before authorities found it. However, she remembers the vehicle being closer to the road than the location it was ultimately found by investigators.

As a result, both Jessica and Michael Beasley believe Corwin’s car may have been moved farther from the road at some time following the rendezvous.

“Somebody had to have moved that car further in (away from the road) maybe about a 100 feet or so further in,” said Michael Beasley.
He said the man in the red car had short hair and appeared to be short, perhaps less than 5’ 9”, although the man never exited the vehicle.

The siblings gave their statements to sheriff investigators at the scene when the Toyota was found June 30.
The attachments to the search warrants were not sealed, however. They list the following locations and vehicles to be searched:

- Blue 2013 Toyota Sedan bearing California license # 7CJX519
- Dark colored Jeep Cherokee bearing Alaska license # GHP564
- The premises at 6650 Jasmine St, apartment #F, Twenty Nine Palms.
- The premises at 6650 Jasmine St, apartment #D, Twenty Nine Palms.

The street addresses in the warrants appear to refer to Jasmine Drive apartment complexes on the Marine base.

They must have something specific that caused them to request a search warrant for the vehicle with Alaska plates.
I'm thinking the person returned her stuff to her car that was left in his.

I think she returned to her car.... someone found her...made her go with them. I think they got caught and anger won.
Are any wives missing from base?

they said the guy had short hair and was short never got out of the car. could this be a girl?
I wonder if they showed the two a picture of JC, and whether or not they ruled him out as being behind the wheel of the red car. Have they stated for sure her phone hasn't been used since first thing that morning when she left? How and when would she have contacted the red car driver?
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