GUILTY CA - Gianni, 24, & Sal Belvedere, 22, Ilona Flint, 22, San Diego, 24 Dec 2013 - #2

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Imo the reason this case hasn't been solved is due to Sdpd's ego's and if it's not solved I will believe they failed San Diego as a community and the family who will never a Christmas again without having answers and losing loved ones in one of the worst ways.

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...cases usually go 'cold' when the media stops reporting or updating. Only when the media is on the investigators '*advertiser censored* for answers' does anything move forward. I personally made a plea with the media last week, (10News), asking they not let the story go cold and
still no updates...

:welcome: hmm_what_if?

The news today, on every station, was that it finally RAINED. They stuck all these news people out on streets with umbrellas. Yawn.

This case needs some attention.
Thanks for the additional links. I view this site often in the McStay case. Some links work fine for me, and others don't. :dunno:

Not sure what browser you use but in Chrome, you can right click on a link and choose 'Open link in incognito window'. That will circumvent those pesky subscription messages. I believe there is a similar option in Firefox.

(Thank you to whomever originally posted that tip here on Websleuths!)
Ohhh all of these posts were a good read. I think the autopsy on Gianni has been completed. It doesn't take that long to do one. In my opinion the into released to the public it might just be what Sdpd knows obviously there is a reason an arrest hasn't been made. I'm working on getting verified it's just this app on my phone hates me so in the mean time to keep Bessie from shaking her finger at me I'm going to go the my opinion route and the hypothetical way. Let's say hypothetically based on the family having that fund they struggled to put 10k up even with donors due to funeral costs and medical bills just thinking of being hit with those costs and just general costs associated with deaths are so high and let's say Sdpd isn't the brightest crayons in the box and ego's are in the way and they don't want the public to see how incompetent they are they then expect this devastated family to come up with more reward money for the crime stoppers fund hence the family still seeking donations but the ironic part is Sdpd does not want the family talking to the media. Don't get mad at me Bessie im trying! Hopefully i get verified soon

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YEAH!!! :grouphug:
I have never heard of a case where LE is asking a victim's family to raise money for a reward fund. Ever. I'm not going to say illegal, but definitely unethical. That's almost like saying, so how much was your loved one's life worth?

In the event of medical bills for Sal. I don't believe the family would be on the hook to pay those, unless the family just felt compelled to. I agree that this devastating for any family, but to say that money has anything to do with finding the killer is just not right. JMO
Imo the reason this case hasn't been solved is due to Sdpd's ego's and if it's not solved I will believe they failed San Diego as a community and the family who will never a Christmas again without having answers and losing loved ones in one of the worst ways.

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Man oh man I hope this is not the case! IMO the agency is suffering a lot because of recent internal and public problems and we the people of the City have lost a lot of confidence in SDPD. This would be a really good time for the new Chief of Police to let the department shine and focus on this case that seems to be pushed under the rug so to speak. If I wasn't involved here in WS I would certainly think that a killer is loose and malls were not the place to be.

I don't understand why SDPD doesn't want the family to talk to the media? If this is true...hold that response until you become "verified" :loveyou:
The whole thing is terrible. Sdpd could at least have the decency to say it's not a drug deal or it doesn't appear to be instead they're letting the story lose followers and possible donors or even someone who knows something. Anyways I found this article this morning not sure if it's related but I saw this story and it's a Honda later model->

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Okay, so I have an update for you.

***We haven't heard anything from the media in awhile because the media usually won't offer an update unless it's the anniversary of a crime or, the media is responding to a current press release from investigator's.***
What I can offer you is:

1. Gianni, Ilona and Sal have all been buried long ago. The final autopsy reports are considered 'evidence', so don't expect them to be made public anytime soon, (not until a suspect is arrested anyway).

2. Whatever DNA or physical evidence was found in Gianni's vehicle (or trunk), is also considered evidence and will not be made public until a suspect has been arrested and legal proceedings begin.

3. Scenarios, time frame of victim death(s), and possible motives are also considered evidence and will not be released to the public until after an arrest has been made or a POE/Suspect is sought and they ask for the publics help.

4. BTW, AB left San Diego for Austin, TX...He took a flight on Monday, 02/24/2013.

5. Has this case been featured on AMW yet? And if not, why?

Here's what everyone CAN do while the wait for justice continues... forget about the "who did it and why's" for now and work on the "How?"

Step into each victims shoes and visualize the possible scenarios for them being at the same mall with two cars. (i.e., was Gianni shopping alone and Ilona with Sal because he's buying her a surprise gift?).
Details: It's dark. The Mall is pretty much empty and the noise from the freeway loud...

...weeks later, Gianni is found in Riverside dead. How?

Okay, GO!

- Gianni was a witness to the shooting going to the mall to connect with SB & IF.
- The parking lot was dark and there is no CCTV from the parking lot.
- Agree there will not be any releases of DNA, autopsy reports, etc. simply because it's a homicide still under investigation.
- The family is quiet for a reason...why is that?
- Have NO CLUE why the media is not picking up the story any longer. I will ask my neighbor who is a anchor for KFMB again. Mind you because of totally different time schedules I only see him on weekends and he is an anchor and not a reporter per se.
- Hoping that thebestinthewest gets verified and can give us the families thoughts. Although I know it is completely understandable if the family cannot speak but I'm curious why?

All I got guys...:twocents:
SDHELP, did you get those cops in SD in line yet? lol

I agree that LE will keep their cards close to the vest. But I, IMO don't think that LE has ruled the family (or extended family) out of the equation yet. Any information they share with them could get comingled elsewhere. So, information from them would be limited I think.

And IMO there is something that still bothers me. It's that someone knew exactly where those kids were going to be that night. And to me it must be someone close to them. JMO
I dont think I verified right from my phone so i just redid it from my computer I obviously dont handle rejection well I will keep at it. I can say this bit of information without it being a problem. The girl I thought was Ilona at Macys was not her she actually worked at Cathy Jean. What is funny even the media thought she worked at Macys. Not sure if the there is any relevance to where she worked. Just thought I could at least clarify that fact.
SDHELP, did you get those cops in SD in line yet? lol
I agree that LE will keep their cards close to the vest. But I, IMO don't think that LE has ruled the family (or extended family) out of the equation yet. Any information they share with them could get comingled elsewhere. So, information from them would be limited I think.

And IMO there is something that still bothers me. It's that someone knew exactly where those kids were going to be that night. And to me it must be someone close to them. JMO

BBM...It's a work in progress! lol All kidding aside, I do feel that with the new changes and it being so quiet that SOMETHING will come out soon. We can only pray that it would be an arrest but just an acknowledgment that the case is being worked on would make me happy at this point :maddening:
There was an arrest just today for the Holly Bobo case. Nearly three years after her abduction. I don't believe it will take as long for this case. Seems to me they might have some DNA from Gianni's car but nobody to match it to yet.
On this mornings KNSD news they actually mentioned the killings. It's not much and can't find it on msm anywhere and it was short and sweet. They said the investigation is still moving forward and that Riverside police were working with SDPD regarding the death of GB. Also a quick mention that the family was cooperating with LE (why wouldn't they?) That was it but at least they did acknowledge LE is still working on the investigation. :fence:
Here's the link to the story SDHELPS mentioned ... thanks for the heads up!

:gthanks: THANK YOU gettez and WELCOME to WS :welcome6:

I can always count on my fellow sleuthers to find the links that always escape me :facepalm:

From the link
NBC 7 has learned that San Diego police homicide detectives hope to have major developments in the near future and bring closure to the victim’s families.

Hastings said he could not comment on specifics because that could jeopardize the investigation but he did say the amount of effort the department and other agencies are putting toward the case is “second to none.”

The link showed up after you had posted, SDHELPS, so you didn't miss it :)

And thank you for the welcome ... been a lurker for awhile because I haven't had anything brilliant to add, but I read every post and they all make me think about how this tragedy played out.
gettez, welcome to WS. So what are your thoughts on this case? It's always good for fresh eyes, thoughts and objectivity. IMO
I've lived in San Diego my entire life and been to that mall a zillion times, so this really hits close to home and has me obsessed. I talk to a lot of people about their opinions on what happened and everyone else seems to be just as mystified.

My biggest questions before I can form a firm theory are ... was Ilona working that night and, if so, does anyone know what time she got off? Or was this simply a "shopping for my fiance for Christmas" trip? I think that it's key to know these things before I can even start. It's hard to fathom what happened.

The recent posts by "hmm_what_if?" have me back to my initial theory of someone who was obsessed with Ilona and wanted her for his own. I think that she had to be working because of the 10:15p, 11:15p, and 1:15a sightings, and this person (coworker or whomever) was known to her because he knew her schedule.

I think the only place where I may be way off base is that I don't believe there was ever a grey Honda ... I think it was Gianni's car that was mistaken in the poor mall lighting IMHO.

Anyway, I love everyone's posts and I think this is a great board!
I think she worked late Gianni did not show Sal was woken up to pick her up someone used Gianni's phone to say he would meet them or he got there late it's my opinion that he was there he saw something because Ilona worked at the mall and that person showed up 3 different time I think he knew she would be getting off soon maybe Sal was mistaken for Gianni and then Gianni showed up and some guy had an obsession with Ilona. Darn this waiting to get verified.

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