CA - Hannah,16,Devonte,15,&Ciera Hart,12 (fnd deceased),Mendocino Cty,26 Mar 2018 #6

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No, it was my MOO and conjecture, that IF the festivals were connected to Osho and his philosophies of free love, there had been active child abuse in one major Osho community. If you've seen the movie and read about that community, Osho advocated full physicality and sexuality with no shame. That anything you want to do sexually is OK, so the adults said the community was freeing. (Which the Hart family photos show to some degree) What some adults learned later was that it meant the children were preyed upon in the cult. IMHO, I am linking this idea to the way the Hart children were paraded at the festivals. I do not know if there was an Osho link, but it has been stated on this thread. No, I never meant sexually abused in the home-- but unprotected in unsafe places, which IMO is equally bad.

I write liberally with the word IF and in the subjunctive tense, meaning that something may be possible. I never make statements when I don't know the facts.

I apologize if this already has been addressed, as my attempts to keep up with this case invariably fall about 20 pages short, but I would like more elucidation on the possible Portland-area festival/Osho cult link which now has been mentioned a couple of times. Are there any MSM sources for this, or just hearsay?

I'm suspicious of any report that sounds like it's simply branding the hippie/alternative community at large with a perceived-negative characteristic (i.e. 'they all tolerate and associate with this anything-goes so-called religion/sex cult that's tried to take over small PNW towns, and they might even be part of it!'), without evidence or reliable reporting backing up that supposition. As far as I've read neither the Harts, their friends, nor the musical acts or protestors they associated with have anything to do with Osho, and the possibility that a few Osho-ites might attend a local festival whose attendance could number in the thousands is no more relevant to this case than if Boy Scouts or Rotarians were present. In other words, big fat red herring – albeit a juicy and lurid one. It doesn't take cultish sympathies for parents to savagely abuse and even murder their children. It would be nice to be able to distance it from everyday life like that – but we know it's an ordinary and mundane reality. People do horrible things to other people in weaker positions all. the. time.


I apologize if this already has been addressed, as my attempts to keep up with this case invariably fall about 20 pages short, but I would like more elucidation on the possible Portland-area festival/Osho cult link which now has been mentioned a couple of times. Are there any MSM sources for this, or just hearsay?

I'm suspicious of any report that sounds like it's simply branding the hippie/alternative community at large with a perceived-negative characteristic (i.e. 'they all tolerate and associate with this anything-goes so-called religion/sex cult that's tried to take over small PNW towns, and they might even be part of it!'), without evidence or reliable reporting backing up that supposition. As far as I've read neither the Harts, their friends, nor the musical acts or protestors they associated with have anything to do with Osho, and the possibility that a few Osho-ites might attend a local festival whose attendance could number in the thousands is no more relevant to this case than if Boy Scouts or Rotarians were present. In other words, big fat red herring – albeit a juicy and lurid one. It doesn't take cultish sympathies for parents to savagely abuse and even murder their children. It would be nice to be able to distance it from everyday life like that – but we know it's an ordinary and mundane reality. People do horrible things to other people in weaker positions all. the. time.


Funny you should bring this up but while looking for latest images of the Hart children I found and read a blog. Just google " in the eye of the sparrow" and it should come up. I cannot link it as it is not authorised. But some of your festival questions may be answered. And some of it is bull as well.

I have also edited as I found and added the above link that lists the 2018 N & S America upcoming events/festivals.

(Mods please delete if necessary)

(respectfully snipped)
For me, driving all of those miles, especially on a curvy road with eight people sounds like a nightmare. Sure, if you are breaking up the trip and enjoying it along the way.

But with their speed of arrival, it was not a pleasure cruise.

This is what has bothered me from the beginning. I love road trips and have done them for years with assorted friends and family members. And this family clearly was used to traveling together on vacations and to events, so they knew how to while away time on the road. And sure, the kids were small for their ages. But even in a SUV, sitting for that many hours straight, crammed in with 7 other people, would be practically unbearable even if everyone was in the jolliest of moods. The idea of trying to sleep in it sounds even worse, if that's what they in fact did – and the absence of camping gear would lend credence to that theory.. Then add in the apparent lack of sightings during their trip, which means no bathroom breaks, no snacks, no leg-stretching, no change of clothing or washing up ... I cannot fathom this.

It's one reason I think the idea that Devonte and Hannah were not in the vehicle for at least part of the trip is plausible. That's two fewer people to drive everyone else crazy. A little more room for everyone else to spread out. Two fewer people to eat bananas. (Although I don't find that purchase in itself to be sinister. In a family of 8, maybe somebody doesn't like bananas. Or is allergic.)

Or else, the kids and possibly Sarah were all unconscious for most of the trip, so their comfort and basic physical needs were not the pressing issues they would be for most passengers. Part of me finds that idea chilling, but another part finds it a bit comforting. Anything to think that at least some of them did not know, for hours on end, that this nightmare was only getting worse and worse, and their lives were captive to the grip of two hands on the steering wheel.
Funny you should bring this up but while looking for latest images of the Hart children I found and read a blog. Just google " in the eye of the sparrow" and it should come up. I cannot link it as it is not authorised. But some of your festival questions may be answered. And some of it is bull as well.

(Mods please delete if necessary)


Thanks. I need to get some sleep now, but it's at the top of my reading list for later in the day.
Can someone pull up the image of Jen at Safeway. I want to confirm if the frame shows six bananas specifically. Or someone can check and let me know? Thank you.

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Can someone pull up the image of Jen at Safeway. I want to confirm if the frame shows six bananas specifically. Or someone can check and let me know? Thank you.

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I fear the pills were put in small pieces of banana for the kids to swallow down. That's sometimes done for young or elderly who have trouble with pills.

I wonder what the stomach contents were. And I worry LE can't use many resources for this case. I think it should be a missing endangered persons case until the two kids are found.

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Some posters don't think that looks like JH. Does anyone have recent photos of them all? I.e. a few months ago from their FB perhaps?.
I believe not being outdoors in sunlight can also have a detrimental effect. Neighbours didn't see them outside much, which seems weird to me if they had 2 acres to run around on.
And the parts of Oregon and Washington where they lived have VERY little sun. Sunny days are an event and people want to be outside! Even the possibility of "sun breaks" is mentioned in forecasts!

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Some posters don't think that looks like JH. Does anyone have recent photos of them all? I.e. a few months ago from their FB perhaps?.

If you are talking about the Safeway photo, I believe authorities have verified that was her. I really don't think there is any doubt that they were in Fort Bragg.
If you are talking about the Safeway photo, I believe authorities have verified that was her. I really don't think there is any doubt that they were in Fort Bragg.
Yes i am talking about that pic. It would be good to have recent photos of all of them on here TBH.
When she was 12, her parents divorced. She stayed with her mom and siblings in the blue house where she grew up.

When Jennifer asked to move in at 14, he drove home from work sites every day, sometimes hundreds of miles. The arrangement worked for a while, he said. But Jennifer started breaking the rules in the hours between school and his arrival home. He told her she had to move back to her mother’s house.

“I thought maybe when she got older she would understand,” he said.


She also wrote more than once about the abusive world that her children had left behind. She described Devonte’s birth and early childhood in 2012. “Born into a world of drugs (pumping through his newly born body), weapons and extreme poverty, one would assume his future was bleak. ... By the time he was 4, he had smoked, consumed alcohol, handled guns, been shot at and suffered severe abuse and neglect.”

Attorney Shonda Jones, who represented the aunt, said Hart’s account was false. “Those are all lies, that did not happen. Devonte was not born on drugs. I’ve never heard anything about being shot at or anything like that.”

But a blogger noticed Jen Hart’s online claims about her child’s horrific start in life in 2014 and incredible turnaround. She published it in a New Zealand outlet, then Huffington Post, all before his hug photo went viral.

“The adoptive mother fed a lie to the public,” Jones said. “She fed into a stereotype that reinforced other people’s racism.”


After the photo of Devonte and the police officer went viral, she said reporters staked out the family home for weeks. Their mailbox filled with positive messages from people worldwide, she wrote on Facebook. “Kim Kardashian = #breaktheinternet. Devonte Hart = #healtheinternet,” she wrote.

She attended two post-election rallies with her children and said people responded with questions about why she would put her kids in danger.

Soon after, she disappeared from Facebook for six months. She changed her phone. The family moved to Washington.

A few things stand out from the latest article in OregonLive.

1. Bbm: Rejection. Original wound. Child of divorce at 12 years old, a pivotal turning point in adolescence. She never came to healing even in severing contact with her own family. And in the darkness of that wound never addressed she killed her adolescent children.

2. Pathological liar? Bbm: -Really struck by the power of Atty Jone's statement. What did the spin of this yarn serve? And how it is juxtaposed with her choices to directly engage (not protect) these children in one of the most heated and divisive times in this country. These politically charged events serve what purpose? Her own injustice?

3. Bbm: The hashtags. The superficiality of fame, of her own importance living through Devonte's short lived fame. And she used him. By the time the post election rallies came around and emotions were really heated, people started to question her as a parent. She cut everyone off.

I'm thinking it is J&S that were hitting the breaking point. Kids in adolescence, Jen hits that crucial point where her own family fell apart. Depression, self medication, out of control? No way out? How do they handle a divorce? Each stressed to the max in different ways.

Article states all the kids went to CT for J&S marriage. This means Jen was the one who adopted the children? But after they married, both are legally responsible for them? Therefore both could be facing a lifetime in prison if CPS &LE uncovered the truth. This is why I think they were both in on the decision to end it the way they did.
But Lilibet, you bring up a good point, and one I've wondered about ever since I read it: Why would a child be punished for having a penny in her pocket??? Okay, let me rephrase: Why on earth would a child be punished for having a penny in her pocket?

to "punish her for stealing" they liked to say the children had problems for their past as an excuse for the severe punishment theys endured.
The issues don’t matter in my experience. You pay for braces which includes visits and adjustments. My teeth were easy to fix but orthos aren’t going to remove braces until you’ve paid in full.

Anyway, we are taking about kids, so even if it works the way you’ve stated, there’s would be closer to $3k each. I don’t think any of them had braces though. JMO.
I think they could easily had got medical for the kids to pay for braces. I know alot of medical insurances will fully paid for almost all childrens dental procedures.

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Something I found odd I believe ita mentioned in that Article at some point. Why was Jen so insistant that the kids would never be able to live proper adult lives?She supposedly said to people that Markis would not ever be able to have a job, the kids would never be able get married, the kids would never be able to live normal adult lives. What kind of a mother would say stuff like that? I cant see a normal parent saying those things. If the kids were as messed up as Jen claimed she should've gotten them therapy and help so they could reach their full potential. She also apparently repeatedly claimed the kids were disabled. You have six adopted kids, I'd find it highly unlikely every one of them is disabled. The only disablity those kids had were the monsters who adopted them.

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Because she was never going to let them leave.

If you look at pics from when the kids were first with the Harts, they look healthy and bright. Hannah is actually bigger than Abigail. She also has a bold and light up the world smile.
Look at the Oregon article which speaks of Jen's early life and has photos of when the kids first arrived.

Jen said all that stuff to justify their controlling and abusive ways.
The kids all seemed to have beautiful teeth from the beginning. Markis had an over bite, but all the rest seemed great.
TY for posting.

Just recapping on the tox reports. JH had BAC of .102 and SH and two of the three children found initially had traces of a Benadryl ingredient in their systems. Ciera's tox report is not available.

So it doesn't seem like there is evidence they were all given Benadryl ATM.

Tox report on third child found at crash site, and Cierra's have not been released yet.
Once again, pics without links to the source have been removed.

This is not only a copyright violation, but is unfair to other members who quote the posts with those images. They take their time to contribute to the discussion but their post gets removed as part of the discussion.
Rejection. Original wound. Child of divorce at 12 years old, a pivotal turning point in adolescence. She never came to healing even in severing contact with her own family. And in the darkness of that wound never addressed she killed her adolescent children.

I would be interested in learning the relationship prior to the divorce. I would guess one or both parents were unpredictable or distant. Divorce doesn’t usually RUIN kids. Hurt, yes, but she appears to have intimacy issues, if not attachment issues.

Pathological liar? Really struck by the power of Atty Jone's statement. What did the spin of this yarn serve?

It may have been a lie. Or a stretch. Or not. A woman who has multiple kids before and after on drugs probably did drugs with Devonte also. Whether that was known or not, idk. But I could see JH believing it was true whether it just makes sense or she actually had documentation to suggest it. SHe also could have combined all the children’s stories into one (stretch). Or she just could have knowingly lied for sympathy, contributions, etc.

Article states all the kids went to CT for J&S marriage. This means Jen was the one who adopted the children? But after they married, both are legally responsible for them? Therefore both could be facing a lifetime in prison if CPS &LE uncovered the truth. This is why I think they were both in on the decision to end it the way they did.
Sarah was more like a stepparent unless She formally adopted the kids also. There are only two Texas counties that you can do that in and they didn’t adopt from either one. But she could have easily done it after the adoption or done stepparent adoptions after the marriage.

Obviously, charges could have been brought against the women for certain abuses; but that really is not the norm even in cases where parents lose their parental rights. But most people don’t have their kids removed, much less lose parental rights. The board consensus seems to be that CPS would have discovered severe abuse; but that may or may not have been the case. If they could have dodged that, though, why kill the kids and themselves?
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