CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #2

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The seatbelt thing has really been bothering me. It seems most likely that if one is to attempt murder suicide that way then one would want to ensure death and not wear one's seatbelt. If Jen had hers on I'll be surprised. Sarah not so much because she could have fallen asleep with it on and the seat reclined. I think she could still have ended up in back (if she did) from slipping backwards out of the seat and basically just sliding out from under the seatbelt.

I'm in agreement with poppyflowers. I think this happened at night when all the kids and maybe also Sarah were asleep in the vehicle. I wish we knew for certain what time the crash occurred!!

It bothers me too and all I can think is for some reason she didn't want anyone to hear the warning ding if her seatbelt wasn't buckled. Like maybe she was driving and they were all sleeping?
It was from the state gov website regarding adoptions it was either Oregon Washington or both. I’m sorry I’m at work can’t look for it now.

This is the link I had posted in thread 1. From Texas, where the kids were adopted from. The subsidy thing came up when people questioned how they made ends meet with only one income. I offered subsidized adoptions as a possibility. My parents received subsidy payment for me until I was 21. They just had to prove dependent status for me from 18 til 21, or that they paid for more than half of my expenses basically.

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On one of the previous pages, someone posted an updated clarification from LE with a link. The initial report of both women being buckled was incorrect and it is now known that neither woman was buckled in the vehicle.

Here is a link
On Thursday, the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office issued a correction to a previous release that said Jennifer and Sarah Hart were wearing seat belts during the crash.

The two parents were not wearing seat belts at the time of the crash.

On Sunday, authorities disclosed that data from the vehicle's software suggested the crash was deliberate. They said the SUV had stopped at a pull-off area before speeding straight off the cliff. The SUV's speedometer was pinned at 90 mph when found.

For everyone saying they feel the kids looked fine, I beg to differ very much. I dont think they look fine at all. They never seen genuinely happy and they are too skinny. I struggled with weight issues with my child and while he was very skinny he wasnt ever as skinny as these kids were. Almost every photo they look like theyre malnourished. Add to this several kids themselves said jen and Sarah dont feed them properly and withold food as punishment. Abigail said it, when questioned another of the kids said sarah and jen withold food as punishment and devonte most recently said just days before the family was found dead that the moms were trying to starve him to death. I dont think this is a case of children who aee naturally skinny. Its way worse than that. Why would three kids at three separate times claim they didnt give them food as punishment? Moo

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PLEASE tell me people aren't saying those children looked fine?!! Isn't there a photo of Jeremiah I believe, on this very site, holding a guitar looking like he weighs 56 pounds??
Raw interview with neighbors in Woodland, Washington . Hard to listen to without crying.

The neighbors are very genuine, nice and believable. She thought the family was evil. She said she talked to Jen a couple of times and was not friendly at all. Devonte told them Hannah was telling them the truth about the abuse the night she escaped through the window covered in blackberries at 1:30am with a blanket but Moms would lie it. Gut wrenching.
PLEASE tell me people aren't saying those children looked fine?!! Isn't there a photo of Jeremiah I believe, on this very site, holding a guitar looking like he weighs 56 pounds??
Exactly! Thank you! I knew i wasnt going nuts. Ive dealt with a child who was extremely skinny because he couldn't gain weight and he had weight issues. I refuse to believe especially with everything we know that that was the case with those kids.

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Exactly! Thank you! I knew i wasnt going nuts. Ive dealt with a child who was extremely skinny because he couldn't gain weight and he had weight issues. I refuse to believe especially with everything we know that that was the case with those kids.

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The neighbors said all the kids were very small. The 14 yr girl looked 7. All of them small. Also said the family rarely left but left quickly after CPS made a visit.
Poor little Hannah makes me want to cry.So small for her age and all those pics of her closed mouth smiles.Running to the neighbors for help and the moms story about just being upset because her cat died.And what teenager would be okay about broken front teeth?I wonder what BS story was told about how it happened?I just get the vibe she was the least favored child.
Raw interview with neighbors in Woodland, Washington . Hard to listen to without crying.

YA SEE THIS...AND THEY ONLY SHOWED BITS AND PIECES!!! Dana said she was mean and they were EVIL. And, Devonte confirmed they were lying to make them feel good just like they lied to other people. Hannah ran to another neighbors house so they should interview them too. Devonte was allowed to take out garbage and take leaves. I wonder why they didn't allow the other boy at 19 to help him. Devonte was sharp enough to convince them of his loyalty but still search for help. Dana Dekalb knew they were sinister and had a gut feeling when she heard the news story. And Jen prob didn't want to share the driveway because shady things were going down. She probably treated Dana mean because Dana could sense her two-faced demeanor and probably got upset when they discovered Devonte was reaching out to the Dekalbs for support. She probably was angry and in rage for Devonte successfully maneuvering around her control. The paranoid and fear of being exposed could push her to take drastic measures. Shame!

YA SEE THIS...AND THEY ONLY SHOWED BITS AND PIECES!!! Dana said she was mean and they were EVIL. And, Devonte confirmed they were lying to make them feel good just like they lied to other people. Hannah ran to another neighbors house so they should interview them too. Devonte was allowed to take out garbage and take leaves. I wonder why they didn't allow the other boy at 19 to help him. Devonte was sharp enough to convince them of his loyalty but still search for help. Dana Dekalb knew they were sinister and had a gut feeling when she heard the news story. And Jen prob didn't want to share the driveway because shady things were going down. She probably treated Dana mean because Dana could sense her two-faced demeanor and probably got upset when they discovered Devonte was reaching out to the Dekalbs for support. She probably was angry and in rage for Devonte successfully maneuvering around her control. The paranoid and fear of being exposed could push her to take drastic measures. Shame!


Yep this was the non cut version.
For what it's worth (likely not much), a few years ago when I was teaching preschool we had a nutrition training. They showed us photos of children and we had to identify which ones were considered "overweight," "underweight," and "normal." The large majority of us present (about 100 total) identified the "normal" weight child as "underweight," and the "overweight" ones as "normal." Like, almost an amazing amount of us said the same. The kids that were"normal" looked underweight, while the actually underweight ones looked frightfully thin to me. Their point was it's been found (no link so opinion) that Americans aren't the best at judging healthy weight.

I'm not saying anything really like as far as an opinion, I just remembered that training and found it interesting.
There is a lot of interest in this article. But it was brought up that it is hard to pinpoint the family move from MN to OR. Max Ribner says Sarah went to Portland alone first and the family joins her later. It doesn't say how long they were in this long distance set-up, but it isn't that hard to believe that maybe Sarah left for a bit and then they reconciled. Someone mentioned it almost sounded that way with the move to Washington too.

this ticks me off. They abused a child. Busted by CPS. One of them took a child, stuck her head under cold water and beat her till the child was black and blue

Then the children were removed from school . Certainly if this was a one time thing, it would never happen again so no need to take the kids out of school and isolate them.

These children seem to have no friends since the beginning of their lives with the Hart's.

Lying seems to come easy. A fall down the stairs instead of being hit with a belt. Maybe in the olden days people did that. But in the time of love and peace, no way.

They had no reason to hide the way they raised the children as they were perfectly comfortable to deprive the children of food at the home of a relative stranger. Someone they met on FB. The woman who reported them for child abuse in 2013.

Their actions are not a one time thing. The earliest we know of is 2008.

All of those years living in the house with no outside contact basically.

Saving the children. How exactly did they save the children? Beating the bad out of them?
Thank you. My coworker is from right there, like very familiar with the Juan Creek area and that turnout and she said it's huge and hard to gauge its size from photos. She said that it's definitely not somewhere one would accidentally go off the road.
I wonder if they parked on the cliff to watch the sun rise, or meditate. They were meditating in the birthday video. I could see them driving out there, parking, and then dozing without seat belts for a little bit waiting for the sun to start coming up. While sitting there, Jen hits the gas and over they go. It would happen so fast they would have had NO time to react.
In our state when you are homeschooling you have a supervising teacher that checks in a certain amount of hours per semester and the kids have the option of taking up to 3 or 4 classes at the school if they want with the rest done at home (sort of a hybrid, but they can do 100% at home also) and/or doing clubs and extracurriculars. They don't dictate what curriculum you have to use or anything so you have that freedom and from what I have heard the teacher just plays board games with the kids or paints with them or whatever so it's clearly just to keep track of them. I think that would be a good method for more states to adopt to avoid the situations of abusive parents using it to isolate their kids and hide.
CPS visit to the Hart home on March 23.

Family left Woodland WA somewhere before 6 am on March 24.

Left Fort Bragg at 9 pm on March 25.

Today is now April 5. These three kids have now been missing and unaccounted for quite some time.

It does not feel good at all.
Dana Dekalb better go get some counseling or help. She gotta be haunted by all of this. Her husband seemed more removed from it all and their daughter probably feels like a 🤡

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