The worst case of child abuse and neglect is rare. It is called "Intentional Starvation". It is so shocking that even doctors find it difficult to comprehend.
Apparently, the state of TX was paying the Hart's $400 each month, per adopted child. Devonte told his neighbor that his mothers were trying to keep them hidden. Is it possible the mothers were attempting to kill these children by Intentional Starvation so the state of TX would continue sending the mothers those lucrative checks each month? We may never know.
Note the classic symptom of starvation is the distended belly.
Jen Hart
Published on Dec 27, 2014
Jen Hart
Published on Nov 21, 2012
"We are so provided for"
I think it was done to them out of sadism - but you may be right. Perhaps a combination.
Thanks for the links. I force myself to watch those videos, have seen them a few times. I HATE THEM!!!!!!!
"We are so provided for...." NOT. I so want to use nasty words about those women who were given the most precious and trusting little persons to take care of - and did all this to them.
Yes, it is clear they were starved, protruding bellies, rib cages showing - skeletal. Poor, poor babies. This case is developing into such a tale of horrors.
I also HATE that Markis and Hannah are NOT there. Are they tied up in their beds, blindfolded and starving?
Or maybe in the same room as their siblings (listlessly) are performing in, but standing staring into each their corner forbidden to join the "fun", deemed unworthy by sick, twisted women.
One thing I would like to see is Jen and Sarah in court. I would like to see them facing what they did. Facing it in front of the whole world to see what evil monsters they were.
But they took the cowardly way out.
I am happy we are here to expose them, even though they cannot face us anymore. I am happy there are reporters digging into this hideous case, at least giving the kids some justice in death.
We mourn those kids, I can feel it from you people here.
This is a massive tragedy. Those kids were let down so badly.
Worst thing is, I don´t think anything will be learned from this. I see cases in my own, very small country. Some abusive families manage to keep awful abuse going on for years by moving from municipality to municipality - their case files don´t move with them.
Incredible in this day and age where everything is put on record minutely in databases.
Tells me that the welfare of children really isn´t a high priority.