Ok... if I can make a suggestion, and not just to you, but to anyone that thinks they "know" what those pings mean and what it meant when his phone was not showing tower information, please go and listen to Boles testimony. Listen to both direct and cross, but pay attention to the cross. McGee spent approximately 15 minutes going through calls that went to VM on Merritt's phone that DID NOT show tower information. Some had calls right before or after, so no indication that his phone was off when he got those VM's. I always thought the VM calls would be hard to explain and it did look like his phone was off... but I no longer believe that. This pretty much sums up the VM's to me...
Part 2 Day 24 9:50ish
All of those went to vm's … don't show cell tower information. What does that indicate to you based on your training? As I stated on direct, based on my training, that the phone could be off the network, off, on airplane mode, however, based on cross examination, I would like to confer with AT&T to give a more accurate answer.
I also now have a question about the 8:28 call since learning that Jarvis has said and has maintained all these years that she saw Joey call that night at 8:28 (based on what McGee said in court the other day) I went back today to some other testimony...
@ 50:30 of Hanke's testimony, McGee shows that there are 2 calls on Merritt's records, but only shows once on McStay's that same day. Just another indication that these records are not all that reliable.