CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #12

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Shoot... not bad for a weeks worth of work and a few hours of testimony LOL ANDDDDD if that is US funds, he's kicking butt living in Canada:D:D

Likely the report fee went to the company, and he got a portion. BUT playing devil's advocate:
Let's pretend he got to keep all the $14K as gross income-
CAD $18,693.34 (14k to CAD using captured rate of $1USD=$1.335CAD)

If he had to report that as straight income, and not a commission:
Federal Tax: $4232.22
Provincial Tax: $2614.04
Canada Pension Deduction: $938.49
Employment Insurance Deduction: $302.83
Total Deductions at Source: $8087.58
Total Net: CAD$10605.76
How much money was Chased accused of murdering JM for? If you think that's a lot of money, then $14,000 is a lot. If you think $14,000 is not much, then that amount wasn't a lot.
The software alone he uses is over 5k per year. That doesn’t account for his experience and schooling, travel, etc. you are trying to compare apples to oranges here.
The software alone he uses is over 5k per year. That doesn’t account for his experience and schooling, travel, etc. you are trying to compare apples to oranges here.

I was comparing money to money. As for schooling, it seems he only has a bachelor degree:

Rob deserves more than $14,000 compensation, then.
I would have to listen again, but I think maybe they got the reports, they wanted bench notes, notes, etc. Will listen again later :)

To be clear though... the prosecutor's have done the same ocean. They did it with Dr. Rudin (remember there was a hearing and we found out that notes, etc. were also not handed over but the defense didn't contact him directly to ask), the witness that is testifying today was only hired after they decided to not call Dr. Rudin, so they actually did not give the defense 30 days either, which apparently, is permissible LOL I think the argument that the defense was saying, they gave them a list, but they have not decided who they are calling and when they do, they will notify the prosecutor's (paraphrasing). There was a hearing early on in this case and the prosecutor said the same thing, and they told the defense they can "find" contact information in the police reports, etc. <<< IMO that was not very 'ethical' either, but it is what it is lol

This isn't a pro defense, or pro prosecutor thing... this is just how it's done there from my understanding throughout this trial IMO

I agree. I still cant understand the defense whining about prosecutorial misconduct. Imo, that will go no where.

From what I understand this is not just about ONE expert.

It seems they are willfully sandbagging the state trying to delay them from knowing what any of their experts are going to testify to.

If the DT doesn't know who in the heck they are going to have testify at this late juncture, then they are the most ill prepared DT I've ever seen. WTH have they been doing all the time they have had no court?

They could easily turnover the required discovery on all of the experts. It doesnt mean they even have to call all of them.

The DT have had weeks to get ready to cross the 3D imaging expert.

I have seen this underhanded tactic done by the DT before, and they do it ...hoping the state has
no time to prepare for cross.

I think its sleazy tactics myself.

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I would have to listen again, but I think maybe they got the reports, they wanted bench notes, notes, etc. Will listen again later :)

To be clear though... the prosecutor's have done the same ocean. They did it with Dr. Rudin (remember there was a hearing and we found out that notes, etc. were also not handed over but the defense didn't contact him directly to ask), the witness that is testifying today was only hired after they decided to not call Dr. Rudin, so they actually did not give the defense 30 days either, which apparently, is permissible LOL I think the argument that the defense was saying, they gave them a list, but they have not decided who they are calling and when they do, they will notify the prosecutor's (paraphrasing). There was a hearing early on in this case and the prosecutor said the same thing, and they told the defense they can "find" contact information in the police reports, etc. <<< IMO that was not very 'ethical' either, but it is what it is lol

This isn't a pro defense, or pro prosecutor thing... this is just how it's done there from my understanding throughout this trial IMO
And probably every trial. I don't have the experience of following crimes as you and Ocean and many others, but to me this is how the game is played. Sounds cold but it is what it is. Each side vying to win. Stretching the rules as much as they can. And the type and demeanor of lawyers does play a part, IMO, though we are told it shouldn't. It's human nature. Daugherty is rather dull. I think Imes is better. I happen to like both the defense attorneys. They have passion and are fighting fiercely for their client. They appear to really believe in his innocence. No clue how the jury views them. MOO.
How much money was Chased accused of murdering JM for? If you think that's a lot of money, then $14,000 is a lot. If you think $14,000 is not much, then that amount wasn't a lot.
Joey's email said Chase owed $42,845, and then he wrote himself cheques totaling $15,845 from the 2nd to the 8th, and who knows what else he received after that without providing the goods.

And who knows what his plan was, he may have killed Joey to take the future $millions in business deals that Joey worked to procure, but things didn't pan out the way he expected.
My doubt about this case is the lack of convincing evidence. Regrettably, I can totally "fathom how a man, a father and a friend could be capable [originally spelling corrected] of such horror", given so many horrible news reports about man murdering their own children and wife. And it's more than likely this crime was committed by a man or men who were or are fathers and were friend(s) to Joseph or otherwise very close to Joseph. Joseph couldn't have fathomed that, but many of us can. However, regarding to the current accused, there is nothing I've read or heard about in this case that suggests he either has the violent nature, or the motive, or the capability to torture Joseph and murder this entire family.

SMR, I totally appreciate your point of view and the effort made with your well thought out posts here.

I do want to ask this though, about your statement, that there is nothing to show a 'violent' nature or a 'motive.'

Although thievery, burglary and selling stolen property is not considered 'violence', I see it as a cousin to violence. You are physically 'asaulting' someone in a forceful way, and in a way that makes other feel violated and attacked. And it takes a very low integrity person with a lack of empathy and compassion to steal from a wide range of people in their lives. From strangers, to clients to friends and family. And to do so for decades.

Also, your mention of the lack of motive -----I see a few intertwined motives. And there is a reason that the state is emphasizing the Gambling Addiction information. There are many murders that stem from addicted perpetrators. Addiction can take over and infiltrate some people's lives until they are capable of violent reactions to the life circumstances they created by lying and stealing from others. At some point they can become cornered and there seems no other way out.

His defenders like to say ' maybe he stole from his boss, but that doesn't mean he murdered him.' Sure, that is true.

But it could make him the most likely suspect because he stole thousands from him days before, and continuously thereafter. And in such a way that Joey would not be blind to it. So Chase had trapped himself into a corner.

I see that as a viable motive. Years of stress from being a lying, thieving person, hiding behind the cowboy hat of the good ol boy, that is everyone's friend. When in reality, there are dozens of victims, filing complaints and lawsuits and tax liens and judgements against him, piling up and up and up.

And meanwhile his boss and mentor is finally beginning to lose faith in him and is cutting back his pay, calling in the debts between them, and farming out most of the welding to others.

Right when these million dollars orders are about to roll in, Joey is backing away and cutting him out. I think that is why Chase suddenly began stealing from Joey so blatantly as he knew it was coming to an end.
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I was comparing money to money. As for schooling, it seems he only has a bachelor degree:

Rob deserves more than $14,000 compensation, then.

One reason for someone “only having a bachelor’s” would be—if they’ve been on the cutting edge of their specialty ever since they graduated—researching, designing, creating
If the DT doesn't know who in the heck they are going to have testify at this late juncture, then they are the most ill prepared DT I've ever seen. WTH have they been doing all the time they have had no court?



See, this is where I believe there is definitely a double standard when looking at prosecution vs. defense.

The prosecution literally just hired the guy last week that testified today. So what were they doing for the last 4 + years since they charged Merritt with this crime? Shouldn't they also have had their ducks in a row long before the trial started? What does that say about the prosecution then? And then to say that the defense should be prepared when the prosecution is hiring new experts so late in the trial is a bit disingenuous IMO

I see the games from both sides of this trial. I somewhat 'expect' it from the defense, because we do see that all the time, I cannot recall another trial though that the prosecution has done some of the things this one has. All JMO
And probably every trial. I don't have the experience of following crimes as you and Ocean and many others, but to me this is how the game is played. Sounds cold but it is what it is. Each side vying to win. Stretching the rules as much as they can. And the type and demeanor of lawyers does play a part, IMO, though we are told it shouldn't. It's human nature. Daugherty is rather dull. I think Imes is better. I happen to like both the defense attorneys. They have passion and are fighting fiercely for their client. They appear to really believe in his innocence. No clue how the jury views them. MOO.

Isn't it funny that after 2 months of trial... I would not be able to tell you which one is Imes and which is Daugherty? LOL I wonder if McGee/Imes/Daugherty have actually worked together when McGee was a prosecutor?

I do agree though, it is what it is! It's part of the trial. Every objection is for the record, every motion is for the record. :)
Requirement or not, what we have so far is not sufficient.

Not sure why Susan would be scared of the friend of her son who was concerned about his welfare and urged them to visit the house. As for motive, Dan Kavanaugh.

Maybe because, as she testified, she believed that Joey was beginning to try to distance himself from using Chase in the business going forward. It had to cross her mind that it might be connected somehow.
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