CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #18

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Just going back over Chase Interview and this always makes me chuckle.

It just demonstrates what a pathetic liar he really is and it is truly pathetic hence why it’s funny.

No they don’t!!

And he was just a kid when he got in trouble apparently and yet his last convection he would of been in his 30/40’s. Some Kid..... :D

Most people MIGHT have a bit of a record for driving infractions but that's nowhere close to a criminal record. My mom is almost 80 and doesn't have so much as a parking ticket. Me on the other hand,

Actually he was in his late 40's or possibly 50's when he was last convicted. Nice way to try and deflect, Merrit, but it ain't gonna work.
I understand how someone could arrive at the conclusion you describe, especially, if this conclusion was contemplated without considering more complex and elaborate scenarios.

The problem with your theory of the crime is it’s too simple, I’m familiar with Occam’s razor and agree that in most cases it would apply but I don’t believe this case is a candidate for such consideration. I say this because the event you describe would not have been a small error made by the culprit but a glaring road sign leading LE directly to the person and directing their attention away from any other potential suspects.

I realize that most criminals make stupid mistakes, and this is the caveat that gives me pause with this case. There were no mistakes made other than this one glaring huge mistake, it doesn’t make sense that the murderer could be so thorough and competent in every other aspect of the crime, yet do something that is obviously going to implicate them.

IMO, this is a classic example of a frame up, considering the origin of the check printing evidence was a computer that DK potentially had access to only adds more validity to this theory. DK also would have known that Merritt would have had no problem accepting a check from JM to cash, we also have no idea who really made the call to the QB’s help desk.
BBM, Yes we do. According to LE it was CM's cell phone number he called them from and was evidence at Trial from the QB's rep.
I understand how someone could arrive at the conclusion you describe, especially, if this conclusion was contemplated without considering more complex and elaborate scenarios.

The problem with your theory of the crime is it’s too simple, I’m familiar with Occam’s razor and agree that in most cases it would apply but I don’t believe this case is a candidate for such consideration. I say this because the event you describe would not have been a small error made by the culprit but a glaring road sign leading LE directly to the person and directing their attention away from any other potential suspects.

I realize that most criminals make stupid mistakes, and this is the caveat that gives me pause with this case. There were no mistakes made other than this one glaring huge mistake, it doesn’t make sense that the murderer could be so thorough and competent in every other aspect of the crime, yet do something that is obviously going to implicate them.

IMO, this is a classic example of a frame up, considering the origin of the check printing evidence was a computer that DK potentially had access to only adds more validity to this theory. DK also would have known that Merritt would have had no problem accepting a check from JM to cash, we also have no idea who really made the call to the QB’s help desk.
LOL I'm sorry, Dan potentially had access to Joseph's computer? No idea who called QB? No idea at all?

How about this. Can you explain how it was Chase who wrote a check on the 5th for $2350, backdated and deleted, then 5 minutes later is cashing at the bank across the street from his apartment?

But Dan should have been LE's primary focus.
I kind of figured that, but please answer the question, how do we know this? What detail in the testimony suggests the call originated from Merritt's phone?

From the prelim transcript (bolding by me):

At 2:44 P.M., it stated the user canceled QuickBooks
3 online subscription.
4 Q Do you know if that was done via phone call or online?
5 A It was through a call-intake center. It was done on a
6 phone call.
7 Q And did you review the defendant's cell phone records
8 from that date, February 8th, 2010?
9 A Yes, I did.
10 Q At around that time, was there a phone call to QuickBooks
11 online?
12 A Yes, there was.

13 Q And how long does that, how long did that call last?
14 A The phone call lasted 107 minutes.
15 Q The next day, February 9th, was there any other activity
16 on the QuickBooks account?
17 A Yes.
18 Q And what happened on February 9th, based on your review
19 of the records?
20 A At 8:06, 08:06 A.M., it stated: "The user again
21 cancelled QuickBooks online subscription."
DK must be such a master mind , yet oddly the behavior I have seen off him is anything but calculated.

So DK managed to convince everybody he was in Hawaii and was hiding away somewhere near fallbook.

Gave somebody his credit card to make it appear he was in Hawaii as well all the whole hiding and not being seen by any of his friends in LA.

Then he manages to kill the family, make out a cheque for Chase and have second thoughts and deletes it.

Then the follow day goes to Chase’s home and writes out a cheque for Chase who then goes to the bank and cashs it. DK must of been in disguise as Chase claimed he hadn’t met DK until after the family vanished. So maybe he wore a balaclava and Chase just the upstanding citizen he was didn’t find it at all strange somebody had come to his home written out a cheque for Chase and asked him to cash it with Joey’s signature on it.

Then DK goes back to the Mcstays and tidied up and got rid of all evidence.

Then sneaks back to Hawaii and everybody can breath a sign of relief as he has just pulled off such a con the world didn’t see it coming and Chase is sitting at home and watching tv not at all concerned about “ his best mate” Joey.

DK is now surfing up a storm in Hawaii proud as punch he has gotten away with murdering 4 people.
I'm not totally sure but i think Dan owned the domain and did all the internet stuff for Joey to encourage customers from the website to Joey's EIP. So Dan would of had a deal of some sort with Joey and Joey & Dan probably settled on a percentage of payment to Dan for his part in it all? And even though JM paid DK out, he still kept him on but in a different and lesser capacity i would think.

These things are common in small businesses because people don't write proper agreements at the outset.

I highly doubt Joey paid DK for all his time in the early days. But of course Joey would feel like he funded everything.

In some ways a payoff was a good solution.
The only thing I would mention here is if the expenses were for separate jobs, he may have issued separate checks to make it cleaner from an accounting perspective. It is easier/cleaner to code each check against a specific job. We do that in my Quickbooks with multiple invoices for the same company. It allows us to get an accurate profit/loss per client/job.

Yes - i was wondering about that. Though personally I would probably organise it differently - by coding the invoices to the jobs?

We pay everything electronically for many years - so we don't do a transfer "per invoice" - just one combo transfer.

Similarly our clients pay us one transfer and send us a payment advice of which invoices were included.

Would have been interesting to know which method Joey used!

I kind of find it laughable that the expert forensic accountant didn't look in to this stuff.
Baker testified the caller gave the name of Joseph McStay and a phone number that did not match the number on file for the Joseph McStay account, though the email address the caller used,, did match the account. The caller provided a phone number of 909 374-0102, which in previous testimony had been identified as the number for Merritt’s cell phone.
Rodriguez asked whether Baker would have made note of a name other than that of the account holder if the caller had not used the account holder’s name. He said he would have.
Rodriguez inquired about the nature of the call.
“The caller actually advised that they wanted the account deleted from our servers and removed from our system so all the details would be expunged from our system itself,” said Baker.
QuickBooks Rep: Merritt Masqueraded As McStay In Try To Commandeer Account | SBCSentinel
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