CA - Katherine Jackson, 82, Michael Jackson's mom reported missing

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I'm glad KJ is home, but is she staying in the Calabasas home or the Encino home? Guess we will have to wait and see.

The appearance on Nightline was so ridiculous. I mean, everyone is saying you have kidnapped this woman, you are controlling this woman, so your bright idea is to appear on tv surrounding this woman like this is some Taliban Hostage video?? With a prepared statement and no questions asked? The only thing missing was a couple of guns and a newspaper, geesh.

I don't think anything can convince me that this was just a R&R trip. It may have been in her mind, but Janet, Jermaine, Randy and Rebbie wouldn't even like Marlon see her. Why do they think its all fine for them but not their brother? Sorry, but if that woman is not capable of protecting herself then she is in no condition to care for those kids. If it was a normal situation it would be different. But these are 3 heirs to an enormous fortune - they need someone more in control of their own life.

BBM- Yep same impression I got.
Katherine says the cook etc...were fired???? what was that all about..??? she kind of went off script maybe????

I believe with all my heart that Paris knows exactly what is going on and is in total fear of being kidnapped and exploited by that family...I think she has been instructed of what to do if anything should ever happen...

vultures circling....
I think George Foreman named all of his sons George. He has six, IIRC.

was just about to post this....he has ten....boys are all named George I believe

1. Natalie Foreman
2. Michi Foreman
3. Leona Foreman
4. Freeda George Foreman
5. George Edward Foreman Jr
6. George Edward Foreman III
7. George Edward Foreman IV
8. George Edward Foreman V
9. George Edward Foreman VI
10. Georgetta Foreman
Prince Jackson is on Twitter now with a statement.
"As long as I can remember my dad had repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways. Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realized how misguided and how badly she was lied to. I’m really angry and hurt." Plus a screenprint from a conversation with Rebbie and Janet.
This is NOT looking good for Janet & co.
I wonder if Dr. Conrad Murray is aware of all this going on. I wonder if perhaps there IS more to the story of how MJ died...just thinking out loud.
Katherine says the cook etc...were fired???? what was that all about..??? she kind of went off script maybe????

I believe with all my heart that Paris knows exactly what is going on and is in total fear of being kidnapped and exploited by that family...I think she has been instructed of what to do if anything should ever happen...

vultures circling....


I didn't know what to think of that either. She said the cook, the nanny, the housekeepers had been fired - maybe she found this out when she called and talked to Prince and Paris??
So.. I don't believe Mrs. Jackson is still "missing". I do believe there is a mess....

I am changing this thread to "FOUND SAFE" and moving to LOCATED discussion area.

If anyone disagrees, please send PM to moderators!

Katherine says the cook etc...were fired???? what was that all about..??? she kind of went off script maybe????

I believe with all my heart that Paris knows exactly what is going on and is in total fear of being kidnapped and exploited by that family...I think she has been instructed of what to do if anything should ever happen...

vultures circling....

Yesterday the sibling group hiding KJ claimed that TJ sent home all the "help" to make the house seemed more disorganized because someone (either the estate lawyers, or guardian ad litem) was coming over and TJ wanted the house to seem like chaos.

Of course...TJ wasn't the one ambushing children, holding up cell phones to video, and trying snatch away a childs cell phone.

Edit to add: Here is where I read it, however, this site is total BS. It is a pro-Randy site, he has connections there. They conveniently didn't even report KJ losing temp custody yesterday. They are only reporting what Randy approves:
police escorted Katherine home

BBM: Good ... about time they did "something" to help Mrs. Jackson ...

This is all very concerning because she is an elderly lady, who just happens to control a "fortune" !

I hope Mrs. J is okay ... she is surrounded by :silenced:

:waitasec: Just a thought and MOO, but I don't think this is the "end" of this story here ... There will be probably more drama from the :dramaqueen::dramaqueen: who just luv the spotlight and $$$$$ ...

Kids have been muzzled ....twitter accounts down
Prince's tweet says a lot to me. Clearly she had no idea what was going on, probably told the kids were on a vacation too and blah blah. It only got messy once Paris let the world know her grandma was missing. I also credit Prince for making a statement today.

Well if KJ didn't actually have blood pressure problems before this charade, I'm sure she probably does now! JMO

Nice going MJ siblings and the Dr. involved!
I think twitter is having some service disruptions

I think so to, my job hasn't sent out anything for over an hour, and they're usually good for about every 6-7 minutes (I wonder how I can get that job?)

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