Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni Missing From Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #4

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In the last thread, @ArmChairDet said ........ "Yes, Looks like last ping was the phone call. If she left, there would have been another tower somewhere along the path. However, there may be large areas of no signal on the route as well."

What I am wondering is if any of the locals on this thread have knowledge of this.

In other words, do they know if there is a normal loss of signal when leaving the Sanctuary. And, if so, how long does that loss of signal last before their phone pings on another tower?

(Though it may be hard to know if this would relate to Kiely's phone, as I don't think we know Kiely's phone service provider and which tower(s) provide service for that provider. Hers may be a different service provider than those used by any of the locals on the thread.)
These cases always upset me. This one with the outdoor party that got too big, with tons of teens and strangers, the friends leaving early and leaving her alone at the party, police begging for video or picture footage—it is reminiscent of the Chelsea Bruck case and gives me very uneasy vibes. I pray pray pray that this is more innocent and resolved soon. But I feel icky about it.

Late night thoughts:
Lack of pings could be phone dying rather than last location. Possible her phone died, and she went to the car to charge it. Perhaps then someone snuck up to her at her car; or someone offered to drive her home, etc.

I wonder even if (complete speculation, but just to show how messy this stuff can be)—someone could have offered to drive her home but she was drunk & fell asleep in the passenger seat, & say, they decided to go to an after party instead, leaving her in the car, she wakes up and is scared and tries to drive herself home, crashes from a different location, and no one wants to admit they’d last driven/seen her for fear of looking sketchy. Or say she willingly goes to an after party and whoever took her doesn’t want to admit that, knowing that the second location isn’t on the radar, and something happened there. I don’t think we can be sure that just because she wasn’t seen leaving, means that the party was her last location. Someone knows something but I unfortunately think that someone is involved in some way and won’t be coming forward willingly.

*edited to add:
I also am not entirely confident that her last text to her mom saying she’d be leaving in 45min @ 12:15am definitely came from her. She could already have been injured or simply too intoxicated by the time of that text…and even if it wasn’t sinister, a friend could have sent the text on her behalf to let her mom know she’d be home late to give her time to sober up etc. And then something happens and everyone is freaked out. I’m sure if they were all heavily intoxicated there is a lot of confusion of memories about how everything went down, as well. Ugh.
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But does search and rescue use sonar equipment or we just talking divers...
I don‘t know what the search teams have used so far, but volunteer dive group Adventures with Purpose plans to join the search. “Using sonar equipment, the Bend, Oregon-based group said they have solved 22 cases since formally launching two years ago.”

AWP stressed a couple of times in their video about KR about specializing in SONAR (I've been watching their videos for a while and they are so incredible and determined!!). I wonder if this is different/better equipment that has been used so far for KR. Washoe County said they used some underwater robot with sonar technology. I wonder what tech they used during their boat searches.

Any SAR, diver, SONAR, techie people here???

ETA: I see this conversation was already started while I got distracted halfway through this post o_O
Also I don't know how to make the fb link pretty. It's from the WCSO Facebook about the water search
Presuming weather has been hot and the campsite has remained open for users at any time, if KR was anywhere near campsite there could be indications such as smell or vultures hovering above.

But we know also that we cannot rely on this kind of info.
I am wondering about autumn in that area.

IF Kiely's car went off the road but into the woods, not water, I understand it may be hard to spot amid all the summer foliage.

IF she's in or near her car, camouflaged in the woods, she may have survived with an injury. But time is running out for that.

So I'm wondering, when autumn comes and the trees become bare, is it easy to spot a wreck then?

If skiers are frequently lost, I'm guessing it would be difficult to spot a silver car in the snow.

But I really don't know much about that area. Just hoping that if she's out there, she's found, and I don't know how long the bare tree period lasts before the winter snows set in.

Do your lakes ice up heavily out there? If she's in the water, in or not in her car, would the ice make it impossible to continue searching for her? I know her parents' lodge has been advertised as getting feet of snow, which appeals to skiers.

Sorry if these are elementary questions. Just am ignorant about that whole area, although I visited as a child.
Nearly all our trees are evergreen so they won't become bare. There is more foliage and underbrush in the summer but it's forested year round.

Come winter, we are often buried under many feet of snow (depending on elevation) for many months. I doubt Prosser hard freezes but I also doubt they are going to want to do searches there in our harsh winter conditions.

We have a lot of lakes here that only soft freeze, or only freeze at the edges. We are not as cold as the Rockies or some other places. But we get a LOT of snow. It's why Squaw/Palisades is the spring skiing capitol of the world. I skied one year on the Fourth of July.
On the Tahoe National Forest's webpage for Prosser Family Campground, it mentions firewood being available "at the host site".

While I understand campfires are probably not permitted at the moment due to wildfire risk (and thus no firewood available), what caught my eye was the phrase "host site". Apparently sometimes (or perhaps only in earlier years) that campground has/had an onsite host? Can any of the locals confirm that no campground host was on site during this party? If they were, we would probably have heard about them being interviewed, I'm guessing.

Granted, I am not sure how difficult it would be to search from the air, and am sure that a car could easily be missed, but other than today, when I did not notice any aircraft that seemed to be searching, every day for at least the past week, there have been multiple aircraft showing up on Flightradar24 each day, doing what appear to be obvious and thorough searches by air, often for several hours each day, often two Civil Air Patrol planes, and the PCSO helicopter, as well as a CHP helicopter at times. While her car can certainly have been overlooked if it went off the road somewhere, I believe that arial searches have been as aggressively carried out as water searches have. JMO
I understand the weather conditions were not ideal there today. Also, a lot of resources will be regrouping and on standby for fire startups from forecast lightening strikes and Tstorms over the next few days.
If she grew up in this area, has she been to this place hundreds of times? that makes me think she was impaired... or that someone stole her car and dumped her some where-a creepy thought but I am having flashbacks to that woman who disappeared and her boyfriend said that they were stumbling through brambles and they were "separated" and it took a long time to find her after months of searches-they found a shoe first. (this case:

Property owner finds suspected remains of missing Oregon ... › dateline › property-owner-...

Jun 22, 2020 — Property owner finds suspected remains of missing Oregon woman Allyson Watterson who disappeared while on a hike with her boyfriend in 2019.)
No good feelings about this case.
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There seems to be an assumption in Thread #3 that if KR and her car, if they are off the road, are in a body of water.

IMO this is less likely than that they simply went over the edge of the road. This almost happened to me in broad daylight on a Forest Service road. I wasn't driving fast, but it was evidently too fast. I had trouble controlling the car.

All you'd have to do in pitch black darkness is to "see a deer", real or imagined, and you'd suddenly brake. You could very easily end up off the road.

For those of you who haven't been in a wilderness area at night, it is generally BLACK. It's spooky 'cos you can't see a thing. With the headlights trained ahead (could KR have burned out one?), it would be difficult to see the edge of the road.

And, if it seems odd that an extensive search wouldn't find a car that has gone off the road, it happens all the time. Often, it's only happenstance that the car is spotted eventually.


I think this is likely as well, but there's a few obvious questions...

If KR were driving the most direct route back to the Lost Trail Lodge and she went off the road, I think she would have been found by now. The road from the campground to 89 is highly trafficked, it does not have steep embankments.

If she made it to 89 and turned left (south), there are some embankments on both sides, but it's my understanding this area has been searched extensively.

If she made it down 89 to I-80, she'd go west for a couple of exits. I-80 for these couple of exits isn't remote, and has concrete barriers on both sides of the road. I think it's safe to say she didn't crash here.

That leaves the Donner Pass Road exit she would have taken to Cold Stream Rd. I mentioned this in my previous post. The sheriffs were searching this area today. I also searched this area. I went from the exit all the way to the lodge. This area is "wooded" but our definition of wooded in Tahoe is not like the rest of the country. I've attached a photo I took today. We don't get much rain here. We don't have thick foliage like you have in New England or the south. It's mostly large trees and some smaller manzanita bushes. It's not like a car could drive 30 feet off the road to be never seen again. You'd see it.ColdStream1.jpgColdStream2.jpgColdStream3.jpg
2nd sounds a bit intriguing, What are the floor surfaces of theses lakes? Mud, etc...
I assume it's mud. I don't think I described the lake well. It's surrounded by thick smaller pine trees. There would be a VERY obvious break in the trees if a car went into this lake. I went all around this lake today, I didn't see any evidence of this.
You would think with so many people at the party and teenagers someone would be starting to talk by now. It's not sitting right with me.

With camera's literally at their fingertips and going non-stop with this age group this has to be solved sooner rather than later.

I feel like more and more crimes are happening and they are taking longer to be solved. With all the technology and resources available crimes should be easier to solve.
First of all it has not been reported that a crime has occurred. Upwards of 9000 man hours have been spent searching for Kiely. JMO but after watching every PC it seems LE and searchers are doing everything possible to find her.

I think this is likely as well, but there's a few obvious questions...

If KR were driving the most direct route back to the Lost Trail Lodge and she went off the road, I think she would have been found by now. The road from the campground to 89 is highly trafficked, it does not have steep embankments.

If she made it to 89 and turned left (south), there are some embankments on both sides, but it's my understanding this area has been searched extensively.

If she made it down 89 to I-80, she'd go west for a couple of exits. I-80 for these couple of exits isn't remote, and has concrete barriers on both sides of the road. I think it's safe to say she didn't crash here.

That leaves the Donner Pass Road exit she would have taken to Cold Stream Rd. I mentioned this in my previous post. The sheriffs were searching this area today. I also searched this area. I went from the exit all the way to the lodge. This area is "wooded" but our definition of wooded in Tahoe is not like the rest of the country. I've attached a photo I took today. We don't get much rain here. We don't have thick foliage like you have in New England or the south. It's mostly large trees and some smaller manzanita bushes. It's not like a car could drive 30 feet off the road to be never seen again. You'd see it.View attachment 360112View attachment 360113View attachment 360114
Do you feel she would take the same route out of the campground that she enter from 89? I see three potential ways to get into and out of the campground from 89. I was also intrigued by the Donner Pass Exit Road.
Apparently sometimes (or perhaps only in earlier years) that campground has/had an onsite host?
Most public campgrounds in California have an onsite “host” who is tasked with checking site reservations, selling firewood, and generally keeping the peace at the location. These hosts generally work during the season when a campground is open (year round in the case of campgrounds in our warmer climates). They receive a small stipend and a free stay.

Occasionally a site will not have a host due to staffing shortages or they may have the night off and are offsite. I am sure that LE contacted the campground host immediately if one was present - they generally serve as the “official contact” for emergencies.

If the party was NOT on property managed by the campground, though - and it sounds like it wasn’t - the campground host would have no authority or responsibility towards intervening in it.
I am wondering about autumn in that area.

IF Kiely's car went off the road but into the woods, not water, I understand it may be hard to spot amid all the summer foliage.

IF she's in or near her car, camouflaged in the woods, she may have survived with an injury. But time is running out for that.

So I'm wondering, when autumn comes and the trees become bare, is it easy to spot a wreck then?

If skiers are frequently lost, I'm guessing it would be difficult to spot a silver car in the snow.

But I really don't know much about that area. Just hoping that if she's out there, she's found, and I don't know how long the bare tree period lasts before the winter snows set in.

Do your lakes ice up heavily out there? If she's in the water, in or not in her car, would the ice make it impossible to continue searching for her? I know her parents' lodge has been advertised as getting feet of snow, which appeals to skiers.

Sorry if these are elementary questions. Just am ignorant about that whole area, although I visited as a child.
About 20 or so years ago, a well respected fire dept captain left a department cookout and didn't make it home. They searched all along where they thought he might have gone. This was not a rural area but city between the cookout and his home. When winter came a road crew found him in his car. He had run off the interstate into the high bushes on the median. I don't remember whether the trees were pines or hardwood, but the bushes were not evergreen shrubs and the high grass had died. There had been massive searches for him that summer and they somehow missed him on the interstate. It can happen.
Do you feel she would take the same route out of the campground that she enter from 89? I see three potential ways to get into and out of the campground from 89. I was also intrigued by the Donner Pass Exit Road.
The entrance from 89 is the way 95%+ of people would enter and exit the campground. Obviously I have no idea where she was headed. You can connect to the Prosser Estates neighborhood (commonly just called Prosser) from the campground road. Or you can take dirt forest service roads almost anywhere.
I did notice that there’s an incorrect image of her car being circulated. Her car is the one shown in the snow. She has a LX which is the base model CRV which has the base wheels shown on the snow pic. The other CRV is not hers. Different trim level. Kiely’s CRV is also 4WD, and would actually be a great little car for Tahoe.


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