Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni Missing From Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #4

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Flushing out some thoughts here: I have two very moral and great teenagers and I would definitely encourage them to give LE all the info they had and I can tell you with 100% certainty they would be reluctant to provide anything even with assurances of a free-pass. There is this weird code among teenagers and they have layer upon layer of secrecy that did not exist when I was their age. I am not surprised, as others have stated in earlier posts, that not a single person that I know of has come forward to say they saw KR just before she left or just as she was leaving. Nobody has said I saw her car over next to that area or this area at about such and such a time. To my knowledge nobody has said that she said goodbye to them. Nobody has gone to the media with their pictures of her at the party or pictures of them standing next to her car, or video. Have they given them to LE? I have no idea but you would expect some to leak out to media by now. Other than her friend's public statements and the phone ping(s), what objective evidence do we have about when she arrived and when she may have left that party?
LE may have a lot more information on Kiely's interactions at the party than we think. I have no problem with LE withholding information from the public, if that is what's happening here. They have probably asked that party-goers not talk to the media either. In almost every case, LE knows a lot more than they ever talk about at press conferences. We don't hear about most details unless there's an arrest and a trial.....or somebody writes a book.
I just want to add on before this becomes a whole thing again....
LE stated in that same press conference that the phone ping was just as much on land as it was on water.


eta: timestamp 3:10
Agree! Thanks for adding this. I recalled hearing the “as much land as water”, but couldn’t locate a link.
Thank you to @SMK777 and @pandamonium for helping track down the Day 6 presser for new item #10, below.

Here is the current list of LE / MSM verified facts. Please note what is NOT in this set of facts...

1) 6pm store surveillance image of KR with description of KR's apparel (black body shirt, green dickies, vans, etc.)

2) gold necklaces KR may have had

3) two sweatshirts / hoodies: a) KR wore a pink & white one at the Prosser Camp party per video; b) a black one she had

4) confirmation KR was at the Prosser Camp party

5) a text to Mom from KR's phone at 11:30pm

6) final ping from KR's phone at 12:33am from party location (near water and land)

7) KR may have gone somewhere after the Prosser Camp party (not to home?)

8) make, model and license plate # of KR's car (2013 Honda CRV, CA 8YUR127)

9) ram sticker is on back window of KR's car, below the windshield wiper.

10) some adults are trying to discourage people and possibly teens coming forward with information

Again, did I miss or misstate anything?
I am unsure if it’s been confirmed by LE, but a description of her key chain:
Smith said Rodni carried a key chain that had on it a Zumiez brand metal reusable straw holder, described as a “small metal black cylinder that says ‘Zumiez’ on it.” Where is Kiely? - Moonshine Ink
I do not believe that LE feel certain that Kiely, her phone, and her car, are still together in the same place, but they are certain that they were all together at some point, the evening she disappeared, and they are all missing now. While it seems logical to assume that they may all still be together, I am sure LE are exploring every possibility, and hoping that finding any of those three missing things may yield clues to the location of the others.

I do feel like if they all are not together, the highest likelihood is that she may have been separated from her phone first, and it may stil be very near the campground, perhaps in the lake. JMO
Has LE released a description of her cell phone or case? (Though they kind of all look alike.)
LE may have a lot more information on Kiely's interactions at the party than we think. I have no problem with LE withholding information from the public, if that is what's happening here. They have probably asked that party-goers not talk to the media either. In almost every case, LE knows a lot more than they ever talk about at press conferences. We don't hear about most details unless there's an arrest and a trial.....or somebody writes a book.
No problem with LE holding everything confidential, that is what they promised to do. Pictures from the party are starting to appear on some unapproved sources over the last 24 hrs. I feel a little more confident now that LE is getting cooperation from the attendees now that we see the leakage onto social media outlets.

My theory has always been that she accidently drove into the water.
Thank you @dtowndetective411. I had not heard of the CB case until you mentioned it. I don't want to violate WS rules about discussing other cases within the KR case. But I did listen to the 1 hour podcast you linked. And of all the facts that caught my attention in that case, it was the fact that CB's friend ended up with CB's phone by the end of the party. That left CB exceptionally vulnerable - in an intoxicated state she was seen late at the party crying, alone and cold.

That got me wondering, to the point you added to your post - what if KR had given her phone to someone? Perhaps for the 11:30 text to KR's mom, KR gave her phone to someone else to send the text because she was too messed up and just wanted time to sober up before heading home. Then that person who sent the text forgot to give the phone back to KR.
I’m glad that you listened! Absolutely a good point, and certainly could have happened that way. I don’t know what to think, because her car was there so even without a phone, she could have slept there and then left in the AM. But definitely gets more dangerous without a lifeline.

Also, if SS story is accurate, KR called her at 12:33/12:36 AM a few minutes after SS left, asking about whether she still needed a ride. Which makes me think she had her phone at that point (unless there is something missing or wrong about that conversation). And, if she was asking SS if she still needed a ride, I figure that someone had offered to take her home and KR was extending the offer. It’s all jumbled in my brain.
Wondering if at this point circumstances can be narrowed down to only two possibilities....terrible accident or some psycho took her.
Probably too soon to narrow it down to 2 possibilities.

Here is my speculative list, FWIW:
  1. Accidental - vehicle - water / road
  2. Accidental - Substance related
  3. Runaway
  4. Foul play /abduction
  5. Social experiment
  6. Suicide
Finding Kiely is of paramount importance !! But which is more important to find, her phone or her car? Which can tell the most about where she is?
So yesterday they had 1100 tips, today they have 1044 of those reviewed with 114 additional tips! Hopefully one of these has the answer.
These tip amounts always drive me nuts in every case, because 99% of them are from idiots on the internet saying "did you check this?"

What they want are eyewitness accounts.

Either way, I can't imagine this is going to be solved by a tip. I think it's going to be solved by her car being located in water.
Finding Kiely is of paramount importance !! But which is more important to find, her phone or her car? Which can tell the most about where she is?
I would think her car likely could tell the most about what may have happened to her, and where she is. Her phone could have been dumped in the lake before she ever left the campground, or thrown out a car window anywhere. If she is not in her car, when it is found, she most likely met foul play, perhaps with obvious evidence in car, and unless transferred into another vehicle, she is likely within a short distance of it, as it would be very difficult to carry someone very far on foot. JMO
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it is not. LE updated in last press conference, stating it was an isolated incident and they were able to work through it.
Yup, I heard that too, @ChuckInHouston at the 8/15 Placer Sheriff Office's presser. But was left a little confused as to whether it had been fully resolved. Here is what I just transcribed FWIW:
@ 09:30

Reporter 1 (JD?): "Has there been any change in position with the adults that had advised teens not to speak.... ?"

PIO Musallam (Sheriff's Office): "I don't know if that is readily apparent. We only received several reports a few days ago and since then we haven't received additional reports. But that doesn't mean that people are still telling other teens or young adults to not come forward..."

Reporter 2: "...Has anyone interviewed by the FBI in the surrounding area been uncooperative with investigators?"

Lt. Barnhart (FBI): "For the most part everyone has been very cooperative... What JD (?) was talking about was an isolated incident that were able to get past".

So thanks for pointing that out. Now that I've transcribed this, I will remove item #10 from the "verified fact list". That said, I am still left wondering why any adult would discourage anyone from talking in a missing person case like this.

ETA: formatting changes
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These tip amounts always drive me nuts in every case, because 99% of them are from idiots on the internet saying "did you check this?"

What they want are eyewitness accounts.

Either way, I can't imagine this is going to be solved by a tip. I think it's going to be solved by her car being located in water.
I agree her car is most likely in water. AWP are expert in this type of discovery and recovery. Their equip is top notch, and they are skilled divers.

Amateur opinion and speculation
So let's take item #10 from the list of verified LE / MSM facts per my post a few minutes ago.

The full text from the Day 6 presser regarding this item is:

"...some adults are trying to discourage people and possibly teens coming forward with information that could help us locate Kiely. So we'd like to remind everyone again...our interest is not arresting any individuals or prosecuting individuals... holding them accountable for any under age drinking or illicit drug use that did occur, that we know occurred at the Prosser Family Campground Friday evening." Angela Musallam, PIO, Placer County Sheriff's Office.

Presuming this may still be an active fact (and that we don't know of course), I wonder what illegal or embarrassing activity may have occurred the night KR went missing to cause adults to discourage others from coming forward. For the moment I am going to presume it is not illicit drug use or under age drinking that the Sheriff's Office has offered not to prosecute.

Some possible ideas of reasons adults would discourage people from coming forward with information:

1. Illicit drug selling or trading
2. Someone (not necessarily KR) was raped or molested
3. Partiers were racing cars on the streets near the campground
4. Fighting occurred and some people got seriously hurt
5. An underaged group from the party went to a Reno or Tahoe (NV side) casino
6. Some partiers were engaged in explicit sex acts for entertainment
7. Property was damaged (i.e. cars)
8. One or more partiers OD'd on narcotics and were revived by other partiers (NARCAN®)

Not sure why this is important to me, as it may not help find KR. But maybe if we had a clue as to what else was going on at the party that could have endangered KR, scared KR, or attracted a more sinister and older crowd to the party...?
a lot of these kids likely just graduated and are heading to college. being associated with this, either directly or indirectly, could impact scholarships, admittance, family reputation, future etc. add a high stress/pressure/expectation upbringing and environment and maybe a high profile family there is, for them, a lot on the line.
I am unsure if it’s been confirmed by LE, but a description of her key chain:
Smith said Rodni carried a key chain that had on it a Zumiez brand metal reusable straw holder, described as a “small metal black cylinder that says ‘Zumiez’ on it.” Where is Kiely? - Moonshine Ink
Thanks @steeltowngirl. I don't believe LE has independently confirmed anything SS has stated so far. But let's keep this one on the radar since it is possibly a unique item. <modsnip - no link from an approved source>
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There seems to be an assumption in Thread #3 that if KR and her car, if they are off the road, are in a body of water.

IMO this is less likely than that they simply went over the edge of the road. This almost happened to me in broad daylight on a Forest Service road. I wasn't driving fast, but it was evidently too fast. I had trouble controlling the car.

All you'd have to do in pitch black darkness is to "see a deer", real or imagined, and you'd suddenly brake. You could very easily end up off the road.

For those of you who haven't been in a wilderness area at night, it is generally BLACK. It's spooky 'cos you can't see a thing. With the headlights trained ahead (could KR have burned out one?), it would be difficult to see the edge of the road.

And, if it seems odd that an extensive search wouldn't find a car that has gone off the road, it happens all the time. Often, it's only happenstance that the car is spotted eventually.


true, i think ppl lean toward water because her phone stoppe pinging but it could have simply died. i still think shes in water or a ravine as my first suspicion.
Watching my teens, while not at parties per se, they usually follow one another on social media when meeting new people at events (friends of friends at day parties, sports stuff, etc) I would think some combination, probably, yes?
I think when LE gets access to KR’S phone records (texts made and received during party, contact information traded during party, etc) they may find a nice new list of people to interview if anyone has indeed been less than forthcoming (I don’t know how long it takes to get that info from the phone company, I assumed a couple,of weeks at a minimum). When both my sons (now 23 & 30) went to this type party at end of senior year it was up at a friend’s lake house not the woods, a few parents were present who collected keys but there was a lot of alchohol and pot, and kids from all high school grades and on into college who’d gone to the local high schools (three large high schools in area). My sons both came home with phone and social media full of new contacts of kids they’d not known before who’d be going to the same college they were going to/or were already students there which was a state college an hour down the road (GO, GREEN). Both my boys were popular in their groups, mature, social kids much like what KR is described. I think it’s a pretty common way for kids to do when they meet.
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