Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #7

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I completely agree, and do not mean to sound insensitive to a situation that can be very real. My statement pertained to this specific supposed incident, where the male was described as almost identical to someone who most people following this case for a while would readily recognize. Not some stranger. JMO

ETA...I am very familiar with the Babby Petito case, and personally, I see no similarities at all to the Kiely Rodni case. JMO
I didn’t think you came across and insensitive at all, and we are on exactly the same page there.

**I know most folks are pretty careful on the board (and I’ll learn my lesson one day!) so I want to be sure to say I’m not implying you agree with me that the encounter didn’t happen—only that we both think the signaling for help thing seems out of place in the encounter that was described.
So true. Orange County meter reader Roy Kronk found Caylee Anthony's remains in a wooded area near the Anthony home. He was called a liar and attention-seeker.


I saw it differently. He said he told his sighting to LE. His company should have the call records from dispatch & the video/audio from the tow truck. He wouldn't have access to that, but it sounded like he really wanted to be able to go back and look if he could. It seemed, to me, that he was aggressive in seeking out AWP because he heard they were there, and LE hadn't followed up on his story thus far. If I had seen the scene he described, and LE didn't acknowledge it or seemingly didn't follow up, I would try to reach out to someone who would listen as well. ALL IMO
Reminds of Roy Kronk who found Kaylee Anthony.
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You said "That means either LE didn’t check out the tip (MOO unlikely), or they checked it out and realized it wasn’t KR."

Just like they checked Prosser and said she wasn't there.
That would actually matter if I thought LE had seen the video. MOO is that there exists no such video.
I’ll eat my hat if/when the time comes…

We can respectfully agree to disagree here.
So true. Orange County meter reader Roy Kronk found Caylee Anthony's remains in a wooded area near the Anthony home. He was called a liar and attention-seeker.

Kinda disrespectful to call Nick "Tow Truck Boy."

I saw it differently. He said he told his sighting to LE. His company should have the call records from dispatch & the video/audio from the tow truck. He wouldn't have access to that, but it sounded like he really wanted to be able to go back and look if he could. It seemed, to me, that he was aggressive in seeking out AWP because he heard they were there, and LE hadn't followed up on his story thus far. If I had seen the scene he described, and LE didn't acknowledge it or seemingly didn't follow up, I would try to reach out to someone who would listen as well. ALL IMO

Is it possible that LE reached out in a way that the tow truck driver wasn’t even aware of?

What if LE approached the ‘program’ for their records on license plate numbers/vehicle makes and colors for the two or three (at most) relevant days that he’d worked. They saw that there’s no possibility that he helped anyone driving Kiely’s vehicle. Therefore, there’d be no real reason for them to reach out to the tow truck driver himself, would there be? And I think that’s a plausible thing to happen.

This is purely my speculation as to a possible explanation. I’m not meaning to imply that this DID happen.

Well, you might want to read my 'transcription' of the DA guy's statements (not perfect, but close) from the 9/2 AWP video with a domestic violence hat on. I have reordered some of this to nest similar information together...
3:00 to 10:00
She was very hesitant and very skeptical on everything that was going on. Asking me very weird questions like how to use a seat belt, going over and over about how to use it firmly and correctly.

She was stating she was there all night, can't get vehicle started (until TTD helped her figure out car wouldn't start in Neutral). She was wearing a [light grey, he said later] sweatshirt. Looked like she'd been there quite a while.

Maybe she was hung over or had a very rough day. She seemed distressed.

There was a guy with her. Had a black San Francisco baseball cap on... with some brown hair coming out the sides... thinner build [maybe around 5'11" - TTD said he was 6'3" and held his hand about 4" lower than top of his head], wore a white Bro tank shirt, had freckles or maybe acne on both sides of his face.

Her phone was dead and she was using the guy's phone.

Both were kinda uneasy like they had a crazy day or crazy night. She was uncomfortable. Every time the guy would come over [to a side of the car] she'd be on the other side... [kept moving around like that].

[All he recalls seeing] is a perfume bottle in the center console.
Yes, he mentioned she might be hung over, asking weird questions repeatedly, said they both seemed uneasy like they had a crazy day or night.

It sounds like he could be describing two kids who had been partying all night, the girl forgot to or wasn't able to charge her phone so she borrowed her friend's phone.

Maybe she kept moving away because he was annoying her, or they had been arguing before the tow truck got there. Maybe it was hot and they were tired and irritable because the car wouldn't start.

There's no way of knowing at this point if the girl he saw was Kiely. Either way, LE has probably followed through by now so eventually we will learn the truth.

I wish we knew which day it was. I wonder why he couldn't have viewed the footage from the truck to check the time and date.

When did he say he turned in the tip?
So true. Orange County meter reader Roy Kronk found Caylee Anthony's remains in a wooded area near the Anthony home. He was called a liar and attention-seeker.

Kinda disrespectful to call Nick "Tow Truck Boy."

I saw it differently. He said he told his sighting to LE. His company should have the call records from dispatch & the video/audio from the tow truck. He wouldn't have access to that, but it sounded like he really wanted to be able to go back and look if he could. It seemed, to me, that he was aggressive in seeking out AWP because he heard they were there, and LE hadn't followed up on his story thus far. If I had seen the scene he described, and LE didn't acknowledge it or seemingly didn't follow up, I would try to reach out to someone who would listen as well. ALL IMO
I referred to him as “tow truck guy” because “Nick” didn’t give a last name, and I didn’t want to confuse him with the diver (Nick/diver Vs Nick/driver).

My apologies if that came across as insensitive to him. But, Yes, I am questioning his credibility and/or common sense which AFAIK is fair to do here since he recorded a live video covered now by every MsM outlet.

I have owned several automatic transmission vehicles - trucks and cars... not sure when that safety feature was added - just tried googling and stopped. But there is plenty of chatter about having to press down the brake pedal to start a car / truck with an automatic tranny. From what I just tried to research, I see that chatter going back into the early 2000s. To me it is just common knowledge. Manuals require depression of clutch, Automatics require depression of brake pedal.

Here is a wiki excerpt: "Many cars also prevent the engine from being started when the selector is in any position other than Park or Neutral (often in combination with requiring the brake pedal to be pressed)."

ETA: remove my last sentence and add the Wiki reference.

When you say manuals require the depression of the clutch do you mean in order to start the vehicle?. I'm.just checking because that's not the case.
- Th windows

I thought that the diver said that the front passenger window was broken out

and that the driver's side rear window was open half way

(like in a safety lock)

But then it sounded like he told K's Father that both rear windows were partially down.

Doug did say that to the Father but he misspoke and Nick,the diver corrected and said that the passenger window and the drivers side rear window were down (not sure if he mentioned the first was broken). Imo
Is it possible that LE reached out in a way that the tow truck driver wasn’t even aware of?

What if LE approached the ‘program’ for their records on license plate numbers/vehicle makes and colors for the two or three (at most) relevant days that he’d worked. They saw that there’s no possibility that he helped anyone driving Kiely’s vehicle. Therefore, there’d be no real reason for them to reach out to the tow truck driver himself, would there be? And I think that’s a plausible thing to happen.

This is purely my speculation as to a possible explanation. I’m not meaning to imply that this DID happen.

it is possible. Had they found it credible and to be KR, would they not have changed their “last sighting” timeline?

You’re right LE could have followed up and Roadside driver Nick may not know they did, but I would expect they would have pursued contact with the driver to learn more had they deemed it important, so… that’s a big part of why I think it seems fishy to me.

I’ll own my error if/when we find out I’m wrong.
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I'm very curious about the front passenger window being broken out.

The AWP diver clearly says it was broken out when he is in the water.

If Kiely was driving, and she had a window tool, wouldn't she smash her own window?
My initial thought was she had a passenger in that seat and they broke the window when the car hit the water. Whether that person (if there was one) was invited to be there and they were on good terms, or if they were there for other reasons and not on good terms.
So true. Orange County meter reader Roy Kronk found Caylee Anthony's remains in a wooded area near the Anthony home. He was called a liar and attention-seeker.


I saw it differently. He said he told his sighting to LE. His company should have the call records from dispatch & the video/audio from the tow truck. He wouldn't have access to that, but it sounded like he really wanted to be able to go back and look if he could. It seemed, to me, that he was aggressive in seeking out AWP because he heard they were there, and LE hadn't followed up on his story thus far. If I had seen the scene he described, and LE didn't acknowledge it or seemingly didn't follow up, I would try to reach out to someone who would listen as well. ALL IMO
It’s a fair point.personally, I’d have walked in to the NCSO office and spoken with them directly myself, but that’s me.

He’s (driver Nick) is a big fan of AWP and longtime supporter, though, so perhaps that’s where he felt more comfortable. MOO.
Also, I'm thinking about where Kiely was found. Maybe she was trying to manually open the rear window/tailgate but ran out of time? I don't know why she would do that though, if the front passenger window glass was smashed out though??

I'm not sure what to think?
SBM for focus.

I wonder why she didn't try to exit through the driver's side window. Can you manually open the window? I don't have a Honda, nor a SUV, but my windows requires power and pushing a button. Would a car still have power if it's in the water? I wonder how long it takes for the engine to die if the key wasn't shut off.
I wish I could better see and understand what they are seeing on the sonar imagery! It’s very fascinating what they can glean from what looks to me like nothing on the screen. I wouldn’t have been able to tell that was a car. Or a ‘man made object’ I think is the term he used.
AGREE! I kept wishing they used arrows when they were saying things like "That looks like a wheel". I stopped the vid and was still having a hard time seeing a wheel. Heck, or anything for that matter. lol
Totally! There were a few times when i could see the two wheels and go from there, but mostly i was just lost.
If they answer me about whether they accept rewards or not (previous posts) I'll reply back and let them know that several people were having a hard time following what they were seeing and arrows pointing to what they are talking about would be SOOOOOO nice.
It’s a fair point.personally, I’d have walked in to the NCSO office and spoken with them directly myself, but that’s me.

He’s (driver Nick) is a big fan of AWP and longtime supporter, though, so perhaps that’s where he felt more comfortable. MOO.
You know, I could be WAY off base here.... but the fact he is a big fan of AWP, and the fact he was in the video.. made me wonder if it was a case of a fan just wanting to somehow, in any way possible, be a part of what they are about and in one of their vids. And that perhaps his story was made up. I say that because while I was watching I was thinking... Huh, huge fan, somehow injected himself into this investigation. What are the odds? I don't know... it may be nothing but it had my BS radar going off.
SBM for focus.

I wonder why she didn't try to exit through the driver's side window. Can you manually open the window? I don't have a Honda, nor a SUV, but my windows requires power and pushing a button. Would a car still have power if it's in the water? I wonder how long it takes for the engine to die if the key wasn't shut off.
Per vehicle specs, a 2013 CR-V has power windows, so they can’t be rolled down manually. Have to break window.

After watching a few of their recoveries, I think I now understand what they are looking for/at. Nick (the person who later dove to Kiely's car) first noticed an object casting a long shadow on his side scan (image at the link). It was later confirmed to be an overturned vehicle with down imaging.

I FINALLY see it!! I didn't know where to look before.
You know, I could be WAY off base here.... but the fact he is a big fan of AWP, and the fact he was in the video.. made me wonder if it was a case of a fan just wanting to somehow, in any way possible, be a part of what they are about and in one of their vids. And that perhaps his story was made up. I say that because while I was watching I was thinking... Huh, huge fan, somehow injected himself into this investigation. What are the odds? I don't know... it may be nothing but it had my BS radar going off.
This is what I’ve been thinking, so if you’re off base, that makes two of us willing to think it out loud. MOO.
SBM for focus.

I wonder why she didn't try to exit through the driver's side window. Can you manually open the window? I don't have a Honda, nor a SUV, but my windows requires power and pushing a button. Would a car still have power if it's in the water? I wonder how long it takes for the engine to die if the key wasn't shut off.

Earlier in this thread, or group of threads, people were saying that Hondas are designed so you can open power windows, even after they’re submerged. I’m not an expert.

Do we know for certain which direction the car rolled? Any chance that the driver’s side was down at some point, or felt as though it was down?

Earlier in this thread, I described how I got ‘lost’ inside a pickup truck that was tipped on its side, on dry land, at night.
Not sure if this the point you were intending to make, @Curiosa20, but I wonder, if as standard protocol (@OldCop?), when LE puts out an all points bulletin for a vehicle if they directly notify tow truck companies (e.g. accident, abandoned, etc.)?

And IF that is the case, then you'd think the tow truck dispatcher would have notified LE before dispatching service?
Every department has different protocolS, @RedHaus. I worked in a major city PD and tow companies were notified of bolo’s. Also, tow drivers had to call in all tows to the PD so that people weren’t reporting towed vehicles as stolen.
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