GUILTY CA - Lauren Key, 4, thrown off cliff, Rancho Palos Verdes, 8 Nov 2000

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LaMer said:
...LOL maybe someone should check on them! :p
I know that did sound funny. :) Don't the judges check with the juries after a few days to make sure that they are not deadlocked or to inquire if they think that they will be able to make a unanimous decision??
I haven't heard much of anything....the waiting drives me crazy! People are saying they think the jury will hang, someone(s) holding out either the G or NG's. FWIW-I really think something will come today.
kayceebee said:
I haven't heard much of anything....the waiting drives me crazy! People are saying they think the jury will hang, someone(s) holding out either the G or NG's. FWIW-I really think something will come today.

Hi Kayceebee, I've been wondering where you have been. So the people in Torrance think, 'hung'. Wouldn't they have contacted the judge about that sooner than later? I dunno, maybe not.

Let us all pray for some Justice for Lauren :angel:

Be back later guys :blowkiss:

Note to Nan-I guess some see them showing up every day, lol too bad we aren't getting anything from the reporter, like fashion reports or anything as we might get a clue for 'something', hey maybe just a little hint!
Still no news????? This is just awful. I'm surprised they aren't calling for a hung jury.
Ntegrity said:
Still no news????? This is just awful. I'm surprised they aren't calling for a hung jury.
I was just thinking the same thing. Are they sequestered? Maybe they just like their hotel too much??? This worries me...
KFI reporting the jury is hung, the judge sent them back to try some more. Shannon is looking into it now, more after 4:00, pacific.
Moe said:
KFI reporting the jury is hung, the judge sent them back to try some more. Shannon is looking into it now, more after 4:00, pacific.

Thanks Moe. Sad.

This doesn't surprise me at all. I don't think the P proved him G beyond a reasonable doubt. I've said that all along. Geragos being his attorney, doesn't make it so.

I have been thinking about Sarah all afternoon. I'll bet she looks back now and abhores the day, she went after this A$$hole for support. Bad move!
It is just more of adults not taking responsibility for their actions, and who suffers. The children suffer and now another one is dead. :( I don't think anyone can say for certain he killed her. I 'think' he did, but thinking it without a lot of certainty, I could be one in this case causing a hung jury, if all the others were Gs. (from what I know)

Of course, this is assuming if it is that way.
According to KFI jurors sent a note out this morning saying they were deadlocked. Judge sent them back to keep trying - says he's not ready to thrown in the towel yet.
jilly said:
According to KFI jurors sent a note out this morning saying they were deadlocked. Judge sent them back to keep trying - says he's not ready to thrown in the towel yet.

Jilly, I predict, he will have to throw the towel in, eventually. This jury already has been trying, and for days now!

Well, we all knew this was coming.
KFI - chat between Ken and Shannon.

Shannon says Jurors are still there. If they come back and say they are still deadlocked today Judge will ask them: 1. if more time will help them and 2. is there a specific area where you're stuck on. If they says yes then lawyers will be allowed to argue that point to them - eg. my expert is more believable because...

If a mistrial is granted and Brown needs another lawyer it will take about 6 months for that lawyer to get up to speed. Shannon figures the pros will proceed with another trial.

If they come back today and say they are still deadlocked Judge may say - we'll adjourn for the weekend and we'll see how you feel on Monday.

Shannon - this is a jury that took large amounts of notes. Ken figures by now they're dug in - they're not even calling for read backs or exhibits.

Trial was 8 weeks.
LaMer said:
Jilly, I predict, he will have to throw the towel in, eventually. This jury already has been trying, and for days now!

Well, we all knew this was coming.

I agree. Apparently the Judge said to the jurors this morning - I don't want you to bring your personal lives into it - just deal with the facts or words to that effect. This leads to speculation with Ken & Shannon that perhaps there has been a complaint about 1 or more jurors eg I had an ex like that blah blah.
jilly said:
I agree. Apparently the Judge said to the jurors this morning - I don't want you to bring your personal lives into it - just deal with the facts or words to that effect. This leads to speculation with Ken & Shannon that perhaps there has been a complaint about 1 or more jurors eg I had an ex like that blah blah.

Jilly, Thank so much for listening to KFI and your report. :blowkiss:

Deal with the facts? Hmmm about the only evidence (fact), which I can recall leading to a G verdict, would have been the P's expert who said she was thrown over the cliff. If one beleived him. I'll bet this is the cause of the divide.

Talking about an 'ex'. There are loads people who deny paternity, don't want their off-spring, are irresponsible, fight support, lie, the whole nine yards, but they aren't murderers.

I would hate to see a juror/s made to agree with the group, if that is not their true conviction.

A see a new trial in the future!
LaMer said:
I would hate to see a juror/s made to agree with the group, if that is not their true conviction.

ME TOO!!! It wouldn't be the first time a jury deadlocked and that's just the way it is sometimes.

IMO, this case lacked the smoking gun. They didn't have anything such as (Amber Frey) tapes to expose him. The jury has been left to second guess CBs reaction to everything and there is bound to be a conflict. Aside from that each side only had one expert (as far as I know) and they could cancel each other out.

I'm just wondering if there is a mistrial, if the prosecution can/will proceed on a lesser charge.
Even being local...the news coverage is AWFUL on this case. The Daily Breeze and the local TV news didn't even report that the jury was potentially hung on Friday...sheesh!! Anyway, I do expect a hung jury and depending on the jury poll on how they were divided, I believe, will dicate whether they will retry him....I actually don't think they well. Just my :twocents:
I still think he should at least be found guilty of FELONY STUPIDITY. Who in their right mind would take a four year old child to play there? Sheesh. I absolutely believe he's guilty of murder but not sure the evidence is enough to convict. Of course I haven't read the transcripts either, so I'll have to trust the jurors on this one.
Ntegrity LOL Love your magic mirror :dance: That is a Riot! lol

I agree, he is guilty of something, but not sure exactly of what. You are right, we would've had to know more/Transcripts would've helped. I would imagine tho, the coverage covered the important parts, wouldn't you? LOL but with the Breezy, who knows.

I could be very wrong about how I feel with regard to the verdict. Of those who think he is G, I wish some of those posters would explain, why they would vote to condemn CB to life in prison without parole. I would like to put him there, sure would, but but a lot of buts for me. :confused:

Kayceebee, I know there was absoltuely nothing in the media this past weekend. I checked and rechecked, several outlets, gave them the benefit of doubt, and checked on Sunday too--nada --zip--nuttin! The creeps :sick:

I'm getting lots of company soon, so I doubt I can tune in to KFI-----Kayceebee or Jilly? :blowkiss: :)

One would think, at least a follow-up article, from where the Breezy left off would've been the public's right to be informed. Especially since something did happen. Geeeeezzzzzz
LaMer said:
I could be very wrong about how I feel with regard to the verdict. Of those who think he is G, I wish some of those posters would explain, why they would vote to condemn CB to life in prison without parole. I would like to put him there, sure would, but but a lot of buts for me. :confused:
Thanks, I love my mirror too. :D

I suspect many of the G's feel like I do about Cam Brown. In the same way that Scott Peterson's "grief" didn't sell, neither do I buy that Cam would stay on the phone with 911 for several minutes while his tiny daughter is drowning in the ocean. One doesn't have to be a real emotional person to act in a sensible manner. For some jurors, it may not be enough for them to convict him, but I think most of us know in our hearts nobody in their right mind would've responded that way.

I'm thinking a normal reaction would be to make a mad dash off that cliff, yell for someone with a cell phone to call 911 because your daughter fell, and sprint to her location. I mean, what good is a call to 911 if you let your child drown while you're calling them?? The whole Cam Brown scenario is bogus, and at least one jury member seems to know that. I really, really hope they hold out and convict.
Some people do act nuts in an emergency. When my daughter was a baby she stopped breathing one day while we were at my mothers house. I told my mother to call for help while I started mouth to mouth. My mother did not even think of the telephone 5 ft from her. Instead she threw on her bathrobe and ran two blocks to her friends house that she remembered was a nurse.
I think that's the difference between panic (your mom) and indifference or delaying (Cam Brown). I'm feel sure that's why the jury's deadlocked. It's hard to convict someone on that type of evidence without any other proof. Having never known anyone who would react like Cam Brown, I could probably convict on the evidence as I know it. But until we're in the jury's shoes, it's hard to know for sure.

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