GUILTY CA - Leila Fowler, 8, murdered, 12yo charged, Valley Springs, 27 Apr 2013 - #1

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Is anyone watching Anderson Cooper? If the parents are on could someone please share? I do not have tv. Thanks
Elizabeth Roberts ‏@eroberts1966 Stockton Record

Placerville suspect looked at in Calaveras County girl's death - Breaking News - …

Hewitt also said Calaveras County investigators have asked Placerville police for a DNA sample of a man they arrested today in the kidnapping of a 15-month-old girl. Authorities arrested Jason Wryrynen, 44, of Camino, just north of Placerville. The girl’s mother wrestled the child from the kidnapper before officers and deputies arrived.

Hewitt said Calaveras investigators have no information that leads them to believe Leila’s slaying and the Placerville incident are related. He said it’s good police work to check on other crimes against children in nearby jurisdictions while investigating a child’s slaying.

Placerville is in El Dorado County and is about an hour’s drive north of Rancho Calaveras.
Hello, I love this site. Have been reading this site for a while as Guest. This site have so much information about different cases, and mature discussion between members.
Today I decided to join the site. Wao, it is extremely difficult to registered as a member. For some spams reason, the site won't let me register under GMail and Yahoo email. Finally I try my internet service provider and it let me registered. And then I have to wait for the Admin verification. Phew, but all this process are very helpful to prevent spammers. Any other new member here have this problem register with their Email?

Before I rant on, sorry for my bad English grammars. English is my third language, sorry to bear reading my post.
I been reading different news sources on this incident, and I find this forum to have the most update news, and accurate news and discussion. Other places, especially CNN news, they left out many details and information, and it mislead others. All the people on the CNN article news commenters keep leaving bias comments that the brother did it. I try to tell them that don't jump to conclusion yet, because there could be many stuff that the police know, but decided not to make them to public. But none listen, so hard to have a decent discussion with those on CNN article comments.

Leila is so cute and beautiful, who ever the killer is, he must be caught and punish ASAP. Hope the family stay strong in this tough time. There is justice, it just take some time to fight this devil, rest in peace Leila. And since they still cannot find the killer yet, has the police extend their search territory? The killer might already fled to another city, it is possible if he have a car nearby, and the police don't know his car number.
In my opinion, maybe it is random but since this is an extended family, maybe there is some past issues with one of the parents past, that can cause the anger for the killer to harm the girl, maybe I watch too much TV, LOL!
I also agree that the mother might not be Leila biological mother, because when the reporters ask if she is the biological mom? The police reply that "she say she the mom, and she wants to be know as the mother," something like that, this does give the impression that she is a step-mom.

As I was searching on Google, I come across this news. I think I agree with it, I like to share it.
Former FBI Profiler Offers Insight into Leila Fowler Investigation
Link to read below, I cut and paste the article below: So everyone else agree or disagree with what the former FBI say?

Squad cars from around Calaveras County descended on Valley Springs to search for a suspect in the violent stabbing death of 8-year-old Leila Fowler.

“It’s going to be a horrific crime scene. You might think there is some sort of anger issue there,” said Mike Rayfield with Solution Six.

Rayfield is retired from the FBI, and while he doesn’t have inside information on this case, he has worked similar investigations, profiling murders and kidnappers.
Investigators say Fowler’s 12-year-old brother was babysitting her at the time of the murder. He reportedly ran into the alleged killer as the man fled the scene.

While there is no concrete information about a suspect, Rayfield’s experience says the killing wasn’t random.
“It would be rare that it was a stranger that committed this crime and I would think maybe even more rare in a community like that, in the middle of the street in a rural environment like that where the houses are on one-or-two-acre lots. I would think it would be somebody who has some kind of connection with the home,” said Rayfield.

In case its one of those rare stranger crimes, Rayfield says investigators could be digging into websites online, and constructing a timeline of the girl’s last few days, using that timeline to look for surveillance video in the area.

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I doubt the Placerville case is related but I give LE props for not passing up any lead or possiblility of one.

The man ran off on foot so he either was running somewhere close or his mode of transport was hidden away somewhere nearby (or some interesting fella in a cowboy hat gave him a ride to somewhere he can't recall :rolleyes: ) or dude had no vehicle. If that's the case, 50 miles is a long way off.

If perp has a vehicle then 50 miles is pretty darn close.

Props to LE for following EVERY possible lead.
Hello, I love this site. Have been reading this site for a while as Guest. This site have so much information about different cases, and mature discussion between members.
Today I decided to join the site. Wao, it is extremely difficult to registered as a member. For some spams reason, the site won't let me register under GMail and

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:welcome: to WS. :fireworks:

YESSSS, it is hard to get registered, but it is worth it. The mods keep us in line and on track. Glad to have you onboard. :wave:
Thank you Hamsterdance, and katydid23 for welcome me. This is a very nice forum
Sorry for my bad English grammars. I'm Asian and English is my third language, thank you for bearing reading my post.
Just curious, since they still cannot find the killer yet, has the police extend their search territory to like other closeby cities? The killer might already fled to another city, it is possible if he have a car nearby, and since the police don't know his car plate number. Yes, witness say the killer fled on foot, but he could have a car park nearby.
Um, if that one witness say give the suspect a ride is true, then maybe the suspect don't have a car, then he might can still be in the neighborhood. But eitherway, I think the police should expand their search to neighbor cities.

According to former FBI,
While there is no concrete information about a suspect, Rayfield’s experience says the killing wasn’t random.
“It would be rare that it was a stranger that committed this crime and I would think maybe even more rare in a community like that, in the middle of the street in a rural environment like that where the houses are on one-or-two-acre lots. I would think it would be somebody who has some kind of connection with the home,” said Rayfield.

Has the sheriff reject this theory yet? If not, then this theory could be a possibility. Since this is extended family, could be someone from their past dislike them, and decided to harm the child. Yah, that sound like in opera, LOL. but possible.
:welcome5: CNNanh glad you decided to come out of lurkdom and join us.

yes, some do have trouble getting signed up here due to gmail and the like not being acceptable. They have disallowed them because they are so easy for spammers to use and create multiple accounts with which to annoy others.

Part of what makes Websleuth such a great place for accurate news supported by Main Stream Media links and mature respectful conversation is restrictions and moderation. We members are held to a higher standard of behavior than most similar sites and it shows in our discussion.

I am leaning toward random meth head but I am still open to other possibilities.

From some of what I have read the family may be new to the area, or at least that house/neighborhood so it is always possible that this was some sort of grudge or vengeance from person as yet unknown. Past dispute, something like that.

I do agree with the profiler that in most cases, this sort of crime is committed by someone filled with rage. To do that to a little child you would have to be. But was the rage personal or was she simply the random recipient of it?

Good first post, welcome again. Please make sure you take a minute to check out the rules for posting in TOS and also at the beginning of threads you participate. Each case may have specific rules for members to be aware of and they can be found in the first few posts at the beginning of the threads. But then, you've been lurking a bit so you probably already know that ;)
i have some opinions/questions i wanted to run past anyone on here that is willing to listen. please do not mistaken what i am about to say as something i believe. i am not accusing anyone i am just voicing some thoughts that rolled around in my mind. i do not know all the details of this crime. i understand that we (the general public) are only given information that is pertinent as not to jeoprodize an active case. some questions did stand out in my mind that i am trying to give reasonable answers to. i will try to list them in order of events. hopefully i can get some good answers to the questions on my mind. i try my hardest to understand human behavior but at times i fail to grasp the most simple of things. ok here we go, please feel free to comment on any question i ask:

1 - wouldn't a 12 yead old child (or an adult for that matter) run away from an intruder in the home? especially if this intruder was 6 feet tall and muscular? i am finding it hard to picture a child chasing a larger man with a weapon out of the house. is this something that is commonly done, such as a fight or flight response?

2 - why did this 12 year old not call 911 first after finding his younger sister wounded and in dire need of help? i cannot speak for all children but i would think most parents instill the importance of 911 at a young age. would this be a response due to shock?

3 - during the second press release the parents did not want to talk. i understand and respect thier choice but what i did not understand was the fathers behavoir. why did he stand there with his hands in his pockets for more than half of the press looking as though he was emotionless? his fiance was obviosly very distraught and clinging to him. why did he take so long to wrap his arm around her to comfort her? is this the kind of common behavoir seen from grieving parents?

4 - the officer was asked during the second press if the rest of the town was at risk. i do not remember the exact wording but his answer confused me. why would he say that they (LE) did not believe the rest of the town was at risk? if there is a killer still on the loose in such as small town i would think everyone is at risk. what would cause LE to not think the rest of the town was in imminent danger? does anyone here think they already have a suspect in mind? wouldnt the FBI have become involved if a dangerous suspect has been at large for more than 2 days?

i apologize if the questions i ask seem pointless but at times my "theory of mind" seems to be lacking. thank you all for your time.
News10 - California ‏@News10_CA 26m
NOW on - LIVE STREAM of vigil for Leila Fowler in Valley Springs #News10


click the link at the top of the page for the live vigil.
To alp1981,
Here is my views on your questions.
1. As some here say that some 12 year olds could be tall and big. I read somewhere someone say their nephew 12 year olds are like 6 foot tall. So it possible that this brother are not immediately scare. The news say that the brother saw the man running out of the house First, before he saw his sister laying there stab. So this can explain why he is not scare at the momment.
Maybe the brother didn't see the intruder hold the knife. Maybe the brother just see the back of the intruder as he run out.

2. Edit: I thought I read somewhere said that the boy called the father, and he also called 911, and the father also called 911. But most news now I google only said the father called 911. Um, maybe I read wrong.

3. I am a girl, so I don't know how men feel exactly. But I can tell you, some men (father) don't easily break down and cry like we women, men usually Tougher than women in situation like this. I know this because my father, he tends to hold things inside. He would show anger on his face, but crying and whim like a woman won't happen.
What I see in this parents couple is the father is angryand upset. Who wouldn't be angry if your daughter just got murder? I just think the father is a tough man.
In my opinion, I see the mother break down so much. She must love Leila as her own child, in order to cry that much. We don't know how long she married to Leila's father. If she has been helping raise Leila since little, then certainly she love Leila as her owns.

She seem like she not the biological mother of Leila. The police say that "she say she the mother, and she wants to be know as the mother", the police did not answer Yes, or No, to the reporter question whether if she was the biological mom.
Usually I see Americans are very loving when it come to children, and animals. Trust me, I am from Asia, and many countries in Asia such as the Red China, they even hurts and harm children and animals.

4. I believe the sheriff have more information than what is put out there to the public right now. If they believe that, then they must have their reasons. We just have to wait and see, it takes time. There many things we as outsider don't know, maybe for some reasons they don't want to make it public yet.

Um, if anyone going to the conference, maybe ask the officers if has they extended their search to other neighbor cities areas? The killer might already fled somewhere else, if he have a car. With not knowing his car plate, is hard to track him down. To be safe, I think the police should search other areas too, unless they have proof and reason to believe that the killer still in the neighborhood.

1. 12 year old did not chase the intruder. that was how a neighbor lady that was interviewed described what she'd heard. She'd heard wrong. He caught sight of a stranger in the home, the stranger was in the process of exiting when seen. 12 year old then went looking round the house to check on safety and whereabouts of 8 yr old sister to find her stabbed.

2. 12 year old called his parents at event nearby and then 911. Most kids by age 12 know to call 911 in an emergency but when you are in charge of your little sister and you find her stabbed, bloody and near death you might panic and just want your mom and dad, pronto. I'm gonna guess shock and panic. It was reported that 12 year old THEN called 911 as did parents from their location.

3. I think Barney Fowler was a man who is on the edge of losing it emotionally. I think he was barely maintaining his calm and composure and was afraid he would burst out with tears or some other unmanly display (he strikes me as the type not comfortable with vulnerability and Leila was said to have been daddy's little girl) MOO I believe knowing his wife beside him was breaking down beside him was threatening to make him also lose control of his emotions. Stoic (sp?). MOO

4. The question from reporter was "should the community be concerned there might be another attack" LEO asks reporter to repeat. Reporter asks "Do you fear another attack?" LEO answers "do we fear - no. Are we concerned - yes that is why we have stepped up the police presence" NOT DIRECT QUOTES PARAPHRASING.
Hi CNNAnh!

Just wanted to say....Your English is wonderful! Do not apologize for it. You are speaking from the heart and we all understand that! Take care!
This story is a bit surprising to me. Who lets a bloody hitchhiking stranger into their car? I would call 911 to come help them, but they are not climbing into my vehicle with me. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I have to say bingo! Don't people who see a bloody stranger usually call police? Does not pass the smell imo.
Elizabeth Roberts ‏@eroberts1966 3m
Leila's mom and brother, thanking the Valley Springs community for their support: "It will never be forgotten."

Elizabeth Roberts ‏@eroberts1966 8m
Leila's vigil.

Second picture link above:

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