Found Deceased CA - Lucas Horan, 39, Emeryville Marina, 24 Dec 2020

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I don’t know if xyz is a new person, or an existing person with a new account...
It bothers me that LH is a scientist, and while people keep saying he is spontaneous and all, his career is all about science and paying attention. There is literally nothing else going on in the press, or from co-workers about his personality to confirm he would take such chances. The website bothers me. Every time I see it it has changed, and I have never seen a missing person’s page with “memories” on it... that sound like the past, like it is all over. That is weird.
I'm a runner and a scientist. I don't see any inconsistencies with that. I can't say spontaneity is an issue. There's many reasons that people become drawn in to participating in ultra- and endurance sports. I'd say a curiosity about finding what the limits of human performance are, fascinates many, whether it is posing this question in general, or it's more personal, a quest for finding one's own limits. So a fair number of scientists are drawn to the sport.
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I was recently accepted into the private FB group for finding LH. I don't think I can quote from it here, but in general the search efforts organized through it, both on Bay area trails, and along the shorelines, seem enthusiastic and fairly well organized, more so than the Finding Lucas web site might suggest. There was also a mention of a private investigator helping.
Hi folks,

Just to let you know that xxxyyyzzz has been verified as a case insider.

As a VI, xxxyyyzzz is allowed to state info as fact without the requirement of providing links to substantiate what they have to contribute. In all other respects, VIs are held to the same standards as regular members.

As always, please treat our VI with respect at all times. If you disagree with something a VI has to say, please don't argue or bicker with them, just make a mental note and scroll and roll without disruption.

Thank you to everyone for being here to discuss Lucas' case.
Welcome xxxyyyzzz, and thanks for getting verified! I understand if you don't want to tell us who you are, but could you tell us if you're family or friend to LH?

Curious to know if there's any reasoning behind the 1%, or if it's just a chance you're willing to consider.
I was recently accepted into the private FB group for finding LH. I don't think I can quote from it here, but in general the search efforts organized through it, both on Bay area trails, and along the shorelines, seem enthusiastic and fairly well organized, more so than the Finding Lucas web site might suggest. There was also a mention of a private investigator helping.
I wish the FB group was open to public viewing.
Hi folks,

Just to let you know that xxxyyyzzz has been verified as a case insider.

As a VI, xxxyyyzzz is allowed to state info as fact without the requirement of providing links to substantiate what they have to contribute. In all other respects, VIs are held to the same standards as regular members.

As always, please treat out VI with respect at all times. If you disagree with something a VI has to say, please don't argue or bicker with them, just make a mental note and scroll and roll without disruption.

Thank you to everyone for being here to discuss Lucas' case.
Usually you say what their relationship is to the missing person - can we know that, or not?
Hello folks. First time poster on this forum and I really appreciate all of the thinking you have put into this case. I know everyone involved in this case quite well, with the exception of the neighbor who owned the boat Lucas was allegedly on. I am local in the area and very involved in the trail running scene as well. I am hoping I can share some information that I know that may help with your thinking. I have read the posting guidelines above and will try my best to adhere to those, please feel free to correct me if I stray.

I would like to clarify some of the things stated in the thread so far:
"Solano" where Lucas was allegedly dropped off is pretty close to Berkeley and the Marina. In fact I know someone he texted after this drop-off, and he discussed a bit of the fight that he and KKF were having. I could get a timestamp on that text if it his helpful. Lucas could have easily walked or ran back to his boat from here, he obviously loved to go on long walks around the area, especially as a way to clear his head.

I believe they were going to purchase a meteor through a connection that Lucas had found in the science world. I'm not sure why the website says "build" a meteor. KKF is very interested in science and this was an appropriate and cool gift idea for her IMO. This part of the story is actually not sketchy to me.

It was my understanding that Lucas left his phone and GPS watch on his boat when he went out on his neighbor's boat. To me that is not that too strange, he is somewhat absent minded and doesn't always have these things with him. Half of his runs were never logged (including long, significant efforts) because he "forgot his watch", or it was dead, or his phone was dead. He was not great with these kind of details.

I have not talked to LE directly but from my understanding they definitely questioned the neighbor with the boat extensively. LE did a full day search of the water, including dive team and SONAR scan, the Sunday after Christmas. AFAIK that's the only search they did. There was also a coordinated coastal search where dozens of people covered 13 miles of coastline quite extensively, at a negative low tide, on the Monday after Christmas I believe. It is my understanding that this is a pretty low priority case for Emeryville LE right now. I don't exactly know why.

The most unusual part of the story to me is the fact that he allegedly jumped in the water in jeans and a fleece. However, you have to understand that we was always a very spontaneous person. Zero hesitation is a better way to describe it. If you know any successful climbers or mountaineers you know that this is a necessary trait to have - if you hesitate in extreme sports like this it is harder to succeed. I can imagine him getting a crazy idea to swim to shore (he liked cold water swims but was not a regular bay swimmer or anything), not hesitating, and jumping in. Yes everyone is correct the water is very cold and it would not take long to go hypothermic in the bay right now without proper clothes on. That being said I know many people that swim sans wetsuit, even now. But they are experienced open water swimmers.

From what I understand there is no evidence that he went back inside his boat. To the running community the crazy part is that he did not take his running vest. He could make it hundreds of miles in jeans and running shoes, even with little or no food. But to not have his running vest is a red flag in these circles. That's considered essential gear and even in a befuddled state I can't imagine him leaving that if he were going out for a long adventure. Also he has "dropped off the grid" on long adventures before, but there have always been 1-2 people that have known where he is that he keeps in touch with.

In my mind I feel like he made a bad decision, jumped in the water, maybe made it to shore only to succumb to hypothermia or even tried to go back into the water afterwards. 99% of me thinks this is the case. 1% of me thinks something else happened, but especially knowing his personality, that 1% is hard to let go of. I don't understand enough about body recovery in the water to know why they have not found his body yet. The marina is about as far into the bay as you can get, across the entire bay from the Golden Gate and getting swept out into the ocean. I don't know how common it is for bodies to turn up and get found when people are not actively looking for them?

Again, thanks for all of the thoughts here, we miss our friend dearly and there's nothing I would like more than to have him run down from the hills and come home. I am happy to try to help if it is appropriate on this forum.

Thanks so much for this post - its very useful to get an insider's viewpoint.

I guess it raises a couple of questions for me. Why would he have been wearing a runner's vest if he was going on a boat trip to see the lights in the harbour? Presumably that was just a social trip. If he was planning to go off grid on an adventure presumably he would have gone back to the boat and collected some useful possessions - but we are told he didn't have his cell phone and wallet or other items so its pretty unlikely he was going off an an adventure even for the most spontaneous minded. But it would be good to know why people are so sure he didn't go back on his boat.

So to my mind that suggests a couple of possible scenarios - and forgive me if they cause any offence to the people concerned who you may know well.
1) He fell off the boat or met with some other misadventure - potentially under the influence of alcohol or other substances, rather than jumping off to swim to shore. This could have been unobserved to the boat owner if he/she was also intoxicated. I may be crossing a line here to suggest anything further so I'm sure the moderators will pick me up if I have. Apologies if so. I am thinking of a Natalie Wood type scenario.
2) When he got to shore he passed out or became ill some other outcome as you suggest - though surprising that no body has been recovered if that was the case.
3) When he got to shore he met someone else and went with them to another location to dry off, warm up or lay low for a while. Or he met with some misadventure at that other location.
Welcome xxxyyyzzz, and thanks for getting verified! I understand if you don't want to tell us who you are, but could you tell us if you're family or friend to LH?

Curious to know if there's any reasoning behind the 1%, or if it's just a chance you're willing to consider.

I'm just a friend that lives locally and is in the running community. As for the 1%, it's mainly just because I have seen LH do so many unbelievable mental and physical feats before. He is really much more than an average endurance athlete and I think he is basically capable of anything given the right circumstances.

I was not implying that he would have a running vest on during the boat trip, rather that if he came back from the boat trip and set off for an adventure on foot he would have grabbed his vest at least. From what I understand there was no evidence that he went into the boat, but I have not talked to LE about that.
I wish the FB group was open to public viewing.

I agree. I’m sure there’s reasons for making it a private page, but I’d think a public fb page set up for a missing loved one would allow more people to see it and get the word out. In my experience, when these groups are public a lot of valuable info has come from it. JMO
what we know — FINDING LUCAS

Quoted from Where is Lucas site:
...but then left early as soon as I could to drive to the boat. He was not there. I asked the neighbor on the other side where he was, she mentioned he had been hanging out with the neighbor on the opposite side so she called him to check in. He apparently was very surprised Lucas was not back at the boat or with me since he appeared to the neighbor to have made it back to shore without issue (and it has been low tide). He called the police immediately, the police called me and a missing persons case was launched.

•why did KKF ask the other neighbor about Lucas instead of the neighbor is was hanging out with that night?
Possibly, the other neighbor was the first KKF saw, did she know that neighbor better, or feel more comfortable talking to them?
•How did the other neighbor know Lucas had been hanging out with the neighbor? It was pretty late. May have talked to Lucas or the neighbor he went out with the day before.
•Was the neighbor that Lucas was with Christmas Eve at the marina when he was called?
•Was the MP report done over the phone or in person? Is there certain protocol when taking a MP report? I see where it states after the neighbor called police, the police called KKF.
•How close were Lucas and his neighbors? How well did KKF know his neighbors?
•Was the MP report done over the phone or in person? Is there certain protocol when taking a MP report? I see where it states after the neighbor called police, the police called KKF.
For what it's worth, you could probably throw a rock from the marina and hit the PD's front door. It's right next door. But as we're all learning to change our ways during the days of Covid, it may well have all been done over the phone.

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