Found Deceased CA - Madyson Middleton, 8, Santa Cruz, 26 July 2015 - #2 *Arrest*

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Since I did not hear the piano clip, I am wondering if people are refering to the correct song. It seems more likely that instead of referring to a song from the early 80s, he might be referring to a more current song that is called The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I ever had. It refers to people looking for logic and people knowing who he is:

It's possible that he was referring to this song in the lyrics, but the piano music in the video was definitely the Gary Jules song. It was the first 15 seconds of it.
This case is really interesting to me; I keep coming back for updates. I feel so sorry for Madyson's family - no amount of prosecution will ever bring her back. :( I hope they have plenty of support. RIP Madyson. Taken far, far too soon.

I feel sorry for AG's family too, regardless of his upbringing. They are victims too.

I'm starting a masters degree in child and adolescent mental health this September, so I will be keeping tabs on this case for a while to try and figure out what led AG to commit this horrible act. I'm always torn with how to feel when I hear about cases like this, though, because even though someone has done something really horrific and unthinkable, I know that the teenage years are often when mental illnesses manifest and start showing symptoms, and these are really scary and confusing times. There is still a really big negative stigma on mental illnesses in our society, that if you start showing symptoms you would probably be reluctant to seek help out of fear of being judged. AG already seemed like a bit of an outsider with his peers, and I'm sure a mental health diagnosis wouldn't help.
I'm not saying he's mentally ill, we don't know anything yet, and I am not sympathising with him - I think what he has done is abhorrent and he SHOULD be incarcerated for life. However if there is something wrong, I really hope he gets the help that he needs.

You made some very good points. I agree that 15 is a very tough age. Even if one does not have mental health issues, times are still scary and confusing and stressful. There is a lot of peer pressure and bullying and judgmental words being thrown around.

And even kids who are not 'suicidal' will sometimes threaten to throw themselves off a bridge just for the attention and reaction. It is hard for teachers, and even parents, to know what is just posturing and what is real when a kid says " I didn't ask to be born!"
Can someone tell me her Facebook name? I can't find her page. I'm not sleuthing HER. I would like to see her pics of AG. Mods forgive me if I'm out of line. If y'all can't give her name in the thread, could you message me? I tried Reje Gonzalez Factor and many difft combos of that with and without Santa Cruz

If possible, could you share😕

All I know is the FBI never could find any evidence to substantiate this claim.

And it isn't uncommon for family members to say someone has been abused when they know the offender is heading to a possible death sentence. I don't think the jury believed the family members knowing they have a vested interest to lie. And unfortunately claiming abuse has become a common excuse when there isn't any.

IMO, he was already becoming a sociopath even by the age of 8.
Since I did not hear the piano clip, I am wondering if people are refering to the correct song. It seems more likely that instead of referring to a song from the early 80s, he might be referring to a more current song that is called The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I ever had. It refers to people looking for logic and people knowing who he is:

By The Gorgeous

For all I care, give them to the asphalt
Let them know what it is to be in doubt.
When there is nothing left to write they will survey high and low,
Looking for logic, in quest for insight.
I'm running out of fingers and counting on you is like counting to infinity.
The numbers pile up to our ears but we can still we can hear them crunching on Wall Street.
(It's crunch time)
I have a pen and a pad and if the world can read then they will know who I am.
I live what I write.
Reading the indentations under the pages youve written.
When youre back on the black top, just think
This ones going to be a page-turner.
Yes, this ones going to turn pages.

Nope, I saw and heard the clip and it is unequivocally Mad World.
Since I did not hear the piano clip, I am wondering if people are refering to the correct song. It seems more likely that instead of referring to a song from the early 80s, he might be referring to a more current song that is called The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I ever had. It refers to people looking for logic and people knowing who he is:

By The Gorgeous

For all I care, give them to the asphalt
Let them know what it is to be in doubt.
When there is nothing left to write they will survey high and low,
Looking for logic, in quest for insight.
I'm running out of fingers and counting on you is like counting to infinity.
The numbers pile up to our ears but we can still we can hear them crunching on Wall Street.
(It's crunch time)
I have a pen and a pad and if the world can read then they will know who I am.
I live what I write.
Reading the indentations under the pages youve written.
When youre back on the black top, just think
This ones going to be a page-turner.
Yes, this ones going to turn pages.

The song was first written by Tears for Fears in the early mid 1980s but later redone in the early 2000s and used for the movie "Donnie Darko." That version has been popular ever since and has been used on the soundtrack for various TV shows. Currently Taco Bell is using it in their TV ad.

I recognized the song, not from having watched the movie, but from having seen Adam Lambert sing it on American Idol. Beautiful rendition![video][/video] or this one:

Kinda OT: When James Franco decided he wanted a part on General Hospital, Mad World by Adam Lambert was his "theme" song. I had never heard it. it was played every time his charater was on screen. What part did he play? A psycho killer. Strange coinky doink about the song and the song in this case.
All I know is that the video of her screaming and pacing shot straight through to my heart.

I have felt compassion for the parents and families of perps before, but never have I seen with my own eyes the anguish a parent feels at the moment they realize what their child/loved one has done.

I can't imagine the horror and the grief. In some ways, it must be worse (please, no flames) than the grief of the parent whose child was victimized, because you are demonized for your child's heinous deeds. And very few people are there to offer comfort to the mother of a monster.

Please do not think I minimize the pain that Maddy's family is suffering.

I just feel very real pity for AJG's mother. Her pain is unique in that the public has condemned her for her child's crimes, and she has no support system (other than perhaps immediate family).

This young man has destroyed so much, so many lives. He is not fixable,

But his poor mom is a victim, too.


Is there a link to that video?
I remember R.E.M. doing a cover of "Mad World", too. It is a lovely song.
Is there a link to that video?

I will have to hunt, lol. I do remember this, it was on KRON, and it was initially supposed to have just been an update on the search, but everything was going down right when they cut to the local reporter.....

Give me a few....
Okay, I found it through Google searching rather than going back through the threads.

ETA: about :45 seconds in is where things start. Also, the reporter, IMO, is obviously shaken up. The anchor seems to keep trying to get her to interview a police officer abd it is pretty obvious that they are kinda busy right at that point. Not that the anchor would have known that.....
Okay, I found it through Google searching rather than going back through the threads.

ETA: about :45 seconds in is where things start. Also, the reporter, IMO, is obviously shaken up. The anchor seems to keep trying to get her to interview a police officer abd it is pretty obvious that they are kinda busy right at that point. Not that the anchor would have known that.....

Oh thank you. Even though I could understand a lot of the spanish, this is good

There has been some talk on here about parent's fears with their own parenting. Fear not. I was a teacher for thirty years. I have a Master's plus 45 more graduate credits. I have had much much much child development classes.

Unless you are pathological, your child rearing mistakes are not going to ruin your child for life. Keep communication open and try to reflect the child's feelings.

It is fine for children to be angry. Just work on constructive ways to handle the anger. Stuffing feelings is something we have to work on as it seems we are expected to always be nice.

We know lots about what infants need. Holding, having their cries answered.

There is lots of information on what causes pathology. For instance, a mother who smiles at her infant even though she is outraged. The infant cannot process this dichotomy.

On here we learn about abuse. Put in closets. Deprived of food. On and on. I doubt that anyone here is doing abusive behavior.

What we do affects at the cellular level. Our behavior affects DNA and brains.

Love and communication. No one is perfect. Don't sweat it. Laugh. You made it through your bratty teenage years

3 is quite young to make any kind of determination about something like that. He's just learning. His early attempts to show affection show he's really a good little guy! I'd worry if he was 8 or 9.

But it I really think this is the crucial time for us all to teach our kids empathy - ages 2-5. To have sincere discussions with them about feelings, physical and otherwise and to try to get them to put themselves into the animal's "shoes". "Oh! Poor old Socks! You must have really hurt him. It hurts to be hit by a rock. And he must feel so sad right now. He wonders why his buddy hurt him. He doesn't understand. I feel so sad for Socks. I'm very upset that you did that."

It's also good I think to challenge them as to why they do something cruel. "Socks was just sitting there. Why did you do that? He wasn't being mean to you. Cats aren't like people. They don't show us they like us in the same way. But if you hurt him he will stay away from you."

And they need to know there are consequences for hurting animals. That they're going to be on timeout if they do such a thing.

I think that's how you prevent a psychopath from being created- teach empathy, help them understand how their actions affect others and teach them there are consequences for cruel behavior. If parents don't teach that society will!

I agree with you. That is the age of mimicry/imitation. Monkey see, monkey do. I believe we need to acknowledge their frustration and show a better way.
I agree with you. That is the age of mimicry/imitation. Monkey see, monkey do. I believe we need to acknowledge their frustration and show a better way.


Showing and talking about a better way.Yes.
This is from the Spanish speaking channel and shows some of it. The beginning has AJ's arrest, at the middle is the mother.


At about 1:12...this is the beginning of the similar footage I was trying to track down a couple days ago. It was right before they taped off the area. If the video had kept going, that's when LE started quickly taping off the area and yelling at people to get back. I hadn't see this EXACT footage (because it was from a different station/camera.) I didn't realize he was arrested right before they taped it off.
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