Found Deceased CA - Madyson Middleton, 8, Santa Cruz, 26 July 2015 - #2 *Arrest*

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Seems like he was filled with hate, felt powerless and maybe targeted little Maddy because of her youthful innocence and exuberance for life, which he obviously lacked. i wonder if something traumatic and/or constant happened to him around that age to warp him so. I'm not feeling sorry for him at this point: I just wonder why he felt compelled to sadistically obliterate innocence.
Yes ... Im betting he was molested, probably around Madysons age, and has some sort of arrested development.
no that is not what i said at all. i said that many families attend to make sure, to have their witness impact statement read, etc. some families send a rep of some type. some families dont go, it is too much for them, and i dont blame them.

if they dont go and send no one that still doesnt necessarily mean they will get out. it just means the parole board goes by the case file, which in this case it is horrific. it cant hurt to add some emotion to it, but if the family isnt up to it, i dont blame them a bit.

So if he doesn't get LWOP, and Mady's parents don't attend parole hearings due to their pain etc, he will get out? The family of the victim HAS to attend the hearings in order to keep the murderer Rapist in jail? That doesn't make sense to me. To me, the judge or jury would use common sense and keep someone in jail for life because they committed such horrible crimes, (as AG did) thus are a major threat to society. It's not the same as a 13 year old that murders her father that has molested her all her life. She can be rehabilitated. Her crime was with a motive that applied to only that one person that harmed her.

What difference does it make if the family attends the parole hearings???!!! That's nuts. Besides seeking justice for the victim, the courts are supposed to protect society from violent child rapists!
Maybe it's just because I know what he did...but seeing photos of him just creeps me out.
Just makes me angry... Angry for Madyson, angry for what must have happened to him. I want to hug my children.
Just makes me angry... Angry for Madyson, angry for what must have happened to him. I want to hug my children.

Makes me angry and so sad, for all of it. I think somebody somewhere did something to this kid .. and down the road this little girl is gone.
That supposed R.E.M. version of Mad World that keeps getting posted is NOT R.E.M. It's Gary Jules
Sleuthing on innocents and speculation regarding the alleged perp's family is off-limits.

I really hope at some point officials talk about his actions AFTER the murder....that evening and the next day during the search. Everything leading up to him getting arrested. I would be very interested to hear about what he was doing during that time.
i have to say i was a single mom for 13 years of TWO boys. i am not petite, but one of them is 6"5 and 200 pounds at 17. while yes it was a struggle (and continues to be, the 17 year old can be challenging) he knows i would lay him flat the hell out if he tried to phyically dominate me. i would never chcuk a wine glass at him either.

Single Mom to a 17 year old that's 6'2" and 240 lbs. I wouldn't have to resort to chucking wine glasses, either....the "Mom Glare" works pretty well in my house! (and I'm 5'2".....he's so lucky his paternal unit has the tall gene!)
in all fairness, all my step sons play kendama (similar to a yo yo) but the 14 year old doesnt around girls, which he DOES like.

It seems like the yo-yo thing would be something that little kids would admire. If he wanted to impress girls his own age, I highly doubt that yo-yoing would do the trick. It makes me think that he was targeting the young ones for awhile.
when i was 16, i had to go to the restroom, my sister was in the mirror so i asked her to leave real quick and she said "no, f you" and gave me the finger (she was 13) so i physically threw her out, did my businesss, well meanwhile she went and told mom her version of events (leaving out her finger and curse word i would imagine) and my mom hid around the corner with a brush and hit me w it when i came out!!! lol!

When I was 15 or 16, I yelled at my Mom that I hated her and "ran away" under the car in the garage. LOL!

Til the day she died, she LITERALLY never let me forget that. A couple months before - when I was in my 40's - during a phone call, she brought up yet AGAIN that I told her I hated her. When I was 15 or 16. She would bring it up every chance she got. I of course, didn't really hate her. And yes, the neighbors probably heard me.

The woman never learned how to let anything go! LOL!! God rest her soul.
Growing up with 7 siblings I can't remember how our parents dealt with the 'tattle-taling; except that it was HIGHLY discouraged. Left a lot of frustration but somehow none of us killed each other lol.
Growing up with 7 siblings I can't remember how our parents dealt with the 'tattle-taling; except that it was HIGHLY discouraged. Left a lot of frustration but somehow none of us killed each other lol.

In school, we differentiate between tattling and reporting. We do want to know some things,
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