Found Deceased CA - Maricela Garcia, 26, Reseda, 12 Jan 2017 #2

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In my personal opinion, one of my first/strongest theories I had was that Maricela had been "spotted" or "recruited" using that method and very possibly trafficked. Someone eager for fame and fortune (and sheltered) would be "prime pickings" for that type of stuff. If a person called her up and said they had a job for her or got her an audition but she had to fill out paperwork...anything like that, she might have been excited and jumped right into their arms.
Now, I'm not so sure with other things we know. And I'm not real familiar with HT so maybe my thoughts are way off.
i just look at this other girl, similar in looks and size, similar scenario, similar age....just scares me.
I absolutely believe there is AT LEAST one HT ring operating here, and a large one. I am just not sure how they procure their girls.

ETA: I am just now looking into the other's girl. I have no way of knowing if she was a model or anything like Maricela. The first picture on her FB page just jumped out at me and gave me a sick feeling. Hopefully this young girl is just off doing something innocent.
Whenever people bring up human trafficking, I'm reminded of this helpful post from user kemo in an Elisa Lam thread:

Human trafficking can mean a lot of things. Somehow the term seems to conger up the image of a young woman snatched off the street and sold into some kind of forced prostitution. I have never heard of such a thing happening in the West. See: Most (if not all of the cases I have ever heard of involve women from less developed countries brought to the West for Sex work (or perhaps domestic work) and they do not feel free to leave. If anyone is aware of a young woman who was forced into a human trafficking situation after having been "snatched and grabbed", please share the information .

I am not aware that "Sexual Slavery" has any legal meaning. Obviously it suggests someone being held against there will and sexually exploited. Probably victims of sexual predators who are kept alive for any period of time might be regarded as "sexual slaves". It would be accurate to say that Jaycee Lee Dugard and Kristen French were held as "sexual Slaves" but their cases had nothing to do with "human Trafficking"; there was no "trafficking".
Mbison thank you. Good to know. So if we take HT off the table I'm leaning towards her running into someone she knew or random scary person.
Which leaves pretty much everything :( The only thing about HT is that it IS happening here. They just busted up that ring. There is a task force strictly for it. If you take into account the fact that two women from this area were "abducted by two Hispanic women for the purpose of prostitution" me, it's just not too far out there

Mbison thank you. Good to know. So if we take HT off the table I'm leaning towards her running into someone she knew or random scary person.
Which leaves pretty much everything :( The only thing about HT is that it IS happening here. They just busted up that ring. There is a task force strictly for it. If you take into account the fact that two women from this area were "abducted by two Hispanic women for the purpose of prostitution" me, it's just not too far out there

Both of those cases are highly suspicious -- I am skeptical that either has anything to do with some kind of forced prostitution ring.
I agree. Just throwing it out there.

Both of those cases are highly suspicious -- I am skeptical that either has anything to do with some kind of forced prostitution ring.
I'm not completely sure I agree with that assessment of HT. To paint the image of someone physically being snatched off the street is a very black and white image and from the documentaries I've seen on HT it's not so black and white, but it's still HT no matter how they get their victims. And HT in the US isn't just foreigners in the US forced into it because they don't know how or where to go to help.

From what I've seen leaders in volunteer rescue organizations across the country say about HT, even on the West coast, is these people are very smart about how they get their victims. They trick a girl into thinking she's swept off her feet by the "perfect" man, they lure girls and women through SM, and I've even heard them talk about using modeling or acting as a ploy. They will say or do whatever they think that woman or girl needs to hear so they can get to her. Once they think they have them on their line though, things move very fast. And once they make their move they keep the girls heavily drugged until the girl is hooked and all she cares about is getting her fix. I've even seen undercover video of a rescue group trying to get back a girl who was kidnapped into HT. The lengths these pimps and HT rings go to in order to protect their "investment" (as the HT ring would view it) is very well organized and quickly willing to resort to violence to keep anyone from getting the girl back.

But girls and women get out all the time and LE is getting smarter at stopping the HT rings all the time. So it is possible to save someone from HT.

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I hate to throw cold hard facts on to an opinion stated as fact, but I kind of have to. Not only is Human Trafficking real, it's rampant. In the west. Who's a thunk it. One can choose to turn a blind eye, or pretend it's not real, or come up with rationalizations to support their theories, but the facts are the facts. Children adults, females and males are all potential victims. Here.... See for yourself. California's the front runner.

The National Human Trafficking Resource Center lists California as the state with the highest number of reported human-trafficking victims, with 1,323 cases reported in 2016.


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All these reasons are why it is still a major contender for me here. ESPECIALLY with what policyoftruth stated, "They trick a girl into thinking she's swept off her feet by the "perfect" man, they lure girls and women through SM, and I've even heard them talk about using modeling or acting as a ploy." While Maricela told other women they didn't need a man and she is described as "fiercely independent", there may be a vulnerability there of a girl who's been treated horribly but still has hopes for a Prince Charming. If a snake found her, he could certainly spot that need and hone right in on it. Add that to the desire to be a "Playboy model" and it's a recipe for HT, imo.
I know most people here seem to be leaning toward HT, and I'm definitely not ruling it out. However, I can't shake the idea that she could have been a CI. It would explain her mysteriously dropped narcotics transportation charges that someone here tried to inquire about by phone and couldn't obtain any more information. I was arrested in Los Angeles and detained a few years ago, but they let me go without any charges, and I don't have the arrest on my record, or on one of those websites. I assume the situation would be the same for M had her charges been dropped... but they're still visible, which is strange, IMO, and leads me to believe that something happened behind the scenes. It also might explain the secret she had to keep from her sister - CI's are instructed not to tell even their closest family members. In thread #1, Mistivon (I think) wrote that Sara said M's activity recently resembled that of when she was using - coming straight home from work, and not doing much else, if I'm remembering correctly. Had she been secretly working with police as an informant, that might explain the change in routine. Sara would have to think really hard about M's schedule and behavior in the weeks/months leading up to her disappearance, which I'm sure she already has over and over again.
Her phone going off incessantly in goodwill could very well be the key to her disappearance, or at least one of them. I really believe she went to meet whoever was calling her, but there's no evidence to support that since we have no phone records. It makes the most sense to me though. I keep thinking about the possibility that someone she used to know saw her and that's who called her.
The dog's scent trail is another thing - if the dog traced her walking into multiple rooms of the church, wouldn't the church witnesses have mentioned that behavior as well? They only said she looked sick/scared. It could have been a red herring and then, who knows what other parts of the trail are, as much as I absolutely hate to say that. I'm still keeping that trail in my mind though bc it led to what we believe are her items, I just hope they have gotten around to processing them so we can have some proof.
I really don't know what to believe. On one hand you'd think the police would let the family know sooner if she was a CI, but at the same time, I'm not sure of the process of keeping actual records of informants and their activity. I doubt some random desk jockey one of us gets on the phone from the West Valley PD has any access to those type of records. I don't think any LAPD officer would know if she was an informant unless they were involved in her specific case, or they did some digging/asking around. Which could have happened by now, and they could have informed the family, which would explain the privacy and attempt to retract any info that has leaked so far. Also, people involved with petty amounts of drugs might be more likely to give her up for $1000 than an organized HT ring, who would likely scoff at $1000.
Again this is all just my opinion, food for thought for all of you other sleuthers out there.
At the end of writing all of this I STILL don't know what I believe, because I can't fully back any of these theories with such little to go on. It all seems possible to me.
All these reasons are why it is still a major contender for me here. ESPECIALLY with what policyoftruth stated, "They trick a girl into thinking she's swept off her feet by the "perfect" man, they lure girls and women through SM, and I've even heard them talk about using modeling or acting as a ploy." While Maricela told other women they didn't need a man and she is described as "fiercely independent", there may be a vulnerability there of a girl who's been treated horribly but still has hopes for a Prince Charming. If a snake found her, he could certainly spot that need and hone right in on it. Add that to the desire to be a "Playboy model" and it's a recipe for HT, imo.

You can bet these are usually no small time operations and the guys they put up to luring a woman or girl away are the best at that game when it comes to con men. They aren't looking to put a girl on the corner 1 mile from where she was last seen, they are moving them across state lines and fast. On the east side of the country it is quite common for them to move women and girls from Atlanta to NYC and back on the regular.

I've heard it said that these guys are so good at their con that if their game was to rob you blind they wouldn't even have to steal the money - you would willingly give them every last penny and completely believe you were making the best investment in your life.

I have the contact info for a volunteer rescue group for adult female victims of sex trafficking. At one time they were the only in-house facility in the country (meaning women live in the rescue) and they are based in LA. If you would like their info I will be happy to message it to you. It might be helpful to talk to someone whose whole life deals with this world.

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FBI New Orleans Press Release
February 1, 2017


Coinciding with Human Trafficking Awareness Month, FBI agents and task force officers from the Violent Crimes Against Children/Human Trafficking Task Force (VCAC/HT TF) conducted a Human Trafficking operation from January 26th – 27th and helped rescue 11 women suspected to be victims of Human Trafficking and Civil Rights abuse.

This FBI New Orleans Human Trafficking operation, although local and smaller in size, is very similar to the FBI’s nationwide operation dubbed “Operation Cross Country” which identifies pimps and traffickers during large-scale events and sporting events. The primary goal of the operation was to identify adult sex trafficking victims and provide victim assistance. Many times, the women are held against their will, forced into a life of prostitution, housed in less than humane conditions, and tortured if they don’t “earn” enough money to satisfy their pimps or traffickers. Our investigations will focus on identifying and building a prosecutable case against the person, or criminal enterprises, responsible for exploiting the victim(s).

In total, the two-day VCAC/HT TF operation helped 11 women escape from this horrific industry. Through the FBI’s Victim Assistance Program and local non-profit agencies, the women were provided with any necessary medical treatment, food, shelter, clothing, and services to help unite them with family and friends.

Eden House in New Orleans offers a two-year residential program for female HT victims.
All these reasons are why it is still a major contender for me here. ESPECIALLY with what policyoftruth stated, "They trick a girl into thinking she's swept off her feet by the "perfect" man, they lure girls and women through SM, and I've even heard them talk about using modeling or acting as a ploy." While Maricela told other women they didn't need a man and she is described as "fiercely independent", there may be a vulnerability there of a girl who's been treated horribly but still has hopes for a Prince Charming. If a snake found her, he could certainly spot that need and hone right in on it. Add that to the desire to be a "Playboy model" and it's a recipe for HT, imo.

I agree. I think her personality and her desire to become a model/playboy bunny, lends itself to her being manipulated and taken advantage of by a trafficker. I read a lot of first hand stories about trafficking when following other MP cases of young women in southern Cali. A lot of the women who were taken had simply attended 'meetings' with 'agents' or gone to a photo shoot or an audition.

I also had a very scary experience. My daughter lives in an upscale, expensive gated apartment complex in Woodland Hills. And a tenant in her building, who she had spoken to in the apt. doggie park a few times, was arrested last month for having several young women being held as prisoners and being forced to be sex workers in Palmdale area. He was a sex trafficker, living down the hall from her. :eek:

He had flirted with her but she never responded in kind---plus she lives with her boyfriend, so that probably made him think twice. But it is still very shocking that she was in such close proximity with someone who was holding women hostage for months.

If my daughter had lived alone, was single and had responded to his requests to go out for coffee, who knows what could have happened?
By staff
Updated 1 hr 41 mins ago

Police say Chaiban allegedly ran the brothel operation out of several high-end apartments in Irvine with help from Saunders. He allegedly recruited adult women by placing internet ads, then took sexually explicit pictures of them and advertised their services online.

Investigators with the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force say they saw dozens of men going in and out of the apartments in half-hour and hour increments before the women left for the night.​
By staff
Updated 1 hr 41 mins ago
Police say Chaiban allegedly ran the brothel operation out of several high-end apartments in Irvine with help from Saunders. He allegedly recruited adult women by placing internet ads, then took sexually explicit pictures of them and advertised their services online.

Investigators with the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force say they saw dozens of men going in and out of the apartments in half-hour and hour increments before the women left for the night.​
More info on this story, and their pics. If any family members have seen these people before, maybe it would lead to Maricela or some of the other missing women from the area.

ETA: This Chaiban guy has been bad news for a long time. There's a lot out there on him. Here's some highlights......

Age isn't a deterrent:

And here he was very kind to give us the laundry list of his bad deeds. This guy is bad bad news.


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