CA - Massive fire at Oakland warehouse party, 36 dead, 2 Dec 2016 #2

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Yes, I believe so - and that reminds me of what Micah stated during an interview yesterday, that they had made all the repairs they could afford to do (paraphrased). That sentence really annoyed me and I meant to comment on it earlier. There was extra $$ for extracurricular activities though, from what I can tell.

I don't know what kind of contract he had with the owner, but aren't structural repairs of a building the responsibility of the owner? What was Derick Ion repairing? Furniture? Jerry-rigged contraptions that he had added around there?
Oakland Mayor Shouted Down at Vigil for Warehouse Fire Victims

A vigil in honor of victims of the deadly Oakland, California, warehouse fire briefly turned into a political confrontation Monday night as saddened, angry participants shouted down the city's mayor with obscenities and boos.

Amid an emotional outpouring from people who knew the victims, some speakers urged the city to protect "nontraditional warehouse residences" and "fringe places" where some Oaklanders have sought shelter as the city's housing costs skyrocket.

Vigil participants shouted "Stop victim blaming!" and "Step down!" as Schaaf prepared to speak, leading one of the organizers to ask that she be given a respectful hearing.

[ wow...tough crowd....]
Oakland Mayor Shouted Down at Vigil for Warehouse Fire Victims

A vigil in honor of victims of the deadly Oakland, California, warehouse fire briefly turned into a political confrontation Monday night as saddened, angry participants shouted down the city's mayor with obscenities and boos.

Amid an emotional outpouring from people who knew the victims, some speakers urged the city to protect "nontraditional warehouse residences" and "fringe places" where some Oaklanders have sought shelter as the city's housing costs skyrocket.

Vigil participants shouted "Stop victim blaming!" and "Step down!" as Schaaf prepared to speak, leading one of the organizers to ask that she be given a respectful hearing.

[ wow...tough crowd....]

So, it is ok that Derrick benefited financially from renting an illegal space? And these people's lives are so worthlessthat they think living like that is acceptable? Wow.

I understand rents are ridiculous, but to choose to live in that kind of filth and unsafe conditions blows my mind.

There are many communities across the US that have made art places to live. Like the Cannery in Santa Cruz.

I was an art teacher for awhile and most of us art majors realized that we needed a day job and that few of us would ever make it.

There are places such as Lanesboro in Minnesota or art colonies in Wisconsin or Eureka springs , Arkansas that have reasonable rents or wven cheapeer to buy a house.

It seens like art people always open up new communities such as Eureka Springs to being a go to place. Maybe it is time for some art people to make new horizons and not get stuck living in garbage heaps.

Refugees have left war torn hell to start new lives. Maybe some of these artists could think about their privilege .
I noticed on the link posted above - that there were 27 people listed as dead, am assuming that there were 9 previously - that makes 36, but Gitana's SIL not identified yet... maybe as someone suggested - amnesia? I hope so!

Prayers & hugs coming your way Gitana, to your brother and your family and hers!
She is so cool, Someone on the stage stepped in and asked them to be repectfully and the mayor says No,no,it isOk were an angry city now Dont have link but pretty sure it was Daily Mail

Oakland Mayor Shouted Down at Vigil for Warehouse Fire Victims

A vigil in honor of victims of the deadly Oakland, California, warehouse fire briefly turned into a political confrontation Monday night as saddened, angry participants shouted down the city's mayor with obscenities and boos.

Amid an emotional outpouring from people who knew the victims, some speakers urged the city to protect "nontraditional warehouse residences" and "fringe places" where some Oaklanders have sought shelter as the city's housing costs skyrocket.

Vigil participants shouted "Stop victim blaming!" and "Step down!" as Schaaf prepared to speak, leading one of the organizers to ask that she be given a respectful hearing.

[ wow...tough crowd....]
Billy Dixon, 35, Oakland, Calif.
Johnny Igaz, 34, Oakland, Calif.
Ara Jo, 29, Oakland, Calif.
Amanda Kershaw, 34, San Francisco, Calif.
Griffin Madden, 23, Berkeley, Calif.
Vanessa Plotkin, 21, Oakland, Calif.
Hanna Ruax, 32, Helsinki, Finland

Nicole Siegrist, 29, Oakland, Calif.
Alex Vega, 22, San Bruno, Calif.

I was an art teacher for awhile and most of us art majors realized that we needed a day job and that few of us would ever make it.

There are places such as Lanesboro in Minnesota or art colonies in Wisconsin or Eureka springs , Arkansas that have reasonable rents or wven cheapeer to buy a house.

It seens like art people always open up new communities such as Eureka Springs to being a go to place. Maybe it is time for some art people to make new horizons and not get stuck living in garbage heaps.

Refugees have left war torn hell to start new lives. Maybe some of these artists could think about their privilege .

This story moves me a lot because I'm an artist but I've taken lots of "day jobs" over the years so I can have a decent lifestyle. I like heat and working plumbing and safety. I left a city I was living in before because the only type of apartment I would have been able to afford was a squalid one. I might not be as "cool" as some other artists but I'm alive and healthy. I don't want to judge people if they feel they have no other options but if you put that creativity to work maybe there are some other options. Support for the arts is an issue but no one owes it to you. The studio I was renting earlier this year closed, I could afford my rent but but not enough other people could. I was very disappointed but one way I got over my disappointment was by volunteering at a studio that helps artists with disabilities. It's a creative outlet and reminds me how lucky I am to have my second bedroom to use as a studio while others don't have that. I also have a new teaching job at a local craft store. I am currently blending part-time jobs to make a living but they are mostly creative and meaningful. Life as an artist is hard but I don't think it has to necessarily be squalid, at least not if you live in a place with reasonable costs.
That place had small fires in the past from that Daily Mail article.

OMG! Were they doing animal sacrifices too in there?

'Lisa is complaining about the tv but I'm not coming to you complaining when she is dripping blood in the sitting room after coming back from one of her rituals?'

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According to an early news article (no way can I find the link, I'm sorry) one of the tenants said another tenant had just installed a new refrigerator. It would have been in one of the downstairs "cubicles," We've just been going over the list on FB. From what I can see, the missing list is accurate. There is one unnamed minor and two adults whose families have confirmed their deaths that are not on the list. That should equal 36. But it's late and I've been looking at names for almost 4 days so I very well may be wrong.

Re the BBM
I saw the same thing about a resident having recently brought in a refrigerator. I did not save the page and have been searching for it for the past few days, unsuccessfully.

I am surprised Micah's FB is still active. It goes back several years (2010, I believe). Some posts I thought I saw earlier I can no longer find, though. I am not savvy with FB. I just do not have the feeling she was swayed into this lifestyle.... she chose it quite willingly.

I honestly don 't know who to blame yet .... but surely the owner was aware of 30 PAGES of complaints. Just how much did she do/care/attempt-to-do? Seems she has a huge share in the responsibility and allowing it to be occupied while turning a blind eye. Just getting more angry tonight... I am sorry, and don't know how I should be feeling right now.

The 30 pages is "governmenty"
pages and pages about the same event over and over

After reading them and focusing on dates it seemed as if all involved had taken care of the roles.

The letter to the owner went out 48 hours before T-Giving (24) so lets do that rat race and mail having holdiay, then a delay in getting postal services back up to speed.

. So that takes us to Mon Nov 29 and lets say owner got it then....55 hours later ................
Re the BBM
I saw the same thing about a resident having recently brought in a refrigerator. I did not save the page and have been searching for it for the past few days, unsuccessfully.

I am surprised Micah's FB is still active. It goes back several years (2010, I believe). Some posts I thought I saw earlier I can no longer find, though. I am not savvy with FB. I just do not have the feeling she was swayed into this lifestyle.... she chose it quite willingly.


Apparently, she had acute poly substance addiction issues
It appears the children were not allowed to be at the warehouse DURING the time of parties .... why was it OK at other times? Or maybe it really wasn't and they did it anyway. The darned place was still unsafe.

Child welfare authorities refused to comment on the family, citing privacy laws.

In returning the children, the authorities set certain conditions, including that the youngsters be out of the warehouse during the many parties held there, according to those who knew the couple.

On the night of the fire, Allison and the three children had checked into an Oakland hotel, according to Almena.

Under state and city law, commercial buildings must receive annual fire inspections. Sheriff's Sgt Ray Kelly refused to say whether fire officials had visited the warehouse before the blaze.

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I think DI/A worked hard at being "unique" and eccentric. I get a sleezy vibe off of him. That seems to be his most natural self. Eccentric art guy seems forced.
Noticed that too - and look how long it took that person to go down the stairs! Imagine in pitch darkness and with smoke and fire.
Here are the formal complaints

It looks like they actually were efficent. Cert letter went out 72 hrs after not being allowed in.

Unfortunately, this isn't that abnormal for how violations go. It's a VERY slow and painful process, even more so in CA.

Keep in mind, most courts will do everything possible to rule in favor of someone living in a place- even if it's not necessarily "lawful." The judges are aware of housing shortages, etc.

One thing that struck me in the video of the warehouse is just how clausterphobic it was. I think it probably was fairly easy to "hide" residences inside - everything probably looked like piles of junk. That being said, clearly the Owner had to have known if she ever went inside.
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