CA CA - Maya Millete, 39, missed daughter's birthday, Chula Vista, 7 Jan 2021

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snipped for focus on this part:
Many have noted having access to the key as odd. I wonder if that key was Maya's, or did someone have a key made that she wasn't aware of?

My bedroom door handle has a little button that can be depressed from inside the room to lock it. There’s no keyhole on the outside; instead there’s a little round hole that requires a small flat tool to put in there to unlock the door.

It’s possible to be locked out of the room if you accidentally push the button on the inside, then pull the door shut. That happens very rarely, but when it first happened we panicked, until we remembered the little tool. We forgot where we put it, at first, then remembered we put it on the little ledge of the door’s frame.

I realize all accounts have stated LM found the “key” to open the door. While it could very well be a true key, I just wanted to tell about a possible alternative that would’ve been true in my house.
Add- he's a very private person ;)
Some people cannot stand to 'lose face', so to speak.
This could become deadly given the "right" circumstances.
Even if Maya had a platonic friendship at work this may have been a cause for strife.

It looked from her SM that she was independent and I'm curious if she'd found another place to live and wanted to divorce him and share custody ?
All decisions that could be dangerous for someone.
I'm including men as well, based on cases I've read about here and in msm.

I am of the opinion that Maya would not have left her children.
So this looks bad and I don't see a happy ending.
Sorry to be so negative.
LE aren't asking for searches, nor have they said what she was wearing, nor have they asked for last sightings.
My guess is that they're 1) Looking for her body.
Or 2) Examining evidence taken, or areas tested with Luminol, during the SW.
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snipped for focus on this part:

My bedroom door handle has a little button that can be depressed from inside the room to lock it. There’s no keyhole on the outside; instead there’s a little round hole that requires a small flat tool to put in there to unlock the door.

It’s possible to be locked out of the room if you accidentally push the button on the inside, then pull the door shut. That happens very rarely, but when it first happened we panicked, until we remembered the little tool. We forgot where we put it, at first, then remembered we put it on the little ledge of the door’s frame.

I realize all accounts have stated LM found the “key” to open the door. While it could very well be a true key, I just wanted to tell about a possible alternative that would’ve been true in my house.
OT...but in that instance, if you can't find the "key", any skinny object works, Bobby pin, nail, skinny screwdriver, etc. We have a few of those doors too. And I've used a Bobby pin several times.
I would like to know if locking the door was normal? Did she do this daily or a lot or was this a one time thing? It could also be that the door was locked to keep the kids out... AND not by Maya. IMO

It was suggested upthread that Maya's work with the government would have necessitated a locked door if working from home. Which does explain the reason behind a locked bedroom much better than other suggestions.
It was suggested upthread that Maya's work with the government would have necessitated a locked door if working from home. Which does explain the reason behind a locked bedroom much better than other suggestions.
Very possible. It’s the project, not a given role that determines the necessity for security measures such as are described.

amateur opinion and speculation
It was suggested upthread that Maya's work with the government would have necessitated a locked door if working from home. Which does explain the reason behind a locked bedroom much better than other suggestions.
Good points, @SimplyCass ! ^^^

I'm more interested in the time frame between Fri. and Sat. when her dad came over to the house.
And was Thurs. evening the very last anyone heard from her ?
Have LE looked at the husband's phone ?
Eta : LE probably did just that, as a SW might include not only the spouses' phone but any computers as well.
Was it normal for her family to come over and check on her? Was it normal for them to just pop in? Or was there a reason they came on Friday and Saturday? Was it something she told her sister Re the Thursday argument? Had the children been talking to any of them?
So many questions.
Was it normal for her family to come over and check on her? Was it normal for them to just pop in? Or was there a reason they came on Friday and Saturday? Was it something she told her sister Re the Thursday argument? Had the children been talking to any of them?
So many questions.
Great questions. Hope you don't mind my going over it in my reply how I'm understanding it so far. I've wondered all those questions, too. Why the family would come looking for her on Saturday and decide it required further searching and then reporting her missing.

It sounds like Maya's family were close, and had a group chat set-up. and I guess they used it to stay in regular contact and steady communication with each other. No one could get a hold of Maya on Friday. Why that was so strange it set off alarms tells me she usually replied, usually called back, usually stayed in contact.

We have to remember, they were planning to go to Big Bear for the daughter's 11th Birthday. They probably wanted to get the planning completed and needed Maya's input.

Maya may have worked from home and that locked door to her bedroom / possible office space doesn't bother me at all. She was a Defense Contractor.

It must have seemed weird husband didn't know a thing about whether she was behind that door or not. He must have said he heard her rustling around the kitchen Friday night like he said on the phone interview. I don't know if he tried to say the girls were home schooled by Maya on Friday because IMO that is a mistruth by him. The family knew already something was very wrong for Maya to not call them back, etc., They must have asked the two daughters. It's been reported that the 9 yr. old is said to have been the last to see Maya in the home on Thursday. Then, the argument with husband, then Maya seems to have disappeared because she was probably not there Friday nor reachable by phone.

What I'm most vague on is what the family did before reporting Maya missing. I think they called hospitals, and maybe other people, but can't remember where I read that. I do think if left to the husband, without it being the birthday weekend and the family showing up looking for her, Maya may not have been reported missing for awhile longer. Didn't husband give a story he got in trouble once looking for her? (JMO here, sets the stage that one, always has a reason for not doing something.)
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All MOO. I also don't know if either daughter heard any of the argument, or if Maya did text about the argument to sister or anyone. Sister said she had last talked to Maya on Jan. 3rd, so if sister knew about an argument I'd guess it'd have to be by a text from Maya. However, I tend to not believe she contacted anyone after that argument.
It was suggested upthread that Maya's work with the government would have necessitated a locked door if working from home. Which does explain the reason behind a locked bedroom much better than other suggestions.

FWIW...I don't think the link to the Navy would necessitate a locked door. We have a special VPN to my spouses' computer he uses for government work. I wouldn't have the foggiest idea how to login to that line.
(Having younger children in the home could be a factor) However, if May was home and home schooling the children, I don't think the door would need to be locked.
There are many things we don't know.
  • We don't know why May would need to keep her door locked after an argument. Is that normal? (No information)
  • IMO, that behavior is a little over the top following an argument. (Her family can probably add information.)
  • Were those two girls told that Mommy is locked in her bedroom and don't disturb her? (I can't even imagine my children at 8 and 11 leaving me alone for hours and hours....This also seems outside the norm. LE probably has talked with the girls.)
  • What time did LM and the son arrive home on Friday?
  • Who prepared dinner for the children Friday evening? When did they eat? How did they spend their Friday evening...watching television, playing games????
  • What time did MM's father come over on Saturday? What were the kids and Larry doing?
  • What time did MM's brother come over on Friday?
Creating a timeline with so many unknowns is difficult.

BTW, I remember reading somewhere that MM had sent a text to her sister on Thursday stating that MM and LM had had a disagreement. I'll look for that.
FWIW...I don't think the link to the Navy would necessitate a locked door. We have a special VPN to my spouses' computer he uses for government work.
So regarding her job and needing a lock on her door bc of it: I saw on Maya’s FB that she made a post regarding her 1st contract award-she was very proud that she finally got to award one. I do know that government contracts are BIG business and a lot of precautions are taken to make sure the government protects information regarding decisions and what not. So, even though it isn’t Classifed or TS work it is still highly guarded. I imagine with everyone working from home these days she may have even been required to keep her laptop in a safe or locked room. I do know for a fact that there have been contract companies that were severely punished and those involved on the BB side of contracting have been blackballed for working on any government contracts bc they were privy to documents obtained from the government on contract decisions. Just a thought
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