GUILTY CA - Michelle Hoang Thi Le, 26, Hayward, 27 May 2011

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
You make a good point about not needing help for a murder since she was crazy. But I don't think it would've been a gun shot since someone would've heard of it. Unless they had a silencer or home made silencer. Silencer's do still make quite a bit of sound though if you look it up on Youtube. I doubt it was a knife, because then there would be a lot of blood. But it seemed like the LE had to wait for a lab to get results to determine that it was a homicide. Or from interviews perhaps? So it seems like it wasn't too obvious right away that it was a homicide because the LE didn't state so in the beginning.

I think a gun was used but not in the garage. If someone sticks a gun to your ribs and says 'get in the car', most people would do it out of fear.
GE could have then made Michelle get down on the floor of the passengers side or even made her get into the trunk, and shot her later when nobody was around to hear.
I think a gun was used though.
Does anyone know the story behind the POI's arrest on 5/29 for kidnapping? And then she was released? I saw a link somewhere but cannot find it now, it looked like only $1000 bail to me. Was this regarding Michelle?

This is very confusing; it sounded as though Le was ready to name her a suspect days ago but it has not happened officially, has it?

Yes, apparently that arrest was related to Michelle's disappearance when LE first brought GE in to question her and took things from her house.
Thank you. Its weird because I don't even know her as a close friend but just knowing we worked together, walked the same paths and saw the same patients just makes me sad...

to know such a beautiful girl disappeared right from under our nose.

Seems I'm getting more and more sentimental the older I get. It just breaks my heart to see people hurt other people. I have not gotten desensitized to pain, which I'm glad of. I'd rather have compassion. The people on this board are wonderful and I have seen so many kind comments here. Thanks for caring.

It's sad and sickening how people can do something hurtful to someone. I too have been touched by this story and have been following it since the beginning. And Michelle lives so near me.

It can't be a random act because I rarely see things like this on the news here in the bay area. Gangs would not want anything to do with kidnapping. There's too much risk involved and no money. She was targeted by someone she knew, GE, in my opinion.
There have been a lot of foul deeds done in that canyon.

As teens we used to go there to party, swim and hang out. It's very remote.

I went to Niles Elementary so I know that canyon pretty well also. Lots of scary things over there.. It looks like the police did search it last Friday, 5-5-11. There is a video on the of them doing so.

She could have been tossed in the bay also. Plenty of cases go unsolved each year around here and thats why I was critical of the family from the start for not releasing more details about her.
I think a gun was used but not in the garage. If someone sticks a gun to your ribs and says 'get in the car', most people would do it out of fear.
GE could have then made Michelle get down on the floor of the passengers side or even made her get into the trunk, and shot her later when nobody was around to hear.
I think a gun was used though.

The LE mentioned that they believed she was killed in the garage though. Not sure how they came to that conclusion.
The LE mentioned that they believed she was killed in the garage though. Not sure how they came to that conclusion.
Interesting. Unless there is a lot of blood in the garage I do wonder how they came to that conclusion?
She very well could be alive. There are more stories coming out about GE's violent behavior. If she is psychotic who knows what she did with Michelle? I know the PD say it's a homicide but how do you know that from a car? Even if there were blood who's to say that injury killed her?

Here are a couple more new stories about GE's violent past. The more I read the more I am sure she has something to do with this.

It sounds like she might be manic-depressive possibly (?); the sad part is, she could be fairly normal with medication. Instead, who knows what she has done....
The LE mentioned that they believed she was killed in the garage though. Not sure how they came to that conclusion.

Maybe there was a noise on the videotape (gun shot or silencer gunshot). Maybe they've reduced guards/shifts and no one was monitoring video, or however that garage is "guarded".

Let's say GE was in back seat of closed up SUV with some type of silencer, even a cushion. Shot Michelle in the back in the vehicle.

How much like a gun shot would that sound in the garage in those circumstances? I know I expect sounds to be distorted when I'm in one of those concrete parking structures. I know I've heard plenty of sharp loud noises like that...maybe someone even reported the sound to Kaiser......after they got in their car and got out of there.....
Interesting. Unless there is a lot of blood in the garage I do wonder how they came to that conclusion?

IIRC LE indicated that based on blood evidence found in Michelle's car, they believe that she is dead.

Edited to add:

Police say a combination of factors led them to believe Le was killed, even though they have yet to find her body. They include blood evidence found in Le's car, cell phone records and video surveillance from the Kaiser Hospital garage where she disappeared, which has images of cars besides Le's that may play a role in the case.
So by the link you provided I guess there is something on the video that makes them think she died before the car even left the parking garage.

I would go as far as to say makes them certain, calling it a homicide so quickly. If so, why no arrest I wonder?
What makes a cell phone quit.
Dead battery
Turned off
Dropped in water
Out of cell phone tower range
IIRC LE indicated that based on blood evidence found in Michelle's car, they believe that she is dead.

Edited to add:

At work today I heard that housekeeping had been called to the garage to clean up blood after Michelle went missing. So it's looking like she was hurt in the garage, probably before she got in her car?

I was so mad today, they had a "chaplain" come in today for us to talk to if we wanted to. The chaplain was a sweetie but had NO IDEA about was going on with the case. She did not even know that the case had been classified as a homicide, or that the "killing" had happened in the garage. I was shocked that they would send someone in that didn't even know the latest news....

I do have to say that the prayer that we did did was comforting and gave me peace for Michelle - that she is in Gods hands. That part was the best part of the "talking" it out....

So I went to the vigil. There were about 100-200 people I'd say. Michelles brother came over to me and gave me a hug and thanked me for the support. What an awesome young man and a very nice family.

I was interviewed by the news, channel 4 and channel 36. I didn't want to say how I really felt about how mad I am about how the PD has treated the Le family and the fact that they heard that she was considered a homicide case on the news. How horrid to be told that way. I am pissed about that.

I also want to rip Kaiser for not supporting the family better than this - no help with reward money - no flyers up at the hospital - no questions being asked. It's all about making it go away, apparently.

I'm on the bandwagon for this family. I have some ideas to help them...and will be in touch with Michelles brother to discuss some strategies for more visibility. The community apparently needs to put pressure on the Hayward PD to get some FBI involvement.

I'm also going to put up Michelles flyer in the break room at work.
At work today I heard that housekeeping had been called to the garage to clean up blood after Michelle went missing. So it's looking like she was hurt in the garage, probably before she got in her car?

I was so mad today, they had a "chaplain" come in today for us to talk to if we wanted to. The chaplain was a sweetie but had NO IDEA about was going on with the case. She did not even know that the case had been classified as a homicide, or that the "killing" had happened in the garage. I was shocked that they would send someone in that didn't even know the latest news....

I do have to say that the prayer that we did did was comforting and gave me peace for Michelle - that she is in Gods hands. That part was the best part of the "talking" it out....

So I went to the vigil. There were about 100-200 people I'd say. Michelles brother came over to me and gave me a hug and thanked me for the support. What an awesome young man and a very nice family.

I was interviewed by the news, channel 4 and channel 36. I didn't want to say how I really felt about how mad I am about how the PD has treated the Le family and the fact that they heard that she was considered a homicide case on the news. How horrid to be told that way. I am pissed about that.

I also want to rip Kaiser for not supporting the family better than this - no help with reward money - no flyers up at the hospital - no questions being asked. It's all about making it go away, apparently.

I'm on the bandwagon for this family. I have some ideas to help them...and will be in touch with Michelles brother to discuss some strategies for more visibility. The community apparently needs to put pressure on the Hayward PD to get some FBI involvement.

I'm also going to put up Michelles flyer in the break room at work.

Housekeeping was called to clean up a crime scene?? That seems very unusual to me...:(

I am glad you were able to talk to her family and get some sense of peace from the vigil. I am sorry if Michelle's family is not getting what they need from LE and especially if they heard about Michelle being a homicide victim on the news-no excuse for that.
Housekeeping was called to clean up a crime scene?? That seems very unusual to me...:(

I am glad you were able to talk to her family and get some sense of peace from the vigil. I am sorry if Michelle's family is not getting what they need from LE and especially if they heard about Michelle being a homicide victim on the news-no excuse for that.

That's what I thought, unless they did not know it was a crime scene at the time. Otherwise I would think they would call in a crime scene clean up to do it. I have no doubt they were called though because this was one of the nurses that said this - one of the housekeepers told her about it. I have every reason to believe it's true.

And sad to say, I would not put it past Kaiser to ask the housekeeping dept. to do something like this. They have to clean up ALL kinds of stuff.

And I think Hayward PD handled this homicide news very badly...There was speculation tonight they maybe the LE was pressured to come up with some answers - and thats why a homicide was called. That a missing persons case would have made them get the FBI involved ( How true is that? I don't know much about how LE works?) and 3 of the lead inverstigators out of 6 AND the seargant left on vacation after Michelle went missing. Some man named Ali spoke up at the rally and had lots of questions about that and the handling of the case....
At work today I heard that housekeeping had been called to the garage to clean up blood after Michelle went missing. So it's looking like she was hurt in the garage, probably before she got in her car?

I was so mad today, they had a "chaplain" come in today for us to talk to if we wanted to. The chaplain was a sweetie but had NO IDEA about was going on with the case. She did not even know that the case had been classified as a homicide, or that the "killing" had happened in the garage. I was shocked that they would send someone in that didn't even know the latest news....

I do have to say that the prayer that we did did was comforting and gave me peace for Michelle - that she is in Gods hands. That part was the best part of the "talking" it out....

So I went to the vigil. There were about 100-200 people I'd say. Michelles brother came over to me and gave me a hug and thanked me for the support. What an awesome young man and a very nice family.

I was interviewed by the news, channel 4 and channel 36. I didn't want to say how I really felt about how mad I am about how the PD has treated the Le family and the fact that they heard that she was considered a homicide case on the news. How horrid to be told that way. I am pissed about that.

I also want to rip Kaiser for not supporting the family better than this - no help with reward money - no flyers up at the hospital - no questions being asked. It's all about making it go away, apparently.

I'm on the bandwagon for this family. I have some ideas to help them...and will be in touch with Michelles brother to discuss some strategies for more visibility. The community apparently needs to put pressure on the Hayward PD to get some FBI involvement.

I'm also going to put up Michelles flyer in the break room at work.

It's sickening to hear that there was blood in the garage. I haven't heard that from the news or anywhere. It seems to be evident something really bad happened to her. But is it still possible that she's still alive? What if she got hit in the head and was bleeding but still alive? It's hard to tell without a body. I'm wondering if the family knows about the blood in the garage.

From the look of things, Hayward LE sucks. They're treating the case as if it were just "another" homicide in their city. Throw it in the cold case file cabinet? They're treating the family as if they're not human beings. They need to think if it were their child. What would they do?

EDIT: Thank you DLynn for sharing the info.
DLynn, I'm so sorry you are going through this, as I am so sorry for everyone involved in this terrible tragedy. So horrible, senseless, and evil. Thank you for giving us your insights, and we are happy to help you process through it.
DLynn, I'm so sorry you are going through this, as I am so sorry for everyone involved in this terrible tragedy. So horrible, senseless, and evil. Thank you for giving us your insights, and we are happy to help you process through it.

Thank you. I didn't realize how much I was affected until today - as soon as the chaplain came I teared up and continued to tear up for the next hour. It's not good to hold this stuff in, seems like the only place where I can process and think about it is here.

Maybe the nurses have a better handle on this kind of stuff, I don't know. I don't work for Kaiser, I'm an outside contractor who works on the same floor and unit. I am not in the medical field.
It's sickening to hear that there was blood in the garage. I haven't heard that from the news or anywhere. It seems to be evident something really bad happened to her. But is it still possible that she's still alive? What if she got hit in the head and was bleeding but still alive? It's hard to tell without a body. I'm wondering if the family knows about the blood in the garage.

From the look of things, Hayward LE sucks. They're treating the case as if it were just "another" homicide in their city. Throw it in the cold case file cabinet? They're treating the family as if they're not human beings. They need to think if it were their child. What would they do?

EDIT: Thank you DLynn for sharing the info.

Your welcome and yes I am very frustrated with the lack of communications all the way around.
Thank you. I didn't realize how much I was affected until today - as soon as the chaplain came I teared up and continued to tear up for the next hour. It's not good to hold this stuff in, seems like the only place where I can process and think about it is here.

Maybe the nurses have a better handle on this kind of stuff, I don't know. I don't work for Kaiser, I'm an outside contractor who works on the same floor and unit. I am not in the medical field.

Gosh, and here I was thinking this was a case that Le was handling well and would have solved quickly. Now I don't know what to think.

But I think it stinks that Kaiser acts like nothing happened, please carry on. There are good reasons lots of people are skeptical of big corporations, all about money, never about people...

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