Still Missing CA - Orson & Orrin West (3&4), California City, 21 Dec 2020 #2

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I can't speak to their physical condition or appearance because the photos are old and its hard to judge but from other photos I have seen elsewhere it is MOO that the boys all pretty much have buzzcuts
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I too think they took way more than tech (and why lie in the interview? Or was it post interview?) and I believe some of it was bedding/cushions/pillows or clothes.

just a super wild guess but the rows of small holes, could they be for equipment or for testing samples?

while it sounds strange not to see any of the children outside, I think the fence and two empty lots on either side would make a difference to what’s witnessed. It’s sort of cold season since they moved in as well.
I personally know there’s kids that live around me that I only see a couple times a year and only in the hot months, moo.
Bringing Amanda's Case Archive forward. :)

TY for doing that. I have been working as time allows on the Case Archive, and I am still only up to 12/28-29!

Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but I have not had time to read the thread.

About that gift bag they found in the desert this past weekend..... a family brought that to the home. Guessing the wind picked it up.


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There is a pre-schooler living across the street from me that I haven't seen or heard in 2 years (was a toddler being carried in arms the one time I saw her).

We rarely see her parent or grandparents, either. I haven't seen my next door neighbors but one time in the past 18 months.

Things are a little unusual right now. The family behind us had children who played outside, but I haven't heard kids there for months (but the same adults are living there - I think maybe they are the grandparents).

Anyway, neighbors are probably only partly reliable. I know there are 4 kids living at a different house, because my daughter knows their parents, but I have yet to see any of them (probably play in the backyard - no one in my California neighborhood lets their kids play out much).

In fact, right after these two boys went missing, I saw two boys about 4 and 5 sitting on their tiny bikes right along a major thoroughfare here, completely unsupervised - couldn't believe it.
If this is true, that's good.
It sounds more like an excuse as to why TW and JW aren't helping with the search; TBH.

The fact that LE needed to get a SW to inspect the house makes me think they were initially not cooperating ?
The fact he took issue with them getting one is off putting imo. The objective is finding Orrin,and Orson. Often times search warrants are obtained in the name of integrity. To keep everything above board. That should be the bottom line in finding these two precious children. MOO
That's some rough luck. Keeping your kids inside because of the pandemic, and then THE ONE TIME you put them outside, and they pole vault themselves off the patio and clear out the gate.

This does not lend itself to a well thought out story.

That's some rough luck. Keeping your kids inside because of the pandemic, and then THE ONE TIME you put them outside, and they pole vault themselves off the patio and clear out the gate.

This does not lend itself to a well thought out story.


Or THE ONE TIME you put them outside someone kidnaps them.
I mean either scenario it isn't impossible. Just
That's some rough luck. Keeping your kids inside because of the pandemic, and then THE ONE TIME you put them outside, and they pole vault themselves off the patio and clear out the gate.

This does not lend itself to a well thought out story.


Oh someone grabbed them up?
Questions for those who have followed many cases, is it normal for the police to tell parents of missing kids stay inside and wait, don't search?

Also I know its a pandemic but the face covering seems excessive.
Nope. Not at all. I don’t follow a lot of cases ... but I’m familiar with a couple. Generally they encourage it .
Questions for those who have followed many cases, is it normal for the police to tell parents of missing kids stay inside and wait, don't search?

Also I know its a pandemic but the face covering seems excessive.
I don't know if it's normal in every case, but it does happen. From my understanding, it is to prevent cross-contamination.

Example: Say something incriminating is found by the parents out in the desert. There are footprints in the area that LE want to collect which now include the parents footprints ................................... MOO
Questions for those who have followed many cases, is it normal for the police to tell parents of missing kids stay inside and wait, don't search?

Also I know its a pandemic but the face covering seems excessive.
I think it depends. In this case I believe police thought it was more important to gather information and evidence from the parents than to allow them to participate in the search that day.

However, there didn't seem to be anything stopping the parents from searching every day after that. Imo
I think it depends. In this case I believe police thought it was more important to gather information and evidence from the parents than to allow them to participate in the search that day.

However, there didn't seem to be anything stopping the parents from searching every day after that. Imo
Or printing fliers, pleading or threatening a kidnapper and providing food and drink to the volunteers....
I don't mean to keep beating a dead horse by bringing up TW's statement about not letting the kids outside to play much due to COVID...BUT it sounds to me, IMO, that he made that statement to make him sound like a responsible parent. Meanwhile contradicting himself being that the other children were on "vacation" at the grandparents.
Going back to the interview the parents did with 23ABC, I just rewatched it. There are several things that set my hunky meter alarm bells ringing:

The father is speaking in the present tense, as if he is making it up as he’s speaking rather than relating a memory. “I’m open(ing) up the gate. I’m throwing wood, bringing it inside the house. My wife is inside the house...” vs “I opened up the gate. I was throwing wood, bringing it inside the house. My wife was inside the house...” He rushes through the story and it sounds very rehearsed, which could be because he’s told it to LE several times already.

The father adamantly says, “We do not let them go on the dirt in the back yard. We keep them close.” Explaining the lack of any noticeable signs of the boys playing in the yard and letting us know how carefully they watch the boys. I think they were aggressively questioned by LE about this and they now feel the need to explain to the public.

The body language of the father, with his arms folded, his hands under his armpits and mother’s swaying back and forth. Reminiscent of Chris Watts and his porch interview. It could be the cold weather, they both make a point of saying how cold it is. It could be nerves but neither sounds excessively nervous to me. The father’s story comes across loud and clear.

The lack of any emotion at all. Everything is presented very matter-of-factly. There’s a thank you to the people out searching and the usual “If you see something, call the cops.” No heartfelt plea for the boys’ safe return? They remark how cold it is but, aside from saying he was getting wood for a fire, neither parent has a word of concern about the boys being out in the cold? They seem more concerned about getting the point across that LE made them stay in the house.

There are several very awkward pauses, where they look at each other but neither knows what else to say. Just odd.

Overall, the lack of emotion with their two little boys missing is very strange. Also, that crowd outside the house was out of control! This is all JMO and I admit that I’m very jaded from following cases on here for 10 plus years.
Honestly, I think saying your kids haven't played outside much (paraphrasing) because of COVID is total B.S. They have a fenced-in yard with empty lots on two sides, and plenty of siblings to play with on their own property, away from anyone else who might have COVID. You don't get COVID by being outside. If the kids were not outside playing it's because they either weren't THERE or the parents were too picky about them getting dirty or tracking dirt inside the house.


The adoptive parents and bio parents of these boys are still considered victims under Websleuths victim friendly policy. There are no officially named POIs or suspects in this case. It is one thing to respectfully question or comment about what is in MSM or other approved sites, but do not make insinuations or direct accusations. That is a distinct contradiction of Websleuths victim friendly policy.

from: The Rules: Etiquette & Information


Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way, and only when such behavior is known to be relevant to the case.

The "victim friendly" rule extends to the family members of victims and suspects. Sleuthing family members, friends, and others who have not been designated as suspects is not allowed. Don't make random accusations, suggest their involvement, nor bash and attack them. Posting their personal information, including names, addresses, and background data -- even if it is public -- is not allowed. That does not mean, however, that statements made by family members and other third parties cannot come into discussion as the facts of the case are reported in the media.

On another note, we find that in many cases members want to start speculating on everything but the kitchen sink ... from human trafficking, fraud, drugs, organized crime ... might even toss in the odd bigfoot or alien abduction. NOTE: When there is nothing in MSM or other approved sites to substantiate such wild speculation, do not bring it into the discussion.

Thank you.
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That's some rough luck. Keeping your kids inside because of the pandemic, and then THE ONE TIME you put them outside, and they pole vault themselves off the patio and clear out the gate.

This does not lend itself to a well thought out story.

They were asked in the interview if the boys had ever run off before. JW said, "no never" and then something about the boys never run around these (gestures around the neighborhood) patches. o_O

So JW emphasizes the boys have never ran off before, but as you say - THE ONE TIME the gate is left open they bolt from the backyard and disappear so well no one witnessed a thing?

Hoping for an update from LE this week.
Going back to the interview the parents did with 23ABC, I just rewatched it. There are several things that set my hunky meter alarm bells ringing:

The father is speaking in the present tense, as if he is making it up as he’s speaking rather than relating a memory. “I’m open(ing) up the gate. I’m throwing wood, bringing it inside the house. My wife is inside the house...” vs “I opened up the gate. I was throwing wood, bringing it inside the house. My wife was inside the house...” He rushes through the story and it sounds very rehearsed, which could be because he’s told it to LE several times already.

The father adamantly says, “We do not let them go on the dirt in the back yard. We keep them close.” Explaining the lack of any noticeable signs of the boys playing in the yard and letting us know how carefully they watch the boys. I think they were aggressively questioned by LE about this and they now feel the need to explain to the public.

The body language of the father, with his arms folded, his hands under his armpits and mother’s swaying back and forth. Reminiscent of Chris Watts and his porch interview. It could be the cold weather, they both make a point of saying how cold it is. It could be nerves but neither sounds excessively nervous to me. The father’s story comes across loud and clear.

The lack of any emotion at all. Everything is presented very matter-of-factly. There’s a thank you to the people out searching and the usual “If you see something, call the cops.” No heartfelt plea for the boys’ safe return? They remark how cold it is but, aside from saying he was getting wood for a fire, neither parent has a word of concern about the boys being out in the cold? They seem more concerned about getting the point across that LE made them stay in the house.

There are several very awkward pauses, where they look at each other but neither knows what else to say. Just odd.

Overall, the lack of emotion with their two little boys missing is very strange. Also, that crowd outside the house was out of control! This is all JMO and I admit that I’m very jaded from following cases on here for 10 plus years.

Agree with all of this. The swaying and not able to form a sentence without emotion threw me. Dad is (at least trying to be) in total control of this interview and it seems she is following. Think her nerves got the best of her and she went off-script. I hope I’m wrong.
Neighbors have never seen the boys out, yet on this particular day, they are allowed to play outside? The one day they go missing? And it’s because mom is wrapping presents? I’ve wrapped many a present for my children when they were young, and that’s why you go into another room away from your little ones to do it. Close a door.
Still would like to know when the last sighting of the two was and their condition at that time. Were they happy/healthy/sad?

Where are they?! MOO IMO
They were asked in the interview if the boys had ever run off before. JW said, "no never" and then something about the boys never run around these (gestures around the neighborhood) patches. o_O

So JW emphasizes the boys have never ran off before, but as you say - THE ONE TIME the gate is left open they bolt from the backyard and disappear so well no one witnessed a thing?

Hoping for an update from LE this week.
Do we know if the parents have any legal representation yet? <modsnip: Not victim friendly>

ETA:and I know they don’t stand up in court. Still helps guide the investigation. IMO
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