Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #1

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I think this is what I am picking up on also. Maybe he's a really precise kind of guy who likes order in his life. Maybe Sherri liked that too. Some have called her a "Super Mom". When I heard her called that, I cringed. Not in a degrading way, more that the title sounds like it holds lots of expectation and pressure to be perfect.

Our Church has a Mom 2 Mom group that meets monthly. Some of these young Mom's put a lot of pressure on themselves, and their children to be perfect. That's not real, and can make for a perfect storm. Just saying, if we are looking at ALL possibilities, I guess this would be one.

Good description....much more fleshed-out than mine, but that is what I'm sensing, too.
I also would like to know why they moved. Someone here stated a relative owns the house which made me wonder if they were having money difficulties. That in and of itself doesn't mean anything damning as it happens to many of us, but if it's one more brick....
He specifically stated that HE called the daycare AFTER arriving at home and finding no one there. That is when he learned there was no pick up. He arranged for them to be picked up then. If he is stating now that they called him, that is in direct conflict with what he has gone on the record saying.

WHY does it just coincidentally be that he drives around all day? ugh. GPS on car means nothing to me. Park it..that's where it stays.

The reports I have seen say that a neighbor saw her about 2 PM alone on the road. No sightings of anything after that

According to his own statement, he did not text her back about lunch for 3 hours. Why bother at that point? I wish we would hear about evidence of a struggle or something at the site where phone was found. Even is someone took her in a car..there would be footprints, dirt smudged on ground, other footprints besides hers...oh wait..the husband was there and could very well have contaminated the scene. grrrrrr...i am trying very hard to withhold a definite opinion but there are definite red flags imo. LE does need to make a statement about the husband.

Mark Hacking! That's who I was trying to remember! That guy took his story to the mattresses! He was searching and sobbing everywhere and he killed her in such a despicable way too that I recall (they're all despicable but you know what I mean)
I cringed at super mom too. I understand why they are saying it - to really impart that she would never willingly leave her children and family. But it can also make it seem like everything is too perfect.

Usually I am side eyeing the husband immediately - just like most of us here that have learned you can never really know what goes on behind the walls of a home. But I just have a different feeling with Sherri. I am so worried

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Excellent post!! Personally, I feel like a big giant tuna, flip-flopping all over the place. Hopefully LE is quietly making some progress. I really hate to think about those two children not having their Mommy. It makes me tear up just thinking about it.
I am still on the :fence: ----but leaning towards abduction.

And the only reason I am giving the Husband the benefit of doubt at this time is that Sheree's Mom is seemingly in total support of him still. And the families spent a lot of time together. So I just think that Mom would be really suspicious of him if there were issues with him being too controlling , jealous or violent or being a cheater--or if her daughter had been unhappy etc. SOMETIMES Mom's are fooled by their soninlaws but not that often, imo. [ scott peterson fooled his inlaws for awhile]
I am still on the :fence: ----but leaning towards abduction.

And the only reason I am giving the Husband the benefit of doubt at this time is that Sheree's Mom is seemingly in total support of him still. And the families spent a lot of time together. So I just think that Mom would be really suspicious of him if there were issues with him being too controlling , jealous or violent or being a cheater--or if her daughter had been unhappy etc. SOMETIMES Mom's are fooled by their soninlaws but not that often, imo. [ scott peterson fooled his inlaws for awhile]

Lori Hacking's mother LOVED Mark. His own family never suspected a thing. Laci's family likewise. I always hope the husband isn't involved. I've just learned to question everything.
The exurbia neighborhood looks so different than the early morning isolated Montana highway where Sherry Arnold was snatched by two out of state meth heads passing through.

This area and time of day is so off for an abduction. I just can't see one man driving a car, happening upon her in the afternoon while driving a car, somehow stopping his car in view of houses, and boldly snatching her. Maybe two men could do it, but what are the chances there are two scumbags who hang around that area of nice houses?

Something is off.

This just made me think - could it be someone she knows other than her husband? Someone that knows she runs there and when? Someone she would've approached in a car if they called to her?
But then I think "how lucky there were no witnesses that saw her talking to someone or getting in a car". Too lucky. I feel either she was not taken from the place where her phone was found or whoever this is moved very quickly and got TOO lucky.....assuming this even is an abduction.
This is a tough one.....
Good description....much more fleshed-out than mine, but that is what I'm sensing, too.
I also would like to know why they moved. Someone here stated a relative owns the house which made me wonder if they were having money difficulties. That in and of itself doesn't mean anything damning as it happens to many of us, but if it's one more brick....

I'm confused about this too? I saw a detailed story from the Ventura Star, so I guess I assumed they lived there and moved back to Redding recently?
"Maybe she just LEFT ?

Yes, does anyone remember the Jennifer Huston case. A story that the media went crazy over. Beautiful blond mom, two young children, happy marriage, no signs of depression (I really do believe that she concealed her depression) She disappeared one day and family swore she was abducted. They found her miles away having hung herself. I have young children and hit so close to home that I cried my heart out over like no other case.
But, yes, even mothers who love their children and husband dearly - do just up and leave.
Sherri really is squeaky clean as she appears to be. Traffic infraction in Oct 2015.

Looks like a dissolution of marriage between our beautiful Sherri and an ex in 07-08. > online services > case index > search by name

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Lori Hacking's mother LOVED Mark. His own family never suspected a thing. Laci's family likewise. I always hope the husband isn't involved. I've just learned to question everything.

All true. Yet in hindsight, Mark Hacking was living a total LIE and had a secret life as a complete loser. I am not sure this case has that going on--but who knows.
Sherri really is squeaky clean as she appears to be. Traffic infraction in Oct 2015.

Looks like a dissolution of marriage between our beautiful Sherri and an ex in 07-08. > online services > case index > search by name

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Oh and quoting myself because the records prior to marriage would be under maiden name Graef

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The phone situation isn't a red flag IMO. My husband has 2 phones. One is a work phone that is supplied and paid for by his company for all work related stuff. His personal phone is just that. It contains our family photos and music and what not on it. I text him on both phones all the time depending where he is because there are lots of times where he won't bring his personal phone to work simply because he won't need it. When I text him, sometimes I mix the two up and send a text to the wrong one. It's a simple mistake I have made countless times so that's why I wouldn't put any weight into why she texted his personal phone if he was at work.

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Also, if his phone was in his car, they can also track the pings (from his phone) to see where he was throughout the day....
I would throughly check out everyone. I'm sure LE is doing just that.
this statement really bothers me: "If she is listening I want to say, 'We are trying, we are trying the best we can and I am sorry I'm not there',."

Jazz..does it bother you because you feel he being insincere or because it breaks your heart? Just wondering what your read is?
I'll link them on the same post ...
At .13 seconds, there is an evidence photo. It would appear the husband did not move evidence, but left in place and called LE?

I believe the interviews were done on the same day.

Thank you so much! I can't play them with audio yet. I watched one. Real tears. Eyes full. Quivering chin in one part seemed over dramatic and made me feel... But there's no evidence to point at this guy and most husband killers don't attack while their spouse is actually out on a jog. They just claim she went on a jog. But we know this gal did.


Sounds like she was a creature of habit... in which case there were neighbors who knew her routine.
Have they spoken to those who saw her that day ?

Off-topic but not really : Ladies, please DO NOT jog or walk on any public roads by yourself !
Take some friends or buy a jogger/ellipse and do it at home.
I used to think having a dog with you would keep you safe-- but not so sure about that. :(

I jog and walk alone quite a bit. I like the solitude. Especially in the canyon. I need it. And I just don't think the extremely low risk of an abduction or attack merits me giving up something I love.

But someone always knows where I am, I'm armed with different weapons that I can use in one second, I'm super, hyper observant and alert and I'm a mean, tough as nails bad a$$ frankly! I think any predator who sees me coming might think twice due to my body language. I'm no victim. I think all women need to be trained not to be victims.

I viewed both videos. Not totally convinced it's sincere, but maybe something close??? And I did pick up on the wording, too...

I wish LE would just say he's been cleared so we can move on. Maybe their not stating his innocence is a strategy to "get more dirt" against either her or him. Who knows?

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It's so early for him to be cleared though. Far too early, IMO. They may need a couple months.
"While the family appreciates all the tips, Suzanna wants to set the record straight about certain speculations.

“Sherri and Keith have an amazing relationship,” she said. “There was no problem between them that would by any stretch of the imagination lead to what's going on today. My brother and Sherri are incredible parents and there's zero chance of any kind of foul play between them.”"

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Oh, I had forgotten about Mark Hacking.

I am always the first one to point a finger at the husband/sig. other. But this time, I don't have that same feeling....... I don't know why.

Yep, my gut isn't telling me much except that she is VERY pretty. Stalking/abduction seem just as likely.

I've only skimmed the thread on and off, but was the husband confirmed to be *at work* all day?

And when did anyone else see her alive?

The usual questions.
I think this is what I am picking up on also. Maybe he's a really precise kind of guy who likes order in his life. Maybe Sherri liked that too. Some have called her a "Super Mom". When I heard her called that, I cringed. Not in a degrading way, more that the title sounds like it holds lots of expectation and pressure to be perfect.

Our Church has a Mom 2 Mom group that meets monthly. Some of these young Mom's put a lot of pressure on themselves, and their children to be perfect. That's not real, and can make for a perfect storm. Just saying, if we are looking at ALL possibilities, I guess this would be one.

Thank you for your comments. They really strike a chord with me. I also think that he is a very precise guy. For example, he over enunciates his consonants.
I also sense that he is trying to hold it together.
Like you, the fact that the family finds value in being a "Supermom" makes me cringe. It just screams "unrealistic expectations."
This just made me think - could it be someone she knows other than her husband? Someone that knows she runs there and when? Someone she would've approached in a car if they called to her?
But then I think "how lucky there were no witnesses that saw her talking to someone or getting in a car". Too lucky. I feel either she was not taken from the place where her phone was found or whoever this is moved very quickly and got TOO lucky.....assuming this even is an abduction.
This is a tough one.....

Yep. Someone knew her routine. And things maybe were planted after whatever happened. Doubt it's a random abduction like Sherry Arnold outside of Sidney, Montana.

Outstanding questions:
Who dropped off the kids at daycare?
What did Sherri do during the day as a SAH with kids in daycare? (Half time? Full time?)
Who knew her jogging route?
Did the SAR dogs find anything? (Even though it was her regular route.)
Were there signs of a scuffle by the phone and ear buds? (Sherry Arnold lost a shoe and the dirt/gravel debris showed signs of a struggle.)
Where and what time are the pings?
Husband made how much and could it support the lifestyle?
Losing both phone and earbuds?

Sorry - but hinky meter is going off. The silence by LE is deafening.
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