Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #1

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Mickey Shunick's own father was a potential suspect in her case, having been the last person known to see her. Mickey's case was very mind boggling ... and tragic. LE looks at everyone and I appreciate that.
Sherri really is squeaky clean as she appears to be. Traffic infraction in Oct 2015.

Looks like a dissolution of marriage between our beautiful Sherri and an ex in 07-08. > online services > case index > search by name

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You said Sherri had a disolution of marriage in 07-08. Weren't she and Kevin married in 2008 or 2009?

At 0:52 the video shows her husband sitting in a sparingly furnished room with Christmas themed decorations and poster sized portraits of the couple. She "vanished" on Wednesday, November 2, two days after Halloween and three weeks before Thanksgiving. The Christmas decorations seem "off" to me unless they are there year around.
Yep, my gut isn't telling me much except that she is VERY pretty. Stalking/abduction seem just as likely.

I've only skimmed the thread on and off, but was the husband confirmed to be *at work* all day?

And when did anyone else see her alive?

The usual questions.

1. Co workers can vouch for husband being at work all day.

2. Neighbors saw her jogging
You said Sherri had a disolution of marriage in 07-08. Weren't she and Kevin married in 2008 or 2009?

Thanks for this! I believe earlier in the thread it was said they married in 2009. That made me wonder a little too.
So LE does not think this was an abduction ? They are seeing it as a missing person case ? Do they think she left voluntarily perhaps ?
Real tears. Eyes full. Quivering chin in one part seemed over dramatic and made me feel... But there's no evidence to point at this guy and most husband killers don't attack while their spouse is actually out on a jog. They just claim she went on a jog. But we know this gal did.

Good point. I was overlooking that.
Do we know for sure someone saw her jogging that afternoon? Is there a link you could post?
My questions include:

Daycare did not try to contact the father? Did they try calling her? What time would they get out?

Stay at home supermom? Why are kids in daycare?

Was it normal for him to come home for lunch?

Why did she text him if he usually doesn't have his phone?

He ignored her 10 am text until 1:39, then she was out jogging 20 minutes later? Was she mad?
Thanks for this! I believe earlier in the thread it was said they married in 2009. That made me wonder a little too.

Yes Sherri has a divorce disolution of marriage in 07-08. They were married in November of 2009.
I encourage everyone to read the thread while we are still on #1 :) I know it can be hard to keep up and honesty I don't know that we really have all the facts.

MSM has never said that Sherri is a SAHM, unless I am unaware. I believe she works for AT&T as an account exec and linked her LinkedIn page earlier in the thread. Perhaps she worked from home?

We don't know what their normal lunch routine was. My thought is that if he travels around to client's houses sometimes she may have thought maybe he would pop by for lunch and if so would schedule her run around his lunch. Who knows?

I have seen the daycare pickup situation described different ways in MSM versus in FB comments from the family's spokesperson. I think we don't know for sure whether he called daycare or they called him. I'm sure it was a frantic mess of calls to everyone to see if anyone had seen her

Sheriff reported several neighbors who knew her saw her jogging/walking mid late morning to early afternoon. I have seen both 11am and 2 pm reported.

Keith and Sherri were married in 09. To me, it appears she and her ex filed for divorce in 07 and it was finaled in 08.

Sunrise Dr looks like gravel to me. I don't like to jog on gravel. Perhaps she walked that part as part of a cool down?

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You said Sherri had a disolution of marriage in 07-08. Weren't she and Kevin married in 2008 or 2009?


So she has an ex floating around out there......
How can le say this wasn't an abduction ??

Did he ever leave the building during his work that day ? Work-related or just to go out for lunch ?

As far as the poster-sized portraits.. No one I personally know has pics like that in their home-- just some smaller framed photos on the walls. There's no accounting for personal preference, though.

An above poster mentioned if his job supported their lifestyle ? Good question, since daycare isn't cheap. At least not where I and my Dh live.

A lot of good questions being put forth.
I have some theories ... and if wrong I'll eat some crow. Just seems like A) She left voluntarily B) someone known to her took her

Wonder if there is a life insurance on Sherri. They seem like perfection is important. Materialistic maby. If she was abducted I think who ever did it probably threw her phone out at a different spot than where she was grabbed. Still thinking the husband could be involved. Seems very controlling and worry's about what people think. A bigger better kind of person.. it's just an opinion. Wish we had more info.
A question : Does anyone know if the photos of her are current ? Both Sherri and her husband look very young imo.
Perhaps the interview with GMA, which I believe is the one you guys are referring to with the decor, was filmed in a hotel or other type of formal area?

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So he searched their house and their property, but could not find his family.

Keith called their daycare and the children still had not been picked up.

He used the Find my iPhone app to locate Sherri's phone, which was down the street, off Old Oregon Trail and Sunrise.

"That's when I knew she had been taken or abducted, in my opinion," Keith noted.

He called 911 and a search for his wife started."

IF that is truly how the events unfolded...I find it odd...why jump to abduction? I would phone relatives, ask neighbors, wait a bit, start the phone tree again in a few minutes, yk? I found the interview and sequence odd. Unless, there had been a previous issue or something but they haven't mentioned that, at least in what I've read.
"Maybe she just LEFT ?

Yes, does anyone remember the Jennifer Huston case. A story that the media went crazy over. Beautiful blond mom, two young children, happy marriage, no signs of depression (I really do believe that she concealed her depression) She disappeared one day and family swore she was abducted. They found her miles away having hung herself. I have young children and hit so close to home that I cried my heart out over like no other case.
But, yes, even mothers who love their children and husband dearly - do just up and leave.

I agree - supermoms under a lot of pressure to be perfect can snap, especially if they have controlling husbands. I'm thinking of Christine Woo who committed suicide in the family car while her kids were strapped in the back seat. If she had disappeared during a jog, the husband would have been under deep suspicion because he came across as very controlling and also very evasive about whether they had argued recently.
The suicide theory fits if you look at the evidence as Sherri's advance preparation: Sherri was the one who told daycare that she would be picking the kids up later than usual so they had no cause for alarm until the husband rang; Sherri texted her husband to double check whether he would be dropping home. Maybe she abandoned her phone, knowing her husband would check her location.
Just a theory, I don't have a strong gut feeling either way. I don't think in-law support is evidence - it's very difficult to accept that someone you accepted into your family could destroy your beloved child, so people can take years to face the overwhelming evidence. Another example is Jeffrey MacDonald's in-laws.

So he searched their house and their property, but could not find his family.

Keith called their daycare and the children still had not been picked up.

He used the Find my iPhone app to locate Sherri's phone, which was down the street, off Old Oregon Trail and Sunrise.

"That's when I knew she had been taken or abducted, in my opinion," Keith noted.

He called 911 and a search for his wife started."

IF that is truly how the events unfolded...I find it odd...why jump to abduction? I would phone relatives, ask neighbors, wait a bit, start the phone tree again in a few minutes, yk? I found the interview and sequence odd. Unless, there had been a previous issue or something but they haven't mentioned that, at least in what I've read.
If I tracked my husbands phone to the side of the road and he didn't pick up our children that'd be a real bad sign. Abduction or something awful would be my first conclusion. If he we're only missing I'd probably be worried about a car accident or something maybe but this does reek of an abduction. Whether it is really one or a staged one I am just not sure. I'm with the other commenters. LE not calling it an abduction is strange. Yet there is an urgency. It's just very odd. I keep thinking this is how they do it in a small town maybe? The whole thing is riddled with conflicting information that I'm sure is mostly shoddy reporting, a weird silence from LE regarding any details, and slightly worrisome interviews with the husband.

I do find it odd a sahm would have her kids in daycare. If it is for socialization aren't there mommy groups there? I live in a dense city in so cal but it just seems so odd to me. I wish the family would clarify that.

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If I tracked my husbands phone to the side of the road and he didn't pick up our children that'd be a real bad sign. Abduction or something awful would be my first conclusion. If he we're only missing I'd probably be worried about a car accident or something maybe but this does reek of an abduction. Whether it is really one or a staged one I am just not sure. I'm with the other commenters. LE not calling it an abduction is strange. Yet there is an urgency. It's just very odd. I keep thinking this is how they do it in a small town maybe? The whole thing is riddled with conflicting information that I'm sure is mostly shoddy reporting, a weird silence from LE regarding any details, and slightly worrisome interviews with the husband.

I do find it odd a sahm would have her kids in daycare. If it is for socialization aren't there mommy groups there? I live in a dense city in so cal but it just seems so odd to me. I wish the family would clarify that.

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This was discussed early on (about the daycare). Lots of possible reasons. Maybe she needed time to work out, grocery shop, etc. Maybe she wanted them socialized. Maybe she had an at-home job she needed time to do.

So he searched their house and their property, but could not find his family.

Keith called their daycare and the children still had not been picked up.

He used the Find my iPhone app to locate Sherri's phone, which was down the street, off Old Oregon Trail and Sunrise.

"That's when I knew she had been taken or abducted, in my opinion," Keith noted.

He called 911 and a search for his wife started."

IF that is truly how the events unfolded...I find it odd...why jump to abduction? I would phone relatives, ask neighbors, wait a bit, start the phone tree again in a few minutes, yk? I found the interview and sequence odd. Unless, there had been a previous issue or something but they haven't mentioned that, at least in what I've read.

If what he is saying is true, I also would immediately believe she was abducted. From his perspective, it would be hard to think of a plausible other explanation, IMHO. Maybe she could have been hit by a car, and taken to a hospital, that's true. Or maybe she could have fallen and become injured and taken to the hospital. But abduction seems the most likely, in that situation, IMHO. And I hardly ever think that because abductions are so incredibly rare.
I agree - supermoms under a lot of pressure to be perfect can snap, especially if they have controlling husbands. I'm thinking of Christine Woo who committed suicide in the family car while her kids were strapped in the back seat. If she had disappeared during a jog, the husband would have been under deep suspicion because he came across as very controlling and also very evasive about whether they had argued recently.
The suicide theory fits if you look at the evidence as Sherri's advance preparation: Sherri was the one who told daycare that she would be picking the kids up later than usual so they had no cause for alarm until the husband rang; Sherri texted her husband to double check whether he would be dropping home. Maybe she abandoned her phone, knowing her husband would check her location.
Just a theory, I don't have a strong gut feeling either way. I don't think in-law support is evidence - it's very difficult to accept that someone you accepted into your family could destroy your beloved child, so people can take years to face the overwhelming evidence. Another example is Jeffrey MacDonald's in-laws.

Yes and a sign of depression is being underweight... Sherri is 5'3" and 100 pounds...
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