Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #11

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I'm taking a break. I thought that we weren't supposed to bash LE here, but "IMO, the sheriff is lying" (paraphrase) is beyond my acceptance. "does not mean that was KP's intention to do so." from the moderator..........well I'm taking my break sitting in the corner with my face in the wall.
Also If that report/sighting at the truck stop is accurate - does anyone really think the abductors would have left SP alone outside? Would she not try to escape then?
Then is an equally 'fair PC question' the one that's been asked here dozens of times in the last 3 threads (and even in this thread alone) also, as far as many posters asking that in reverse?

As in, could KP have been reading/hearing questions/comments here and elsewhere (and surely in real life) asking why some people felt SCSO was making it look like SP wasn't a victim and it was all made up and that the Sheriff should be supporting the family and victim and working with them?

And perhaps KP was trying to force their hand to come out and say it wasn't a hoax?

Not saying I'd go that route personally, particularly as you'd be hard pressed to find someone more supportive of LE on the whole than me...

But the past 3 threads at least sure show a ton of folks here on WS alone who have inferred or said or raised the same speculation, flat out saying the Sheriff was calling into question whether any of SP's ordeal was legit based on his words, and saying if it was legit then the Sheriff was further victimizing the family by not providing more specifics and/or flat out confirming KP's words.

If he read/heard enough of that in various places and surely in person - like I said, there are many dozens of comments saying the same here on WS alone in just the last 36 hours - maybe he was wondering the same thing in reverse?

Like I said, I'd be too worried about possibly jeopardizing something and/or alienating LE to do so I think, but if my loved one and my family were being accused of all the stuff KP/SP and family have been accused of, even here on (theoretically, and usually far more) victim friendly WS, well...who knows if I might reach a breaking point with the public criticism and accusations also?


I think if I was KP I would have said Sherri people are saying it was a hoax can I call news media when you are released from the hospital. Let them see you in the wheel chair getting into our car. Imo -Everyone would see her bandage nose and that would stop all this nonsense.
Many gangs in California are involved in trafficking. IMO, they can't be excluded in SP's abduction. BBM

From one study, which was "one of the largest, most comprehensive human trafficking case studies in the United States to date":

At least 110 gangs are involved in commercial exploitation of people (CSEP). 85% of pimps/sex trafficking facilitators interviewed were gang involved (Source: University of San Diego Human Trafficking Study (link is external)
If warrants are sealed, is not everything sealed (including location)? Just wondering.

There is a sealed warrants for a house of worship ?!?! I missed that. Which one ? Any other info about it ?

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Also If that report/sighting at the truck stop is accurate - does anyone really think the abductors would have left SP alone outside? Would she not try to escape then?

IF the sighting was credible, you've got the possibility of Stockholm Syndrome. In addition, they know where she lives and her family would be in danger. I doubt the sighting simply because Sherri sounds like she'd been beaten over time, a broken nose causes black eyes. So if this witness recognized her, I'd like to know HOW?
Lieutenant Anthony Bertain, the head of the Investigations Division at the Shasta County Sheriff's Office, said he understood the need for Keith to set the story straight from rampant social media but that investigators were "surprised" by his statement. Bertain added they were disappointed Keith went into so much detail by releasing key pieces of information, like Sherri was branded.

Someone please make sure this link is copied to the media thread.


ADMIN NOTE: There will be no more comments suggesting the sheriff denied the VICTIM's injuries are as KP stated they are. NONE.

Thank you! Thank you! Fact!
I find it so fascinating how the same information can be perceived and interpreted so differently. This case has been very odd from the beginning and it remains so even now that Sherri has been returned to her family. I really don't believe anyone is "bashing" the victim. Questioning the circumstances and current status of the case isn't really the same thing.

Most everyone here follows and have followed many, many cases. I don't recall seeing a case quite like this one myself. Even so, we must look at the probabilities. And, let's not forget how many unanswered questions there were - and still are - before Sherri was found. Did she jog every day? Were the kids in daycare everyday? Did KP come home for lunch frequently? Etc.

It seems to me that LE and SP's family are at odds. I can understand LE's frustration with specific details being revealed, but the division appears to go deeper than that, IMO.

I suppose the truth will be revealed in the days to come. But this is still a very active investigation and, personally, I can see it going in more than one direction.
The sheriff was "blindsided" by Keith going public to disclose his wife's more serious injuries than described by the sheriff. This sheriff has also said "we CURRENTLY have no reason to doubt the story", something to that effect. I suggest posters here in this thread introduce their boyfriends/husbands next time with the description "this is my current boyfriend". Current means it's about to change.

My heart is with the Papinis. They have been horribly wronged here, and the sheriff not sticking up for them 100% is wrong.
Cops say, "currently" and "at this time" a lot. They don't want to etch anything into stone. J/S
I feel like we are beating a dead horse here. Whether he blindsided the SCSO or not I'm sure his intentions were not to harm the investigation. I have watched families work with the SCSO before and IMO compared to other departments they are not the greatest communicators. Not that they are doing anything wrong but I do think they tend to cause some additional speed bumps for the families to overcome that can be frustrating to say the last ie: downplaying SP'S injuries. I think that KP was at his breaking point watching SP get ripped apart without much defense as he would interpret it from SCSO. So he took it upon himself to deal with it. Ultimately it does not change what happened. Watching this closely IMO the SCSO has a good bead on who they are looking at and SP and KP are aware of that. For that reason I think he feels he is less likely to railroad this investigation. Therefore, he spoke out, maybe when he was told not too. One reason could be that the branding could have been a gang name or some other message that so and so did this. They may not really want that info out there. For whatever it is worth though I don't think being so rapped up in "why" he disclosed the info is going to get anyone anywhere. I honestly think that had he not spoken out we would have never known. IMO of course. I appreciate and respect each and everyone of you and your opinions. You're all awesome.

AND if he hadn't spoken about what Sherri went through most of us would still be speculating that this is a hoax, because of what the sheriff said last night.

So what if he mentioned she was branded? She was branded for a reason. It's no secret to the people that did it to her. They knew LE would find this out. It's on her body. Everything Keith said was already known to the people that harmed her. They left the evidence in plain sight. Does LE think they'll be surprised or scared off that they have this information? They branded her, beat her up and left her to be found that way.

IMO it's no news to the suspects. Maybe LE is more worried about panic from the public.

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Wow, that's a dead on description of what happened to her. So much for the talk about traffickers not beating their victims so they look good.

I'm not saying this is what happened to Sherri, because I'm all over the place with my opinion, but wanted to speak to trafficking.

Traffickers get requests from their clients for all kinds of different scenarios (fantasies) if you will. Sadly, we know there are some real sickos out there desiring very bad things. Think sadism and deviant urges. Traffickers provide this.

It's very ugly.
So, the sheriff found out about KP's release an hour before he was interviewed on GMA. I will say...the sheriff's demeanor is pretty consistent, maintaining a poker face despite being blindsided.

Wow, I stand corrected on the fact KP gave LE a heads up about his statement. I would think all pertinent parties would be in sync, working together.

This action by KP is not good and shows division between the family and LE.
Wouldn't they have cut their losses at that point and just killed her? They branded her with a message for her and others. I don't think sex traffickers' would send a message ... what would they have to say?

Many links have been posted about sex traffickers branding victims.

It may well to have been to "send a message" about who she belonged to.

Most articles about branding and ST indicate as such. It's a message or warning from the pimp to others to indicate who the victim is 'property' of.

If it's even relevant in this case (ST) and she was branded, it could easily have happened much earlier on prior to a possible scramble to try figure out if they should release or kill or whatever.

Again, very possibly not even relevant, but to post more links about branding not at all being uncommon in ST:
AND if he hadn't spoken about what Sherri went through most of us would still be speculating that this is a hoax, because of what the sheriff said last night.

So what if he mentioned she was branded? She was branded for a reason. It's no secret to the people that did it to her. They knew LE would find this out. It's on her body. Everything Keith said was already known to the people that harmed her. They left the evidence in plain sight. Does LE think they'll be surprised or scared off that they have this information? They branded her, beat her up and left her to be found that way.

IMO it's no news to the suspects. Maybe LE is more worried about panic from the public.

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I tend to believe that it could be that LE was not wanting to give 'whoever' they are credit publicly. When shooters go into a building and shoot people, people dont want to see the shooter get any fame from his actions. In my opinion, perhaps LE wasn't wanting to give the abductors any reason to gloat, or any satisfaction of publicly saying she was humiliated and permanently scarred.
I feel that the comments the Sheriff made yesterday caused Keith to write the letter to GMA. The Sheriff is a poor communicator in my opinion. If he didn't want details of Sherri's injuries known at this point he should have said that he had no comment at this time. Instead he ended up minimizing her injuries which caused people to doubt the victims. Not good.


Exactly! Maybe he's just a horrible communicator and needs a counselor to walk him through his replies. He could've gone about it differently than he did.

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Also If that report/sighting at the truck stop is accurate - does anyone really think the abductors would have left SP alone outside? Would she not try to escape then?

According to one of the articles, the two men 'came and went' between vehicle and truck stop store, tag-team style. Not that she couldn't have escaped, but IF this was Sherri, there are too many other unknowns at this point to make a decisive judgement (was she wearing restraints that were not seen by the woman? was she drugged? was she afraid if she didn't cooperate someone close to her would be killed?)

Too many unknowns to dismiss it right off, IMO. I would be surprised if this tip had not been investigated (even if the woman didn't get a follow-up call from them). She supplied them with description of car, occupants, and tag number. IF relevant to the case, LE aren't going to call her and tell her that...not now, when the investigation is "critical."
Maybe Keith released the info he did so that the negative focus would be taken off of his wife and put on to him.

at the expense of compromising the investigation? They keep quiet during the whole missing/ransom/negotiator/reverse ransom stage. Can't he hush and wait a little bit until LE dot the i's and crosses the t's? A vile, sick, disturbing perpetrator(s) is on the loose. There will be plenty of time for the media once the perpetrator(s) are caught and charged.
AND if he hadn't spoken about what Sherri went through most of us would still be speculating that this is a hoax, because of what the sheriff said last night.

So what if he mentioned she was branded? She was branded for a reason. It's no secret to the people that did it to her. They knew LE would find this out. It's on her body. Everything Keith said was already known to the people that harmed her. They left the evidence in plain sight. Does LE think they'll be surprised or scared off that they have this information? They branded her, beat her up and left her to be found that way.

IMO it's no news to the suspects. Maybe LE is more worried about panic from the public.

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Wholeheartedly agree!
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