Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #13

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Curious, if you had been sexually assaulted how long would it take to go through the process at the hospital? I don't know the protocol on that. Are you being interviewed while being checked out or do they do that separately?

Generally most emergency room care takes a few hours. Plus however long you have to wait. Which can take additional hours depending on how busy the ER is.
I passed a lie detector test for a job (long ago). And I lied my @ss off. I've never given them credence ever since. There is a reason polygraphs are NOT accepted in court as evidence.

Nothing to do with this particular case...just saying. There is no such thing as a "lie detector" test. Or any other way to crawl inside the mind of another human being and see what is actually in there.

And no, I'm not a sociopath. I underwent biofeedback treatment after a sexual assault and learned how to use my mind to control my body (heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, etc). The exact parameters that polygraphs measure. IMO, no one should take polygraph results as gospel.
I believe the reports are that she was grabbed off the street, while jogging.
I could be wrong, but I *think* that was an assumption based on one neighbor who reported seeing her running and the fact the phone was found by the side of the road. AFAIK that hasn't bern confirmed. But I may be wrong on that.

I was thinking perhaps it had something to do with showing her in her best light. But, now that I think of it, if they had framed pictures around the house he may have just grabbed a couple to give LE when he reported. And of course those don't tend to get swapped out just because our looks change.


This is a great point. Even digitally, the professional ones may have been much easier to "grab" right away, so to speak.
I am just amazed at how people are so sure how they would handle a crisis they have never experienced. The assumption i suppose is that KP never told SP what he was going to do. Why would you assume that? KP is defending his wife. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Give this family a break. But for the grace of god goes all of us.

This post ought to come up automatically after every other post in this thread. ;)
I think Sheriff Bosenko categorizing SP's injuries as being comparable to a sprained ankle lit the fuse. modsnip>

True. When he exampled a sprained ankle vs a compound fracture as a reason for her being "treated and released" rather than being admitted as an inpatient, I cringed.
For one thing, some people didn't realize that a compound fracture involves bone that protrudes through the skin and requires urgent surgical intervention for repair.
For another, people are still arguing that her injuries somehow should have warranted an inpatient stay, that she might have been transferred to another facility, that she might have left AMA, or even that her husband should have insisted that she stay.
Maybe it would have been better if the sheriff had just said "treated and released" and left it at that. He couldn't have known it would have such a negative impact. Bless his heart.
I guess everybody's different. I have thought about this. If I were in SP's shoes, I'd want my husband to stand up for me in a way very similar to what KP is doing. SP got some serious criticism on social media up until LE announced they believe her story. KP and SP are in a fishbowl. The criticism is not personal to us, but it's personal to them. We have no idea how it feels. Their own friends were probably casting doubt their way. I'm sure it's been painful and infuriating for them.

Well said, thank you.
Yes. Same here.

But my DH isn't like KP, and that is not a put down - they are simply very different type of men. My guy would be standing guard next to me like a pitbull, keeping people and attention away.

Again, I understand KP has a different approach. That is his choice, of course.


My husband is Scandinavian. He would say something like "Has it been three weeks? Huh."
I just had a look on pinterest... I find the gun and knife obsession very, very creepy and disturbing.

It's certainly a very extensive collection of weaponry in general. Guns, knives, swords, etc etc. I was put off by it as well, though it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

I guess I'm also surprised to see a man with such an extensive Pinterest page. I don't know any men even interested in it (though I'm sure they exist. Just personal experience). It just seems strange in conjunction with KP's statement about not using social media.
It's not about what *we* would want for ourselves. This case is not about us. There is no one right way to try and get back to normal after a traumatic event.

I never understand why people have to project their own stuff onto strangers and judge them. This happens in many situations, not just in true crime cases. But in true crime it's quite common.
It's certainly a very extensive collection of weaponry in general. Guns, knives, swords, etc etc. I was put off by it as well, though it doesn't necessarily mean anything.

I guess I'm also surprised to see a man with such an extensive Pinterest page. I don't know any men even interested in it (though I'm sure they exist. Just personal experience). It just seems strange in conjunction with KP's statement about not using social media.
Yes! I was surprised to see such an extensive pinterest by a man, too! I know a few men who use it, but not like that.

You guys...

KP and his family and especially his wife, have been bullied on social media since her return. People are saying and writing things like they are scammers, crooks, perpetuating a hoax, etc.

THAT is why he's speaking out publicly. He's trying to tell all the media, social media, and true crime followers & bullies and doubting Thomas'/Thomasinas about the physical bruises he saw on his wife as a way of saying, "yes she really was abducted!"

The police do not concern themselves with rumor-mongering or social media crap. So a victim and their family are left on their own to deal with fallout on social media.

Instead of staying off all social media, ignoring all the crap flung at them, and just staying silent, KP is speaking out. Not because of the police or what the police are doing in the case. But because they are being bullied.

Kind of ironic. They used social media to the max to get the word out about her missing; now they don't seem to like social media because of all the second guessing.
This post ought to come up automatically after every other post in this thread. ;)

Ditto that.

I'm outta here until there's more information.

Now I remember why I bailed on reading Abigail H.'s threads after she came home. Even if it's not meant as victim bashing, the dissection of every word and movement of the victims and their families comes across as being mean.
My list again, in order. 1, 2, and 3, I believe are very likely motives. 4 and 5 are a waste of time to even investigate, especially 5.

1. Gang Initiation.
2. Hate Crime.
3. Kidnapping for sexual assault and torture.
4. An acquaintance with a vindictive.
5. Human trafficking.

My pick off this list would be 2 & 3 with the intention to do 5, but the publicity from SM stopped that from happening. Either that, or someone started seeing her as a human being, and had enough heart to release her.

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Gonna be honest here and say I could never pass one. I mean I start panicking if I think about trying to lie. If I was given a polygraph I might throw up on them.

Me too! I start stuttering when I'm asked if I'm a US citizen when driving through the border check points! Maybe that's why I don't really put a lot of weigh in Polygraphs.

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Never mind.

Going in self-imposed time out.

Need a break....will be back.

You know the rules....SOLVE THIS while I'm gone, okay? Thanks in advance.
Wow !! My last smart-pants comment was left way back on thread #12, and that was just a few hours ago. You guys are halfway through thread #13 already.

i guess I'd better jump in and add my latest thoughts about this kidnapping and torture..................................................uuuuh.....................................

.......................................................................................................................................... mind.

Got nothin' to add. See ya'll on thread #14 (maybe 16 to 18 at this rate )
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