Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #13

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Or like her Pinterest being transferred to another name rather just ignored or even deleted. Who cares about Pinterest boards after going through something like this? But transferring it is purposely keeping it so that you can use it again or so it seems. Idk it just seems an odd thing to do right now.

ETA: Adding that I'm not saying SP did this. As a matter of fact, I don't believe she's the one who changed her boards.

The changing of the pinterest name leaves me dumbfounded. The name it was changed to is very strange, and if they're just trying to make it more difficult for sleuthers to find why not just make it private? So many weird twists and turns in this case.
My husband is Scandinavian. He would say something like "Has it been three weeks? Huh."

I asked my boyfriend what he would do if he came home and I wasn't here and it looked as if I just ran out to the store or whatever...he said "ummm, sit down for awhile, eat, maybe text you, I guess call...then wait awhile?" haha. I was like I want to know for real! Sadly, I think my morning bootcamp workout lady would notice me before anyone else! Ha!

Ok...back to topic...but your comment made me chuckle...
My concern is, "are the Papini's safe" since these people have not been apprehended?
I am just amazed at how people are so sure how they would handle a crisis they have never experienced. The assumption i suppose is that KP never told SP what he was going to do. Why would you assume that? KP is defending his wife. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Give this family a break. But for the grace of god goes all of us.

I would be highly upset if my husband just sat there silent knowing what all I had gone through if this had happened to me. If it had been me and my husband had seen all of the disgusting rumors, allegations without any evidence, and plain mean spiritedness displayed across many of the internet social media sites he would be out there in the media telling the truth to every media outlet that would listen to separate the truth from the bizarre fiction which has spread like wildfire.

It is obvious KP loves Sherri dearly so of course he is going to take up for her like any loving husband would. Imo, neither one have anything to hide. I have no doubt she knew all about him speaking with the media.

Imo, it is also ridiculous to believe that KPs statements to the media have somehow compromised the investigation. The abductors already know all of these things since they are the ones who did them. He isn't telling anything that the kidnappers don't already know.

Its sad to see they are still being blamed for something when imo, Sherri needs support for what she has endured and so does the rest of her family who also have to be traumatized just knowing what she went through.

You are right, mrseeker. This could happen to any one of us.
My husband is very much a "man's man." He's Texan and a gun owner. He thought the Pinterest posts were disturbing.

To each their own, I suppose.

Mine too. He likes his guns and knives, but he also writes poetry on gift cards. He's the whole package. Maybe that's why I find KP to be so believable. I live with someone he reminds me of.

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what if her abduction and torture was a contract job organised by someone close to her to teach her a lesson?
was she too happy, too pretty and smart etc?
and now the constant media appearances reminding the victim and reinforcing the awfulness of it?
I could be wrong, but I *think* that was an assumption based on one neighbor who reported seeing her running and the fact the phone was found by the side of the road. AFAIK that hasn't bern confirmed. But I may be wrong on that.


Well, it has probably been confirmed by now. But if she was seen jogging and her phone was found on the side of the road, it's more then reasonable to assume that is the location where she was kidnapped.
Ditto that.

I'm outta here until there's more information.

Now I remember why I bailed on reading Abigail H.'s threads after she came home. Even if it's not meant as victim bashing, the dissection of every word and movement of the victims and their families comes across as being mean.

OK, but the dissection of detail is what a lot of us enjoy. The motive is not to be mean, but to look in every nook and cranny to understand the case at hand. I think that everyone is horrified about what happened to SP, but how and why are still out there. JMO
Again, I didn't say she had any connections to gangs. You don't need to have connections to gangs to be a victim of gang violence.

I believe hate crimes are not necessarily spur of the moment. I believe the majority of them are planned.

It's not hard to hide somebody for weeks if you have a place to hide them, and if all persons in that location are involved. Example a gang house. Getting a kidnap victim from a car to a house without being seen is also not difficult. It could be done from inside a garage, from a car parked in back of a house, or almost anywhere in the dark.
That may be, I'm not going to argue with you, but I lived in that area from 1976-2014. I know it well. And I believe my opinion makes more sense based on my knowledge of the local area, customs and culture.

For as long as I have been interested in crimes and cases like this, I've been applying my all time favorite tool to decide and understand just what is going on. I've written about it at length many times. Here's the sum of it, Occam's Razor:'s_razor

One of the other people on this planet that I admire so much and consider her opinion to hold a lot of good solid common sense is Judge Judy. Judge Judy says this: "Well, first of all the most important thing about the truth is, if it doesn't make sense it's probably not true. So you start with that as a premise. If it doesn't make sense to your common sense its usually not true."

Have a wonderful day.

Well said. The problem is that so little info has been released. We are guessing the contents of a five course meal based on a few crumbs left on the table.

And let's keep it real: based on what has been released so far, it's very hard to believe this was a kidnapping. Women do not typically go around kidnapping other women, holding them for 3 weeks, torturing them, then releasing them. Especially when there is no motive. It makes almost no sense.
Curious, if you had been sexually assaulted how long would it take to go through the process at the hospital? I don't know the protocol on that. Are you being interviewed while being checked out or do they do that separately?

I was brought in via ambulance, with LE presence. Medical staff checked my vitals and general condition, I guess to make sure I wasn't going to die any second. A member of the sexual assault team (medical) came in an explained the rape kit to me. She asked if I wanted a rape crisis counselor to be with me throughout the rape kit and LE questioning. I said yes. A female LE officer stayed with me until the rape crisis counselor arrived, about 90 minutes or so, as I remember. The rape kit was done by a female nurse, in the presence of the rape crisis counselor. She handed the kit off to LE. The female LE officer stayed with me the whole time as well. After the rape kit, the female LE officer was joined my a male officer and they took my statement as to what transpired. They also took numerous photos (different LE officer). I guess about 5 hours total? I went to the station two days later and gave a very detailed statement to investigators there. 3 hours, maybe? They never caught the guy, so I never met with the DA or any of that.

At the hospital where I work now processing a rape case takes about the same amount of time. 5-6 hours for an uncomplicated case.
So one thing I find really interesting is that, while public attention has soared since she was (thankfully) found safely, LE has been working on this case for one month tomorrow. And yet they are really, really quiet -- so few details. Vague answers. Vague description of the suspects.

I believe that is fueling all of this speculation -- the less information one has, the more room for conspiracy theories. Almost always at someone's expense.

Quick question though: In addition to local LE, has it been confirmed whether the FBI or another agency worked on or is working on this case too? Just curious.

I also wonder why, despite the media being camped out in that town, there haven't been any stories on the community's reaction -- as a woman I would be terrified if kidnappers were running around free.
KP's not doing her any favours by shouting from the rooftops about her injuries etc. It doesn't "defend her honour" (whatever that means), it compromises the investigation and means that securing a conviction, if anyone is ever arrested, will be infinitely more difficult.

There's a reason LE keeps information close to the vest. KP charging about like a bull in a China shop is irresponsible and the fact that he continues to do it, despite what he would've been told by LE, and what he would've read online (since he seems fixated with what people on social media are saying), makes the basis for his cause seem less and less stable.
He wasn't there to defend her when she was beaten, burned, and God knows what. Imagine the guilt he feels that he wasn't able to protect her. That's what he's trying to do now- protect her from the bullying, and protect her from being victimized all over again. Why is this so hard for people to grasp? It's a natural response.

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People are all going to quantify the idea of "protection" in a different way. For my husband, that would mean refusing to leave my side much like the guard dog another poster mentioned. For KP, that could mean something different. Image does seem to be important to them. I don't say or mean that in an ugly way. People's priorities are different and I'm not here to say what's right or wrong there.

But similarly, I don't think it's fair for you to say that people are not grasping the concept of a man protecting his wife. I don't think that's the case.
Everyone is different, we know that. People grieve differently and behave in odd ways when they're going through something traumatic, we're all aware of that too. With that said, 10 years ago my ex was shot and killed. It took 5 years to do a news interview and this is the first time I've brought it up on Websleuths because I don't want to recall those memories. KP is putting this incident on blast and that befuddles me. With the tragedy I went through the news was everywhere, it was a big deal, and I avoided them like the plague. I just wanted to grieve privately as did everyone else involved. Very few interviews were given by friends and family. Granted, his murderer had already been caught, but regardless, I wouldn't have been all over the place giving gory details and making LE have to work harder when they're already working hard enough with this case. If you want to talk about it and bring awareness, then do so after the people have been caught and your wife has had time to heal privately. MOO

First thing I want to say is how sorry I am. :hug: It is so sad to hear and contemplate your situation.

However, I do want to add, that if you were being accused all over SM and even in msn, of being involved in his murder, then you might have been more vocal in the press, in defense of yourself. Maybe , maybe not, but it would have made your situation more like KP's was. jmo
I am just amazed at how people are so sure how they would handle a crisis they have never experienced. The assumption i suppose is that KP never told SP what he was going to do. Why would you assume that? KP is defending his wife. He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Give this family a break. But for the grace of god goes all of us.

Thank you, well said! Personal level, very very true. Not to mention how the affects of it, it changes you too
So one thing I find really interesting is that, while public attention has soared since she was (thankfully) found safely, LE has been working on this case for one month tomorrow. And yet they are really, really quiet -- so few details. Vague answers. Vague description of the suspects.

I believe that is fueling all of this speculation -- the less information one has, the more room for conspiracy theories. Almost always at someone's expense.

Quick question though: In addition to local LE, has it been confirmed whether the FBI or another agency worked on or is working on this case too? Just curious.

I also wonder why, despite the media being camped out in that town, there haven't been any stories on the community's reaction -- as a woman I would be terrified if kidnappers were running around free.
IIRC FBI got involved on Nov 16? I thought they only stepped in if a case crosses state lines, that may explain the reports of "out of state warrsnts." I'm sorry I don't have the links handy, would take soooo long to find atp

Mine too. He likes his guns and knives, but he also writes poetry on gift cards. He's the whole package. Maybe that's why I find KP to be so believable. I live with someone he reminds me of.

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Personally, I don't find anything about this case to be obvious or even logical in a lot of ways. I'm hoping that soon more information can quell some of that. As it stands right now, it's not making a lot of sense to me. But that could change in an instant as more detail comes to light.
what if her abduction and torture was a contract job organised by someone close to her to teach her a lesson?
was she too happy, too pretty and smart etc?
and now the constant media appearances reminding the victim and reinforcing the awfulness of it?

Agreed - I believe it was someone she knew. All this interviewing is a part of image control - because if we knew the real story - I don't think the interview$ and attention would happen.

I don't think we will ever get the a composite sketch or more details on who did it- because they don't want us to know.
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