Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #15

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I can think of many reasons to take such a course, especially in Redding where crime is high. Not bashing Redding, but with AP109 and Prop54 there are many repeat offenders being relocated to Shasta County. I see it as an extension of self-defense classes and would do it with my teen daughter. I'm sure it includes tips for every day situations, not just survivor type scenarios. I could also see it being beneficial for victims of prior assault (sexual and otherwise), someone traveling abroad, those who work with trafficking victims (for training and insight). I posted a link earlier for a couple other sites that offer similar workshops, so it's really not that far fetched. IMO

Who signs up for Gamble's survivor training ordeals? In Redding CA, for crying out loud!
Yes I have said that from. Day one here .
Someone hates her.

But someone could 'hate' her just by driving by and seeing her. JMO
Now is she as beautiful inside as out.

But someone could 'hate' her just by driving by and seeing her. JMO
Exactly. The photo evidence exists, reporter/s have seen them + commented on the severity of injuries as they saw them. Good enough. I'll put my trust in LE + the people who were THERE, not some internet surfer's opinion of what they look like (if they were released). Bless SP + her family, especially her children. I hope they do get some privacy + time to begin a lifetime of healing.

I'm sure all of this has been posted, but I'm still a few threads + at least 800 posts behind. I read some back there, some up here + let us pretend I'm caught up :gaah:
CG's words quoted below from the link above.

I had this whole post all typed out, "submit" = thread closed = :tantrum:
Please forgive the length of this one as I've tried to post for days + clearly not in the right time zone - if the thread is open, I'm at "werk", if I'm free to post, it is locked.

Approximately 1273 pages ago there was a link which led to something written in regards to CG + the "anonymous" donor. It spelled out exactly who the donor was + who they were known to prior to SP being taken + why they had offered up $ so quickly as they did. I raced back to the thread, scrolled, skimmed, fast forwarded = not a single word of discussion in regards to that. This made me assume the link was not acceptable by WS standards or discussion of such violated TOS or it was just general poop on the internet. So for once I shut my ever loving mouth + stewed on the idea with google + hard liquor on ice.

I've had no luck recalling that link so I will not spell it out. It (TO ME) explained almost every single thing that "seems" to not make sense in this case, IF one put it together with what is known about CG + his timeline in regards to SP's being taken + held captive + her ultimate return to her family. It shed a great deal of light on why LE would be saying (or not saying) things as they have. Made perfect sense of why there is no "public panic" or severe caution being issued to others at risk.

IMOO - because there is no risk + LE knows exactly what / who they are hunting + they don't particularly want the game to know they are tracking the hot trail. Better for them to think they really have no good description of the perp/s or any real idea of where SP was taken to or any details of well anything. See, we're just Barney Fife + Andy over here relying on Aunt Bee for crumbs she overheard at the grocery store. We surely are not sniffing down your rabbit hole. Because criminals + their "friends" never read on the internet right? JMO naturally. IIRC, FBI came in early on. For all the cases I've followed, FBI do not make public announcements / updates, they like to do their work, "quietly". They tend to "follow the money". I suspect they know exactly who the anonymous donor is + have known for quite some time.

In case I haven't made this clear - ALL MOO + any TOS violations would've had nothing to do with victim bashing, but with links not allowed or POI not yet named. I'm unclear on exactly what can be said at any time about anyone who looks shady hovering around any case, so I err on the side of caution until ya'll start posting about what I'm also thinking. Doesn't slow me down from digging + stewing on it though!

Your 4th paragraph is hilarious. Your post is quite intriguing. Pass me the shovel!
What? Howard her sister know what she was wearing?

Seems like since neighbors saw her and reported what she was wearing, then family/LE would be able to check for the clothing to determine it was missing from her closet.
I'm going to guess these two women were paid to abduct SP. I'll bet they didn't know her personally. They were doing a "job" and to that end could very well have been gang bangers for hire.

It's who hired them. Who hated someone enough to commission this crime? Who was the REAL target? I keep guessing KP was the target and the prolonged separation, torture, and debasing his of his wife was intended to hurt him, scare him, or force him to "something". So I do believe there's TONS more that we don't know, that LE doesn't know, and that we may never, ever know. And I'll bet Sherri is in the dark also. Just my opinion.

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From the 20/20 one thing that jumped at me what the characterization of the "reverse ransom" or whatever after it "expired" at 5AM the day before Thanksgiving.

The word used in the show to characterize it after that point was "bounty". As CG said on his video then, now the whole world is looking for you (which was hyperbolic as the whole world had no clue who took SP at that point, but whatever). The implication was that fearing the bounty on their heads the abductors dropped SP right quick the very next day.

Anyway the word "bounty" struck me and I predict we will see CG use it again as he continues to make the most of his involvement in this case and "brand" his expertise and services.

Yes, CG does seem to be pushing his involvement for personal benefit. There is little doubt, however, that his involvement added very substantially to the publicity and made Sherri a very hot commodity. But it is also possible that her hispanic FIL's Facebook post on Nov 22 which was shared 3800 times, less than 48 hours before SP's release may have been a factor. It is mentioned here but was actually quite a bit "stronger" if you read the actual quote:

Or perhaps it was SP's holding the cloth and pretending it was her young daughter that brought some empathy/sympathy to at least one of the captors and led to her release, or a combination of many factors. I hope we find out someday.
Three weeks in captivity doesn't make sense for any kind if petty revenge theory, imo. Especially not being held by two women... One person might be mentally ill enough to keep someone for 3 weeks out of "jealousy", but two? It's possible but very unlikely, imo.

It's more likely that they were trying to get something out of SP for 3 weeks. Repeated beatings to try and make her talk. Say, if they thought she had stolen from them or something like that. Of course, then SP would know the motive but maybe she just isn't saying, or maybe LE don't want to release it.

Alternatively, in a case I posted in an earlier thread, a woman had her hair cut off and was branded with the word "SNITCH" across her face because she had reported a woman to LE for something and as a rest LE had investigated the woman and CPS had taken her children from her. If SP had reported someone to LE that could certainly be a motive to beat her and "make an example" out of her - but again, hiding her for 3 whole weeks seems unlikely.
They might not have planned to keep her that long but then felt trapped when there was so much media attention.

From your link about the other case the offenders "[FONT=&quot]cut and shaved large swaths of her hair" [/FONT]Now that's more like what I imagine when we hear of women's hair being forcibly cut. Sherri's hair on the other hand was apparently cut to shoulder length. That doesn't strike me as something somebody would do to dehumanise or punish somebody. It sounds more like a restyle...maybe an attempt to stop her being recognised...[FONT=&quot]
Might have a lot of interest from middle aged blondes now. My guess is his fees just went up.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you're young. Cause middle age is 50 ... not 34. I have 6 kids and I'm still not middle aged for several years yet.

But blonde suburban housewives as the new face of kidnapping for ransom? Hmmm.
Who signs up for Gamble's survivor training ordeals? In Redding CA, for crying out loud!

The way I understood it, when he spoke at the church, it was aimed towards missionaries going to foreign countries. There are actually a lot of abductions for ransom in South America and Asia of missionaries and churches sometimes help negotiate their ransoms.
It's pretty difficult to accept a ransom without getting caught. That's precisely why kidnapping for ransom is so rare in this country.

Also if CG tried paying ransoms nationwide, he could find himself into all sorts of hot water, like if ransoming was used for terrorist financing - which this would certainly encourage - he could face serious problems for giving money to terrorists, especially if those terrorists then go and kill a bunch of people using the money they got from him.
I'm going to guess these two women were paid to abduct SP. I'll bet they didn't know her personally. They were doing a "job" and to that end could very well have been gang bangers for hire.

It's who hired them. Who hated someone enough to commission this crime? Who was the REAL target? I keep guessing KP was the target and the prolonged separation, torture, and debasing his of his wife was intended to hurt him, scare him, or force him to "something".

Maybe, but I'm having a hard time imagining why a Best Buy employee would be the primary target of anyone, with the possible exception of debt collectors.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you're young. Cause middle age is 50 ... not 34. I have 6 kids and I'm still not middle aged for several years yet.

But blonde suburban housewives as the new face of kidnapping for ransom? Hmmm.

I'm 50.

Edit: but in your defense, I look much younger. ;-)
You're right, but if this were an actual kidnapping, don't you think the kidnappers would have thought that critical point through a bit more before grabbing their victim?

By everyone's account - including CG's - this was an abduction, but he tried to convert it into a kidnapping-for-ransom. CG now is offering criminals new business opportunities to consider kidnapping-for-ransom with CG working to reward those criminals who decide to now pursue that line of work.
I saw this case in the news where a man murdered and dismembered his parents then left the area. LE thought he was responsible from the start but they didn't release any information about the murder, and they certainly didn't name the son as a suspect and splash his face across all the papers, warning the public to be scared of him, because they had an idea where he was and didn't want him to run. They found him, and quietly put him under surveillance until they had warrants for his arrest for murder.

Just another idea about why LE sometimes refuse to release information about suspects.

Knox County Sheriff Jimmy "J.J." Jones said his department intentionally withheld from the public any information about the killings because any release would have harmed the investigation. He said he used the same logic in withholding information about the discovery Nov. 21 of the shooting of Emma Walker, a Central High School student found dead in her home.

"It would have made it much harder to make arrests if we had released information on these cases," Jones said Wednesday. "It's clear these individuals were following social media."

Jones said serving justice outweighed informing the public about murders in the community as long as the community was not at risk.
Imo. The police obviously knows the motive. But they simply can't release it right about now.

Now I doubt it was a Hate crime related due to the 140mile drive on day 1.

Plus no men were mentioned; So I don't think this was about sex trafficking or using her as a sex slave for torture purposes.

I also don't see robbery as a motive since she was possibly jogging at the time.

Okay. So imo. That is 3 possible motive eliminations at this time. But idk for sure.
I'm going to guess these two women were paid to abduct SP. I'll bet they didn't know her personally. They were doing a "job" and to that end could very well have been gang bangers for hire.

It's who hired them. Who hated someone enough to commission this crime? Who was the REAL target? I keep guessing KP was the target and the prolonged separation, torture, and debasing his of his wife was intended to hurt him, scare him, or force him to "something". So I do believe there's TONS more that we don't know, that LE doesn't know, and that we may never, ever know. And I'll bet Sherri is in the dark also. Just my opinion.

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I like your theory but I don't think it was KP that was the target.


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Sex traffickers are not going to mess up her face, either. There's just no way this was sex trafficking.

Every single expert I've seen has said it doesn't look like trafficking. One PI says it does, and the media runs with it.

I am not sure anyone can say 'NO WAY' it was this or thaT. We don't really know enough to say that with certainty.

Maybe they didn't mess with her face until they decided they were going to have to cut her loose. And they were mad and threatened to kill her if she talked too much.

Experts can be mistaken. There are cases which do not fit the usual parameters or statistics of most previous ones. This could be an outlier.

Woman are not USUALLY abducted for trafficking. but it does happen. They do not usually take suburban middle aged moms, but this was not typical suburbia. Redding is full of sex offenders and meth freaks and she was alone and vulnerable on a remote trail. And she looks young and pretty and blonde. She'd get a high resale price if it weren't for the publicity, imo.
I'm never going to catch up, but wanted to post an idea. I notice a lot of people are asking why perps who did all these horrible things (beating, branding, etc) would let SP go alive. Just a random thought I had that could be true no matter who took SP or why they took her-- what if the person who released her was NOT one of the women who abducted her? What if someone connected to the abductors found SP (or found out they had her) and insisted on letting her go? Or what if a person who knew about SP being held decided to let her go without even telling the 2 women who had been holding her? Also, since there were two abductors, the two may have disagreed on what to do as far as killing her or letting live. Maybe the one who was inflicting most of the beatings wanted to kill her but the other one wanted to let her go? One could have gone behind the other's back to let SP go. These ideas fit with what the sheriff said from the very first press conference after her release that 2 abductors took her but 1 released her. Just some theories. Carry on.
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