Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #19

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I agree. I think it's a waste of time focusing on CG unless he's a POI in her abduction. It doesn't matter if there wasn't any money. What he did may have contributed to Sherri being returned alive. If I did everything I could to get my missing loved one back, with no results, I'd do exactly what the Papini's did when approached by CG IMO. Desperate calls for desperate measures.

But if we're allowed to sleuth him, and people think he's responsible for this, then by all means.

Why is it a waste of time to investigate ANYONE who had the motive, means and opportunity? IF LE felt that way, they'd never solve anything.

Let's all be honest; if any one of our family members went missing, came back and told you they'd been kept hostage and tortured, and you found out that some guy owned 30 storage containers that he used to simulate hostage situations (this is straight from his interview on 20/20), and he contacted you to offer his services, you wouldn't want him investigated? How about when you found out he'd declared a bankruptcy and that the army would not confirm that his background is everything he's said it was? The storage containers alone would alarm me and I'd be the first one demanding LE get a warrant for every one of those containers. I think most would.
It's all up to SP. She is the only person who can provide the crucial details to LE to solve this crime and bring justice. What will her next move be?

As far as we know. There might be other witnesses, other evidence, more video, etc. It's on them to solve it.
It's always better to have warrants for the bank records, phones etc. That way if it was proved KP was involved they have the security of the warrant, sworn by LE and signed by a judge. JMO

No; they only need SP's signed permission for any accounts of hers, phone, etc., which she would not withhold. If there are anything solely owned by KP, they would only need his permission. It's just like when police ask if they can search your car during a traffic stop. they do NOT get warrants unless you refuse to give permission.
Ouch! Surely this poor victim has scrapes and bruises on her wrists if she was wearing the shackles that AceDetective posted that scared me so (Thanks, Ace!), coupled with this data about the chain and hose clamps. SP is most fortunate to have been left for dead on the side of the highway and 911 was called by the passersby. I do think more than three, being CHP, Alison, and the trucker, 911 calls were made by drivers.

Does anyone have access to a transcript of KPs 20/20 interview? Was wondering what time KP received the phone call on Thanksgiving Day morning. The first call was to his cellphone that he couldn't answer and did not recognize the number calling him even though his wife is missing! Then, he hears the landline phone ring and he takes the call that is from Sherri or the CHP? Trying to establish a formal timeline of critical events in my storage bank? TIA

The Hispanic abductors did not care about Thanksgiving Day festivities. Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday and typically not one celebrated by Hispanics, Mexicans, Muslims, Cubans and those who are not US citizens such as Canadians, et al.

This is absolutely not true. I'm Hispanic as are many of my friends and my parents friends growing up. We all celebrated and continue to celebrate Thanksgiving. I also know other immigrants who celebrate. They adopt the tradition when they move here.
Why is it a waste of time to investigate ANYONE who had the motive, means and opportunity? IF LE felt that way, they'd never solve anything.

Let's all be honest; if any one of our family members went missing, came back and told you they'd been kept hostage and tortured, and you found out that some guy owned 30 storage containers that he used to simulate hostage situations (this is straight from his interview on 20/20), and he contacted you to offer his services, you wouldn't want him investigated? The storage containers alone would alarm me and I'd be the first one demanding LE get a warrant for every one of those containers. I think most would.

What opportunity did he have?
We also have no idea if the containers were searched. My guess is they were. I also think his whereabouts, phone records and contacts before and after the kidnapping were vetted.
LE was already wary of him. His is why IMO he absolutely was thoroughly investigated.
IMO he would not kidnap a young mother, hold her for weeks while subjecting her to repeated beatings, starvation and then brand her to get publicity for his security consultant business
Why is it a waste of time to investigate ANYONE who had the motive, means and opportunity? IF LE felt that way, they'd never solve anything.

Let's all be honest; if any one of our family members went missing, came back and told you they'd been kept hostage and tortured, and you found out that some guy owned 30 storage containers that he used to simulate hostage situations (this is straight from his interview on 20/20), and he contacted you to offer his services, you wouldn't want him investigated? How about when you found out he'd declared a bankruptcy and that the army would not confirm that his background is everything he's said it was? The storage containers alone would alarm me and I'd be the first one demanding LE get a warrant for every one of those containers. I think most would.

Sherri said she was held in a basement (is this a verified fact, by the way? is there any source beyond Daily Mail?), so shouldn't we be suspicious of somebody with a basement rather than somebody with storage containers?
Agree. He's not been named as a POI. Our VI says he contributed to keeping Sherris name and face in the news. That was a very good thing.

have said he's a nuisance.

The victim deserves to have no stones left unturned.
I've now got the official ABC 12/2/2016 transcript for the 20/20 episode covering this case.

I think it could be really useful reference for us, but it's over 8,000 words and many pages long.

Any advice on the best way and place to post the text would be much appreciated.
No, I do not know the answer to that question.

No not to my knowledge.

So basically you feel SP is withholding information? I've spoken to her and KP and I don't feel that way at all. I'm sorry if you and others feel that way; obviously I have not done a good job of projecting the honesty and sincerity of KP and SP.

They are good people, the kind you would love to have for a neighbor or friend in my humble opinion. That is why you saw such a massive level of community support for a town the size of Redding. While obviously not everyone that supported them knew the P's, many had friends that did whose opinions they respected.

I'm sorry if there are posts on this thread that have offended you. I want you to understand that there are people here that do believe Sherri and KP. She is not responsible for catching these criminals. This is what LE gets paid for. I also think with time more details may come to her that will help with the investigation. Nobody knows the amount of trauma she has faced. Small details will most likely come to her each day. I don't blame her whatsoever. She is a victim, and shouldn't be re victimized by people pointing the finger.
Question for Lake:

It's never made sense to me that an experienced trafficker would take the risk of snatching someone like Sherri off the street while jogging. However, I have a theory that it could have been some fairly inexperienced criminals who were not involved in trafficking themselves, but had shady connections that were. Maybe they were involved in drugs and needed cash to pay off a debt or feed a habit, and hatched a plan to abduct someone and then later try to sell them off to one of their shady connections. Maybe the deal fell through, and so they held her for such a long time as they were trying to negotiate with their connection or find another buyer, but eventually nothing panned out and that's why they decided to release her.

Does a scenario like this make sense or fit with what you know?
Very good point! And at least one time KP thought she may have been murdered. In the 20/20 interview he discussed how he saw the birds circling in the sky, then fell to his knees during the search. He knew there was a possibility she'd be dead, but he wanted to stay positive.

he say when that search took place? Was it before or after the hostage negotiator already entered the scene (November 6, according to the AD's letter to the media)?
LE might have some leads or suspects, but...

All the warrants could have been unrelated to actual suspects, and solely been for cell phone records, cell tower data, banking info, surveillance cameras, abandoned houses etc..

If they have a suspect, they would have raided their house and/or seized their SUV by now. Maybe they have, who knows, but I doubt they could afford to just do surveillance while the baddies erased all evidence of SP's presence.

Like someone said upthread, if this is ever solved it will probably come down to a snitch, a confidential informant or an anonymous tip. Talk.
It's all up to SP. She is the only person who can provide the crucial details to LE to solve this crime and bring justice. What will her next move be?

SP and her family, sans the pets for the time being, have moved to another area is my understanding. The couple has been too traumatized to continue living in the family home. Can't see SP ever jogging to that mailbox deck again.

KP may be able to transfer to another location within the corp., Best Buy. Or, if he is hi tech oriented, and I believe him to be then, it won't be difficult snagging a job. He may have more options and opportunities available now than he did pre-Nov 2.

This is a watershed for the Ps. Their entire life was turned on a dime. I am relieved that they have a bit of crowd-raised funding, for relocation can be expensive.
Ouch! Surely this poor victim has scrapes and bruises on her wrists if she was wearing the shackles that AceDetective posted that scared me so (Thanks, Ace!), coupled with this data about the chain and hose clamps. SP is most fortunate to have been left for dead on the side of the highway. Does anyone have access to a transcript of KPs 20/20 interview? Was wondering what time KP received the phone call on Thanksgiving Day morning. The first call was to his cellphone that he couldn't answer and did not recognize the number calling him even though his wife is missing! Then, he hears the landline phone ring and he takes the call that is from Sherri or the CHP? Trying to establish a formal timeline of critical events in my storage bank? TIA

The 20/20 interview only states that he got up at 3:30 to get ready for the balloon launch, and that the call came while he was shaving. Not sure how much time elapsed between rising and shaving.

But then Matt Gutman of ABC refers to "4:00 AM and Alison Sutton is driving down the highway..." and sees SP. Was he rounding off or did he literally mean 4:00 on the nose because that's the info he was given?

It was when the CHP was already with SP that KP got the call. So I guess we could surmise KP up at 3:30, Sutton passes SP at 4, makes the 911 call around the same time as the truck driver, then CHP arrives within 10 mins or so after that. So by the time CHP confirms things and makes that call to KP, perhaps between 4:15 and 4:30?

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I thought KP referred to SP as having been TAKEN. He stated this on 20/20. He said "I knew she was taken." Not kidnapped or abducted.

Doesn't it mean the same thing?
have said he's a nuisance.

The victim deserves to have no stones left unturned.

Totally agree. It's my opinion they (LE) have left no stone unturned regarding the man they termed a "nuisance", Cameron Gamble
Well LE says they believe her, so there is that.

to believe she is telling the truth with regard to the circumstances as they happened to her.

I also believe that the police will look into the "Latinas" and into who they may have known, been working with, or had been hired by.
Why is it a waste of time to investigate ANYONE who had the motive, means and opportunity? IF LE felt that way, they'd never solve anything.

Let's all be honest; if any one of our family members went missing, came back and told you they'd been kept hostage and tortured, and you found out that some guy owned 30 storage containers that he used to simulate hostage situations (this is straight from his interview on 20/20), and he contacted you to offer his services, you wouldn't want him investigated? How about when you found out he'd declared a bankruptcy and that the army would not confirm that his background is everything he's said it was? The storage containers alone would alarm me and I'd be the first one demanding LE get a warrant for every one of those containers. I think most would.

I said unless CG is responsible for SP's abduction- meaning had anything to do with it, it is a waste of time investigating him IMO. This case is about who did this to SP. Are you saying you think he was involved in her abduction? If so, what is your theory?

And what he does for a living wouldn't alarm me. I am familiar with Bethel, and I am familiar with organizations that help sex trafficking victims. I'm also familiar with the fact that sometimes LE is actually criminally involved in sex trafficking rings. I'd use any source I can, if it means I might get my loved one back. JMO.
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