Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #7

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He is asking the police and the Sheriffs department to not threaten him. It also seems like after 5am, the reward is still on the table by only for the person that can lead them to Sherri ( not the abductor).

Bizarre and at this point, suspect and infuriating.
I don't have much to add except that the searches being called
off sits with me wrong. CG and the family are convinced she was abducted. However, the Sheriff isn't so convinced. And time here is so precious and important and it appears that all hope and attention have been placed on the ransom despite the fact that the account has a generous amount in it to devote towards finding Sherri. Unless the Sheriff is bluffing, it almost sounds like the family absolutely knows something he doesn't; or he's not buying their position. I know they hired one PI but has any other resource been employed toward finding Sherri?

Where are you, Sherri?

If LE hasn't confiscated the home computers and all cell phones to run forensics to see if any plots were developing; Then I am speechless.

Because a person (example : hubby) cooperating with the police is totally different than their devices doing the cooperating with the police.

And I'm not just talking phone pings.

Because Ross Harris cooperated with the police and spoke all day long about how he was a loving dad. But his sexting and texting on the day of the murder revealed that he wasn't truly a loving family man.
JDauxa, It's never been clarified to the public that Keith found the phone in plain view on the gravel road. If it was, however, hours would've gone by without it being retrieved - or at least reported - by a passerby. That is, unless it was planted there at an unspecified time.
I'm terrible at searching the forum. I've tried. I know one thing I'm wanting to go back and look for is in this thread, and from today, I think, but I can't find it. If the person who wrote something about photos and hats and pumpkins happens to read this, would you mind letting me know that was you?

I just kind of started down a hunch that made my stomach drop. IDK if that post is directly related to why until I can look at it again.

I'm starting to shift toward--what was it, #5? No jog. Murdered. :(

Maybe someone with a vehicle recognizable to the family was spotted in the area (I think someone already suggested that) but it would be so unbelievable that s/he could be involved--or maybe "unthinkable" would be a better choice of words--that the family either doesn't believe it's relevant or have accepted that possibility and the "offer" is a way to reach him/her personally--someone they know who it is.

Possibly it's someone who has been slightly fixated in the past and it never really seemed nefarious until all this happened. Someone whose appearance in the neighborhood or even close to the Papini home wouldn't be unusual or noticeable. And/or, maybe they even work nearby.

I know none of these are new ideas. I just kind of saw how they could all fit together for someone close to Sherri. I hope this is another harebrained idea. I feel kind of sick.

He is asking the police and the Sheriffs department to not threaten him. It also seems like after 5am, the reward is still on the table by only for the person that can lead them to Sherri ( not the abductor).

Bizarre and at this point, suspect and infuriating.

That letter is pathetic, I suspect the author and negotiator are one and the same.
If LE hasn't confiscated the home computers and all cell phones to run forensics to see if any plots were developing; Then I am speechless.

Because a person (example : hubby) cooperating with the police is totally different than their devices doing the cooperating with the police.

And I'm not just talking phone pings.

Because Ross Harris cooperated with the police and spoke all day long about how he was a loving dad. But his sexting and texting on the day of the murder revealed that he wasn't truly a loving family man.

This was the LE update 5 days ago (BBM):
As of Thursday, November 17, the Shasta County Sheriff's Office, Major Crimes Unit, continues to actively investigate Papini's disappearance. According to officials, her case continues to be a major priority for the Major Crimes Unit as detectives continue to sort through a large amount of electronic data, bank records, cell phone records, email records, cell tower information and all social media accounts belonging to Sherri to look for clues as to her disappearance.

The Major Crimes Unit has received the assistance from the Redding Police Department as well as the FBI's Cellular Analysis Survey Team with these tasks. Detectives have authored approximately 20 search warrants and continue to author search warrants to obtain much of the data related to this investigation.
More at link:
Maybe someone showed up to the house who knows them. Maybe s/he pretended to think they were going to be meeting KP there for lunch that day so as to have Sherri be surprised and text KP to "double check" in case something had changed.

Totally speculation. I'm digging through the thread trying to find something and this popped into my head when I read your post.

There's that comment again that's been bugging me. Comment about SP texting KP asking whether he'd be home for lunch. KP said early in the investigation that he didn't take his personal phone into work and that he did not see that text about lunch until later in the day. Wouldn't a wife know her husband didn't take his personal phone into case of emergency, etc. Sometimes I dwell too much on little things but this one has stuck in my head!
What's weirder the Ramsey ransom letter or the SP one? Also when i saw a news article where they're now offering the public a six figure amount for anything leading them to her it felt even more off. Since the original thing was just 50k for the ransom and then it magically seemed to nkt list the amount of money so I don't even know if I believe there is any between having money to throw away but getting a crap burner cell for the calls and then the fact that this person magically won't be able to save her via money or help her be saved because god forbid he pay them when he isn't in town anymore. There's nothing at all that feels right about it because it all feels like a distraction.
finally done reading all the threads and wow... so much in my head that i've been holding in.

LE says abduction is 'rare', yet i've noticed reports of women being stalked in parking lots and campuses by a black car... what is that all about? sounds like it's not so rare to me.

my first thought is abduction/sex crime. sherri is jogging along listening to music. now if her phone was just there on the road out in full view, i'm thinking someone may have pulled alongside her with a gun causing her to pull out her earbuds quickly, getting hair tangled up. the perp says 'drop your phone now!' and she does then has to get in the vehicle. in a way to me i would think she may have tried to run away at that point, not sure if the person would chase her on foot or with their vehicle. could it be two people in a van? open the door and grab her? the worst thing you can do is not be aware of your surroundings - listening to music would have put her in vulnerable position to be caught off guard and swooped up so quickly.

going with the grabbed theory, i think about whether the perp would be known to her or not known. i don't think this person would have been on foot, as she probably would have been found close by. so let's think they were in a vehicle of some sort. were they LOOKING for someone? is there a lot of wandering homeless/drug addicted people on that road? is this just a one off crime of opportunity where a person saw her and just had to have her? it could happen, it would be a horrible case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. who knows where she would be taken from there!

this person would be taking a huge chance grabbing a typical soccer mom type, knowing she was going to be missed. going for people who are living on the fringe of society are much easier and less likely to be looked for. perhaps someone was looking for some easy prey and like i said above, just had to take her because she is a very pretty lady. her petite size and long blonde hair would be the first thing i'd notice. i'm not a man but i would think percieved weakness by size and good looks would be so tempting for a sex offender.

if this happened i believe there is no way they are going to try to collect a 'ransom' offered to them. anyone with half a brain knows that no matter what is being communicated you KNOW the police are going to find you. they know where they sent or put the money. whether it's picking up a suitcase or transfers through the internet, they will obviously track you down. i don't even THINK that the person who may have taken her thought of money. i don't want to sound like a debbie downer, but i think if she was taken she was most likely killed within the first 12/24 hours (reminds me of brooke wilberger, she was taken right out of a parking lot by a guy in a van and kept tied up overnight before she was killed, i believe joel courtney was just passing through her town).

other options i have really thought about are if she was taken by stalker/enemy/revenge. her mom was pretty mad. i could conclude that her mindset was 'well, it finally happened, that ****** did something'. of course they probably would not reveal that to the public and to the person who was of interest. but if the family KNEW of the fact that a certain person or persons were stalking her or trying to get back at someone who loved her, i believe they would have someone in custody already. it could possibly be someone who hid in plain sight or never let on their true intentions. that might make it a bit harder and take longer to figure out.

-could be someone who had an online connection to her... through her sales of clothing, crafts, or even some ad she may have answered.
-i almost don't even dare to bring this up but with all the talk about pressures and perfection, perhaps there was some dabbling in certain types of substances that keep your weight down and give you tremendous amounts of energy. could she have known some nefarious types and kept it on the down low?
-she grew up there, so could have come across anyone in her life at some time that watched her from afar and just decided that day was THE DAY.
-most likely a man, who may have been a friend of the family, hers or his, i'd think more his, that wanted to have her. but could also be a woman who felt threatened by her looks or 'perfect' life.

if she was taken by someone who knew her i would wager that it would be a case of unrequited love and 'if i can't have you no one can'. if this is the case she may still be alive but kept captive. again that sounds very dramatic and movie like, but weirder things have happened to people. and i still don't believe that person would be stupid enough to try to collect a large amount of money for her return.

the lack of searches, LE saying they can't classify it exclusively as an abduction and she may have disappeared on her own... i really can't see this woman leaving her kids. not by what her family says. but if she was careful to cultivate a presence of perfection who knows what was really going on in her head. she may have just broken and lost it and left, people have mentioned post partum, she may have done this before, and again she may have had some secrets involving things she would never share. if any of that was suggested to LE that may be why they are hesitant to go full out panic mode to find this lady as abducted. not that they aren't trying to find her, but they aren't looking for a body. you know?

i believe the reverse ransom is a sideshow. i do not think they have anything to do with her going missing either.

i also believe she may have committed suicide. i would think they would have found a body, but then again, who is really searching? she has hiking skills and can run. as someone mentioned she had a six hour window to find a spot to perhaps hang herself? they have not mentioned if she had a gun with her, that could be info they are keeping quiet. although i believe if this was a probable option people would really be searching for her hard.

sorry this was so long, i've had all this in my head for the last three days!

where are you sherri????
Lots of good thinking in your post MistyM.
Yes, lots and lots of questions, with few answers yet.

I'm going to step further out from some of my previous speculations, and offer up a slightly different twist.

In this theory/speculation, LE has been reticent to consider her abducted because they knew of some contact she had been having with someone other than her spouse. (Remember, this is just grasping at straws speculation). LE thinks they have run off together, but in reality she balked, and was murdered. "If I can't have you, no one will!"
In this speculation, I would look for recent male suicides in her age group, and see if there are any ties to Sherri.

I'm getting a bit fanciful in this speculation, but perhaps worthy of a moments consideration.

Editing to add that I would really dig deep on why she left her well paying job. Something is really niggling at me there. All opinion and speculation only.
Hello mind-boggled sleuths...a thread or so back, I had brought up, to some sleuths' consternation, her Pinterest. I, unfortunately, forewent work one day and instead spent a a few hours reading her comments. As I had noted, I have belonged to the site for a long time and understand the way comments work (whose it is) beneath pins. I noted in my post that IMO a particular pattern appeared in the comments, and in some cases, chosen pins, but was met here with some disapproval and lots of doubt . So, I tucked my tail and went back to work, though I was resolute in my findings.

As I caught up on this thread today, I noticed that a mention of"embellishment" had broken the surface, so here I am adding my voice.

I am reluctant because i dont want to once again appear that I'm casting mud or bringing up nonsense, but I still feel that this idea is worth mention. IMO, winding through the years of commentary is a degree of embellishment, discontent, a shaky sense of self and feelings of emptiness. I also stated in my original post that all of the comments about her being a kick-as* mom are on point, which is sort of a snag for me. It is pretty hard to digest that she willfully disappeared or hurt herself because she loves the heck out of her children. Being a mom appears to mean the world to her. But, as I know all too well, tenuous or poor mental health can, and does, shake a person's foundation. For most of my life, I fought hard to maintain an image ...the one expected of me, the one I wanted to see reflected in the mirror...while suffering immensely inside. It's exhausting to keep a mask on, and can only be done for so long. At the end of the day, I used to hang my mask on the same hook where I hanged my keys, and then grabbed it each time I headed back out the door. Whether a mental health angle has anything to do with her disappearance, I have no idea, but it is the one reason I have kept open the possibility that she left or hurt herself. Even then, it doesn't mean, if one of the two, that she made a conscious choice or "willfully" left. There is always the possibility of some kind of break, confusion or tired surrender.

I dont know what to believe, but for whatever reason I've never felt comfortable with the idea that she was dragged into a random car. I am willing to be wrong, but will always believe that at some level she was/is personally struggling, despite ongoing statements that there were no physical or mental health problems. That's a wide net to cast when talking about an individual. We are all complex creatures who hide from others and ourselves. Dangerous, too, as it rules out some possibilities. In our forums, I have also seen it mentioned that she obviously had/has no mental health problems because she seems so functional, in love and happy. Believe me, not everyone who struggles with his or her mental health gives off that image . Also, sometimes people "give up" or leave because they don't feel they are good enough. They believe that people will be better off without them. I know someone who did that, and what a shock that was to everyone.

Finally, and this has been mentioned on WS, some families don't want to see or admit that anything could have been wrong. Depression can be dismissed with a "Put a smile on." Perhaps this has something to do with some of the sorries.

Please, this is just a collection of my thoughts. Nothing here is an accusation or a suggestion that I know what happened to Sherri. I know nothing specific. Nada. Zilch. Just curious and concerned like everyone.
I know what you mean it reminds me of when I see a couple or a person trying so hard to convince everyone they are this or that and in some cases doing so to convince themselves of it because to me if you're happy and life is perfect etc you don't need to keep telling everyone it is because maybe when it comes to myself because I've always been confident and just not cared about what people think for the most part so to me I know I'm this or that so i don't feel like I need to prove it to everyone. To me it comes off as she's trying to make herself into someone she's not in order to make others happy. which if it makes her happy then that's good but my thought is what if she was taken or something but because she was unhappy cause of what you mentioned so she made friends with someone she didn't expect to be a creep and they're who did it? Because I could see it being a combination of your idea leading to abduction because she was unhappy and met someone who seemed like a normal friend or whatever or even a neighbor she vented to but the person wasn't as nice as they seemed..,
Can I ask if the Black Hat society has been discussed in regards to Sherri's pinterest page?
As far as I remember it hasn't.

I didn't think it had but wanted to double check. Interesting pin board on pinterest for the black hat society...If you google black hat society it unearths a whole new possibility of what could be going on.
I didn't think it had but wanted to double check. Interesting pin board on pinterest for the black hat society...If you google black hat society it unearths a whole new possibility of what could be going on.
I saw the pins yesterday morning and meant to Google for verification and got side tracked. Glad you mentioned it and yes that does bring up new possibilities...
I think there's a pretty good chance of that, too. I've been wavering from the beginning, but that has seemed like a strong possibility all along. :( I think the lack of info and strangeness that's been discussed for seven threads could easily be attributed to this being a known possibility.

To me suicide is the worst outcome for her kids and family because they'll start blaming themselves for not noticing signs(though her mom said she was mad and maybe she was mad at herself for letting whatever happened happen by not being there that day or something) and everyone I've known who has a family member do this always for however long blames theirselves and I wouldn't want to see her kids when they get older thinking they weren't enough to keep her from doing that :( but if she wanted to she could easily walk up on a pot growing operation or something people would be armed and would shoot because of it and they'd I'm sure hide her body and it wouldn't be found for awhile. But I hope it isn't the case but I think the cops would have ruled it out as an option fast by just what's on her phone but then again she worked for AT&T so I'm sure she knows a lot about iPhones so who knows. And if she left on her own with someone else the only idea I see making a lot of sense is if her first husband was her love of her life and that's who she's with and they know it and are hoping he will basically sell her back to them even though she's a human and not something for sale. But I don't even think she has friends she could vent to or be open with at least not around there and maybe he's the one person she can be and so she needed someone to listen and be there for her and from there it turned to leaving together. But I don't think she would do either to her kids because even if she isn't happy playing perfect for everyone I think her kids make up for it by making her very happy. With how sketchy the area is in the logs I've read I know that anyone could think they could take her or worse and not be suspected because of all the criminal activity and what not. Would be a good place for a bad person to move especially one who nobody knows is a bad person because they'd likely not get suspected.
I saw the pins yesterday morning and meant to Google for verification and got side tracked. Glad you mentioned it and yes that does bring up new possibilities...

It seems to connect a few dots for Why Sherri's mum is mad, why her sister is speaking of her in the past tense (In the sense of, if she is doing that she is dead to me), why LE don't think its an abduction, why the family keep referring to her being taken...

Sherri strikes me as someone who has fought so hard to be the perfect person everyone else wants and somewhere along the way the true Sherri has become lost. I am wondering if when she was on her own she was able to be her true self and that that is someone her family wouldn't approve of...Just speculation of course,
How do they know that?
What do they know that they aren't sharing?

"She's far away" is very vague, but knowing that surely requires specific evidence.

I'm not saying you personally know the answers to those questions, by the way!

To me I say that when I think about people I've lost who are in whatever it is we go to after we die. Or it's what I say when I discuss someone who's not within a few hours of driving from me and especially when it's me talking about someone states away. It boggles my mind that the cement quarry mentioned hasn't been searched and same with the lake and woods and any barns and sheds etc in the area. Now if her gun is missing then the cops may be confused about if she took it to use or if the person who took her did. But I don't think they want anyone besides the FBI knowing any info not even the family because they can't have someone accidentally telling the person who did it any info(if it's a family friend or inner circle type thing) or accidentally telling the media and this person panic and get a lawyer as well as maybe try to leave town but also sadly if she's alive they'd want to get rid of any evidence and a person alive or dead is evidence and they'd want to get rid of anything that could get them busted. I guess the way the cops are being so hush hush tells me they think it's someone she knew and someone close to her or living near her etc it's like i expect them to be secretive but not this much.
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