GUILTY CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, fake abduction Nov 2016, ARREST MAR 2022 #25

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When asked about the ‘brand’
“I think it says Exodus, but I can’t read the numbers.” The interviewer asked PAPINI if she had any idea what any meaning might be for the brand. PAPINI responded, “No, I read it, but it’s a really confusing bible passage. It’s like a really weird part of the bible . . . it doesn’t make any sense.”

Hhhmmm...Exodus is a good Bible book for her to choose. It's all about the Hebrew people being held in captivity by Pharoah until the Lord sends Moses to lead them out to Israel.

But she did it backwards. She was her own Pharoah and her own Moses.

For kicks, she should have leaned into the whole thing---" I was in bondage to a Pharoah, I had to make bricks without straw."

I just read a Daily Mail article in which LE explained some more details but I wasn't able to get it to link here. I know none of this is funny, but still I chuckle how invested she was in the whole of Mexican stereotypes. They made her tortillas and she was forced to listen to Mexican music.
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It will be interesting to see which charges are brought against S.P.

"Falsifying Evidence" certainly applies!

I really hope that there is a "hate crime" charge as well.

Just my opinion.

CHAPTER 6. Falsifying Evidence, and Bribing, Influencing, Intimidating or Threatening Witnesses [132 - 141]
( Heading of Chapter 6 amended by Stats. 1985, Ch. 962, Sec. 2. ) 132.
Every person who upon any trial, proceeding, inquiry, or investigation whatever, authorized or permitted by law, offers in evidence, as genuine or true, any book, paper, document, record, or other instrument in writing, knowing the same to have been forged or fraudulently altered or ante-dated, is guilty of felony.
I read the ex-boyfriend’s interview responses out loud to my DH and said… “it’s as if she’s playing out some kind of sex slave/hostage fantasy scenario”.

Right? I mean… she insists on riding in the backseat of the car for the entire drive without speaking, chops off her hair, asks him to brand her and bruise her and board up the windows, intentionally starves herself, procures zip ties and chains and whatever else.

She could have easily accomplished her goal without all the theatrics. It’s bizarre.

She has to keep up the story with him, too. In the complaint it keeps mentioning how her husband would call the feds to bring up some “new” information that came out. “We saw a Ruger. My wife shut down.” “We saw x, y, z. My wife shut down.”

I think that’s a tactic of hers. She thinks traumatized people are quiet or can’t speak, so she performs that.
I will say…
I found it very difficult to remain sympathetic to the “victim”
in this case.
Glad the truth has been discovered and hopefully every penny of her VICTIM COMPENSATION will be returned to the fund for others that actually deserve it.
Don’t even get me started on the family’s statement.
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What thoughts must the detectives have had when S.P. explained how she "chewed zip ties" that were fastened on her wrists "behind her back" ?

Page 14 :
g) "When she first woke up in the room, PAPINI tried to break the zip ties off her 2 wrists. PAPINI initially stated that her wrists were bound with zip ties behind her back and couldn’t break them. When she couldn’t break the zip ties, she chewed them until she could break them, and cut her lip in the process."
From the warrant:

“Ex-Boyfriend described the wood burning tool as a small plug-in tool similar in size to an electric toothbrush. The letters snapped into the top of it and the rod heated up like a soldering iron. Ex-Boyfriend believed
the letters were made of brass. When Ex-Boyfriend returned with the wood burning tool, he and PAPINI sat on the floor next to an electrical outlet so they could plug the tool into the outlet. Ex-Boyfriend sat behind PAPINI, and PAPINI pulled her shirt up so that Ex-Boyfriend could use the tool to make the brand. PAPINI told Ex-Boyfriend the phrase that she wanted burned onto her skin.”

So is this a tool where individual letters are snapped on? This must’ve taken quite a bit of time! I’d sure like to know what the phrase was.
One of the most common beliefs, and thus was so in the Papini case, is that adult women, moms, in the U.S., with otherwise normal middle class lives, are "kidnapped and put into sex trafficking." It seems to be a theory floated every time an adult woman goes missing, yet I've never heard of this happening to soccer mom type adults in the U.S. There's a reason the Feds don't give those theories credence.

That’s right. That theory has its roots in manufactured tropes that developed in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s as a backlash to freed male slaves/independent black men making money, and white women entering the workforce and living as single women in big cities.

Here’s one article about some of that:
Loose women or lost women? The re-emergence of the myth of white slavery in contemporary discourses of trafficking in women - Gender Issues
I sure hope someone puts together the prior history of SP asserting she was a victim of abuse. And one-upping a school chum who had an accident.

Remember how at first SP’s mom was doing mundane things right after the initial days? People knew.

For this to have gone on for so long is crazy.
I am Hispanic american and i was attacked in a hate crime because of my ethnicity in 2015. <modsnip>

For this woman to have defiled my community with her lies. It is so painful. I am so angry and sad. She needs to be charged with a hate crime. And that repugnant blog.

Just sad and angry. Mostly angry.
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That’s right. That theory has its roots in manufactured tropes that developed in the late 1800’s/early 1900’s as a backlash to freed male slaves/independent black men making money, and white women entering the workforce and living as single women in big cities.

Here’s one article about some of that:
Loose women or lost women? The re-emergence of the myth of white slavery in contemporary discourses of trafficking in women - Gender Issues

Wow! Had no idea it went that far back. It's floated and repeated every time a missing female report emerges, certainly in the 25+ years I've followed cases. It was one of the first theories mentioned in the Papini case, naturally.

I've often wondered why it continues to prevail today, when research shows it's not high on the Fed's list, and we've never followed a case where that's what happened. Have we learned nothing from all these cases, over all these years? It's the quintessential zebras vs horses, when hearing hooves. At least the Fed knows what they're doing, even if it takes years to sort things out.
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Remember how a local newspaper ( had a Sep 16 2016 article showing mugshots of two Hispanic gals who held men captive on a MJ farm? And the gals looked just like SP’s 2017 description of her Hispanic abductors?

And some of us were saying this little “Keep Walking” always-a-victim gal probably started to devise her plan after she saw the kidnapper gals’ mugshots in the local paper?

(I can’t link the modbee article since it requires a subscription.)

I have no doubt that as of summer 2017, investigators knew SP’s story was just a steaming pile of bs. But it was so hard to prove she was lying!

So it is absolutely stunning how family DNA and cops bird-dogging a DNA match led to finally arresting SP. Good job LE!
Thinking back to the discussions of tree trimmers, human trafficking, pot growing farms, super Mom, Cam Gamble, that interview where Keith talked about Sherri pretending a blanket was her baby while she was being held captive. The secret hospital that she went to when she was freed, where she was released in a couple of hours. What a ride.
I predict there will be a contract with an entertainment firm very quickly, if not with SP directly, those close to her.

I hope she doesn't make one more dime off this, probably an empty hope.

She's a drama queen, I'm sure we're in for another chapter in this story.
I predict there will be a contract with an entertainment firm very quickly, if not with SP directly, those close to her.

I hope she doesn't make one more dime off this, probably an empty hope.

She's a drama queen, I'm sure we're in for another chapter in this story.

IMHO , one of the confounding things about this is that I suspect ANY attention is reinforcing to her, even negative attention. It is doubtful to me that she is embarrassed about any of this coming to light. I know she seems to be all about appearances, but she may be practicing some cognitive dissonance, steadfastly sticking to the alternative realities in her mind. And if so, the more press this gets, the more her disordered ego is fed. It is difficult for us with less disordered psyches :confused: (no disrespect intended - I believe we all have some dysfunction of some sort!) to imagine how one would operate like this. But Hollywood and elsewhere is filled with folks who think any publicity is good publicity. Thankfully most of them are not breaking the law to get it. Exceptions notwithstanding. Just my thoughts.
IMHO , one of the confounding things about this is that I suspect ANY attention is reinforcing to her, even negative attention. It is doubtful to me that she is embarrassed about any of this coming to light. I know she seems to be all about appearances, but she may be practicing some cognitive dissonance, steadfastly sticking to the alternative realities in her mind. And if so, the more press this gets, the more her disordered ego is fed. It is difficult for us with less disordered psyches :confused: (no disrespect intended - I believe we all have some dysfunction of some sort!) to imagine how one would operate like this. But Hollywood and elsewhere is filled with folks who think any publicity is good publicity. Thankfully most of them are not breaking the law to get it. Exceptions notwithstanding. Just my thoughts.

Agree, 100%.

She's probably already imagining who is going to play her in the Lifetime movie, even though she will be the villain, not the victim.
Criminal Statutes, Federal or State?
It will be interesting to see which charges are brought against S.P.
"Falsifying Evidence" certainly applies! ...Just my opinion.
CHAPTER 6. Falsifying Evidence, and Bribing, Influencing, Intimidating or Threatening Witnesses [132 - 141]
( Heading of Chapter 6 amended by Stats. 1985, Ch. 962, Sec. 2. ) 132.
Every person who upon any trial, proceeding, inquiry, or investigation whatever, authorized or permitted by law, offers in evidence, as genuine or true, any book, paper, document, record, or other instrument in writing, knowing the same to have been forged or fraudulently altered or ante-dated, is guilty of felony.
@zencompass sbm Thx for your post quoting law, as seeing the actual statutory language aids in focusing discussion.
A point of clarification. I believe ^ quote is from California state law,* not the federal statutes** referenced in Criminal Complaint. ***
I may have missed something but am not aware that Panini faces any state crim charges at the moment.
Welcoming corrections, if my post is inaccurate. my2ct
* OP quote, from section 132, CA. state statute imo.
Codes Display Text
** Fed statutes referenced in Crim Complaint.
18 USC Sec. 1001 (a)(2)..... False Statements
18 USC Sec.1341 ................ Mail Fraud

*** Criminal Complaint filed in the U.S. District Court, for the East District of California. March 3, 2022.
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