This has been an interesting one with regards to organized vs. disorganized. Generally speaking, this term referrs to serial killers and not generally sex offenders.
Organized killers generally start out as disorganized and as they continue, they develop start to develop their pattern (what gets them off, MO, adbuction method, sexual sadism).
A rapist, stalker or sex offender is not necessarily a sexual sadist (hope this makes sense). Or sociopath or psychopath. The vicimology is important in determining these things. The vicimology at this point is hard to assess and determine the offender at this point because as far as we know there are no similar events/abductions that are similar.
So in theory, an organized killer could start out as a rapist (and there are different types of rapists) or a sex offender (lewd acts, molestation, etc).
Also, a sociopath can be anyone of these, but a sexual psycopath or psycopath generally is an organized killer.
So I don't think this person is an organized killer. It's hard to tell at this point, but I'm leaning towards sex offender who is starting to take his level as an offender to more complex level, but not yet organized...and may never be. Or, things just got out of control.
But they don't necessarily have to have a record if they have never been caught. This could very well be the first time someone has done this, or someone who is taking this to a next psychological sadistic level.
There is also the triad to consider with the offender if they are a killer: animal torture/killing, fire and wetting the bed past the ago of 6 or so..up to 12+. And that would indicate an organized killer or disorganized moving to organized.
So in general - disorganized is usually less experienced in his/her killing and methodolgy. Then the victimology is also essential with solving these crimes.
I hope this makes sense.