Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #12 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I hate pasting typed links but in this it is said that underwear was found. I usually don't read these articles but somebody said that it was never mentioned that underwear was recovered.

Again, not a quote from Cardoza, just "Cardoza said a pair of pants, a shirt, a bra and a pair of underwear were neatly folded inside a Juicy brand purse." which can be attributed only to the person under whose byline this was published. The problem we are all having is that it SOUNDS as if it is a quote, but we can't find an original source, i.e. video where Cardoza actually SAID that.
I was never "alarmed" when a schoolmate didn't show up for class in high school. Why would I be?

I was never "alarmed" when a classmate didn't show up for a college class either. Why would I be?

I might be alarmed if the girl who had agreed to let me copy her homework didn't show up, and might even send an angry text message to her about it.
I might be alarmed if the girl who had agreed to let me copy her homework didn't show up, and might even send an angry text message to her about it.

So now we know that someone was going to copy SL's homework? Is that what she was taking to her friend? How did we discover this tidbit? tia
So now we know that someone was going to copy SL's homework? Is that what she was taking to her friend? How did we discover this tidbit? tia

We don't...the sheriff was vague about the text, said she thought it was something about a school assignment or meeting before school, something like that...I do not recall anything more specific.
"Hella" gets extra odd points, too, because when it's used properly (and I use the word "properly" very loosely here!), you can't really substitute "hell of a" or "helluva", because it seems to have evolved into an adverb.

I guess it's synonymous with "extremely": "Dude, that movie is hella lame".

This is a very very common word used in the Bay Area (since i was in high school years ago). It's an adjective ie "I'm hella tired". Also can be expressed as "hecka" for those who don't like to swear.

It basically means "very". It's used in speech and writing.
Someone put the clothes in the bag. Who we don't know. Some thnk Sierra, some don't.

1. marlene says Sierra doesn't fold when packing a suitcase.
2. we don't know everything in the bag. we were told t-shirt, pants, bra, panties.
3. we know jersey is what she was wearing. It was described and is on flyer
4. we don't know if LE/media took t-shirt to mean jersey.
5. marlene believes clothes in bag were what she was wearing. (this tells me the jersey could have been in the bag)

Who folded the clothes neatly and placed them in the bag. Did Sierra do it by removing neatly folded clothes from a dresser drawer? Or were the clothes taken from Sierra after a crime and neatly folded and placed as close to her home as they were willing to go. Was this done as a gift type sick action to her loved ones or was it done to toy with LE? Does the perp think he is smarter than LE?

On one hand, it appears the perp was furious and threw her phone out the window. OTOH, he is lovingly folding her clothes. This is a conflict. I would have expected the clothes and books to be strewn also.

At the beginning, LE said the cell was tossed minutes after leaving the home. This is when the perp was in a rage. Later, after time, he calmed down and placed her belongings to be found....if he was the one that folded them..hmm.

This might be a really stupid ? But if somebody else other then SL folded her clothes and placed them in the bag, wouldn't their DNA be on the clothes?? Kinda still new to how law works even though my hubby is a cop he doesn't talk too much about it!
I am still "catching up" and just read this article which caught my attention, besides the "We still don't know what she was wearing" statement :


The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office said that's simply how it does business. The agency does not provide details as they come up because detectives aren't sure how important each detail is, where it might lead them or what might happen, says department spokesman Sgt. Jose Cardoza. There's no telling what Sierra's kidnappers, if there are any, or reluctant witnesses might do if they knew how close investigators were getting.

R&BBM: Does anyone know IF there is a "video link" that accompanies this article ? TIA !

This statement is NOT "quoted" by the reporter with "quotation marks" ... I know I know ... the reporting if far from being "stellar" in this case ...

What I would like to know is WHO used the words "reluctant witnesses" ? Was it LE -- OR -- was it the Reporter ?

JMO ... but this statement is important ... and it is important to know WHO used those "particular" words : was it LE -- OR -- was it the Reporter's words ?

Again, JMO ... but it is important to find out WHO is RESPONSIBLE for this statement because we have NOT -- NOT been told about any "reluctant witnesses" ...

Now ... it is possible that this is a "general" type of statement that LE tells reporters ... but I don't know ...

The choice of words stood out to me ...

JMO and MOO ...
Bumping, and wanted to say something.

For anyone familiar with Samantha Koenig, she was a beautiful young girl in Alaska and her disappearance was VERY suspicious from the outside looking in.

Even her family (mostly her dad) sparked some serious suspicion in the sleuthers. Well, it turns out all the "suspiciousness" was due to the lack of information being given by LE.

I can only hope LE has more info than we know, just like in Sam's case.
I have never heard that word used in real life. I have only read it online or on FB. I do hear "helluva" but never shortened to hella.
It's like when the word "whatever" caught on and then some shortened it to "whatev." Impossible to keep up with the youngsters' expressions these days.

I am TERRIBLE about swearing in real life. TERRIBLE.

I'm amazed that it doesn't leak into my writing but I apparently have a few remnants of professional instincts left operating.
Note to self: Do NOT anger GrainneDhu.


An aunt just needs something to muse about in the moments when her niece is acting like an adolescent (because she IS an adolescent). I never had kids of my own, so being thrown into the dangerous end of child raising has been quite the education.

ETA: Now I know why my parents sometimes laughed like lunatics at what seemed to my teenaged self inappropriate times.

That's creepy as all get out.

It was also 2 years ago, which may have given the perp the time and practise to perfect his MO.

My guess is that the reason he didn't attack until the women had reached their cars was that he did not have a vehicle of his own. He was planning to disable them and drive them away in their own vehicles.

In the 2 years since then, he could easily have bought one. Used vans, in particular, are pretty cheap.
just researching- Morgan Hill has its share of crime, and just like many other places, some choose to ignore it- nah, that would never happen here, kind of thing , kwim?
I am really interested in the gang angle,,not that she was 'in' one, but known by any associations

another thought, was someone originally casing the street to burglarize and she 'fell' into their hands
Bumping, and wanted to say something.

For anyone familiar with Samantha Koenig, she was a beautiful young girl in Alaska and her disappearance was VERY suspicious from the outside looking in.

Even her family (mostly her dad) sparked some serious suspicion in the sleuthers. Well, it turns out all the "suspiciousness" was due to the lack of information being given by LE.

I can only hope LE has more info than we know, just like in Sam's case.

I think LE has been thorough in Sierra's case thus far and I'm impressed that they're still conducting searches along with the volunteer searches. Based on the most recent articles, I don't think LE has a suspect or suspects in mind yet, although they might.

I think they have a pretty good perp profile developed at this point and hopefully that will help them narrow their focus further.

That's creepy as all get out.

It was also 2 years ago, which may have given the perp the time and practise to perfect his MO.

My guess is that the reason he didn't attack until the women had reached their cars was that he did not have a vehicle of his own. He was planning to disable them and drive them away in their own vehicles.

In the 2 years since then, he could easily have bought one. Used vans, in particular, are pretty cheap.

1989 Ford Aerostar for $300 bucks ran for a good year! It was my first vehicle and had no power steering, but it was cheap and I got some buff arms!

People always told me their parents would get all creeped out by my "child molester van" (always those words) so yeah, that's 100% the truth. Vans = cheap.
Please forgive me if this possibility has been suggested before: perhaps Sierra snapped the pic of herself wearing the jersey to see what it looked like/show off the outfit to a friend because she intended on wearing it later/after school. I have seen my teen daughter do this often to coordinate outfits with friends for pics and events with themes, etc. If that happened, it would explain why Sierra was wearing the outfit in her pic as well as why it was folded with relative care in her bag (i.e. because she did so herself with the intention of wearing the outfit later). If that's feasible, then perhaps Sierra left the house wearing something else?
Or perhaps she simply changed her outfit because she wasn't 'feeling' the jersey outfit enough to wear it that morning but thought that she would/might later in the day? Teen girls, especially those as appearance conscious as Sierra, will sometimes put on outfit after outfit until they find the one that passes muster for that particular day. Something that they 'love' one day just won't work the next, depending on something as simple as the way their hair is laying or how bloated they feel. Sometimes they might change simply because of what their friends are wearing that day, or not.
Another out-of-left field possibility: did Sierra have PE that day, and if so, what unit and period? Do they go outside for gym? Perhaps Sierra brought the clothes for gym, to change into, or even to put on after gym class...I've kown my own daughter to do so, depending on the unit & what she had planned later on in the day.
Sincerest thanks for allowing me to share!
We don't...the sheriff was vague about the text, said she thought it was something about a school assignment or meeting before school, something like that...I do not recall anything more specific.

Yes, it was to discuss an assignment before their class.
I am still "catching up" and just read this article which caught my attention, besides the "We still don't know what she was wearing" statement :


The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office said that's simply how it does business. The agency does not provide details as they come up because detectives aren't sure how important each detail is, where it might lead them or what might happen, says department spokesman Sgt. Jose Cardoza. There's no telling what Sierra's kidnappers, if there are any, or reluctant witnesses might do if they knew how close investigators were getting.

R&BBM: Does anyone know IF there is a "video link" that accompanies this article ? TIA !

This statement is NOT "quoted" by the reporter with "quotation marks" ... I know I know ... the reporting if far from being "stellar" in this case ...

What I would like to know is WHO used the words "reluctant witnesses" ? Was it LE -- OR -- was it the Reporter ?

JMO ... but this statement is important ... and it is important to know WHO used those "particular" words : was it LE -- OR -- was it the Reporter's words ?

Again, JMO ... but it is important to find out WHO is RESPONSIBLE for this statement because we have NOT -- NOT been told about any "reluctant witnesses" ...

Now ... it is possible that this is a "general" type of statement that LE tells reporters ... but I don't know ...

The choice of words stood out to me ...

JMO and MOO ...

O/T Kind of...

It is so frustrating that "Reporters" can't even report nowadays? Are they even required a degree? It does not look like it. I think anyone here would do a better job. How easy is it to use "quotes"?

SO tired of trying to figure out if what they write was even said by the source.

I think LE has been thorough in Sierra's case thus far and I'm impressed that they're still conducting searches along with the volunteer searches. Based on the most recent articles, I don't think LE has a suspect or suspects in mind yet, although they might.

I think they have a pretty good perp profile developed at this point and hopefully that will help them narrow their focus further.


JMO I don't know how they can have an accurate profile when they don't seem to know what has happened to her...or what she was wearing, etc...if it is true that they don't know that, then she probably hadn't worn the clothes and underwear in the bag, in which case it would be more difficult to know who put them in there...unless of course they do have DNA, even though they kind of denied it the other day...
IMO this case is slowing down. I hope they have some good leads. I expect some update today, it's been too quiet.
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